
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

White Rose Blooming (12 Weeks)

Every Tuesday while you're in the hospital, we'll take a picture with your pug so that everyone can see how much you are growing!

You are still a little bit bigger than 12 inches long, and you weigh 2lbs 7oz!!!

Your twelfth week was an exciting one. You were breathing on your own nearly all week, and it looks like you'll never need help again. Your eyesight is beginning to improve, thanks to a laser eye treatment. You ate from the bottle for the first time this morning, and you loved it! And, you gained nearly half a pound this week!

Your Pop Pop got to hold you for the first time this week! You also got your first real bath, and both your mommy and daddy got to help clean and dry you. And, you mommy changed your diaper for the very first time.

In the next week, we're praying that you'll continue growing and that you'll learn to eat completely with the bottle and get rid of that feeding tube.

We love you!

Compare our Blessed White Rose at:

2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks


  1. It makes my heart smile to see the pictures every week.

  2. Oh my gosh! I went back and looked at her 2 week pics and I cannot believe how big she has gotten!!

  3. Oh my gosh! She's HUGE!!! I cannot believe the difference in the last two weeks! Way to go Gwyneth!


  4. That pug is looking smaller and smaller. Good job Gwenyth!! Grow Baby GROW!!

  5. Holy cow! I almost want to ask if you switched out pugs on us!

    good job, Gwenyth!

  6. Is that the same pug?? Thats amazing how much she's grown. What a beautiful little girl :)

  7. Absolutely amazing! We will be praying in agreement with you!

  8. This is the first week that I've really noticed a BIG difference! I love her little onsie she is wearing too! I can't imagine your excitment about being able to participate in her feedings soon! We're delivering our 11th by c-sec next week...I told Daniel (dh) that he had better check your blog everyday for me while I'm in the hospital and keep me up to date :) Praying every day!

  9. Are you sure that is the same pug???Maybe April 1st has something to do with. it. :-) Praying for you all, Donna

  10. Wow, she is getting so big, especially when you compare week 2 and this week... the pug is starting to look a whole lot smaller.
    She is such a cutie :)!

  11. That little pug is going to look like a little speck before you know it!

  12. This has gotta be an April Fool's joke! That's not the same pug, is it? >;0) In any case, she is growing so well. She looks so healthy and beautiful as ever. I know you guys are so proud of your precious girl! Continued prayers!

  13. WOW!!!!!!!! She has grown so beautifully - longer and filling out and such a little love - that pug is actually much smaller than I supposed! Nice going little Gwyneth. Hope Mommy starts feeling much better very soon - know some tall skinny white GIRLS who have had their share of collapsed lungs - they feel much better in a few day. Praying Mommy gets those lungs soon and you keep on thriving like you always have - Mommy and Daddy want to feed you the bottle!

  14. Is this an April Fool's joke...that pug is looking alot smaller than last week...or Gwenyth grew alot this week!

    It is a blessing to watch her growing week to week though. Praise God!

  15. Oh my gosh. . . how did this happen!? The pug shrunk!!! :-D

  16. ha,ha! I went back and looked at her 11 week pictures. You lil stinker. Happy April Fool's Day! >:0) Good one!

  17. amazing:) beautiful baby girl you got there. The diffrence even from last week is amazing. Great job growing baby girl.

  18. How very neat Nate. She is growing each and every day! I can not wait till you bring home your two girls, I have a neat trick to teach you to show Gwyneth that will be hours of fun on Jockey's Ridge. It is called bread tray boarding. When I was a young boy we used to do it all the time on the Hill. We would slide down the slopes on the fiberglass trays they delivered bread on.

    Continued prayers for improvement and health.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Oh my gosh, she is getting so big!Its hard to believ she was so tiny, i had to go back to week 2!! Congrats on the great growth sweet girl
    Sending lots of love from seattle

  21. I love the *new* Pug :p

    Yay for growing and eating from a bottle this week! Just amazing.

  22. Yes and Happy Fools Day to you too!

  23. My goodness...she has really grown! My kids pray for her every night and ask every day how she's doing. :)

  24. She is so BIG!! I just love that you post these updates (for her some day and for us now!). Thanks for sharing this wonderful, beautiful journey with us.

    May the Lord bless you with peace and comfort tonight.

  25. YOU LITTLE STINKER. I just realized that there is NO TAG ON THIS LIL PUG. ALSO THE EARS ARE BROWN AND NOT BLACK. :) You are the ONLY one that has got me today.

  26. I predict now that she loves the bottle she's going to be a eating maniac! I love the dress..shes' beautiful

  27. Wow--this is amazing. She is just too darn cute for words & my how big she has gotten.

  28. She has gotten so big! That was such a great idea to take her photo with the pug.

  29. Hmmmm.... that pug looks a bit different... leave it to you to try to prank us! But Gwenyth does look great! She seems to be plumping out a little bit and her color is wonderful! Praise God!

