
Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm Very Sorry...

...that I have the most cutest baby in the whole world...



  1. Nate,

    I LOVE reading your journal. You are so inspiring. She is BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!

  2. Praying for you guys, as always. :)

  3. Shouldn't apologize for that statement-she's adorable!!

  4. That you do....but she will have some serious competition when our next little grand-daughter arrives in a couple months!! :)
    You have been having some great fun with that camera the last few days, haven't you!
    Can't wait to get the weekly weight report on Gywneth tomorrow (assuming you will follow your usual Tuesday report and pug pics :)). She is just looking so very healthy...I'm guessing she has packed some weight on this past week.

  5. Giggle - she looks a lot like her daddy....:) BUT, sorry Nate, she certainly gets the beauty from her mother. ;)

  6. Don't be sorry! You're a parent and OF COURSE you have the most beautiful baby in the world AND the strongest, most amazing one at that too!

    God Bless!
    Michelle in MO

  7. She is pretty stinkin' cute, and I would even agree that she is the cutest baby in YOUR world. I hope that you guys have a fantastic Monday!

  8. She is beautiful, and so is her mother. You are a lucky man.

  9. I agree Nate, she is the most cutest beautiful baby ever.

  10. No need to be sorry. I think she's a beautiful baby, too! Keeping you all in our prayers!

    Hugs to all THREE of you!

  11. Yes, she is obviously a gift from God :)

  12. soooooooo cute! I love the little hat! She is getting so big! Seeing her makes me smile :) thanks!

  13. She's definitely adorable!!! It's so nice to see all these pictures where her beautiful face is showing since she's not on the vent/cpap! Brody is almost 8 months old. When they get older they'd make a cute couple.... :)

  14. She is beautiful. You and Tricia did well.
    Christy in KY

  15. I sure wish you'd be proud of your wife and daughter. I mean, all we hear is how AVERAGE (insert: wonderful, beautiful, exceptional) they are. I mean, come on man, show some pride.

    ;) Seriously, she is a beauty. How can anyone look at her picture and doubt that we have an All Powerful, All Amazing and All Knowing Creator? Beats me.

    Continuing to pray...

  16. I think she is starting to look like you, Nate.

  17. I must admit she is pretty cute. I am so glad to hear she is doing so well. What a precious family you have!

  18. She's very precious! Wanted to let you know that I started a blog today and have included a link to your blog. No one but my mother will probably read my blog, but that's one more person you will have reading your story! Thanks for sharing!

  19. i love the pink she's becomming, i love how soft her skin looks, i love those little round cheeks that makes me want to just smother with kisses. God has knit her together beautifully ;)

  20. She is absolutely adorable and I love her little mouth. sigh...makes me want another. Have a wonderful day!

  21. She is simply AMAZING and I think she looks just like her equally amazing mommy! :-) BEAUTIFUL!!

  22. DUH! Of course she is the cutest baby ever....she also has a huge fan club who feel the same way!
    All that CUTE and TOUGH too!!!

  23. ummm yeah you do....well, next to my cute little guy! hehe

  24. one more thing...I can't wait for you to post pictures of her first day at kindergarten...her first prom...the day she gets married...please keep this blog running forever!!! :-)

  25. I love that we can see more of her now since she is off the other breathing devices that once hid her face. She is certainly beautiful!

    ~Sara in MD

  26. Precious, precious! so sweet! praying for your girls, jen in al

  27. She definitely is the cutest little thing I've seen in years! Oh, and we're really going to be lucky because tomorrow is Tuesday and we will get to see more pictures, huh? If your camera doesn't go on strike for overuse!

  28. You're in big trouble~ she already has you wrapped. Little girls tend to do that to their daddys. Yes, she is precious!

  29. The very mostest cutest! Isn't it weird how you can be 100% in love with your daughter and still somehow be even more so each and every day?

  30. She is a beautiful little girl! Thanks for opening the door to your lives and helping the rest of us understand as we pray for you and others in our lives that face similar challenges. God bless you!

  31. she is absolutely adorable! i bet you're the proudest parent in the world!
    praying for you guys!

  32. Yup!

    She sure is!

  33. You are not sorry! You shouldn't be, anyway. I didn't mention this at the time because I was at work, but I just love the post where Gwyneth is smiling! What a cutie!

  34. My heart sank for a minute when I read the title of this post!

    But, then when I read that you were sorry that you have the cutest baby ever, my heart was good again. Yes! Your baby is cute! But I'm a bit biased, so I'll just say that you have the second cutest baby ever!

  35. You are SOO BLessed!!! Praying for all 3 of you from Dallas. Glad Gwyneth is doing so well!!! Praying for Tricia everyday...thanks so much for including us in your story. You are such an inspiration.

  36. Unbelievable!
    Absolutely a stunning beauty!

  37. Adorable!!!!!!!!

  38. Adorable does not even begin to describe how precious she is!! Can't wait for an update on her weight and continued growth.

