
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just The Three of Us

So much to be thankful for...



  1. That is an absolutely beautiful picture!!

  2. I love it... what an awesome picture. :)

  3. That's just fantastic! Thanks for sharing it with us...

  4. Now that's a framer! =) Nice job, Nate!
    When will you be hosting an online photography course? =)

  5. Beautiful in so many ways. Gotta turn that into a canvas.

  6. Nate, you have quite a gift in your photography. I'm sure God gave you that gift for a reason and you are using it very well.

    I just finished watching the news segment. . .they did a great job and I, too, had tears! Tricia is absolutely beautiful! It's hard to believe she is struggling like she is and looks that good. God is protecting your family and I pray that he brings you your next miracle soon and you and Tricia can take your little girl home!

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  7. This is absolutly without a doubt one of my favorite pictures ever!

  8. This is your most stunning photo ..... yet!

  9. There are times when I too am overcome with thankfulness for what our God has done, is doing and will do!

  10. Want to know what I noticed guys?

    Trici'a hand is touching Nathan's hand WITHOUT GLOVES.

  11. hi nat,tricia and baby Gwyneth
    my name is inga and i have been following your story from the 1st day tricia was taken in to hospital to the birth of your daughter,i myself suffer from cystic fibrosis and live in the uk,the photo of all three of you is a beautiful one.sending my love and praying tricia will get her new lungs very soon,(((hugs to you all)))
    love and god bless

    inga and family xx

  12. Oh, Wow!(I've been saying that a lot lately!!:)) Kangaroo time...and Mommy and Daddy touching hands with NO gloves! What a wonderful family moment for all of you...and an absolutely priceless picture! Looks like Gwyneth gets her beautiful long fingers from Mommy, too :) Thank you for sharing!

  13. hand pictures are the best. i've got to say i'm very jealous of one thing....tricia's fingers do not looked clubbed at all. i have fonky beatle nails!!!!

  14. That is a beautiful picture!!!

  15. That is a beautiful picture! I hpe you get lots of photos printed (not just on the pc) and does Tricia scrapbook? (No I dont sell scrapbook stuff!) I just love scrapbooking and love looking a photos and yours are always so great.

  16. precious and priceless. blessings from Florida.
    P.S. Still praying.

  17. That is a gorgeous picture in so many ways! That's twice I've had tears of joy in my eyes today because of you. May God continue to bless you and your family!

  18. I agree with "The Murray Crew"... blow that pic up and frame it! Great picuture!

  19. Priceless!


    Much love to you all.

  20. I was an only child, so whenever I'd hear the song Just the Two of Us, I'd change the words to Just the Three of Us and sing it that way. I loved being my parents' baby girl. What a beautiful picture!

  21. God is all over the three of you!

  22. This picture is so incredibly beautiful in every way.


  23. What a gorgeous family photo!

  24. She (they) is a very precious gifts, both girls. I love it and pray for you guys daily. This photo made me cry. Tears of joy!
    Thanks for sharing with me. God has truly Blessed you and us for all the greatness


  25. nate thanks for sharing!! this pic is just priceless!

  26. Praise God for kangaroo care and for Tricia's ability to be there and experience!!

  27. This is my favorite picture that you've taken. It is absolutely gorgeous!! Gwyneth's hair looks to be turning quite brown!

  28. WOW! That is a gorgeous photo in so many ways. Definitely one for the wall for all to see.

  29. Neat picture! And NO gloves!!!

  30. Ok, that's one of my all time favorites...thanks for sharing it! :)

  31. That is one of the most incredibly moving photos I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing it with us! Much love - Bamagirl!!!

  32. I'm so glad that you're getting to do the kangaroo care again and that all three of you are together!

  33. Amazing picture! Simply beautiful!

  34. LOVE IT!!! and how adorable Little Gwyneth's hand on her daddy...palm to skin, fingers spread, trying to feel. Beautiful!!!

    praying for lungs and weight gain!

  35. EXCELLENT picture! You need to blow that up and put it on Tricia's wall for when she's discouraged.

  36. aw, absolutely beautiful! goose bumps all the way!

  37. You just keep em coming and i keep running to the store to buy more kleenex...
    this picture is so powerful and conveys such love and hope.
    absolutely beautiful.

