
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April Beach 104 Interview (Part 1)

Here's the audio of the radio interview I recorded earlier (via phone) in the week with Moose and Jody. With some good editing, it turned out well. I added the pic for a laugh. :)

Part 2 of 3 coming tomorrow...



  1. The pic adds just the right touch :)

  2. You are as good live as you are writing- what's next? Your own TV show? You saw it here first, sports fans. Nate and PattySue LIVE

    Forgive me for using Tricia's private name, I don't even know you, but it's so cute.

  3. You know, I've read your story, prayed over you guys, shared with anyone and everyone who would listen, but as I heard it again, I was overcome with tears, again, at the unbelievable awesomeness of God's power and mercy. What a gift! It really helps me keep my issues in perspective.

  4. Not to long ago, you mentioned that you were a much better writer than talker. After hearing this interview, I don't know about that. You sounded great! Of course, you're a great writer also.

    Looking forward to Part 2.

    Blessings from Ohio

  5. I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing this story. What a great testimony to God's provision!

  6. Wonderful, wonderful interview. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Great interview Nate-you are a natural, you sounded very relaxed! Looking forward to part 2.

    Love from MI

  8. HAHA...nice pic! Thats awesome that they are keeping up with you! From a medical standpoint (I'm an RN but have never seen a transplant) I'm interested in knowing what tricia's incision was like (if you are willing to say). She should never be ashamed of her scars (either c-section or tx) because something amazing and beautiful came from both!!
    Still thinking of you guys!
    Ashley, your sister in christ

  9. I've witnessed this 'story' along with many others from the day Gwyn was born and yet I sit here listening to you speak on the radio ever intently as though it's my first time hearing what you've gone through, goosebumps and tears to boot...amazing in itself! I think that NHC should consider a radio show on satellite radio starring you and Milepost13 (oh and your dad and uncle, too!) I would tune in, as I'm sure millions of others would too! Thank you for uploading this audio. I was disappointed that I live too far away to hear it live.

    BTW, Tric looks great! She's a beautiful mommy!

    refreshing in ohio

  10. Well that's cool. I agree with Karen, you're a great public speaker. I think the Discovery Channel should pick up your story. Man, think of the coverage CF and organ donation would get there! (Mind blowing) Great editing.


  11. Great interview! You sounded well-spoken and relaxed! Can't wait for part 2 :)

  12. What a great interview so far! Will be watching for the other installments :)

  13. that's really cool to hear your voice!


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