  39. You're not sorry one BIT! (Nor should you be!!!) Thanks for the giggle.

  40. She is very cute!!

    My little Isaiah (you sent him a prayer a few weeks back (thank you by the way)) is having his BIG surgery tomorrow! Please be praying for this special family! to read their story! In case you have a few minutes free :)

  41. She is really changing and getting big...and of course is oh so beautiful!

    With Love and Hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  42. I can not get over how great she looks! And, of course you think she is the most beautiful baby in the world. That's what parents are supposed to think!

  43. She really is pretty cute!

    When was her actual due date again? She seems to be doing SO well- definitely an answer to prayer.

  44. Oh Nate and Tricia - she is just GORGEOUS!!!!! xxxxxx

  45. No apologies needed! She is gorgeous!!!

  46. why be sorry, she is uber cute!!

  47. So beautiful! Her face is filling out! :)

  48. Even though I have had 3 beautiful babies-I have to agree your baby is so very cute!!! She is Amazing!

  49. She is beautiful, Nate. Truly, you guys are wonderful. I think about you every day and pray for you, too, when I remember. I can't weight to see Trisha and Gwyneth's going home pictures. Does Gwyneth have a Easter Dress, yet?

  50. Don't apologize! She's just a gorgeous little doll.


  51. absolutely beautiful! and look at her little hand by her face...she's totally posing for the picture :)

  52. Nate,
    Since you mentioned that you and Tricia love everything Hawaiian, you must check out this site! We ordered our surfer girl crib bedding from them and it is absolutely stunning! Did you already decorate the nursery for Gwyenth? If not, you can browse the site and find some awesome ideas for it! They also have the cutest surf board bibs, and those cute burp clothes you love too. I am sure that Tricia will love looking at the stuff for her own little surfer baby!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Letting you know that I sent Meka some special food and treats because she needs some extra love. You should have the package by the end of the week. I hope she enjoys it:)

  55. I believe you are correct-who could argue with that?!

  56. And she gets cuter by the minute!

  57. She really is so precious. Continue to bring you before the Lord daily.

    Danielle Davis

  58. She really is so precious. Continue to bring you before the Lord daily.

    Danielle Davis

  59. What a cutie-patootie! :)

    Still praying....
    Tanisha in VA

  60. There is only ONE beautiful baby in the world ......
    and EVERY mother (dad too!) has her!

    Don't you just love that quote????

    Sending positive thoughts your way ....

  61. She is such a happy baby...and beautiful too. Soooooo precious.

    Still prayin' in Michigan.


  62. what a wonderful miracle! Our God is soooo good!
    So who makes those little caps for her? I was blessed enough to have a friend knit some for my girls. People look at those hats now and are amazed at how small the girls truely were! Save those hats!!!
    I am impressed that she on the canula already!Way to go girl!

  63. She is so amazing. I think I have said that before, but she really is!!!!!!!

  64. YES YOU DO HAVE THE MOST ADORABLE CHILD IN THE WORLD! You have every reason in the world to be a proud Daddy!

  65. She's adorable! And call me crazy, but I a lot of you in her face in this picture.

    Much Love & God Bless!

  66. She's too cute!!! It's so wonderful to see what progress she's making. Gwyneth Rose is a beautiful miracle from our loving Lord! I keep you guys in my prayers daily, and I love seeing new updates. It's great to see her cute little face without the vent and CPAP on. My 1 year old blows kisses to the "Baybay" :o)


  67. Oh my goodness! She is precious and so very beautiful!

  68. She's pretty darned cute. That's for sure! :)

  69. She's starting to look like she has her own little personality :-)

  70. Nate,

    Don't apologize. As a parent you should think she is the most beautiful baby in the world. By the way, she is pretty darn cute!! I think she looks like you Nate.

    Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

  71. I don't think you really are sorry....She looks so mischievious, angelic and yes, adorable!

  72. You're not sorry!
    But she really is SO cute!

    I saw lots of footprints from your area on my Xanga (thanks for visiting!)- Danica was just over 3 lbs when she was born- and look how fat she is now! (I may have to argue the cutest kid the *whole* world thing- haha)

  73. Nate-
    I'm catching up on reading your blog as I was in the hospital the end of last week having my second child, and one of my nurses brought up your blog in one of our conversations...which of course led to a nice discussion. I'm so glad you've had such happy posts lately!

  74. She is quite precious....and absolutely beautiful! Thanks again for sharing your inspiring story.

  75. You're right...she's absolutely beautiful!!!

  76. She is beautiful. My daily prayers are for your family. Thank you for allowing us to watch your story unfold. God is doing big things with such a little baby and her parents. Have a good night tonight.


    PS I know you asked a while back to let you know if we linked you from our blog, I'm putting you on mine today. I'm hoping to add more people praying for you all. :-)

  77. Hi nathan. Gwyneth is absolutely adorable. Who said that boys don't play with baby dolls! Thanks for the pics of her smiling, how long did you patiently wait for those precious moments! Steve & Judith

  78. She is a cutey-pa-tooty.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  79. She is as cute as a button, and has her mother's beautiful smile. Lord Jesus, bless this family with all you greatness. Bring Tricia a new set of lungs as soon as possible. Thank you Jesus! Praying in Barrie.

