
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Update

Tricia is having a good day today. We had several friends stop by yesterday, but none today, and very few hospital staff either, which makes for a relaxing day for Tricia.

Her fever has been down, and we're hoping to go see the baby again at 4 this afternoon...trying to catch her when the nurse does her assessment so that Tricia can see the diaper change, etc.

Although I haven't seen her yet today, my mom tells me that Gwyneth is doing well. I did not get to hold her last night because she was receiving a blood transfusion, but hopefully I will get to today or tonight. She's still on the vent.

I got out for a few hours this morning/afternoon to run a few errands. I wore big sunglasses and a hat to keep from being recognized (did I mention somebody spotted me in Target the other day?). My mom is staying with Tricia tonight so that I can get a full night's sleep in.

Meka misses Tricia too...

We have received several really cool gifts, all of which we are very thankful for. Tricia wanted me to post pictures of this gift because it's extra special to her. ;)



  1. Sunglasses? Ah, the cost of fame : )

  2. Hey cousin...Looking good!!!
    Andrew got dedicated at church today, we can't wait until Gwyneth can play with him.
    Matt and Jenn

  3. Hey I just wanted to let you know that I have been following ya'lls story for a while now and you guys are so inspiring! How blessed Gwyneth is to have parents who truly seek to give God glory everyday! Gwyneth is near to my heart b/c I wanted to name my 2nd daughter that, and Tricia is b/c I ran for 3 years in high school with a girlfriend who has CF. So know that I go the Father with you and your sweet family daily! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  4. Glad your fever was down, Tricia! Will continue to pray for you about that.

  5. Love the photos! I'm so glad that Tricia's fever is down and that you're all having a relaxing day. What is the reason for Baby Gwyneth's blood transfusion? You don't seem alarmed, so I assume it's typical for a preemie, but I'm wondering about it.

  6. I pray that as I am writing this that you are preparing to see Miss Gwyneth. the family of three, together...YEAH!!!

  7. I tell you what those pugs are the best dogs ever! And I miss mine so much, I might get to go outside the hospital and see them soon. Hang in there, good days will keep coming if you know where to find the strength to keep asking for them. From my hospital to yours, God Bless you three!

  8. Hope you get a good nights kip Nate, good to hear Tricia's fever is down and praying for you all as always.

    Much love

  9. You two are too cute!! I love the stories of how you met and ended up together. It's such a blessing to see how God works. I'm glad the fever is down and Tricia is feeling better. And seriously--are you surprised someone spotted you in Target? Seriously-- as many people read this blog what did you expect? There are people all over this world and you know it!! But then again, think of how awesome it is to tell your story so that others may know and be blessed!!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers--Renee in Lexington, KY

  10. Tricia looks fabulous! :) Hope visiting Gwyneth was enjoyable for you both.

  11. The picture is obvious. Tricia and Gwyneth leave the hospital. You swing by the hotel and grab Meka. You make your way out to Hollywood to try your luck at fame. You land a Geico commercial and the rest is history. You leave your friends and family behind to lead a life of fame and fortune.

    Just make sure the sunglasses aren't too big because it will become too obvious that you are in disguise!!!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I already posted somewhere about loving the pics and that Tricia looks great.

    I'm looking forward to seeing if she saw Gwyneth today too. The movie of her, was so moving.

    I talk too much.

    Take care. :0)

  14. enjoy your full nights kip & look forward to your monday update!

  15. Hey Tric! So glad you had a restful day. Awww, your fleecy blanket is too cute. Love the little heart. Talk to ya ya!

  16. I live in Durham - not far from Duke. I think I would faint if I saw you out somewhere. Heck - it's almost worth going to see my Duke oral surgeon for a visit just to hope to run into you. I'm not a stalker - really. Just a "fan" of your writing and your love for your girls.

  17. Tricia, you are so beautiful!

  18. You're being recognized in public... that's weird, wild stuff. :)

    The photos are beautiful...

    Sounds like everyone's doing well...

    I'm glad to hear it.

  19. What great new pics of Tricia! I do have to say, I feel like I'm on the edge of my seat when I'm reading the Part 1, 2, 3 etc... from both of you in your "History of Us" blogs. I love reading about true romance and love your story! I know this sounds crazy coming from a complete stranger, but I absolutely cannot wait til you update us on the next part!!!!!! Talk about suspense!!! This is better than a suspense movie thriller! Have a blessed evening, Meredith/Orlando FL

  20. Ha! That is funny! You have to dress in disguise...see i told you you have become a celebrity!

    Give Meka a great big hug from us. I wish we lived closer so she could hang out with us during your time at the hospital...My Pugs would love having her around!

