
Monday, March 3, 2008


I was reminded of a few things yesterday morning at C3.

Proverbs 15:1-4

A gentle response defuses anger,
but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.

Knowledge flows like spring water from the wise;
fools are leaky faucets, dripping nonsense.

God doesn't miss a thing—
he's alert to good and evil alike.

Kind words heal and help;
cutting words wound and maim.

> We need to be Gentle in our Communication

> We need to speak words of Wisdom from God

> We need to Think first...then Speak

Is what I'm about to say...

> The tongue of the Wise brings Healing



  1. Good stuff Nathan! Have a fabulous week. Praying that this is the best week yet for the girls and that Tricia gets her new lungs this week.

    Did I make the first comment?

    In Him


  2. Yep, I need to be reminded of this DAILY. Thanks for your reminder here. Tricia is looking really good and Gwyneth is just as beautiful if not more. Still in my prayers.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I think we sometimes talk just to hear our own voice, then regret what we said. I know I am guilty of that at times. Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man's anger does not accomplish God's righteousness. (James 1:19,20) If we stop and listen to what the other person is saying, and think about it before we speak, we can often diffuse both our anger and theirs. That's a good thought for a Monday morning.

    Praying for your family this morning. Hope everyone is doing well.

  4. I really like that!

    Thanks for the reminder.

  5. God's word is full of wonderful words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing what He had for you today! What version of the Bible do you read from? I like the translation.

    Praying for all of you.......

    ~Sara in MD

  6. Thank you for sharing that! It's always nice to have an inspriational start to a Monday morning. It will help make for a good week!!

    Lots of prayers, hugs, and love

  7. I could have used this reminder, oh, about 15 minutes ago when I lost my cool over clean clothes placed in the dirty laundry and lost shoes located exactly where I told her to look. The joys of parenting.

    Lord help me this day be more gentle in my communications.

  8. That was a word I needed to hear/read as I have been praying for how to deal with a situation. Thank You! I think that was for me.

  9. nate i would like to let you know it makes my heart smile to see you quietly walk into the worship center at C3 walk to your seat.

  10. Nate, That is a terrific reminder, thank you.

    Hugs and prayers.

  11. Nate, You just put scripture to the exact thought I conveyed to friend through e-mail not more then 5 minutes before I read your blog. I am very black and white in my thoughts and have decided that I need to not share my opinion unless asked. I could save myself a lot of heartache and maybe those around me too. People know this about me and if they want to know what I think they will ask. Thanks for sharing what God is teaching you today.

  12. I'm going to put this reminder on my fridge, and also do my best to think about it throughout the day! It's way too easy to say something we shouldn't and way too hard to take it back. The pictures of the chapel are beautiful!
    Praying for you all, Melissa

  13. Very true. Thank you very much for the gentle reminder.


  14. WOW. Did I need that one this morning! I will have to share the C3 church with my husband. He LOVES podcasts. He was a youth minister, and now a missionary. Thanks for sharing!


  15. Love this post. We are reteaching this to our boys and ourselves as well. I think we need to be reminded of these basics a lot more often. Conviction has set in, so I need to go talk to my Daddy.
    Prayers for all of you.
    Ya'll are looking good!!!
    Christy in KY

  16. Thanks for that Nate.

    I can remember being taught about the 'think' phrase as a child, but not remembered it for a long time. Thank you.

    Thinking of you all and reading often.


  17. Great reminder- Thanks Nathan!

  18. You are so wonderful. I am praying daily that my son with CF will be blessed with an amazing, supportive spouse like you. Only the opposite sex, of course. ;-)

    (And from an earlier post, I can totally relate to loving nurses, but being driven crazy by the things they sometimes do. If you are there, don't let them start the feed unless they use the towel underneath! Sometimes you just have to step in!)

  19. great post, I need THINK branded on my brain--that's hard sometimes. Your girls are looking cute! Praying His best for all of you.

  20. WOW I need this reminder so often - thank you so much! Sunshine

  21. Thanks for the link to C3. My husband has been looking for a church to go to when I'm an inpatient at Duke. This is very similar to our home church. THANKS!!

  22. I LOVE the THINK acronym. I'm going to share it on my blog. Of course with credit given to your blog. :) Have a beautiful night!

  23. AMEN! Pastor Matt's message was an awesome reminder to our family as well. We're so grateful to have you as part of our church family in this season of your lives. Much love to the Lawrensons!

  24. Are you coming to First Wednesday?

  25. Good reminder and a bit timely I might add.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  26. Oh how I need reminders such as this. It's so easy to just react to things & not think about what I'm saying.
    Thanks for sharing!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Just to let you know, I wrote THINK on my hand this morning. I have to have a difficult conversation with someone at work and need a reminder to honor God in all I say and do. Thanks for sharing the nugget of wisdom you received. Thanks!



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