
Monday, March 3, 2008


Burp Cloths, that is...

Sara Cohen is one of my blog readers, and after following one of her comments to her blog, I saw the link to her Keiki Cloths business.

From her blog:
Keiki is Hawaiian for baby, or child. These cloths are a more stylish version of white cloth diapers used for burping babies. Different fabrics, fun colors, more pleasing for mom, dad, and baby!

Tricia and I are all about anything Hawaiian, so I sent Sara an email and ordered a few Hawaiian print burp cloths for Gwyneth.

I thought I would share about Sara's budding business because I know there are a lot of parents, grandparents, etc. who might be interested in ordering something.




  1. My mom and Aunts are in Hawaii right now! You, Tricia, and Gwyneth will go there together someday-I am sure of it. The Lord knows our deep desires and wants us to be happy. You will be together again, doing things that bring joy to your hearts and minds. May God Bless you in your journey. Lisa

  2. Those are adorable! If I had a baby I'd definitely order, but hopefully that will happen in the near future and I can order some then! :)

  3. Nate, I am sorry that I am a post or two late. But that sweet sweet smile you shared with us from your precious rose was breath taking. What a smile!

    It only takes one glance to note that the power and glory all belong to him. For it is truely a miracle to behold such a sight.

    Thanks for sharing that pic.

    Prayers continue for health and improvments for you three.

  4. Okay, I'm caught up. The misiz and I were out of town over the weekend. I ran my third half marathon in Sarasota. We prayed for you guys each day together and I'm sure individually at various times. Amazing how Nate, Trisha and Gwyneth have become like family! Trust you have a great day and a great week! We are praying for Trisha's donor and family as well.

  5. Maybe the keiki cloths would help with the GI tube feeding accidents???

    Glad to see Tricia smiling and loved the wedding pictures. It'll be a great way to make money for all of Gwyneth's many, many girlie needs (shoes, cute outfits, shoes, handbags, shoes...) I would definately consider this idea!

    Still praying that they find a donor soon!!!

    refreshing in ohio

  6. Oh my gosh...are adorable and sooo "Nate and Tric"!

  7. These would be akamai and excellent for to have in the ohana rather than a plain jane white cloth diaper.
    How is their absorbability?

  8. VERY cute - Gwyneth will be soooo stylish :)

    Continued prayers for all of you.

  9. Aloha oy- all over my clean shirt...luckily I had a burp pad!
    : )

    They will also come in handy when they have a Kilauea diaper.

    -always praying here in the burg.

  10. Nate...on the subject of baby you and Tricia have a baby sling yet? A sling is a kind of baby carrier that is so wonderful! They are especially wonderful for preemies who need/want to be snuggled a lot when they get home. I make them (used to attend craft sales, but don't have time for that anymore!). If you do not have one yet, I'd be honored to send you one. Either email me, or leave me a comment on my blog and we'll get you hooked up! I'll even try to find some Hawiian fabric if that's what you would like!

  11. How cool is that! I am going to remind Mike that I need another baby so I can be cool like this
    :0) Do you think he will buy into it? No, me either - but it never hurts to ask! Tricia your photos are BEAUTIFUL!!! and I love the pic of Baby Gwyn on her belly, just precious!!

  12. Those are so cute and even better made at home by a mama. :) I've been reading your blog for a few months and I'm praying for you and Tricia and baby Gwyneth.

  13. So cute! If you love Hawaiian... then check out We got our daughter's crib bedding and other really cute decorations from this website. Thanks for sharing with the world!

  14. Oh those are just adorable, especially the Hawaiian ones! That was so nice of her to send you some for Gwyneth! Use them in good health!

  15. Adorable! Thanks for sharing. Burp cloths should be fun, especially if you have a spitty baby like I do. They have become part of my wardrobe.

  16. Those are super cute? Will you be cloth diapering Miss Gwyneth when she comes home? There are sooo many cute cloth dipes out there - it can get a bit addictive (don't ask how many cloth diapers we have or have had here - it's embarrassing).

    I wanted to make you an offer. I sew baby carriers to raise funds for our adoption (still several years away) of two Ethiopian children. I would love to make one for you two for free. I'm keeping my eye out for the perfect Hawaiian print. Can you email me (tamara @ - no spaces) and let me know what Tricia's favorite color is? Thanks!


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