  21. Nate, Tricia, Gwenyth, and others of your family,

    Thank you for sharing your sweet story. My friend forwarded your blog info to me as my own husband has CF. I pray you are all continuing to do well. You are very lucky to be blessed with the miracle of your daughter and each other. My dh is 33, we've been married almost 12 years. I talk about our life from time to time on my blog and I plan to link your blog from mine,

    Thanks for sharing your story and I will be sure to follow along and pray for you as time goes by.

    B-Jo, a CFers wife

  22. Now we'll have to look for you in your hat and sunglasses, Nate...LOL..Glad you had a relaxing day where you could "hide" from your public! I hope you both got to see that sweet little baby, too!

  23. Recognized in Target? Next you'll be signing autographs. :)

    I forgot to mention in my last comment how much I enjoyed the list of things that you miss that you wrote to Tricia. It really really touched me. I'm a total mushy person though.

    And I'm going crazy waiting for part 6 (from you) and part 3 (from Tricia.) It's like watching my favorite TV show. I want to hear about the call and how you reacted when SHE finally called YOU. This is one of the sweetest love stories I've heard.

    I love the pictures. Tricia you look beautiful! You're an inspiration and I can't wait to see God bless your life even more!

    Love y'all!

  24. And please let Meka know she is beautiful too. :) My Lucy is definitely a light in my life. There's something about puppies. They just make things better. :)

  25. I love the blanket!!! I just wanted to say that I dont know where she got it from, but my MOMS Club of Cary made 50 blankets for Duke Hospital in my son's name, Michael Jacob Morris, and we donated them a little while ago and they look just like the one Trisha is holding...if she did get it from us, I am so happy to see that it makes her happy! If it was not from us, well, I am happy too that she is happy! Anyway, just wanted to say hello and that I am thinking of you and praying for you always!
    Melissa Morris

  26. Dear Nate, Tricia, Gwenyth!
    Ok, first of all, the bow in the hair!!! Did she fall out of the cuteness tree and hit every branch on the way down or what?? God Bless the nurses who took the time to make sure Gwenyth looked so good for her 4 week celebration. I can only imagine how difficult this journey has been for you all but I continue to be inpired by your honesty, love and dedication to each other and to Gwenyth.

    Yesturday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.. that is why it's called the present!

    Windsor, Ont

  27. are fabulous! It has shown that your struggle (both physically and mentally) has truly brought the best out in you!! Your smile is such an inspiration! You are so strong and I can't wait until Nate post about the day that you get some good healthy lungs! I check everyday to see how you and your beautiful baby girl Gwyneth!! I can't wait to see pictures of your family going home!! Keep your strength! God is truly working miracles through your family and in your family!!

  28. Tricia,
    Don't you just love the blanket??? I've got a couple like that and they are so comfy...I can only imagine what they would mean to me if someone had given it to me.

    I love the pics!!! You are such a beautiful lady!

    Glad your temp was down...praying for you to continue to grow healthier and healthier!

    In Him,

  29. I love these pictures and I love to see the smile on your face Tricia. You have been to battle and back and to see that smile is just a miracle to me. Along with all of the other miracles taking place right now. Praying for all three of you to be blessed today.

    Love you, Laurie in Ca.

  30. i just found your blog..and is amazing how much your husband love you ...and your story and the more wonderful how god love you and the blessing of your daughter..i'll be praying for you and your family with all my heart..god bless you...claudia (jacksonville ,florida) ps.gwyneth is gorgeous

  31. Both gwyneth and tricia look absolutely beautiful!! you guys are such an amazing family...i pray for all three of you everyday

  32. Hmmmm... if you're asking me to choose which color looks better, ain't gonna happen. You make them both look pretty good!

    Now, if you were to dye your hair purple... LOL.


  33. I was led to your blog by a friend of mine. I honestly can not believe the strength, the love, the faith that you three share !! What a beautiful beautiful story !! This is a great testimony of God's love for His children. You are such an inspiration, I think to myself when I hear someone complain (my self included) "you silly fool"
    May God continue to bless your family, I will keep you in prayer ! Grace and Peace


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