
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

TX CALL #2!!!

The transplant team just walked into our room (10:45 am) and told us that they have another pair of lungs that they are flying out to look at. Based on the little into they gave us, these sound more promising than the last, but there's always a chance this could be another dry run.

We won't know anything for sure until at least mid-afternoon, and if it's a go Tricia should be in surgery by this evening. I'll update as soon as I know something.

Tricia is, understandably, more apprehensive about this call than the last, but we are both praying that this is the one!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for us, our families and friends, the transplant team and the donor and family.



  1. Wow - what a birthday gift that would be! Praying!!!

  2. Praying for you all! I read your whole blog over the course of a few days this past week - WOW! You are both such an inspiration! May God bless you and give you the peace only HE can give!

  3. Wouldn't that be a great birthday present? Good luck!

  4. Praying without ceasing! Looking forward to hearing any news! Happy Birthday Nate! Keeping your wonderful little family in my prayers as always!

  5. What a great birthday gift this may turn out to be!

  6. AWESOME!!
    Praying ....
    (oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. Well, that certainly would be a Happy Birthday to you. Praying, praying, praying!

  10. Your family and the donor family will be in my prayers. dp

  11. we will be praying that this pair will "fit" Tricia better. We're hoping for the best!!

    I've been through the transplant process with my "heart" friends, so I kind of know what to expect with organ donation. I know this time can be hard, but when we all look back on this in a year and see how far everyone has come, this is just one of God's tests, ya'll can do this! But, nonetheless I'm praying for ya'll!

  12. I really hope that this is the one! Praying for you guys and for the grieving family.

    PS what a great bday present, huh? :)

  13. Praying for God's will to be done!

  14. Praying and wow...your dad made a reference to this on his blog last night.

  15. What a fabulous birthday present this would be. Keeping our fingers crossed that thesea are the ones!

  16. Great news!!!

    This afternoon I will be on my knees before the Lord on behalf of your family and the donors.

  17. Oh, wow!!!!! Hang in there, Tricia, you can do it!! Prayers!

  18. Oh, wow!!!!! Hang in there, Tricia, you can do it!! Prayers!

  19. Great news! We will be praying!!

  20. we are praying for you all! That would be an incredible birthday gift for your family.

  21. What a wonderful gift this would be for your 27th birthday! You all are in our thoughts and prayers!

  22. My boys and I just prayed this morning before starting our homeschool day that God would provide Tricia with new lungs very soon. And we dropped everything to pray again when I checked in and saw your update. Hoping this is the happiest birthday ever!
    "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, that you may be filled to overflowing with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Rom. 15:13

    "Now may the Lord of peace, Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with you all." II Thess. 3:16

  23. Praying...Praying...Praying...

  24. Praying Praying Praying!! Please update us as soon as you are able.


  25. Praying for you all! And what an awesome birthday gift that would be for you! :)

  26. Prayers continuing for all involved.

  27. Dear Nate and Tricia,

    We are praying that these lungs will be the perfect match for you, Tricia! What a wonderful birthday present that would be, for you, Nathan! Praying, praying, praying!!

  28. "Oh Lord Jesus,
    We lift up the family of the loved one that has died and at the same time we ask that this be the set of lungs Tricia so desperately needs. Cuddle her close and let the hours pass quickly with peace in abundnance, as her and Nate wait to find out if this is IT or not!

  29. Praying for a birthday miracle for you and Tricia. Praying for peace for the donor's family. Keeping you all heavy on my hearts.

  30. Oh my goodness! Praying that this is it!

  31. Praying that this not not a dry run and if it is, I pray you all are not discouraged.

  32. praying tricia and nate.wouldn't this be a great birthday present?

  33. Praying....wouldn't that just be the coolest birthday present, ever?!

  34. I am a long time "lurker" and a first time poster - my deepest prayers that these are THE lungs!! What a beautiful birthday present that would be!!

  35. Wow!! Praying that this is the one. Happy birthday to you!!

  36. What a cool b'day present this could be! Your wife being able to breath better! Be praying for you

  37. Praying big for you here in Texas! Know that you and Tricia have sooo many Saints around the world coming to the throne of God on your behalf!