  30. She suddenly looks like a giant to me, although I know she is still such a tiny little thing. Go Gwenyth!

  31. WOW!!! That was a good one.

    I will admit to having to look back several times to make sure it was a smaller pug!!

    I wondered if you would try something today!!

    Props to you for making me a "fool" today!

    Thanks for the updates!

    ~Shann in Michigan

  32. Okay, okay, I also noticed the tag seemed to have disappeared. I forgot it was April Fool's Day.

  33. That seriously cannot be the same pug! It's too short compared to her little mat (compared to last week), it's head isn't nearly as overly big as the normal pug (and it doesn't hold its head the same way), and it's missing it's tag! Happy April Fool's, lol!

    HOWEVER, Gwenneth is certainly looking quite a bit bigger compared to last week, ignoring the fact her companion is incorrect! :-)

    Continuing to pray for you all,

  34. that's not the same pug... :)
    there is a tag on the one in the other photos and the ears used to be standing up.

    but she still is growing and looks great!

  35. WOW! Praise God. Gwyneth is doing marvelous! It is so amazing to see how much she has grown. I'm so glad that she is breathing on her own, and is getting a bottle. Hearing such wonderful news makes my heart so happy. What a beautiful little miracle!

  36. She looks awesome! It is so nice to see her in a little outfit:) Keep Growing Gwyneth! Tricia, Feel Better, your baby is the best.

  37. Gwenyth DOES look like a little piggie!! Even from last week, you can tell that 1/2 pound! Way to go Ms.Thang:)

  38. Happy three month birthday, Gwyneth!

    2 pounds, 7 ounces is great news! You have been through a lot in your first three months, but you have won the hearts of so many as we have watched your daily struggles and progress. You are very blessed with the love of God,
    family, and friends. Many people -like me - who do not know you or your parents personally, have become invested in praying for you and keeping up with your daily progress. What a wonderful thing it is to be part of the family of Christ! We pray that you will serve Him all of your life.

  39. She is so beautiful. I know God has much in store for her. Tricia, you just keep hanging on. My heart just broke for you when I heard your lung collapsed. Again, I can sympathize with the pain and the uncomfortableness of a chest tube. Nate, your doing a great job!

  40. All right, AlL right - at least I am in good company with getting fooled. She's still growing..praise the Lord!

  41. Wooo-hoooo!!! Look mom and dad!....(almost) no tubes!!! I hope you have her little suitcase packed.. looks like she's on her way outta that NICU! LOVE the onesie too!

  42. Nate & Tricia-

    Gwyneth looks FABULOUS!!!!! Is that the sammmmeeee pug!?!?!? Are you sure the pug didn't have "stuffed baby pugs?!?!?"

    She looks absolutely gorgeous,and praise God for the precious time that you and your family got to spend with her!

  43. Oh I totally got fooled too! But she is beautiful none the less!

  44. Happy April Fool's Day! Can't wait until she's that big compared to the Momma Pug... Praying that the coming week is the best yet!

  45. Wow!!! your little rose is growing like a weed! love the pictures. Amazing to compare how much she has grown from last week! :)jen in al

  46. She is amazing!!! She is finally bigger then her Webkinz!!! My kids have those and we have been comparing her size to their Webkinz. God is so good. It is encouraging to see her continue to do so well. My hubby said he prayed for Trish today and I told him about the procedure she had done. Even when we don't know exactly what's going on each minute, God prompts us to pray.
    We will continue to pray for you, Trish, and that beautiful baby of yours! Julie and John and family

  47. Wow!! Such a big growth spurt this week! Grow baby Grow!!

  48. Nate and Tricia, The puppy looks so small now! I can't believe how big she has gotten. Still praying for Tricia's lungs that they will come soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

    Love The Hagers in Michigan

  49. Terry said, "When I was a young boy we used to do it all the time on the Hill. We would slide down the slopes on the fiberglass trays they delivered bread on."

    And he wants to teach you how to do that.... Terry's no young boy any more. That's all I have to say about that. But if he does, I want to see the bread tray.

  50. Holy cow!! Are you SURE that's the same pug??? LOL She looks sooo big now!! Way to go Gwyneth (and God!!!)!!!

  51. do you know what my first reaction was? that has GOT to be a different, smaller pug! yay, gwenyth!

  52. Aww...I just went back and looked closer and realized that it is not the same pug. Good one - you definately fooled me! :)

    I'm a fan of April Fool's jokes. Last year at this time I had a 25 weeker in the hospital that was also born weighing 1 pound 6 ounces. I stunned many friends and family when I posted on his blog that I was pregnant again - a mere 6 weeks after his birth.

