
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ABC TV Segment Link

For those who do not live in our area, or those who just want to watch it again, Here is the video!



  1. They did a wonderful job. I am so impressed with how you handled having to relive it all. You are so strong both of you. You are an inspiration to me.

  2. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

    Still praying.

  3. Incredible...that was the most touching 4 minutes I've ever watched. My prayers are with your family, and that information about CF, Premature Babies and our LORD will spread worldwide!

  4. That was beautiful to watch. Wow, what an inspiration Tricia is.
    That was wonderful, thank you for sharing your story.

  5. I just got done watching, you did a wonderful job! Seeing the emotion from both of you just brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful story, and they did a great job sharing it! Hoping Gwenyth puts on some weight soon.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us! You continue to be in our prayers and you continue to be an amazing example of our
    Awesome God!
    Nathan, I e-mailed a couple times for your address to send a little something for Gwyneth...not sure where to send it...Let me know when you get a chance!! Thanks

  8. I am so glad that you have this interview on your blog Nathan. I thought I had taped the news yesterday but when I went to play it back, realized it hadn't taped. You and Trish did a wonderful job, I'm sure I'm not the only one that shed a few tears. Well done.

  9. Thank you for sharing this link for those of us who do not live nearby. What a special way of covering your sweet love story. Everything was absolutely beautiful.

    Nate, thanks for always being willing to be real and vulnerable with so many.

    Tricia, you are absolutely beautiful. Your single, simple tear explained more than words could even begin to touch.

    Praying for new lungs, continued health (and weight gain) for Gwyneth, and peace and rest for Nate.

  10. Wow - that gave me goosebumps and I already know the story! You both did brilliantly and put your story over in such a perfect way. I wonder if Gwyneth is the world's smallest TV superstar?!? Sending lots of love to all three of you, and WELL DONE! X

  11. Wow guys - you guys are the #1 most viewed under the "Community" tab! That is awesome! We love you guys and are still praying and thinking of you daily!!!

  12. Just wonderful. You did an amazing job on the interview. Tricia looked beautiful, please tell her that.

  13. that was great. next its the today show for all three of you!!!! sending prayers :)

  14. Thank you for sharing the video with us; I'm so glad I was able to see it. It was a very good interview and I am encouraged by your all's testimony and continued desire to praise the name of our Lord! Peace of the Lord be with you!

  15. I had a hard time watching that video through my tears...not tears of sadness, but tears of joy and thanksgiving...seeing how God has visibly and mightily worked in your lives. I continue to pray for your transplant, Tricia and that you would continue to remain infection free.

  16. Wonderfully done. What a testimony!
    We have an 'ice cream social' at work this week to help raise funds for MOD. I smiled & said a prayer for you three when I got the email.

  17. They did a beautiful job telling your story. It was nice to hear your voice.
    Continued prayers for your family

  18. beautiful story.... they did an awesome job and you did a great job telling the story. Still praying daily!!!

  19. They did an AMAZING job in sharing your personal, so touching, so up close! It's so great that FAITH is spreading......

  20. Amazing. They did a great job. It actually brought tears to my eyes. Thank you both so much for sharing your story with the world.
    Continued prayers...

  21. I don't think it will matter how many times I see your story... it makes me cry every single time. I say it will be a Lifetime movie... Kenn (my husband) predicts that The Learning Channel (TLC) will do a special on it. At any rate, your story will continue to touch the lives of people around the world in ways you cannot imagine.

  22. Beautiful.....! We have been following your story for a few weeks and continue to keep you all in our prayers.
    The noon news says your story is the most viewed on ABC11.

  23. Awesome... Thanks so much for sharing. God be with you, Tricia, Gwyneth and everyone behind the scenes!

  24. Nate and Family, I have been following your blog for a while now, praying with and watching the Lord move in your lives. What a witness you all are! Something about seeing you all on video and hearing you all talk about it makes me sit here in tears! God bless you!!!

  25. Such a gorgeous family of three! You are all so lucky to have each other. Thank you for opening up your life to the world.