  38. I do not personally know you, but I one day stumbled along your blog. And I've been keeping up with it ever since. Also, through reading about your lives, I have decided to become an organ donor. I am not sure why I was not one before this, I'm 22. But all I know is that I want to know that because of my death, someone else was able to live...that is the message that was givin when Christ died for us. Because of His death and resurrection, we are able to live!!! Thank you for inspiring me to be an organ donor!

  39. What a wonderful birthday gift those lungs would be! AWESOME! Praying that these are the ones...

  40. Praying that this is it! And what an amazing birthday gift that would be! Tricia, hang in there!
    Praying that these would be your new lungs.

    Jen Ray

  41. Wow! What a birthday present that will be-sending out a call to prayer for you guys!

  42. Praying that these are the lungs that are meant for Tricia. What an awesome birthday gift they would be for both of you.

  43. Well, that's about the greatest birthday present ever.

    Praying for you!!!

  44. Praying that this is it and that the moments until you find out for sure pass quickly.

  45. Pryaing for the best birthday gift you could ever wish for!


  46. What an amazing birtday present that only GOD could provide! Happy Birthday Nate, hope this is your best ever! We will be praying!!

  47. Praying for Tricia, you, and the donor family. I really hope that these lungs are the 'perfect fit' for Tricia and that the three of you can get out of the hospital soon and get back to enjoying 'real life' vs. 'hospital life'

    Oh, and Happy Birthday!!!

  48. Praying for you in Saskatchewan! May the good Lord bless you with an awesome birthday present and may He be with you and your family as the day unfolds...

  49. Praying that these are the perfect fit!! And, the very happiest birthday wishes!
    ~ Lisa and Mike (in NJ)

  50. Praying so hard here in OH! What a wonderful birthday gift this could be!!

  51. Well...Could you have wished for anything more for your birthday? Praying hard that they are the perfect match!

  52. Praying that these will be the lungs God has chosen for Tricia. What a birthday present that would be! I'll put my visit on hold until further notice. Love, Barbara

  53. Ahhh!! Praying!!!! Hope this is it!

    Would be such a neat b-day gift for ya, Nate! Happy Birthday!

    Hoping everybody is well and getting enough rest. Is Tricia feeling much better after the drainage of her pneumothorax?

    Will be checking in often!

    Comfy hugs,
    Marissa :-)

  54. Praying! Wouldn't that just be the best birthday present for you!

  55. I've got my fingers crossed! That would make an awesome birthday present!!

  56. Praying for the best birthday present
    ever, and for the donor's family.

  57. What a wonderful Birthday Present that would be! Praying that Tricia gets her new lungs and for the donor family!

  58. Praying that these will be the lungs God has chosen for Tricia. What a birthday present that would be! I'll put my visit on hold until further notice. Love, Barbara

  59. Hope Tricia gets a gift on your birthday.

  60. Hoping this is the one!! Sending you hugs and prayers!

  61. praying... seriously, what a great birthday gift!

  62. Storming heaven with prayers that this is the big match!

  63. Well, I guess you always had one extra candle on your cake - because this would be the best birthday wish come true!

    Will be thinking of you!

  64. wow! i am praying for you here in NJ...i have been following your blog since about a week before gwyneth was born, i have friends that know tricia or her family...i have never commented before, but i am so touched by your family, and being a mom and a nurse, i am so anxious for tricia to have her transplant and to be able to start to do all of the great mom things!

  65. We'll be praying for you here in Chattanooga! My cousin's twin boys have CF and though I don't live at home anymore and haven't been really involved in the effort, you and Tricia have inspired me to really stop and pray for them on a regular basis and provide support in any way that I can.

  66. We are praying these are the lungs!

  67. Hmph. And here I thought my gift to you was gonna be the best...


    Praying for you guys. Wish we could be there.

  68. PRAYING!!!!!! Oh what a birthday pressie THAT would be!!!!

    GOD IS ABLE!!!!!

  69. I'm praying that this would be your greatest birthday present ever! Your will be done God in this situation and in all!

