
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

27 today! My first as a father! My third as a husband! I expect it will be the best ever!

If you'd like to say "Happy Birthday!" with more than words (and I totally appreciate the words!), please consider donating to my Personal CF Great Strides Fundraising Goal (click "click to donate" at the bottom of the linked page) to help insure that I also get to spend my 28th birthday with both of my girls.

Dozens of people (thank you!) have already donated, helping me reach nearly 20% of my $10,000 goal. If every person who visits this blog every day were to donate just $1, I would more than double my goal and we could literally help hundreds of thousands of people!

Thank you!



  1. Happy Birthday, Nate!! (yeaa..I think I'm the first to comment that :) :)

  2. God Bless ... and happy birthday.


  3. Happy Birthday, Nate!
    Great picture!

  4. I realize that I don't know you...

    And you don't know that I have a serious sarcastic streak...and am only teasing....but....

    That is a scary picture, Nate. Even for your birthday!

    Happy, Happy 27th. :)

    (Put Gwyneth pictures up for the fundraising.....) :) She's so adorable that she'll do a GREAT job!

    (Forgive me...she a very small and sorry voice...but with a big grin!)

  5. Happy birthday! May this be the best year yet!

  6. Happy old dude!

  7. Happy Birthday!!! I pray this is the best one yet!


  8. Hi Nate and Happy Birthday! I've been reading your blog for a few days. We have a grandson that will be 3 on Sunday that was born with CF. I am so blessed by your open and honest posts. I understand completely having faith and living faith at times. God bless your family and I am praying for all of you.

  9. Yippeee! Wishing you a wonderful birthday!

  10. I love you guys. Your daughter is bootiful! The pug thing was hilarious! Hugs to Tricia as always.

    HOPE THIS YEAR IS THE BEST ONE YET! Sounds like you already got your favorite and best present a bit early this Miss Gwyneth Rose! Eat a big piece of birthday cake for good luck! Hopefully Tricia can have a taste, too! I'd send you some of my famous birthday cupcakes if I could! Enjoy your special day amongst your loved ones, Nate!

  12. Hsppy Birthday Hope that is was a great day for you. I know it was you were with your 2 girls, the best birthday ever!!

  13. Happy Birthday Nate... May this continue to be the best year ever...

  14. hey it's my birthday too! happy birthday.
    mom to Conner, surviving twin of Braedon, born at 23 2/7 weeks

  15. Happy Birthday Nate, we are sending you a Kahuna Burger,onion rings and a chocolate malt from our restaurant overnight express, oh wait, it's still April 1st here in Calif, soorrrryyyy.

  16. Happy Birthday, Nathan! :)
    We would be happy to donate to the fund. :)

    Amy in Oregon

  17. Happy Birthday Nate!!!!!!

    Hope you get the Birthday Present that you want. :)

    Have a Blessed Day.

  18. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Nate. Loved the mini pug joke.

    (((HUGS))) to all.

  19. I just found your blog (linked from another one) and have spent the last 2 hours reading it. I'm an ICU nurse and have worked on both sides of transplant/donation. I've worked on the donation side as a procurment transplant coordinator; approaching families for consent for donation, keeping donors stable until going to the OR and placing and recovering organs for transplant. I currently am working on the "other side" as a transplant coordinator at UCLA. Your story is amazing and I'm praying that the lungs that are out there for Tricia will find her soon... I'm also a former NICU mommy as well-my daughter, Aubrey, was born 5 weeks premature and spent 1 week in the NICU-nothing compared to what you're going through but seemed like an eternity to us. I'm also a Type 1 diabetic since the age of 11. I'll be checking your blog for updates and can't wait to hear the happy news of Tricias transplant. I'm on call tomorrow and with every organ offer I get, I'll say a prayer that one is coming Tricias way as well!! Oh-and Happy Birthday!! :)