  26. she did a great job -
    love how you guys never take the focus off the miracle that this is - and always give our Lord the credit:)

    To God Be The Glory for the good things he has done:)

    Love to your precious family

    Julia and the Crew:)

  27. Wow, I just hold you all near my heart. You are always in my prayers. I bet there will be a day when you tell us Oprah called and wants you three on her show! I'm tellin' ya...get ready! :)

  28. Oh Wow!!!! What a God-thing that was!!!!! That was just beyond my wildest expectations in the professionalism, beauty and truth! Thank you, Lord!

  29. Your story is a true testimony of God's love, grace, and mercy. Thanks for sharing Christ with the world through your lives in a very real way!
    We are praying for all 3 of you! Can't wait to see what the Lord will do! :)

  30. That was a wonderfull piece which did justice to your story - would be so nice if it could be picked up in a broader network. It was very powerfully touching in an understated way.

    Tricia - praying all the time for you to recieve new lungs.

    Both - I am praying for Gyneth Rose to thrive fully (and am always amazed at how amazing and strong she is). And I am praying that God supports you all in expected and unexpected ways.

  31. Very excellent. That is news. Miracles are so great. We just got a miracle. My husband just got a job and may be leaving tonight or for sure tomorrow for that job. I sat here and cried like a baby watching the video. I know he is leaving but he will be back. I just can't imagine being where you all are. Thanks for being a blessing. I think seeing how much you all love each other is an extra special miracle. So many marriages aren't so blessed. HUGS,

  32. Your story is Amazing , have been here reading your blog for quite sometime , still praying for you and your Family, Love Tawny from BC, Canada.

  33. I refrain from commenting as I know you have tons of people who comment; but I have been following your story daily for several months now. Praying, crying and rejoicing with you. Watching this video today really did me in. Especially seeing the tears on Tricia's face and the emotion in your voice, Praise God for giving you strength and bless you both for having faith in His plan for you! You have blessed this grandma's heart! Thank you!

  34. This was a beautifully done piece. I think it's wonderful that it was aired and perhaps even more people can become aware of CF, organ donation, premature birth, and prayer! I'm sure your family is serving as an example of faith to many. Thank you! You're in my prayers.

  35. Your story was shown nicely on the TV.

    Hope you're ready for the new people to be reading the blog.

  36. What a truly inspiring story!

    (and tell Tricia she looked great!!! - what a beautiful lady you married! BTW, we're still waiting on the next installment of how you all met... just saying...)

  37. This is a MADE FOR TV movie in the making !!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing your story of faith, hope and love.


  38. It was awesome. Absolutely AWESOME!!!!

  39. Wow. That was wonderful. I was so disappointed I couldn't see it on TV since we're not in your area, so I was thrilled to see the link to the video clip.

    To God be the glory!

  40. I'm moved. Mostly at the way God uses our brokenness in such amazing ways. Your faithfulness and spirit are a testimony to the Spirit's power at work. May the Resurrection power we just celebrated continue to sustain you and, and mostly, may it give your beautiful bride and daughter many more years of life together with you.

  41. I've been following your story through your blog. I heard about it through Someone who knows you posts in there.
    I'm now almost 22 weeks pregnant and let me tell you, this video put my emotional side to the test. I'm trying my best not to cry in front of my coworkers.
    You guys are amazing and I hope you continue to experience such amazing miracles.
    Hang in there, the 3 of you will be home soon.

  42. You sounded just like I thought you would! You choked me up, man! Badly!!! It was a wonderful story and I am so happy for you that the message about CF, organ transplant and premature birth was sent to the world through your story. Blessings to all of you!

  43. Very touching, made me cry along with you. Our God has his hands on your family.

  44. Tricia is amazing and so beautiful. Praying for the transplant to happen soon.

  45. Beautiful, there isn't anything else I can say other then truly beautiful!

    I want to thank you for sharing so much about yourselves with us. You are truly inspiring. Many prayers still being lifted up for all of you.


