
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Clinic Day (Week 1)

Today was a most excellent day...Tricia says it was her best day post-transplant so far. Here's a few reasons why...

We arrived at Duke South around 7:45am (which is a miracle in and of itself, if you know how much Tricia likes her sleep...) to make her 8am Swallow Study appointment. The swallow study is done by Speech Therapy, and in Tricia's case, helps to determine if and what Tricia is allowed to eat and drink. Today's study went well, and Tricia is now allowed to eat a lot of "normal" food for the first time since early January. She is still not allowed to drink "thin" liquids (basically the stuff that you and I drink everyday...water, soda, juice, etc.), but, needless to say, she's very excited.

The next stop was to get her blood gas and culture around 9am. We'll hear back about her gas levels tomorrow, but everything tells us that they will be good. She also had her first official PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) which help to accurately measure how well her lungs are functioning. Her FEV1 level was at 37%, which is more than twice as high as her lowest known level a few months ago. This is incredible to us!

Next up around 10:30 was an x-ray, which looked good.

We then had about 3.5 hours to kill until Tricia's appointment with her pulmonologist. So, we headed over to catch up with Gwyneth for about an hour (she's doing very well and continues to grow...more on her in a later post tonight). We then went out to find me some lunch (Tricia didn't get the news that she is allowed to eat until her afternoon appointment). Check out my new favorite sub place, Firehouse Subs. And, we still had an hour to walk around the entire Duke Gardens (which allowed Tricia to get her exercise in despite missing a day of PT).

Made it back to Duke in time for the appointment. Everything looks good so far! No signs of infection or rejection yet. And, Tricia got her chest tube sutures and remaining 51 staples across her chest removed today, which totally made Tricia's day! She is very excited to lay on her sides to sleep with limited discomfort/pain for the first time since her surgery!

And, to finish the day off with a bang, we drove out to Cary to hunt down the nearest Rita's for Tricia's most favorite childhood treat of all authentic Gelati. Tricia was in heaven...

Now we're chilling at home, thinking of all of the foods that Tricia is allowed to eat and wants to try out in the next little while and relaxing after a busy and fun day.

Pictures of the day coming soon...



  1. Great report all around! :D

    Heidi R.

  2. what a great report on the day! God is so good! I love FIREHOUSE subs!! We had them in Little Rock where my brother lives but none in Tulsa yet! :-(

  3. Tricia is food motivated like my son, lol. So wonderful T is enjoying life and looking forward to all the little pleasures.

  4. Tricia is food motivated like my son, lol. So wonderful T is enjoying life and looking forward to all the little pleasures.

  5. Sound slike it was a busy day.

    Yummy on the trip to Rita's.

  6. Man..I wish I knew you were at Rita's...I live just up the road. Rita's is not my fav...we used to own a Ralph's Italian Ice.

    It sounds like you guys had a busy all sounds great! It put a smile on my face.

  7. I'm so happy that Tricia had a great day..... and gets to eat some food.

  8. Great to "read" she's doing better!
    Best wishes from Chile...

  9. sigh- comfy joy abounds. Your story makes me appreciate so many little things. It has taught me to be more thankful for so many small things. I am continuing to pray for our Lord to bless you with miracles daily! I live by them.

  10. That's an awesome praise report! She's a trooper...and so are you for hanging there as a caregiver. You all make my day!

    Hugs from El Paso,

  11. Yeah!!! Sounds like a good day over all.

  12. Yeah for a nice fun almost ordinary day (despite all the time in doctors offices) Guess you are gonna have to share your Arby's Beef n Cheddars with Tricia. Can't wait to hear that Gwyneth's day was as good as Tricia's How chubby is that beautiful baby of yours now?

  13. I cannot imagine how AWESOME it is to be able to drive in a car - both for you having Tricia with you and for her - being outside of the hospital! Praise God for such great news...cannot wait to read more in the coming days, weeks, and months! Sunshine

  14. Most excellent day! So good to hear such awesome news about your day...and Rita's on top of it! Nicey nice!

  15. What a great report... so happy to hear! Rita's is soo good!! Tricia enjoy the food and you both enjoy the rest of the night!!!


