
Thursday, May 1, 2008

This Dude's Crazy...

Seriously, read the story and watch the video Here.

CF makes you do crazy things. If you're in Chicago, swing by and tell this guy I love what he's doing.



  1. Nate I am here in Chicago, and I read about the story yesterday. He is crazy, but I guess if he is willing to do it then so be it. I hope he gets heard by Oprah before he does serious damage to his whole arm. I wish I could go down and see it, I am just so busy right now. Glad things are going well for you guys. Have a good day!


  2. He should try for Dr. Phil... they might have him on for the "crazy" part, but he'd still accomplish his goal :>)

  3. Oprah definitely needs to have this guy on - along with you, Tricia and Gwyneth. Now that would be an AWESOME show!!!

  4. Ouch! Gotta admire the man's determination! And he is getting good publicity, even if Oprah doesn't cooperate...

  5. He is crazy, but he that is dedication to CF, willing to do anything. Oprah should definatley have him on her show.

    Hope you guys have another great day!

  6. Bless his heart!!!! Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Don't get any ideas for your next fundraiser, Nate.

  8. I look at it like this...he's crazy yes, but if my loved one especially one of my children where sick with something like CF and I think I would be a little crazy too...and what would five minutes on the Oprah show really hurt...

  9. Wow! This guy really has determination to help those with cystic fibrosis. Just hope he doesn't end up in the hospital himself with broken bones. One thing's for sure, he is getting people's attention about the disease, and that is GREAT!

  10. I'm also in Chicago and read about this. Even if Oprah won't have him on the show, she could acknowledge him, maybe? The premise is odd, but the dedication is something she can understand, I would think.

    Hope you guys are having a great day!

  11. I saw this yesterday...I really don't think he's crazy. Even though it might seem extreme, he's giving cystic fibrosis air time. That's what we want awareness of this horrible disease. Maybe people will go home and Google it. I can't tell you how many people I tell about it on a daily basis, that have never heard of it.

    As a parent that's the only thing you can do, raise money for a cure!

    I thank him for doing this! :)

    We too have a six year old with CF.

    Nathan you and Tricia have brought it to the public and I thank you for that.

    Hugs from Carey

  12. doesn't he know all he has to do is start a blog? :)

  13. Oh my gosh, I could hardly watch that. I admire him and his willingness to do that, but that was disturbing when he kept hitting it and the darn board wouldn't break! I can only imagine the pain. I think he's pretty awesome though.

  14. wow...that dude is dedicated!

  15. I think it is awesome and can't believe that Oprah wouldn't at least be interested to see why someone would be willing to go through such pain. It would peak my interest and at least make me want to hear what someone has to say. I actually got online and wrote the Oprah show to give him some airtime. They don't seem to mind bringing other things to light that are definitely not as important. I also referenced your website as well ... who knows where it will lead. But if they check you out at least they will get a human perspective on this disease.


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