  46. Just beautiful! Thanks for posting the link so those of us from "out of town" could check it out. Still praying for your family!

  47. Thanks for putting up the link. Wow, simply, wow. You are truely an inspiration to all.

  48. Thank you for posting the link. That was so wonderful to be able to watch that. She did a wonderful job. And Nathan you were terrific. I am praying for all three of you.

  49. absolutely unbelievable. I can't wait to listen to it with VOLUME. (I'm at work) This is such an amazing opportunity to share Christ, make people aware of CF, organ donation, and the like - and for your blog friends around the world to see you guys, and a little taste of what life is like. What a great segment. Bravo to miss Dana Brown for being the mastermind of the media...

  50. Oh my goodness.

    I had tears in my eyes as I watched. You're definitely doing what you set out to do - bring awareness to organ donation, CF, and premature birth - but you did one more. Miracles. Your little baby and your wife are definite miracles.

    God bless you guys.

  51. Thanks for providing the link for those of us that aren't is beautiful and gave me chills...So amazing to see how far Gwyneth has come. What a miracle! Praying daily for Tricia's miracle and the 3 of you....Hope ya'll are having a good week!

  52. What a great story, you guys were wonderful!
    Nate I blogged about you today, check it out if you have time :)
    Praying daily,

  53. I'm just now reading your blog for the first time-a friend sent it to me. I will start praying for you and your family. This past June I gave birth to my son at 28 weeks. It was the hardest thing I've been through in all my life. He is now 9 months old (6 months adjusted age) and is ABSOLUTELY perfect! There's not a thing wrong with him. He did come home on oxygen and an apnea monitor, but within months those were gone. Hang in there!! Your perfect, precious baby girl and beautiful wife will be home soon and in your loving arms. Your courage is inspiring!

  54. AWESOME!!!!! Every minute was well said!:)

    Praise God for your miracles!

  55. Absolutely beautiful and so powerful. It gave me the chills. I have been following your blog for some time now, your story is such a testimony to God's love for us. Thank you for sharing. Keeping you, Tricia and Gwenyth in our prayers constantly.

  56. wow im at a loss for words
    thanks so much for posting the interview and letting thoses of us that live in Canada see that.
    i was in tears
    very powerful interview
    Give God all the glory

    Tricia the single tear was more then words can say.

    Nate wow what a man you are
    your girls are so blessed to have you.

    still praying for Gwenyth to gain weight, for Tricia to get new lungs
    for the donor family and for strengh for Nate

    i would like to share a poem that a friend gave me

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the grace of God cannot keep you,
    Where the arms of God cannot support you,
    Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs,
    Where the power of God cannot endow you.

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the spirit of God cannot work through you,
    Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you,
    Where the army of God cannot protect you,
    Where the hands of God cannot mold you.

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the love of God cannot enfold you,
    Where the mercies of God cannot sustain you,
    Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears,
    Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
    Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
    Where the miracles of God cannot be done for you,
    Where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.
    love and prayers your friend in Christ

  57. I love you both even more now. I feel like I have known you both for the longest time, even though we are complete strangers.

    Praying for new lungs, increased growth for Gwyneth and peace for you all.

    Your sister in Christ

  58. Thanks for the link, Nate! ABC did an incredible job with your story. Maybe it'll be a national ABC story someday...

  59. Wow! That was amazing, she did a fantastic job. Thanks so much for sharing the video for us non locals. I think the blog counter is going to hit two million tommorrow for sure now!

    To God be the Glory!


  60. so beautiful you guys! I MISS AND LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!

  61. Nice choice of song at the beginning. Made me wonder if you got to pick it. Tricia, I remember how hard it was for my sister to be on bed rest for three months when she was pregnant. You must be beyond bored and tired. I'm praying for you to find something special to occupy each day as it comes. Your strength amazes me. Clearly it comes from above. This video made me cry, as it has others. I was touched by the quiet emotion of you both.