  16. So glad to hear how great the day went! And Tricia by the way Rita's is my favorite too... :)
    Still praying that Gwyneth is home soon!
    Katie L

  17. Sounds like you had a great day.

  18. Awesome news!! Your FEV1 is wonderful Tricia!!

  19. Wow! What an awsome day for you both! Praise God.
    Tricia, enjoy hunting down and enjoying re-aquainting with the food pleasures of life. Nate, it will be awsome for you to watch her rejoining the 'food race'! Enjoy!
    Hugs and God Bless
    Moonta, S Aust

  20. Great update!
    I look forward to seeing the pictures of the day.
    I am so happy for both of you!
    Rita's looks yummy.
    Glad to hear Gwyneth is doing so well.
    Enjoy your evening.
    Still praying for Tricia and Gwyneth.

    God Bless

  21. FIREHOUSE SUBS rocks! My personal favorite ..... the Hook and Ladder. I order it "fully involved" of course.

    Sounds like you two had a STELLAR DAY!

    I bet Tricia will have you picking up McDonald's breakfast before you know it!

    Praise GOD!

    Va Beach

  22. aww poor Tricia had to sit and watch you eat that sub . what torture!..uggh i'd go nuts! maybe she will get to eat her favorite cotton candy now!!woohooo! Maybe she can also have milkshakes since they are thicker than juice?

  23. Awesome news!! I just think it's so cool to be able to witness these miracles unfolding right before our eyes. What a blessing!

  24. That's awesome! :D

  25. That's great! Congrats, Tricia :) Enjoy your food. I can only imagine how exciting it must be!

  26. So glad to hear things are going well! I LOVE Ritas! Now I want to go get me some! :-) I am sure that was a wonderful thing for Tricia's spirits! So glad your girls are doing so well! I am still praying!

  27. So glad to hear the great report!!!! So amazing! Praise God!

    We LOVE Firehouse Subs! There's one in Sarasota FL that we went to. Took a pic of our then 3-yr-old dau outside by the fireman statue. Hopefully FS will come to WI someday!

  28. Nothin' better than a Gelati from Rita's!! I'm with you Tricia! So glad to hear all the great news!

  29. OOOOH, Tricia!!! Great day! Bet one of the best parts is the FOOD!!!! Hope you get a bite or 2 or 10 of everything you've been wanting!!! (After most of my surgeries, food was the best!)
    Glad you 2 had a good day, looking forward to Gwyneth's pug pics!!!!
    You GO GIRL!!!!
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  30. I'm so glad that the day was so successful! How encouraging. I'm so thankful that you are able to be with your girls through this whole process. What a huge blessing!!!

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  33. I went to Duke Gardens on Sunday for the very first time. I am from Chicago and was visiting a friend. I thought of y'all and am glad to hear you are all doing so well!

  34. So happy that everything is going good and will keep your family in my prayers. Love from Alabama!

  35. Yeah...I am so happy for you guys...
    Praise God!!

  36. That is fabulous! I can't wait to hear about Gwyneth!

  37. What an awesome day!!! Praise God!

  38. I'm so glad you guys had such a great day! We love you guys so much!

  39. I've been reading and praying for you guys for months now and I just had to let you know how absolutely incredible I think you guys are. God has given you a wonderful testimony to share with the world!I have been a organ donor for years but really never put much thought into it until following Tricia's story. I will encourage my adult children , grandchildren, friends to become donors and also support CF..I will make a pledge when we get our tax check. Nate thanks for taking the time to keep everyone updated on your beautiful girls!!! Nancy ...Roanoke,Va.

  40. I am so happy for you both! Sounds like you had a great day, even a fun day, despite the circumstances.

    Glad to hear the positive test results.

    Praise God!!!

  41. Praise God!! What a wonderful day. Sounds like you got nothing but great news today. Congrats to Tricia on being able to eat solid food again!!! Still praying each and every day!!

  42. God has blessed you all, and I know you are very aware of this. It is obvious to me by His blessings you are both people who do His will and love Him greatly. I love your blog for many reasons, but this is my #1 reason. I have prayed that through your blog, someone might want to seek a relationship with Christ after reading what wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon you. You will continuw to be in our prayers.
    In His Love.

  43. Tricia had the right idea with heading straight to Rita's!! Mango gelati is my all-time favorite...

    Sounds like a wonderful day - what great memories you all are collecting as you journey through her recovery process. You two need to write a book. For real.

