
Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Check out some more pics of the Duke Gardens at my Photo Blog.



  1. I can't possibly be the first to comment!!!

    Glad to see Tric looking so good and having so much fun.


  2. Great pictures! Looking forward to seeing pictures of you both with Gwyneth NOT in the hospital! :)

  3. Great pictures! So happy to see you both smiling and having such a good time together! Praying each of your days to come are the same.


  4. Amazing pictures!
    I hope your day today is as good as yesterday, if not better!

  5. It's so wonderful to see Tricia out and about, enjoying life! She looks so beautiful, and the two of you seem so in love with each other. Enjoy each moment. :0)

    Hugs from El Paso,

  6. She's baaacckkk!!! Glad to see the two of you looking so happy...even happier when Gwyneth is released and able to go with you!!

  7. Just makes my heart sing to see these pics and the wonderful ones of Gywneth from this past week!

  8. too fun - so great to see such big smiles - from both of you..... checked out her favorite ice cream on line and not sure about that one... maybe something I will have to try sometime..... thought you might like this site with the photos when I saw the one with the sunglasses.... its a neat concept...let me know what you think

  9. oops - the site

  10. woohoo! Tricia's out and on her own two feet again!!

  11. Oh Tricia--I'm just grinning right back at you!! Welcome back to the joys of life's little things!

  12. What a fun day! I am sure that the two of you are treasuring every single moment you are getting to share with each other. You look like such a fun couple.

  13. Awww...such sweet pictures! Tricia looks great. I bet she is so happy to be out of hospital clothes!

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Tricia looks great and you guys look so happy! Thanks for sharing these.

  15. It looks like Tricia REALLY enjoyed that gelatto. I'll bet it was the best thing she's ever tasted, too!

  16. I know it's good for your soul to be OUT of the confines of the hospital. And to be able to enjoy spring! Yay for y'all!

    Oh, and I'm so sorry Meka had to go away for awhile. I know I would be sad without my pups and kitty. Natalie

  17. Tric you look just beautiful!
    Nate you look great too. Are you
    losing weight? :)

    So glad you were able to spend some time together just enjoying life and God's beauty.

    Lots of Love!

  18. Tricia, you look gorgeous. So glad y'all are able to be out and about. You do both look very happy.
    I looked up the gelato place online. The closest store to me is 734 mi. Who wants some??? I'll just run over and grab an order..;) Tricia's face is telling me it is GOOD stuff!!
    Enjoy yourselves and the wonderful outdoors. Soon there will be a stroller with miracle baby in it!!
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  19. And I mean this in the absolute BEST possible way....this is the best you both have looked in a long time! :-) Praise the Lord!

    You both look great, and I am continuing to pray each day for recovery and strength for Tricia, and growth for Gwyneth. God bless the three of you!

  20. those pictures made my day! Seeing tricia with such happiness in her eyes. I am glad you guys are able to do a few more "normal" things in your chaotic life right now.

  21. Great pictures!!! They are making me think it's been a long time sence we got the next edition on your love story! I think we need another when you have the time!

  22. I am so thrilled to see the two of you together, in street clothes, enjoying the gardens and some dessert!! I am so excited for ya'll! Praying that Miss Gwyneth is HOME before you know. What a blessing and an encouragement!! Much love - Bamagirl!!!

  23. Can I just say how awesome it is to see Tricia in normal everyday clothes! I mean, I know she wore them a lot in the hospital, but this is different and I'm so happy for you both!

  24. Great pics... so glad to see both of you looking so happy. God Bless!

  25. Tricia, you look beautiful! And Nate, you look very handsome and relaxed now that you actually get to hang out and have some fun with your ladylove =)

    The photo with the bamboo, where the "joint" of it is lined up with the trach collar? It's awesome! Makes the trach look like a choker necklace instead! And Tric, you could seriously model =)

    You have sunscreen on, right?? LOL so nice to see you having fun!!!

  26. Great pictures--I really like the 3rd one! Tricia--you look great! And yum--looks like I really need to go check out Rita's!!

    Oh--and Nate--it looks like your hair grows super fast!