  62. You all looked great!!! Nate you did a super job, as I knew you would :)
    You and your new family continue to touch my heart. I have now started sharing your story with my 4 children. 3 in which were premies and stayed in a NICU themselves. They ask me several times a day if there has been any new updates. The way I talk about all of you, my kids thought that I actually new all of you :) I feel like I do, we are all a family through Christ!
    My oldest daughter who will be 21 in June, asked me on how to become an organ donor. She is going to the BMV Friday and contacting her family physician.I have shared with all my children and family for many many years of the importance and my wishes on this subject, I have been a registered donor since the age of 21,and I am so glad that my oldest has decided to also someday give the gift of life. i am so proud:)
    Thanks so much again Nate, Tricia and Lil Gweneth for sharing your story along with spreading much needed awareness and for touching our hearts. Love and Hugs from our Ohio family

  63. Nate - Just one, big, giant THANK YOU for providing the link to the news broadcast. I just knew if there was a way for you to share it via the blogspot, you would. And ..... you DID!

    I'm sure I speak for all of the other "long distance" bloggers (like myself) who weren't able to catch the live broadcast when it aired on local TV, when I say THANKS for allowing us to experience it, as well.

    And, I will echo all of the previous comments in reference to the interview ..... WELL DONE!

  64. I watched it last night when it aired and I just had ot watch it again! It is an absolute amazing video of you guys! I am so thankful that it was broadcasted for everyone to see and hear about!

    Still praying!!

    Raleigh, NC

  65. I loved that segment on your family. They did a great job and Tricia looked so pretty that day. I am so amazed at how your fmaily is touching lives around the world.

  66. Speechless. May God bless you guys more than you could ever imagie.

  67. Wow! Even though I've been reading your blog since early Jan, it brought tears to my eyes to "hear" you and Tricia tell your story!

  68. Again, this brings tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for posting it. I tried to see it in GA, but to no avail. It's amazing how close I feel to your family without having even met you in person, only by reading your blog. God is so good! Tricia and Gwyneth are both beautiful. You are doing a great job Nate! With love and prayers........from Rome, GA.

  69. They did an awesome job, Praise God that they were able to get even more people aware!

  70. What a powerful testimony. Thanks so much for sharing that with those of us who are not in the Duke area. :) They did a wonderful job portraying your amazing story!

  71. I am a NICU nurse in Texas. I have been following your story and praying for you guys for quite some time. The video is just beautiful, as is your family. Thank you for sharing this amazing journey of faith with us.

  72. You all looked great!!! Nate you did a super job, as I knew you would :)
    You and your new family continue to touch my heart. I have now started sharing your story with my 4 children. 3 in which were premies and stayed in a NICU themselves. They ask me several times a day if there has been any new updates. The way I talk about all of you, my kids thought that I actually new all of you :) I feel like I do, we are all a family through Christ!
    My oldest daughter who will be 21 in June, asked me on how to become an organ donor. She is going to the BMV Friday and contacting her family physician.I have shared with all my children and family for many many years of the importance and my wishes on this subject, I have been a registered donor since the age of 21,and I am so glad that my oldest has decided to also someday give the gift of life. i am so proud:)
    Thanks so much again Nate, Tricia and Lil Gweneth for sharing your story along with spreading much needed awareness and for touching our hearts. Love and Hugs from our Ohio family

  73. That was so well done. continued prayers for all three of the Lawrensons!

  74. they could not have done a more perfect piece of journalism and Nate and Tricia, you are just as I have pictured you, people who Love the Lord and simply want to bring glory to HIS name, still praying each day for your whole family,
    big love,

  75. That was so good! Even though I have been following your story, it jsut touched me even more to hear you talk about it on tv. God is good! Thanks for sharing.