  44. Each day I read your blog makes me think I am right there beside you. While I've only commented once or twice, I look forward to your updates. I am soooo happy for your wonderful day today. It made my heart sing to hear all the great news of clinic day. Way to go Tricia! Keep up the good work y'all!

  45. Fantastic News! We are so excited for Tricia! We love Rita's, too. It is one of our favorite stops after the boys' baseball practices. There is a fairly new one at Fairfield shopping center, about 2 miles from church.

    Praise the Lord for the continued healing and great reports!

  46. Yay for a good report!

  47. Following your amazing story has been such a blessing to me. I praise God for all that He is doing in the life of your family and in the lives of every person who has been touched by witnessing His goodness and mercy that are being poured out on all of you.

  48. Reading this just made me smile and cry all at the same time! I'm so happy for Tricia!

  49. I am so glad that the day went excellent for you and that Tricia is okay to start eating some real food again. Great reports in this ongoing miracle, and I am so blessed for you.
    And sleeping comfortable, how wonderful for Tricia. Life is wonderful isn't it? Prayers continue for you guys.

    Laurie in Ca.

  50. Congrats on almost completely passing the swallow study Tricia! What a great day it was indeed!
    -Sabrina from Austin TX

  51. PS Tricia, isn't it great to have those darn staples and sutures gone??!!! No more tugging,pulling!! Praying for you to have the best night's sleep in a long time!!!
    God Bless
    Jamie in Texas

  52. So glad you had a great day! Praying for you often,

  53. What a great day all around! I had one too!

  54. YAY! What a great day. Rejoicing with you from Alaska!


  55. What a wonderful update! Nate and Tricia driving around together - not sitting in the hospital for another day. Can't wait to hear more about Gwyneth's progress as well. What a joy to be part of this journey even if only in prayer! Thank you!

  56. So glad to hear the good reports (and looking forward to the pictures)!!

    A Rita's just opened in our mall, but I had never heard of it. I haven't tried it yet, though.

  57. YEAH GOD for a good clinic day!

    Praise God that you are feeling better Tricia. God is good!

  58. I'm so glad things are going so well. Yea on the eating thing, I can't even imagine not being allowed to eat.
    I just wanted to drop a quick note to you to let you know that the baby sling is in the mail. I mailed it yesterday morning, so I'm not sure how long it will take to get there, probably till Friday or Saturday. If you would, please drop me an email when it arrives just so I know you got it. Thanks!!

  59. Yay for Rita's and Tricia being able to eat some real food and sleep more comfortably!

  60. Tricia- As a fellow Jersey girl, I can appreciate your need for Rita's. I'm so jealous you got some! And I'm very happy for you that you are allowed to eat such goodness ;)
    Have fun eating again!

  61. It's so amazing how miracles work! I'm am so happy for you guys. Sounds like a wonderful day and I continue to pray for many more days of such great news!!

  62. More good news! Hooray!

    Still praying for all three of you...

  63. I don't know what a gelati is but I do know that Firehouse it the best!! You'll have Tricia eating it in no time!

    BTW, you might need to pick up one of those plastic firehats that come free w/the kids meal for Gwyneth! I'd love to see a pic with her next to that red hat!

    I am so excited for all of the blessings that are coming your way! Our God if faithful!

  64. I'm glad you guys had such a good day with lots of good news!

  65. Thanks be for a great day, what a nice change in your routines to be able to get around after a long morning of appointments! And how wonderful to walk about in the Duke Garden's! Breathing fresh garden air, what a blessing Tricia's new lungs are!!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  66. Sounds like a wonderful day, I'm sure you should both sleep well tonight. It blesses my heart to see your life returning to some sort of normal, and the opportunity to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Praying that God will continue to pour his blessing out, you have been such a blessing to others.
    Marge in Maryland

  67. I had a mango-flavored ice from Rita's tonight in honor of our girl Tricia! Way to go!

  68. Awesome news!! What a relief to get those staples out! Congrats on the fev1... just wonderful. I'm so happy for you guys!! Praise God!

  69. Awww. Sooo Happy for you all...So glad for these most precious moments...
    Still praying in Ne!!
    Nurse Candice & Co

  70. your story is so inspirational. i read almost all of your blog last night, just totally captivated by your faith in the Lord and His sovereignty. wow.
    i'm also amazed by the fact this post has only been up a couple hours and you have 78 comments already!
    you are touching many lives with your story.