  20. Happy Birthday! You do not know me; but I have been following your blog now for about a month. I have a close friend who is in the hospital awaiting a double lung transplant for CF as well. He has twins that are 2. I love to read your blog and see God's goodness flow from heaven in all sorts of forms!! We will probably never meet this side of heaven, but I cannot wait to meet you and your beautiful girls some day (hopefully after a glorious rapture ;) ). I will gladly donate, I can't donate much but what you said about giving a dollar really hit home. I can't do anything tangible for my friend who is in the hospital 5 hours away so I pray and as I pray for him I pray for Tricia and Gwyneth and you. May God send new lungs for Tricia and as He does that, I pray He will heal my friend and get him healthy enough to get back on the transplant list and off "hold". HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  21. Happy Birthday Nathan and I am praying for all three of you. God is your strength!

  22. Happy B-day Nate! May it be it wonderful day. I received an email this morning: PUSH
    To all of us reading your blog:
    Let us all Pray Until Something Happens!

  23. Happy Birthday, Nate! I, too, loved the pug pictures yesterday. She looked SOOOO big (I thought she REALLY had grown fast!) I've been reading your blog for all of 3 days now -- and check it several times a day for updates. I know how exhausting these days are for you as I cared for my Mother in her last days and spent many exhausting days in the hospital over a span of several years. May the Lord grant you a special measure of strength for today and speedy recovery for your girls so you can go home together and begin the next chapter of your lives.

  24. A Birthday Prayer

    "I said a birthday prayer for you
    and asked the Lord to bless
    this wonderful occasion
    with love and happiness.
    I asked that He'd bestow upon you
    special Heavenly graces...
    Simple pleasures, sweet delights,
    your favorite faces.
    I prayed for you to have a year
    of great dreams coming true,
    A year of growth and wisdom
    and deep fulfillment too.
    Finally, I said a prayer
    to thank God for the way
    you enrich the lives of others
    through all you do and say".

    Have a great Birthday with your girls Nate!!!

  25. Wow, alot happened since yesterday morning. I read all the posts and am thankful they found the source of Trisha's discomfort. We'll be praying all continues to go well. The little Rose is really growing now! There will be no holding her back. Lord bless you guys and may your Birthday be the best ever.

  26. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear nate, happy birthday to you!!

    All the best mate for your 27th year :-)

  27. just left you a birthday present on your donation page :)

  28. My husband and I recently found your blog and well -- we love it! We have a chronically ill baby, and I love that my husband can see how another husband and father is "doing life" in a hospital. Your beautiful family is in our prayers!

  29. Happy Birthday, Nathan!

  30. Happy Birthday, Nate! Hope you have a wonderful day with your girls.

  31. Happy Birthday Nate! May God continue to bless you and your girls as well.

  32. Nate the snake potato cake!

    Nate Birthday triva:

    When Nate was like 2 or 3 he would hold food in his mouth after taking a bite for a long time. He would sit there at the table with a mouth full of food and not swallow for long time, long time. Kind of weird.

    Happy birthday from your favorite uncle!

  33. happy birthday funny man - tons of prayers - staci

  34. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you (and your girls) have a great day, and an even more wonderful year.

    May God bless you during this journey and beyond!

    Thanks for being a blessing to me!

    ~Shann in Michigan

  35. Happy Birthday Nate!!

    That is a very handsome picture of you, btw. Have a wonderful day!!

    Hi Tricia! I pray for you daily, sweetie.

    Heidi Reed

  36. happy birthday, nate:)

    (love the hair, btw)

    gwyneth continues to amaze me - what a rockstar she is.

    still praying for tricia's lungs!

    i hope you get lots of chances to celebrate today!


  37. Happy Birthday!!

  38. Happy Birthday Nathan!

    I hope you have a glorious day with both of your girls!

  39. Happy Birthday, Nate! I hope that God continues to bless you as He has already! may the year ahead be full of peace, health, and the joy of being with your girls!

    LOVED the pug joke was hilarious!