  70. PRAYING!!!!!! YEE HAW!!!

    (Happy Birthday too!)

  71. praying for blessings today on your birthday! (these lungs!)

  72. Praying for everything and everyone! May God give Tricia peace and new lungs!

  73. Oh - I so hope that this is it for you. Praying here for God's will.

  74. Praying here in RI.. what a wonderful gift that would be for your birthday, for your entire family!

  75. I know it's hard not to get your hopes up. Happy Birthday!

  76. Praying here that these are Tricia's lungs! What an amazing gift that would be for your birthday!!!

  77. Praying for a set that will be good for Tricia!! Can't wait for the update.

  78. Praying that these lungs are a match for Tricia and also praying for the donor family. What a great birthday present this would be!!!

  79. Praying for your family and the donor's family as well. Dana J

  80. PRAYERS ARE COMING YOUR WAY- that would be the best birthday gift ever!

  81. I seriously have chills. How cool would it be for Trica to receive her new lungs on Nathan's b-day. We'll be praying!!!

  82. Praying Praying!! God is Good!!

  83. Praying in GA!

    BTW Happy Birthday, Nate!

  84. I have been reading your blog for a little over a month now and anxiously awaited news about the last transplant call.

    This morning, as I waited for my computer to boot up and open your blog, something in me told me that today would be the day you would get another call.

    I'll be praying for you and Tricia all day.

  85. Praying hard, for Tricia, you, Gwyneth, your families, and for the family of the donor who made that amazing decision to donate.

    Becky, Adrian, Seren & Dylan xxx

  86. Praying praying praying for the best birthday present ever!!

  87. We are praying that you get the best birthday present ever, a new set of lungs for your love!

  88. Praying, praying, praying for the best birthday present ever.... Tricia, my thoughts are with you, may God keep you strong through all of this... Nate, you too!! Love that cute little Gwyneth, she looks to be growing like a weed... :)

  89. wow, what an amazing birthday gift this would be for your family. Praying really hard in georgia!

  90. I have never posted before, but I have been following your story since the end of December. I am keeping you all in my prayers and I am hoping that this time the call is for real! This would be the ultimate birthday gift for you Nate!

  91. Oh yah!!!! We were just praying for Tricia and Gwenyth a half hour ago at breakfast. We will stop and pray right now that these lungs are definitely for Tricia. Hugs being sent your way!! P.S. You got me on the April's fools pics of baby Gwenyth! I said to myself, "Wow! She really is bigger!" And then I scrolled up to see that you tricked us with a mini-pug. Stinker!!
    Stacy :-)

  92. Praying that you get the BEST birthday present ever!!!
    Prayin' Prayin' Prayin'

  93. I'm praying for you guys during the waiting time and asking God that these are His gift-lungs for Tricia.

  94. I'm a long time reader, but I've never commented before. I just wanted to let you know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope this is the real deal. What a great birthday gift to you! You are all true inspirations, and I'm praying for the best!

  95. Saying a prayer for all of you!

  96. Wow, praying in Wales for y'all...I missed the last one to pray for b/c of the time difference, so I'm glad to up for this one! Will check back later.

    and Happy Bday to you.

  97. This would be an awesome birthday gift for you. Then you can both celebrate birthdays on the same day. Good Luck ! We are praying !!!!

  98. Praying hard! What an incredible birthday gift that would be!

  99. As I pulled up this webpage - I had the thought that Tricia would get THE CALL today. Praying for you all.

  100. just finished praying that these lungs will be hers tonight and for peace for you guys & for the donor's family (and i'll continue praying throughout the day). ~shannon

  101. I'm praying for a match and Happy Birthday Nate....

  102. That's wonderful! I really hope it works out this time!

  103. Lord we continue to lift every moment of this day up to you, for your Glory God,
    we ask for your covering over every detail and person involved at this time as we wait in joyful anticipation of what you will do.
    We ask boldly Father that this be the day for Tricia, Nate, and Gwyneth, in your name we pray...


    What a bday gift! I will be thinking of you and praying for the donor and the family, they are giving the ulitmate gift.

    Praying for a MATCH and nice, healthy lungs!