  76. Hey Tricia, Nate and little Gynneth, My name is Tricia too and we live in N. VA. I started reading your blog a couple of weeks ago and have been totally in awe of what you have all been through and the faith that you live. My two little ones Micaela and Brian are great with prayers and you have all been in our prayers every night and whenever we catch up on your progress. I hope that you know how much your message of hope and faith has touched our lives. Tricia is so beautiful and your baby is a beautiful miracle and testament to your faith in God. I am amazed at the strength and love you have for them Nate - they are blessed to know that you are there and doing everything in your power to love and support them. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers - especially for those new lungs for Tricia and for Gynneth to start to outgrow your hands Nate! Keep believing and loving each other. You have humbled me beyond words. We are with you in prayer and hope,
    Tricia, Micaela and Brian xoxoxo
    PS : I'd really like permission to add your blog link to mine if that is OK. I have so many friends who could add you to their prayers. Let me know. and Thanks!

  77. Nate & Tricia-
    What a great job they did, The story was great! Gwenyth looked beautiful as always and Tricia did too! You on the other hand (Just kidding) LOL :) I continue to pray for you guys and wish all the best for you.


  78. wow..what can i say?? God is so good.

  79. Oh goodness. Glad I didn't take the time to put makeup on today. There are no words....What a wonderful piece.
    Love and Prayers to you all.
    Nurse Candice and Co in NE

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I am proud to be one of your 25,000hits on this dear blog. What an amazing story you have - and you are letting the Father speak thru you to tell of HIS love and grace. You are simply the vessel HE is using to touch so many lives that might not hear of HIM otherwise.
    Keep on keeping on Nathan, Tricia and Baby Gwyn. You are always in my prayers!

  82. Nate, seeing that was just wonderful. I am in tears. After reading your blog all of these months and now being able to put a voice to your words is very cool! You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish that I could express to you how much you and your family's ongoing story has touched me.

  83. Thank you for sharing.They did a wonderful job sharing your faith.

  84. What an incredible piece..You did a great job Nate, I was crying right along with you as you were recounting this amazing story. So much was addressed in those 4 minutes...this should really be nationally told. I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers for Gwyneth to continue to grow and thrive, for Tricia to get those lungs and for you too Nate, for continued strength.

  85. i read the article earlier. what a sweet testimony. and i emailed barbara and praised her for not glossing over the God/Jesus factor like many in the media do. bravo for you and bravo for accurate reporting!
    i lost it when you got so emotional. how great is that God of ours!!?

  86. have me crying. It had to be incredibly hard to almost have to choose between your spouse and your child. Please know that you are all loved and prayed for. I know that everyone that comments is probably thought of as "blogland", but to may of us, you're Nate, Tricia and Gwen. My friends and I call you all by first names (and know who we're talking about) and my husband and I do as well. You are part of our daily lives...your updates are the first thing that I read when I get on the computer. You're real people to us, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. We love you all!
    Your sister in Christ,
    Columbus, OH

  87. That was beautiful. THey did a wonderful job as did the three of you! thank you again for sharing! Sara Cohen

  88. It really turned out great! Every time I see Tricia I can't get over how gorgeous she is!! And baby Gwenyth gets more and more beautiful every day! I am still praying for you all!


  89. They did a really good job on the story. I was watching with tears streaming down my cheeks and my two year old said, "Are you sad Mommy?" Children are such a blessing!

  90. What a touching video-it brought tears to my eyes. I can tell you that I have been learning so much about CF--I have never known anyone with it, and your blog has opened my eyes and taught me so much. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. God is so good and it is wonderful to see Him working so fervently in your lives.

  91. A great newspiece! Very impressive!

  92. That's so great. As a fellow believer, it thrills my soul to see you and Tricia boldly giving God the glory and praise, even in the difficult days. No one wants to live in a hospital, but that's the path God has for your family right now, and we are praying that you will all be home together soon.
    Your faith has inspired and blessed me. Thank you for sharing your story!

  93. What a beautiful segment. ABC did an amazing job and I know how your story has touched me and I thank you for that. God Bless :)

  94. Simply beautiful and touching. You are an amazing family. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

  95. Wow, you guys have such an awesome testimony. Praying for that transplant to happen soon and for your little girl to continue to grow.

  96. Thanks Nate for sharing the link. That was done so beautifully!

    Praying in VA!