  40. Happy Birthday.
    I'm praying that you spend many birthdays with your girls. I can't afford to make a big donation at one time. I have went in and made a couple of smaller ones. I just wanted to share that with others. It is ok to donate more than once. I figure if I donate a few times, in smaller amounts, it's easier for me to do it and I am helping to fight this thing. Just an idea for some of you that would like to help but can't donate what you would really like to.

  41. What a looker!
    Happy Birthday, Nate.

    Love from Sarah and Nathan Tillman

  42. Thissss issss yourrr birthday song..


    it isn't very longgg!


    Happy Birthday!

  43. Happy Birthday, Nathan. I LIKE the picture.

    BTW: Good joke with the pugs. I thought there was something wrong with thaht picture.

    Glad the procedure went well with Tricia yesterday.


  44. Happy Birthday Nate! Praying for many more GREAT birthdays with your ladies!

    Love and prayers to all of you!


  45. Happy Birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday Nate! Happy Birthday to you!!!

    I hope its the best ever!


  46. Happy birthday! Praying for you and your girls in Milwaukee, WI!

  47. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day with your girls. Wishing you another year ahead filled with God's blessings!

  48. Happy Birthday, Nate!! Enjoy your special day!

  49. Happy Birthday. For your B-day enjoyment, check out this song "Let's Never Stop Falling in Love" by Pink Martini. For some reason, you and Tricia now come to mind when I listen. Also, for yet more b-day enjoyment, check out this NICU MTV Cribs spoof if you have not seen it:


  50. Happy Birthday Nate and God Bless you on this day of your birth! May you be blessed with the best birthday gift ever. . . .the phone call you've been waiting for with the "right lungs" for Tricia. We are praying for her and the donor family.

    God Bless,
    Michelle in MO

  51. Happy Birthday!

    Keep smilin!

  52. Hey Nate! Happy Birthday! I pray that if not today that here soon all your wishes come true. I don't know if you remember me or not but we have talked in the past a few times on some of the CF sites. But I read your blog regularly. And am continually praying for you and your 2 amazing girls. Cause as a Wife to a CFer I know the way you feel sometimes. God Bless you all. Only through his Grace, Kori

  53. Happy Birthday Nathan, Gods richest blessings bestowed on you and your family. Hope Tricia gets well sooner than later and Baby Gwenyth grow stronger every day. Have a wonderful, fruitful and exciting day.

  54. HaPpY bIrThDaY~~~~~~~~~~
    God Bless your family...........

  55. Gwen looks exactly like you in that picture today. That is amazing. Happy birthday. Im glad you were born, otherwise there would be no amazing gwen. have a great day.

  56. Happy Birthday you Pug Switcher!!
    God bless you and your family!

  57. Aw, Man, Nate...I'm so sorry for being silly up there. I was just teasing, but now I really feel bad for doing so.

    I've always just wanted to be a supportive, prayerful commentor; would never want to cause even a moment of thought or take any mental time away from your girls...I wanted to make you laugh, but now feel silly! Forgive me, please.

    So, there you go. (sigh.)

    On to the real message: I'm praying for Tricia today, specifically....praying that she is recovering from the drainage procedure.

  58. Well Happy Birthday Nate! Hope you have a most wonderful day.


  59. Happy Happpy Birthday Nate! :)
    May it be the most blessed one
    you've ever had!

  60. Happy Birthday! I pray that you get lots of answers to prayer as your present!

  61. Happy Birthday Nate!
    April 2nd is a great day for a birthday! (It's my 26th birthday today also!)I have been reading your blog for several months now. I live in Birmingham, AL and I am about to graduate from medical school at UAB and start my residency training in Pediatrics. I am also a fellow believer who has been inspired by your faith as well as the faithfulness of our great God to you and your family. In following your story, I have learned so much about CF and prematurity, especially the daily living aspects of it, that I could never learn in medical school or read about in a textbook. Thank you for sharing! I am praying for you and your family! May you be blessed today!