  80. She's a cutie for sure!

    You can tell how she's growing and getting a little personality.

    I am so happy for all three of you. What a wonderful time it is to watch your baby grow.

  81. You're right, she's beautiful! This is my first time commenting on your blog, but I first read your story several weeks ago and was so touched. My sister had a 24 weeker, so our family knows this journey you're on. But at the same time, we know nothing of this journey because your lifemate is also in the hospital awaiting new lungs. Gee if I had a second pair to give her a I sure would, but I'm sure you are the first one to have that thought! My nephew will be four years old on April 28th and he is our miracle to be sure. He had high level brain bleeds on both sides of his brain and does not have CP or any other known effect! He's been slightly delayed with language, but that could also just be him. He wears some dashing glasses and is all boy. If you'd like to be in touch with my sister and her husband for an insiders perspective, her blog is:
    She rededicated her life to Christ through circumstances and people surrounding Tayden's early birth, God is so good! She now has another little boy Milo who was born full term, thanks to the Lord and to how He worked through medicine like progesterone shots. Another Christian family of a 24 weeker, Noah, and good friends of ours, are the Harpers. Here's their blog link:
    Blessings my brother and extra cheek kisses for your wife from her brother and sister in Christ in Colorado. We will be praying for you both and your sweet baby girl!
    In Him,
    Sarah and Travis

  82. she is beautiful...does she get that from her mommy???LOL
    Wishing you and your girls a very good day.

  83. You are not sorry that you have the cutest baby in the whole world. Confessions of a CF Husband is the title of your blog....... Fess up: truly, you'd love her if she were not so cute, but isn't it great that God has blessed you with a cute baby.....

    But thanks for sharing your White Rose's beauty........ she is a treasure....but she musta got it from her mom.

    Just teasing. Gentely of course.

  84. What an amazingly beautiful little lady you have on your hands!

    It's so amazing to watch her grow, especially since she was due the same time that my little boy is due. We are struggling night and day to keep him in just a little bit longer and watching Gwen through this journey has really put things in perspective.

    Many prayers still coming your way and keep those awesome photos coming!

  85. She is making the same face that you did in the pic of you and your mom from this past weekend!

  86. Yes she truley is a doll baby.

  87. I was looking at this picture thinking how gorgeous she is and i hear a little whimper from my daughters room where she's napping - it's like she knew i was thinking about another baby lol

  88. All I can say is GOD BLESS you and your absolutely wonderful family! I look forward to reading your blog everyday. You, Trisha, and Gywneth show so much courage and faith in God. It is awesome! Your family is blessed.

    Susan R.

  89. Spoken like a "true daddy"! She is beautiful, but then how could she not be???

  90. it looks like she's intentionally making one of those classic olan mills poses with her little hand under her chin. she seems funny already! what a precious girl!

  91. She is a cutie patootie! She is looking so much bigger and stronger...God is all over that little girl!

  92. next to my grandbabies I think you are right. :)

  93. ADORABLE!!! Prayers continue in Rome GA.

  94. Nate as always-You are 100% right-that baby girl is just a beauty molded from God himself. I'm so glad to hear you all are doing well. Dylan says Hi & he said that he is glad she is finally starting to look like a real baby & she is cuter than he imagined after the first pics he saw of her (but that was with all that apparatus on Our family prays for you everyday and not one day goes by that I don't read this blog (can u say addicted?) Please give Tricia our love & let her know we are praying for her new lungs soon so you can take your baby girls home soon. Dylan & Tina (Dylan's OBXClan)Love to All!

  95. You know, I have to say at some point I have seen the exact same expression on your face in one of your pictures! How funny is that!! Your baby is beautiful...she is changing so much...looking more and more like a term baby!

  96. That was just a great way to start my morning! Absolutely adorable! :]

  97. Although I am sort of partial to my own sweet angel, I would have to agree that she is absolutely adorable! Praying and thinking of you all often!


  98. What a beautiful picture! I just enjoy reading your blog. It's so uplifting and inspiring. I've now added a link to your blog in mine.

  99. Hello! I wanted you to know an email I sent out to many people in my address book, so although I did not mention you on my blog, I have mentioned you to those I email, and I will also be mentioning you on my myspace page!

    Hello all! I was recently visiting my friend Mia and I kept noticing this website she was going to. Finally I asked her about it and I am now very much into reading this person's blog. Please go to Let me give you a brief synopsis of the situation. Nate's the husband, Tricia is the wife, and Gwyneth is the baby girl. Nate is the one blogging and his wife Tricia has Cystic Fibrosis. She was close to being put on a double lung transplant list, then they found out, after years of trying, that she was pregnant. That then made her ineligible for the lung transplant. After much scariness- they took the baby 15 or 16 weeks early. Please go to this website and read how this family is growing, and also so maybe you can keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I do not know this family, but I marvel at their strength and faith. I'm sure you will too! Thanks!


  100. I still can't get over the adorable teeny tiny little hat.

  101. She is absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous!!!!

  102. she's beautiful ,nate..
    may god bless her!
    will pray 4 u guyz..


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