  105. Praying out here in Arizona for you guys!

  106. Everlasting prayers for both of you, and your families!!!

  107. Happy Birthday, Nate!!

    Praying that these lungs are "the ones" and that later today (or tomorrow) we'll get to hear that Tricia is out of surgery and starting the road to recovery.

    Keeping the donor's family in my prayers as well.

  108. What a wonderful birthday present that would be.

    Praying without ceasing.

    Myra in Florida.

  109. praying for the donors family, all those doctors, nurses & assorted other staff involved in this whole process and of course as always your family!!!

  110. What a wonderful birthday present that would be. I know that you would give up birthday presents forever if Tricia could be healthy anyway. Praying that this is the real deal! Blessings!

  111. I am hoping and praying that these lungs are a match!

  112. I'm certainly praying these are the lungs God has for Tricia! Thanks for the update!

  113. Best Birthday Ever!!!! Will keep praying for all of you and the donor family!!

  114. Haven't even introduced myself to you and your wife, but wanted to quickly tell you that I am praying for you and for God to orchestrate a miracle! Just got introduced to your blog from a friend and enjoy your writing style and your sense of humour!

    Prayers are flying heavenward from Oshawa Ontario Canada (Just outside Toronto!)

    Carol Churchill

  115. WOOOHOOOOOOOO! I'm forwarding this to everyone I know so they can send prayers, good vibes, etc etc your way! Hang in there guys! I have a feeling...this is the one!

  116. Wow! Praying hard for the best birthday gift ever!!!!

  117. My heart just skipped a jump when I read the intro...
    Will check back a lot to find out what is happening!
    Happy Birthday Nate!

  118. praying praying praying! and happy birthday too :)

  119. Praying for you. What an amazing birthday present that would be for you, Nate!

  120. wow that would be the best birthday gift for you ever! You will be in my thoughts and prayers all day. Cant wait for an update!

  121. Praying as always...Happy thoughts


  122. God is always on time ... I am praying praying praying ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Praying, praying, praying, praying joyfully!!!!

  123. Wow - what a birthday present that would be, Nate! Thinking of you both and praying that these lungs are the ones meant for Tricia, and that she will not be too anxious while you are waiting to find out. Will be checking back for updates. X

  124. My first thought this morning when I read it was your birthday was "What an awesome birthday present new lungs would be!". I pray the Lord will hold you all very close today! May the peace that surpasses understanding prevail in your hearts.

  125. what an awesome birthday gift if this works out today- I was just talking to my husband about you this moring saying I really hoped that Tricia got her lungs soon- My team for Great Strides is building as we speak! We are "Walkin' for Tricia"

  126. Praying for a PERFECT match!!! I'm glad I was too early on my birthday wish...I think it is fate! Also, praying for your and Tricia's patience during this time of waiting for GOOD news and again for the tx team's knowledge and discretion.

    Really enjoyed reading the analogy that 'wannaseejesus' made:
    "Because of His death and resurrection, we are able to live!!!"
    What a great tribute and message for organ donation month and having just celebrated Easter.

    Looking forward to your next post!

    refreshing in ohio

  127. This would be an awesome birthday present! I say this with some apprehension, because it could, as you said, be a dry run.....! Praying for you and Tricia! God has a plan!

  128. We're praying for you!! Hopefully this will be your best birthday ever :)

  129. Happy birthday to you! Wow! What an amazing gift! We'll be praying for her.

  130. what a great b-day present that would be! we're praying for you guys!!!!! we love you!!!!!!

  131. WHATEVER the outcome- know that prayers will be said, faith tightened, and love being sent from all over the world- not just to Tricia, but to the family of the organ donor as well.

  132. This could end up being a great birthday present! (Seriously-how many people have written that?)
    Still, true enough.
    Praying for Tricia-and all of you. Hope this is the real thing.

  133. Praying again!!

    God, May your will be done.

  134. My 8yo daughter & I just prayed for you. She says, "I really hope these lungs work, and we're praying for you every day. And Gwyneth, too."

  135. I have tingles down my spine...

    Praying that this is THE set for Tricia and many prayers for the donor family as well.