  38. Love the new picture. Just beautiful!!! I would love to see a picture of her tiny feet in your hand to show some perspective on the size of her feet. I also just think baby feet are absolutely beautiful. Praying lots for you all.
    Rachel in PA

  39. A picture says a thousand words...

  40. we love YOU guys so much! honestly, we're totally pumped to be seeing you tomorrow night. here's wishing peaceful dreams to the lawrensons, three.

  41. That is the sweetest picture!!! You are so blessed!!!! Gwyneth is lucky to have such terrific parents!

  42. You've put up so many beautiful pictures over the last couple of months but I think this has to be the most beautiful of them all. You are all so lucky to have each other xxxxx

  43. I noticed the gloves right away too (just after I noticed how great the picture was). So did you get in trouble for that? And what do they do to you if you break the rules? Shut down your wireless service so you won't be able to post those photos that you aren't supposed to be taking? I mean, Tricia may be a model patient, but Nate, I gotta say, I bet you push the limits. (Good for you. I'm sure Tricia loves that. :-D )

  44. This is a very touching picture. From one former NICU parent to another, don't you just love kangaroo care? God bless your precious family.

    Hugs and prayers from El Paso,

  45. Nate

    I have been following your blog for several months now. I don't even remember how I came across it at this point. Thank you for sharing your family and faith with us lurkers out in cyberspace.

    Please don't be discouraged by the people who want to criticize or object to your choices. No one knows what decisions they would make in your shoes unless they are actually in you shoes. This is just one thing I believe God has been teaching me through my own illness and I hope you can find a way to not let it get to you. Even the most sincere people can say the stupid-est things without understanding.

    I have found so much encouragement and hope in your postings. I have a bad pair of lungs myself along with a genetic immune deficiency that often keeps me up at night(well - that combined with steroids) but often times you and Tricia and Gwyneth come to mind in the middle of the night and I have used that time to pray for your family. I have been blessed with two children myself and know the struggle of keeping up with two young, active children when some days I can barely drag my own body up the stairs. So, maybe I kinda know how to pray for you guys. Please know that I will continue to pray for strength for you and you girls.

  46. What a gorgeous photo!

    Praise God!

  47. That is a gorgeous picture and should absolutely be framed for your wall when you get home.

  48. That picture literally takes my breath away. And so much more hair!!! She may be gaining weight slowly but she has a ton more hair than she used to! What a cutie!

    What ever happened to "The Story of Us" series? It can't be over because you left us hanging before Tricia ever even went on a date with you! So, in your spare time (she says giggling), can you whip up a chapter or two?

    I bet we will all see you, Tricia with new lungs and a very healthy, strong baby on Oprah one day, sharing their story with the rest of the world.

    You guys are my heroes! Love from WV,


  49. Beautiful. Just the three of us is such a wonderful place to be. And seeing Tricia's bare hand touching your bare hand...that must have been awesome for you guys!

  50. Beautiful.

    Grow little Gwyneth, Grow! :)

    Praying, diligently, for each of you.

  51. What a beautiful picture and a great memory. I would think this was a very special time. As everyone the no gloves thing jumped right out.

  52. Beautiful!!!!!! praying...jen in al

  53. Wow! Loving this one! Great job, Daddy!

  54. Nate, you should write a book!!! You could probably get half of it writen while Tricia is resting and you are not holding Gwyneth. It would be an interest for those in the medical field, as well on a spiritual level. Not only would it be another source of income, but it would be an avenue of telling of God's love and protection even in the toughest times. Just think of those that would spend eternity in heaven after reading your families story. This picture is precious, along with all the others. God bless your family. Prayers from Rome, GA.

  55. beautiful photo! a picture says a thousand words ;)

  56. I like the picture of you holding Gwyneth and you and Tricia looking over your shoulders to the camera best.

    But this BY FAR is my second favorite of all the pictures.

    I love it.

  57. Precious photo. really, just beautiful.

  58. that picture says it all.


  59. Definitely the coolest picture! :)
    I love it!

  60. how awesome! that is a neat pic.
    thanks: )

  61. Beautifully photographed and well said - such glorious gifts to be thankful for.

  62. Wow, that one got me teary eyed!! Beautiful.

  63. THE most beautiful picture I have EVER seen. I drove by Nag's Head Church Tuesday on the way to visit friends in Manteo. "That's Nate and Tricia's church!" I told my 2 girls. We all thought of you and in doing that sent messages to God to keep you all.


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