  97. Heck, I have been reading this blog for months. I know the story, and I even read the transcript before I was able to see the video. But,

    When you said the words, "I called my Dad"... and the videographer just kept filming while you got all choked up... wow, what a moment.

    I cried like I actually knew you. I think it's just the Holy Spirit groaning inside, perhaps.

    I love God so much, and I trust him. I do. But I really, really want his will to be 2 wonderful lungs, and 25 more wonderful years (at least!) and a wonderful Gwyneth graduating from our Alma Mater in @ 2028.

    Please, sir?

  98. Powerful does not even describe that video enough! Absolutely, positively amazing! Very well done...from the stories, to the photos, to the updates - kudos for having the strength!

  99. That was so beautifully told...and I am crying, of course, to have seen your emotions coming from no less than an answered miracle from our God.

  100. I watched it and it is just incredible!!

  101. Oh and I am going link it from my blog!

  102. So beautiful! That brought tears to my eyes and I love when I see new pictures or hear part of the story that I hadn't heard bef ore. Your story ismaking an impact on so many people and so many people are praying for you.

  103. I can't help but be totally humbled by this. Thank you for sharing this link and for sharing your story. It truly presses me, personally, deeper into the heart of Jesus.

    I pray that He alone be your strength and song!


  104. Watching this brought me tears.....why? It really struck me, to hear you speak, how shocking it must have been for you t o know that your wife was so ill, and that your baby would have to be born so soon. BUT - what a triumph of faith and a testimony to God's goodness once again. GOD IS GOOD...He has planned all things perfectly, and He is doing wonderful things through the life HE has given you all.

    May He continue to make you a blessing to many, and may he bless YOU ALL abundantly.

    Love and prayers,

  105. Wow, that made me cry. Beautiful story. I've been reading since before Gwyneth was born so I knew the story but I loved watching it.

  106. Nate and Tricia,
    This is my first post or comment, but I have kept up with your story since the day after Gwenyth's birth. A friend emailed me this link and told me to check it out, and since then I have been touched every time I read you blog. After reading your blog, I then shared it with my daughters. My eighteen year old just began to weep the first time she saw Gwenyth's pictures (so did I). I told her that I was so sorry if I had upset her, but she said she was not upset, but just the opposite. She was overwhelmed with emotions in knowing what a precious miracle you two have been given. To tell you just a little about myself and family, I have three beautiful daughters ages 22yrs., 18yrs., and 14yrs. I also have a very handsome husband and grandson who is 9 months old, and a wonderful son inlaw. My Husband and I are VERY BLESSED.
    When my 18yr. old daughter was 6 yrs. old she was diagnosed with CF. Up until about three years ago most of her problems were with the digestive system and a few problems here and there with her lungs. Without being to long, I will just say in the past year she has been admitted to the hospital about every other month due to coughing up blood. She has had two big bleeds within eight months that required two different lung caths to embolize two different major arteries inside the right upper and lower lobes of her lungs to stop the bleeding. That is just a very short version of what she has been through in her life, which after reading Tricia's story I can see some similarities in their journey through life. My daughter is so positive and has so much faith in God's Power and Protection over her.
    But due to our family being the only one around our community with a loved one with CF, we sometimes feel isolated and alone. But boy do we have some SILLY TIMES!!!
    Our oldest daughter's husband is in the military so we do not get to see them often, so most of the time its just the four of us to support each other through many different situations, whether it is when we are being a little to serious, a lot to silly:), or just to cry because we are tired from all the sleepless nights up when it seems the coughing isn't going to stop, or just to give hugs, read together, and/or pray together.
    Wow this is longer than what I intended. I just wanted to let you two know that when we check for your updates we do not feel so alone in dealing with this disease. (even though I wish you were not having to go through this) You are always in our prayers and we want you to know of one families lives you all have touched.
    In Christ, The McQueens

  107. I am a 6th grade teacher at a Christian school and we have been praying for you and the girls since the middle of January. It was great to be able to put this video clip up in class and let them experience it first hand. Several have said their families are now following your story as well. Thanks for sharing God's miracles with us.


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