    ((((((Tricia & Nate)))))))

  136. We are praying in Fond du Lac, WI!!!

    Dennis, Jodi, Sam and Emma

  137. Awesome! Prayers in Columbus, OH! You guys are loved!

  138. I will be praying so much! How amazing would it be if this actually happened on your birthday? I'm sure you couldn't ask for a better birthday gift!

    May God give you strength for whatever lies ahead today.

  139. Thank you Jesus that this is all in your hands!

    Will keep praying...

  140. Praying!!!! What a great birthday present for you!

  141. Hi Nate! My husband and I have been following your blog for a few months now and have been anxiously reading and praying for your family ever since. We actually went to Nags Head church this fall when we were vacationing, not knowing anything about your situation. What a small world! We pray that your family would continue to be richly blessed as you wait today. Looking forward to hear how it goes! (Happy Birthday, too!) -Melissa and Bobby

  142. What an awesome birthday gift that would be! Thoughts and prayers for all of you!

  143. I'm praying this is God's birthday gift to Nate ... may you all be filled with peace as you wait.

  144. As I was about check your blog, I thought to myself that it would be a wonderful birthday present to the 2 of you if it happened today. Hoping and Praying that these are the lungs for her.

  145. Oh I am so praying that this set is Tricia's! What a birthday present that would be for you!
    Tears in my eyes, prayers in my heart!

  146. praying...for you and the donor family...

    What a wonderful birthday gift this may be!!! The best ever!!!!

  147. What a great birthday gift this would be! I'm praying!

  148. Praying for God's will to be done!

  149. Hello!
    I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and have been "lurking" ever since ... just wanted to let you know I woke up in the middle of the night last night with Trica on my mind ... I started praying --I just couldn't shake the feeling that there was a transplant going to begin shortly so I've been praying especially for the transplant... I get online this morning and see there very well maybe a transplant in the near future!:) the LORD bless you all!

  150. Great news. Praying and keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you guys that everyones prayers are answered today.

    Happy Birthday.

  151. praying for you, trish, and the donor's family.

  152. Praying that this is it and that everything goes well.

    Praying, too, for Tricia and your peace of mind and for God to keep your spirits calm as you wait.

  153. ACK! The excitement!! Praying here!

  154. Praying for new lungs! Praying for you all as you wait, and also for the donor's family.

  155. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get a birthday present you'll never forget! Tricia, if I could take your anxiety from you I would!

    Kerry in Wichita

  156. I'm de-lurking to let you know that I'm praying... joining the many who are doing just that....

  157. Praying lots here! What a wonderful birthday present that would be!!!!

  158. I am praying that these are the ones!!!! God is good and he will bless you both indeed!

  159. I am praying this will be it Nate, what a wonderful birthday this will be.

  160. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

    Anastasia, Pascal and Juliet send big hugs to Tricia,
    (Juliet loved the joke with the little pug!)

    and '' Bon anniversaire'' Nathan!

  161. Oh my goodness! Waiting on the edge of my seat and praying for everyone involved.

  162. Will be praying! Not only for you and the news that you are wanting, but for the donor family as they face the future without their loved one.

  163. Wow that would be an awesome birthday present for you! Praying for you and the donor's family!

    Hope you have a great day!

  164. I just wanted to say I've been reading your blog for awhile now and you both are a true inspiration to me. I am truly praying that Tricia gets her new lungs today and I wish this to be the best birthday ever! Thanks for sharing your amazing story with us.

  165. I'll be in prayer for this!!!!!!!!! I'm glad I checked the updates!

    Can't wait for the next update!


  166. Nate and Tricia
    Please know that you I pray for you guys everyday and I will pray extra long and extra hard today. I know that whatever happens I have to trust that God knows what he is doing. Keep us updated on the progress. If the lungs are a go Nate you better watch out because Tricia will be running circles around you in no time!

    God Bless

  167. Wow!! What a roller coaster!! What a birthday gift!!! Praying in Canada.

  168. keeping you in my prayers!

  169. Squeal! So excited!

    Praying and jumping up and down,

    Sarah Tillman


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