
Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Story of Us - Tricia's Version (Part 2)

Tricia's Version:
(Part 1)

Nate's Version:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)

As I have mentioned before, Tricia remembers lots of great details about the past, but her sense of time is a bit off, thus explaining the discrepancies in our story.

Moments with Nathan I remember after our first day together:

I hung out with Nathan during the fun volleyball game where I saw his athletic skills come out, from what I remember Pastor Rick had some as well. I remember seeing how sweet his mom was and how cute his sisters were.

I remember going to the church picnic where I ate lots of good southern dishes and met lots of new people. I played next to beautiful Collington Harbor and spoke more with Nathan about our lives. What sweet memories.

It was also during the weekends that Nathan and I would hang out either kayaking in my parents backyard, going on our first official date, or just us going to each others homes talking and getting to know each others families better. This was extremely important to me that our families clicked, which ours did.

I continued to enjoy our new friendship which seemed to have blossomed. My friends from NJ knew about him, but they also knew something I hid from Nathan. I was not attracted to him. This made for an interesting relationship, but the best relationships from what I have seen and heard are built first on friendship - which to this day, he is my very bestest friend!

It was during the winter months when I began to slowly ignore Nathan in his hot pursuit of me. It was on New Year’s Eve I received a call from him, inviting me to come to his house to celebrate and I declined. I didn’t know why, but that night I stayed in my room and just sobbed. I missed home so much and at that moment had wanted nothing to do with my new friend.

It was throughout the winter Nathan began to give up on me. We stopped seeing each other until one day in April when I called him up.



  1. Oh, Tricia! It's so nice to hear from you... This is such a sweet story, and I'm glad to already know that it has a happy ending!!

  2. OH COME ON!!! What happens in April!! LOL! Don't leave us waiting! No, I take that back save it for a BIG reveal on Valentines Day!! :) Gwyneth looks so sweet in her bow and blankie!! I love her feet too but I am always blown away by preemie fingers and hands!

  3. What a wonderful and blessed story! Cannot wait to here more. So great to hear from you!!


    William's Mom

  4. If I didn't know the outcome, I'd be really ticked at both of you right now! It's cruel to tell just a small part of the story!!!! :o)

    Save it for Valentine's Day???? That's a ridiculous suggestion. That's 4 days from now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. what's with the cliffhangers???? So good to hear from you, Tricia! I always enjoy hearing BOTH sides to a love story!

  6. OH those cliffhangers! I am not sure how I found your blog, but have been so excited to see all the progress of your little one. I had my son 6 weeks early and though he was only in the NICU two weeks, it is an experience that we will always remember. Our prayers are with you!
    The Johnstons for South Jersey

  7. Tricia, it's always a treat to "hear" from you! It's so sweet to read these stories, and so open of you guys to share them. We and so many people are praying for you!! :)

  8. Miss seeing you guys! Sent something with Rick for V-Day. I figured if you can't wear it, you can lay it on you for Nathan. And since Nathan seems to have "Been on a Mission" since you guys met, his gift should 'fit'. Love you guys!! Everhart Family

  9. And now I am on the edge of
    another seat, =)
    the best love story i have ever
    It is extra special because it comes from both points of view!!!!
    praying for you all

  10. When I met my husband, I was hesitant as well, to move as quickly as he wanted to go. He talked about marriage too soon. Ack! God's will, though, is something we can't change. I can't imagine life without my Darrell.
    I love both of your versions of this sweet story. This is such a wonderful way to hold onto those special times.

    Continued prayers. >:0)

  11. It's so exiting to know that Tricia is getting up and writing down a post! It is awesome to hear from her.gwenyth is doing so well! I hope Tricia is feeling well.

    (p.s. Have a GREAT valentines day!!!)

  12. It's great to hear your version Tricia. I found Nate's blog through your blog back in December when I was asked by a friend to pray for you. I continued to stand in awe of the miraculous works God is performing in your lives. You are such an inspiration! :)

  13. I'm like the other people here. I can't wait to hear more. Then when I do see that you have a new "love story" update I don't want to read it to fast because I know I will have to wait again.
    Did you ever imagine that your life would be played out for the whole world to read about?
    Thank you for sharing from your heart. I love the perspective that you write from on your daily blog entries.