  27. It's great to see y'all OUTSIDE, TOGETHER. :) Your sweet baby is just growing so big, congrats!

  28. I am a long time follower, first time commenter :) I never want to post and add to what is probably an overwhelming amount of messages, but I just had to today. It fills my heart with such joy to see Tricia doing so well. You capture her beauty so well and it is a blessing to be able to peek into her miraculous journey. Thank you!!

  29. Nate,
    Love the hair do! Wonderful pictures!

  30. Great pictures and great looking couple. Tricia looks fantastic!!!!

  31. When I look at those pics All I can think about is... HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!!!!!!!

  32. smile...sigh...God is good. it is such a blessing to see you guys out and about and enjoying the sunshine.

  33. Tricia,

    What a blessing to see you up and about and EATING real food. I love the pictures in the bamboo, that is some huge bamboo. I am praying you continue to get stronger and maybe feed some of that yummy stuff to fatten Gwyneth up so she can be free like you are!!! Love you guys and prayers continue here for you. This is such a beautiful Miracle to behold.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  34. Tricia has reminded me that I need to smell more flowers and eat more ice cream with my little boy. You look so lovely, T, and I'm so genuinely happy for you. I haven't forgot about sending Ralphie some special cat food, I've just been extra busy.

  35. Wow! Trisha, you look so beautiful and radiant! I am sure glad that you can finally eat. You will need your strength b/c soon enough Gwyneth will be home! I know that you must be so excited. Wonderful pictures! So happy that you shared. Thank you!

  36. it is pure joy to see you and Tricia out and about together!!!!! Can't wait for the pictures you will be taking of ALL THREE of you out on the town! Continuing to pray...jen in al

  37. Tricia, you look awesome! So vibrant and healthy, and I love your smile. What a perfect day for some fun in the gardens.

    Can't wait to see pictures of the three of you there.

  38. Tricia looks WONDERFUL! You have a beautiful bride, Nate! I know you know that! And, she got to eat something, too? More good news! I am glad you had a good day! Gwyneth is getting big! Adorable, too!

  39. Tricia: you look absolutely amazing. :) Nathan: wow, you look great. And well rested. :)

  40. it is SO great to see Tricia outside!! wonderful

  41. Nice shots! Looks like you had a nice day. I'm glad. :)

  42. So happy for the two of you! You both look great- and I am sure you are loving life right now!

  43. Your wifey's not too bad of a photog, either!

  44. Just fantastic! What a difference God can make in just a few weeks. Thanks for sharing!

  45. Great pics....good to see everyone looking so healthy and enjoying the great outdoors!

  46. Wow, look at you two!!! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! You really are a talented photographer.
    Thanks for sharing:)

    Christina in Virginia

  47. Is it possible that one month ago, Tric was hooked up, on her "last lung" and not sure when/if she would get her new lungs?? PRAISE THE LORD!! She looks so wonderful. And being from the land of water ice, my family knows the sweet pleasure of Rita's! The joys of the simple things.... Great photos. We're praying for the perfect timing for a sweet return to the beach for your whole family! God is so good!

  48. RITA'S!! I used to eat that every day my senior year in college. Well, when it was open! Do tell...what's Tricia's fav flavor?

  49. first of all, you are an amazing photographer. second of all, you two are so adorable together. third of all i wanted to tell you that today at the hospital i work in we had a table set up in the cafeteria all about "donate life" and they had a computer set up to register to be an organ donor and i am already an complete organ donor and i got a pin today and i have it on my name badge in honor of Tricia!!!!


  50. Tricia is gorgeous! Congratulations on getting to spend a great day together.

  51. Duke Gardens is spectacular, esp in spring. I have some great photos of outings there with our 3 little boys when we lived in Chapel Hill 20 years ago.

    It's fantastic to see you both out, living life! What an awesome, faithful God we serve.