  62. Happy Birthday...I made a donation :) Here's to a wonderful day!!!

  63. Happy Birthday! Hope this year is even better than the last!

  64. Happy Birthday Nate!!!

    Jennifer in Ohio

  65. Happy Birthday Nate!! You share the same birthday as my brother. May this year be your best one yet as you share it with your girls!

  66. Happy Birthday! Your $1 idea is genious :-)

  67. Wishing you a very happy birthday! Your wife and daughter are so lucky to have such a great man in their lives! You are truly a blessing to so many! Have a great day with your family!

  68. My husband's Uncle sings this to each of us on our birthday. I'll share it with you!

    "Happy Birthday to you,
    A Happy Birthday to you.
    May you find Jesus near
    Every day of the year.
    A Happy Birthday to you,
    A Happy Birthday to you.
    And the best one you've ever had!"

    God Bless You Nate!
    (And Tricia & Gwyneth, too!)

  69. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a super day!

  70. Happy Birthday!!! I didn't realize you were so young. I mean, I am only 25 so who am I to say young (LOL). Hope you have a great day!

  71. happy birthday! you don't know me, but I found your blog though another blog. your story is amazing! I will pray everyday for Tricia's health and for Gweneth to grow strong and healthy.

  72. question for you WHEN you do a Q&A

    What is the swaddle wrap they have the baby in? Do you get to take it home? Is it helping her grow better/more by not moving?


  73. Happy Birthday, Nate! I hope you enjoy many more with both of your girls...(Just donated on the CF site)

  74. Happy 27th Birthday. 1981 was a good year, same year I was born.

  75. Nate, just left you a birthday present on the donation site. Thank you for challenging me to put "feet" to my prayers. May you have an awesome day with your girls!

  76. Happy Birthday! You got me with the pictures, I was amazed at how big she was....Kudos!

  77. Wishing you many blessings on your birthday!

  78. Happy Birthday!! Hope that you have a most enjoyable day.

  79. Happy Birthday, Nathan! It is a special day for me too, My husband and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary today. I made a small donation towards your CFF goal, hope it helps!

  80. Today is a WONDERFUL day for a is my hubby's b-day, too...although, he's an old man, he's 34!! I'm making a "giant cupcake" for his birthday...I'll put a candle on it for you, too! Happy Birthday, Nate...praying your wife gets those new lungs for your birthday! What a wonderful birthday gift!

    PS...I haven't made the sling yet, I've had sick kiddos all week, mine and my childcare family...I'll get to it soon, I promise!

  81. Happy Birthday to you!!! Only two years older than I am. :-)

    Have some signs I'd like to email you-- after I find them on the internet. You probably can guess what those signs/words would be ;-).

    Also, have an off-the-point question I'd like to ask in the email as well.

    Of course, no rush in responding back! Enjoy your day! :-)


  82. Have a fantastic birthday!!!!

  83. Happy Birthday Nathan, It's my birthday too! :) I don't always comment, But I'm always checking in and your sweet little family is always in my prayers! Enjoy your day!

  84. Just donated!
    (but wouldn't it be a plan to insert a PayPal button?)
    Have a Heineken on us!

  85. It is my privilege to donate to this cause. Your blog and family have touched my heart. My company has a contribution matching program, so I will submit my contribution receipt to them for matching approval. You should receive notice of this through email or possibly snail mail. I need your physical mailing address to complete the required paperwork. Can you please email me at tammy_leino AT mentor DOT com.

  86. Happy Birthday!! My son shares your special day. He turned 4 this morning.

    I agree that a PayPal buttom would be a great idea.

  87. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great day!

  88. Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    Hope you get all you wished and prayed for this year! Believe in dreams, they will come true!

  89. Happy Birthday Nate!!! Enjoy your day with your beautiful girls.

  90. Nathan,

    I've tried several times to donate for your walk. I am interested in giving still. Maybe I can PayPal you the money and you can add it yourself? My email is , It is only $5.00CDN but every little bit helps. Sorry I can't give more, but I really truly hope this will help.