  14. Tricia, I am liking your version of the story better than Nate's (sorry Nate). I know how it turns out now, but I am loving the journey. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to hear more. You have a beautiful family and I am praying for you all.

  15. I don't even know how I missed the first installment of Tricia's side of the story!?!? Weird.

    I need to direct a friend of mine over here, she's got a guy friend who seems pretty nice, and they get along great, but she doesn't know if she's attracted to him or not - I keep telling her that it could turn into something GREAT, and you guys would be a good example of that!!

  16. I love you guys! My family checks all through the day to see how your doing. We especially love hearing from Tricia. (your pretty good too Nate) Please update before Valentine's Day! Praying for the three of you.

    Love from Michigan

  17. Seriously... you can't leave us hanging like that... I'm waiting for THE moment you realized you loved Nate!! I am enjoying hearing the 2 perspectives on your meeting and falling in love. My hubby and I met online - He was in Atlanta at the time and I was in South America.. the first time we met face to face it was all over for me!!
    It's so great to hear from YOU Tricia - I don't know you personally but feel as though I do thru Nate's faithful blogging!
    Praying for you daily and for sweet Gwyneth!

  18. Tricia, great to hear your version, but the suspense is killing us!!!! Does he get the girl or not??????? :)
    Glad you are better and Gwyneth is doing so well!!!
    Praying for all of you from Dallas...

  19. Tricia, great to hear your version, but the suspense is killing us!!!! Does he get the girl or not??????? :)
    Glad you are better and Gwyneth is doing so well!!!
    Praying for all of you from Dallas...

  20. Tricia, Thanks for putting your spin on the story. My husband and I met at 18/19 yrs old at college and married at just-turned-20 and almost-21 years old a year and a half later. He was taken right away and I wasn't sure if he was my "type." I always felt nervous just before seeing him and then so comfortable when we were together. We also had a premie. So I'm loving your story for it's similarities and praying for you all.

  21. I love this story! Great for V-day Week!! I've also started my on my blog! Thank for the insperation!

  22. You've left is in suspense again. Great to see you post.

    Loving the new pics too. You look great. I hope things continue to improve for you. I have everything crossed. (erm.... which makes it hard to type...)

    Take care. :0)

  23. you & nate are great at these cliff hangers . . . thanks for sharing tricia, xx

  24. Ya'll are cracking me up with where you cut these stories off at! I can not decide to laugh, throw my shoe at the screen or get fustrated:) Its all in great fun- how awesome to have such a fun story to tell! Hope that your getting to hold your baby RIGHT NOW!!!

  25. so tricia's originally a jersey girl, huh? no wonder she's so awesome. :)

  26. WHAT?!?!? Come on! Don't leave us hanging! Oh this is one of those "to be continued" things huh???? Oh well. I'll patiently wait to read more!!! :) We (Discover Point Church) just started back our small groups (or "Life Groups" as we like to call them) tonight and I shared with everyone about Tricia awaiting a lung transplant. We spent some time together as a group praying for all of you. Hope you guys get a great night's sleep.

  27. Trying to keep us hanging Trish? I think I've figured out that you finally fell for the guy who decided it was time to play hard to get. Smart move Nate.

  28. It is great to hear some of Tricia's memories as well. Can't wait to hear the rest.

    I have been "stalking" your blog for awhile and am thankful for your openess in sharing your story. It is inspiring and heartwarming to see your love for eachother and your faith hold you up through such a challenging time.

    I accidentally posted on your entry requesting comments from people who mentioned your blog in their blog, just wanted to apologize about that. I thought I was going to comment on a different one. I haven't mentioned your blog in mine, though I love to tell people about it.

    God Bless You.

  29. Amazing how different the sides of the story are! That is always what comes out in counseling people too! Two sides to every story. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Argh! Cliff Hanger!

    I really enjoy reading this blog. I have it on my google reader account and I also have it linked on my blog. You guys are such an example and the newest model is stinkin' adorable... not that you two are so bad looking yourselves. ;)

    Keep the faith and keep striving. God is doing a great work through you!


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