  52. What great pictures! I am so glad you were able to have such a beautful day with each other! You look so happy!!

  53. Tricia looks so wonderful!!!! Who is that guy with her anyway? Looks like you had a wonderful day...God Bless!

  54. i love that last picture of Tricia, she looks like she is REALLY enjoying whatever is on that spoon! She looks like alot of fun! God Bless you Tricia :)

  55. Wonderful pictures! Tricia you lokk so good and happy! I can't believe you just had a tx. God is GOOD!

  56. You both look so happy. Beautiful pictures you.

  57. It's so awesome to see how far the Lord has brought Tricia in these past few months since giving birth to Gwyneth. God rocks :-)

  58. Great pictures! As always, thank you for sharing your precious moments with all of us. I am so happy to see Tricia enjoying the outdoors! You both look so happy to be out and about again with one another. Continuing enjoying the wonders that God is sending your way.

  59. Tricia you look so beautiful...
    a day in the gardens with your husband, what a perfectly wonderful day for the two of you.. add a stroller with one chubby little Gwyneth and you are golden!!!
    love to you all,

  60. Tricia, you look great! Love that shirt :) Glad you're doing well!!! *hugs*

  61. Tricia looks radiant! Can't wait to see you both this weekend!


  62. Cannot believe how awesome Tricia looks... So glad to see you guys out and about and enjoying life!!! Praise God!

  63. Tricia looks healthy!! Great pics!! Thanks for sharing them.

  64. These are just awesome! Praying that there will soon be pictures of all three of you outside together!

  65. Looks like a great day to be outside enjoying the surroundings! And whatever Tricia is eating in that last photo made this pregnant girl's mouth water...I am really hungry now!

  66. Nate, I was looking back over pics from the last month(punk rock baby remains a personal fav;), and I noticed your haircut was on the 26th of March. Your hair has grown alot! Egads man, do you use Miracle Grow on your head?!? heh
    Sorry, just hadda mess with ya...
    God Bless,
    Jamie in Texas

  67. It's great to see pictures of you guys outside of a hospital!! Hooray!

  68. Tricia looks absolutely wonderful! So nice to see her in an outside setting AND eating Rita's!! whooohooo! I can definitely see that Gwyneth has her momma's nose and smile! Oh , and Nate , I noticed that your hair grows soooo fast..hehe.. keep enjoying the beautiful weather..soak up that sun!

  69. Oh wow, best pictures ever! I just keep looking at her going "wow, new lungs, wow!"

  70. you 2 exude happiness! it has been a long time coming for the time you get to spend outside the hospital. Tricia the sunshine is doing you good. Nate, looking good my man... having your wife back has done wonders for your smile (imagine that!)
    Prayers still for your family...

  71. GREAT PICTURES! How good is to see Tricia OUTSIDE and EATING REAL FOOD!!! Blessings.

  72. Wonderful pictures!! Tricia looks so happy and so healthy! Can't wait to see photos of all 3 of you in the Duke Gardens together--right before you head back HOME!!!!!!!

  73. Another place to try if you ever head back to Cary...GOODBERRY'S (frozen custard)!!! So good!

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Amazing me every day. Tricia looks beautiful and happy. Love the shot of her sunglasses with you reflected. Neato!


    Heidi Reed

  76. I am in awe...of the both of you and our God. Beautiful pics.


  77. It just made me cry to see Tricia out looking so happy and healthy.

  78. It must be so great for Tricia to be outside, to feel the sunshine and the breeze, to go to Rita's, to eat what she wants (sort of:) when she wants!! God is so good! The simple things in life, the ones we take for granted some times, often hold some of the greatest blessings!

  79. How fun. It's so glad to see you two out and about together, and it's especially wonderful to see Tricia's smiling face. Great photos.


  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Such fun pictures! Love all of them & can't wait until then include Gwenyth out of the hospital. Hope your Wednesday was just as beautiful!

    <3 & gods continued blessings to all of you!

  82. Tricia, You look awesome! Three months after having a baby, not to mention a few weeks after a double lung transplant:) You are absolutely amazing! Keep it up!

  83. WOW!!! The pictures are great!!! Its so neat to see the 2 of you OUT of the hospital.....Pretty soon it will be the three of you OUT of the hospital!!! Praise God!

  84. Great Haircut Tricia. You look absolutely beautiful. :0)

  85. Tricia looks beautiful and happy. Continue with the progress. God bless your family.

  86. hey you two,
    tricia you are beautiful (those eyelashes are something
    nathan the pic of you alone shows off your handsome looks, you two are adorable togeather & your love & happiness pops right through the computer screen,after all you both have been through it is beyond words to see you having good times !!!!
    still showering you & yours lovingly with prayers
    patricia n.