  92. They must be having a fun day in the CFF office...your fund for Great Strides has more than doubled since I checked it last night! WooHoo! ...and now for those lungs...praying for peace in the waiting for you! Don't think you will ever forget your 27th birthday!!

  93. Happy Birthday little cousin! Casey was due to be born on April 1st, but his birthday turned out to be the 12th. So, you two are incredibly close in age. We both pray this will be the best birthday yet for you and that Tricia will get her beautiful, healthy new lungs. Praying for the three of you, the donor and family, the transplant team, and everyone else involved in this process. Praying you will be surrounded by angels and saints praying for your much needed miracle. We love and miss you guys. Talk to you soon! God's precious love and peace to you (especially today!), Amy and Casey

  94. Only like half-way through your birthday and you're already almost at half your goal!

  95. Happy Birthday Nate!

    You and your family are always in our thoughts & prayers.

    From a long term lurker!

  96. Happy Birthday Nate!

    You and your family are always in our thoughts & prayers.

    From a long term lurker!

  97. Happy Birthday from Dallas!!! From what I just read on the next post, it could be a GREAT birthday!!!! You made a good point about raising money for CF...if all of us just gave a little, it would add up to a lot!!!!! Praying for all 3 of you!!!!!!

  98. Happy Birthday! You are just a couple months younger than me ;)

  99. I just read Andy's comment. I remember the diaper changes as well. tho, I did more than just one!!! You used to hold your breathe til you almost turned blue scaring me half to death. I'm sure you remember that. Love you.

  100. Happy Birthday!! May you get the best birthday present ever, good news from the tx team!

  101. A very Happy Birthday to you Nate...and I wish you many Healthy and happy ones more!!!

  102. happy birthday- you share a birthday with one of the BEST men in the entire world (my husband!)- so you're in good company. my mom always says that he's "almost a fool"- it fits his personality

  103. Happy Birthday! I sure hope you get a great call regarding the Transplant for your birthday. What an awesome gift that would be.

  104. Happy Birthday Nate. Next year's will be at home with your 2 girls!!! I'll eat some cake and ice cream for you. Ummmmm.

    Jamie in Texas

  105. PS Hey Nate, guess you were your momma and daddy's April Fool!! (missed by 1 day) hehehe ;-)

    (sorry, but I hadda do it!!)
    Love and prayers to you all

  106. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE!! I absolutely LOVE the birthday gift idea! I think I will do that with my family this year for my birthday. Hoping and praying you get the best birthday gift ever.


  107. Happy Birthday to you,
    a happy birthday to you.
    Every day of the year
    May you feel Jesus near.
    A happy birthday to you,
    a happy birthday to you.
    And the best year you've ever had!

    Praying for many more b-day's with your sweet girls!

  108. Happy Birthday! As requested, I donated. Such an incredibly worthy cause! I look forward to each post on your blog.

  109. WOW--your b-day and there's that HUGE possibility of a Tx happening? Now, THAT'S one grand way to celebrate! Blessings! And may God continue to bless your life in HUGE ways in this new year year of your life!

  110. Hope our donation lets you see how much your story has blessed our family. Thank you for giving us a sweeter picture of Jesus. We're praying for Tricia's surgery right now.

  111. Happy Happy Birthday and may God continue to bless you and your family!

    (aka DoK)

  112. What an eventful birthday you have had so far!!! Happy Birthday to you and lots of prayers for your family!

  113. Happy Birthday Nate! Praying for all of you tonight!

  114. Happy birthday to one very special Dad and Husband

  115. Isn't that just like God! To give your honey new lungs for your birthday! How wonderful. Praying all goes well.

    I love the new pic of 'waiting for mommy' when Gwyneth has her hand by her face, plus the one of you on your birthday. Oh of course the one of all three of you! Beautiful.



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