  71. I am glad it was such a great day... all the way around.

  72. What a great day! Our God is sooooo good!
    Keep up the good work, tricia!

  73. SO GREAT that Tricia can have some foods she enjoys now!! That's got to help with recovery and with reaching and maintaining a healthy weight! And Gwyneth is gorgeous! Prayers of course continuing.

  74. Wow, what a perfectly wonderful day all around for the three of you! Each day heading toward more and more of lifes simple pleasures and rejoicing with you for all of it.
    Thank you Lord!

  75. Keep it up Tricia - you're a super star!!!

  76. Wow, that sounds like an almost normal day! I can't imagine how good it must feel to be out and about together! Many more of these days to come even better.

  77. Great report. The Lord has been good. While you were gone Rita's opened in Southern Shores. (I believe Tricia requested they open in the Banks.) Meka has taken over Tricia's old room. I believe she stated the bed is a little softer that the hotel. (She is loving it.)

  78. We are so happy to read that you had a good day, at clinic! We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. God bless!

    Rob, Amy, Emily, and Ryan Farrell

  79. Ohhh, we were introduced to Firehouse Subs when our daughter was in the NICU in Louisiana.

    Sadly, we don't have one in KC.

  80. Fantastic day! I am so glad that everything is going so well. Praise the Lord!

  81. I'm so happy for you guys! Glad to hear that recovery is going well! Prayers that it continues! God Bless You!

  82. All awesome, awesome news! I'm so happy that everything is moving along well, and hopefully Gwyneth will meet her weight goals very soon as well. Congratulations, and continued prayers!

  83. What great news! Glad the day went so well. And yeah on finding the Firehouse Subs!! They are quite tasty!!

    okay..question...what food has Tricia missed the most that she can now have???

    Have a great rest of the week and prayers are still going up in Texas!

  84. What a productive day-and wonderful day that Tricia had good results AND got to eat!
    Firehouse subs-good call! We enjoyed them for lunch often when we lived in Little Rock, AR.
    Continued prayers for the 3 of you!

  85. Yea for Rita's!!! Gelati is the best EVER! :) Just in time for summer - woo hoo!

  86. A most excellent day! Real food - ahhhh! Tricia - wow you are doing great!

  87. What a busy day for you two. Glad to hear that everything went well. Hope you have another great day today. (It's gorgeous here in Florida!) Cool morning temps and up in the high 70's later. Woohoo!


  88. Great report--glad to read things are going well!!

  89. Your story is so amazing and such an encouragement to me. Thanks for sharing, and may God continue to richly bless you all!

  90. Wow, what an amazing day for you both. So happy that things are going well, baby Gwyneth is so adorable.

    Lots of love to you all

  91. I'm so happy to hear all the good news! I can't wait for pictures! :)

  92. Firehouse subs do rock!!! Glad to hear such exciting news!!!!

  93. Firehouse subs do rock!!! Glad to hear such exciting news!!!!

  94. nothing like rita's to top off an excellent day!!

  95. I'm so glad that she's able to eat more foods now! I bet that is going to help lift her spirits! I'm so glad that God has healed her so well. We continue to pray for your family. :)
    ~Kim in Ohio

  96. really I think this is one of my favorite posts yet...well this in combination with Gwyneth's growth update. I can't wait to hear more good news. Have a wonderful time today just enjoying all the good news surrounding you.

  97. wow tricia! glad you were feeling so well to be out and about there. I'm sure the spring weather w/ everything blooming helps to boost your spirits too! (I know it does mine this time of year.)
    Praise the Lord for your testimony, strength and all you've been thru to get you to this point! God uses some amazing circumstances to accomplish His will in our lives. It's all made you who you are, and you must be one strong woman. what an encouragement your story has been to me personally to keep running the race.
    Prayers continue from ME

  98. how wonderful to read this!!!


  99. Praise and thanks to God for all this great news! Wow, Tricia, you just keep getting better and better. I can imagine how wonderful that first gelato must have tasted! Way to go!
    I continue to pray for your smooth and steady recovery.

  100. Firehouse Subs is the bomb diggity.

    Been awhile since you got to tag a post with the label "fun," hasn't it? God is awesome. We're still praying for great things in your lives!

  101. it is great that she had a good day. Didnt know if you knew, but they just opened up a Rita's in the marketplace.


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