  87. Tricia is absolutely beautiful! It is so good to see her being able to enjoy God's glory in the gardens. Continuing to pray for you all. Gwyneth is such a little doll baby. I look forward to you being able to take her home and the three of you being able to enjoy each other out of the hospital. Our Lord continues to do amazing things!

  88. Tricia you look so great! So full of life. Glad to see and hear your progress. I especially love the ice cream a little girl at Christmas!
    Thanks for sharing!

  89. Looking forward to seeing you guys pushing a baby carriage. Rita's rocks!

  90. Tricia, you are just radiant. I'm praising God for all His blessings.

  91. The pictures are great! Tricia looks so healthy, happy, and pretty. Still praying! All the best!
    Stacy :-)

  92. I'm confused. Is there gelatis in Duke Gardens?

  93. I actually burst into tears as I looked at these photos- not having "known" Tricia before Gwyneth's birth and reading about her on your blog, I am astounded by her beauty and health. She has always been beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I love how healthy and (silly word but-) robust! she looks!! And you don't look so bad yourself! :)

  94. Tricia, you look absolutely stunning girl! Keep up the good work. You both look so happy and healthy! Great photos Nate!

  95. Darling pictures! Looks like a great day!

  96. How nice it was to "see" you both OUT enjoying yourselves together! It looks like it was a beautiful day!

  97. comment 100???!!!
    Love the Ritas pic. It is so good to see u enjoying life!!!!(and yummy gelati)
    still praying 4 u all in hh, nj:)

  98. Tricia- it is so awesome to see the sparkle ack in your eyes and a smile that shows new spunk. Finally, you look like you are starting to really feel better. I love all the new pics from the Gardens. Keep up all your hard work, you are doing excellent.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Your own private living space, fresh AIR, real food, hanging out together, gelato you deserve them all and how happy I am for you guys!

  101. Once again I am reminded of how awesomw our God is! Tricia looks amazing. I am glad to know that both of your girls are doing great! Still praying in Amarillo, Texas

  102. What brilliant photos!
    You both look sooo happy and healthy. It's wonderful to see you just goofing around and having fun together.
    I love the photo with Nate's reflection in Trisha's sunglasses, very clever!
    Julie, Moonta, S Aust

  103. That is so nice to see! We are praying for many, many more fun outings for the two and three of you!

  104. What beautiful pictures of you both! We are so happy that you are finally able to enjoy the great outdoors again. We pray for the day when precious Gwyneth will be photographed in the gorgeous Duke Gardens. God bless you all!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  105. Ritas?!? I'm from PA - where Rita's started. It's great to see it spreading across the country. I hope you enjoyed it, Tricia; I'm sure it was tasty and delicious! I'm so happy to see you up and around as I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  106. It is SO great to see ya'll out and about! It puts a huge smile on my face. I have really enjoyed watching the miracles that God puts in front of us!

  107. Tricia you look FANTASTIC!! oh, sorry Nate, so do you :) ha ha!!

  108. Tricia looks so healthy and happy to be out and about. It's great to see that smile and the sun on her face.

  109. You both look so happy :) Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos!
    Nate, you look like you've lost some weight! :) You both look great! Can't wait to see little Gwyneth with you soon!!
    love and prayers,
    The Lockwoods

  110. Those are great photos! Thanks for sharing them with us. I am so happy that Tricia is out and about and having fun. I would be eating everything in sight if I were her (LOL).

    Sounds like your little blessing is going to be able to go home soon. That is so amazing!

  111. awww these pics are so sweet!

  112. Tricia looks fantastic! How wonderful it must be for both of you that she is out of the hospital. Now just one more to go!

  113. Those pictures are awesome ...

  114. I am smiling just looking at you two! This is fantastic! I am so happy that you two had a fun day. :)

  115. What BEAUTIFUL photos!!! :) Tricia looks just so healthy and strong. I am praising the Lord as I look at the photos and crying tears of joy. :)

    I love how creative your shots are. The one with the sunglasses is really neat. :)

    Amy in Oregon


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