  53. Love the onesie Gwyn has on and her hair is gorgeous. She is so cute and is definitely growing bigger by the week... Finally she beats the pug! Wowzie!

    Marissa :-)

  54. YOu know, Mr. Pug is looking kind of small these days! Grow Baby Grow!

  55. Wow!!! She looks amazing!! What a blessing! Will keep you guys in our prayers.... but we are sooo happy for you!! Praise the Lord!!

    Kellee & Jeremy

  56. Oh, good grief! You got me too, with that silly little pug. I wondered!

  57. WOW! She has grown soo much, what a sweet, sweet little girl!

  58. Wait a min, I was just checking back to the older pictures and that pug definitely does NOT look the same! Sheesh, you got us-- April Fool's Day! :-P

    Nevertheless, Gwyn is definitely growing. When are you gonna post the ones with the original pug?! ;-)

    Marissa :-)

  59. She is getting so big! I love her sweet soft hair...God is so good!!! Praying for Gwyneth's eyes and that Tricia will start feeling better this evening. Thanks for keeping us updated! I love watching Gwyneth grow. She is such a little fighter and an amazing little girl. You are so blessed!!!

  60. She's bigger then her puppy!!!!!! Way to go

  61. Ok, did you switch out the pug??? That's amazing how much she's grown in just a week even!!! Absolutely happy for you guys! Thanks for taking all of these so we can visually see God's faithfulness over time :)

  62. Nate, I am now cyberly strangling you. ;)

    I knew something had to be up -- it is April Fools Day, after all, but I can't believe you pulled that one us.

    O.k., I'm over it now. :)

  63. sure has been fun watching your little rascal grow!

  64. WOW! She seemed to stay the same size for so long, but it's so obvious how much she's grown. What a good idea to show her with the Pug every week. The difference is amazing--almost looks like you got a smaller Pug! Good job, Gwyneth!! Praying for her continued growth, new lungs for Tricia, the potential donor's family, and for your continued health as you travel this long road with your precious little family.

  65. Ok, that's got to be a different pug this week? Is this an April Fools joke???
    I knew she was getting bigger, but golly, she's huge in that picture!!!

  66. What a big girl!! Wasn't she the same size as that silly pug just a few weeks ago?!?!

  67. is that the same pug????

    you really are blooming now gwyneth,
    what a difference a few ounces make

    keep it up:-)


  68. is it just me or is that pug getting smaller! Way to grow are absolutely beautiful! So glad you had a great week! leiGh

  69. Wow! It amazes me how much she changes every week - especially this week! She looks like such a grown up girl with clothes on!

    God is AMAZING!

  70. sorry i mixed up the y and the e...Gwyneth is what i meant..:D

  71. haha! put a smaller one in there. You must have!

  72. just realised - Aprils Fool !!!!

    u got me there, lol

    but seriously I really can see a BIG difference in her.


  73. She's bigger than her pug!!!!!! How exciting!!!! What a beautiful little girl! You and Tricia are very blessed to be her parents and she's very blessed to have you for parents.
    Katie- Mommy to a 26 weeker

  74. I almost fell for it! Thanks for the laugh--and she is beautiful today:)

  75. Either that pug is shrinking, or your beautiful daughter is growing like a champ. What spirit and fight your family has.

  76. Nathan, that is either a different child or a different pug! Gywneth may have gained half a pound (Yeah!!!)....but she didn't gain a foot in length!! Since it still looks like your darling daughter, I say you are playing an April Fool's joke on about 25,000 people tonight by taking her pic with a much smaller pug! Way to go, Dad! :):)

  77. Sweet lil' Gwenyth-

    I do believe that every picture your CRAZY parents take of you is sweeter than the one before. You ARE beautifully and wonderfully made.

    Praying for your momma extra hard tonight,
    The Dovels

  78. You are joking... that canNOT be the same pug... or else not the same baby!! What a miracle!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. She's HUGE. That's some amazing progress.
    Even when you consider the change in pug, she's looking great.

    And thank you for being my only April Fools joke :) I fell for it until I read the comments. Haha.

  81. I don't think that anyone following your story (life) could NOT smile the biggest smile with today's Tuesday update. I know she is still tiny, but she looks so big and has grown so much! It sounds like she's doing very well! I am so happy for Tricia and you! Natalie

  82. Is Barry Bonds mixing her bottle?? Happy April First!!

  83. OH! Look how cute she is in her little outfit! And, finally, she looks bigger then her pug!! She looks like a BABY, not like a mini version of one! What a blessing- I hope that looking at her adoreable face helps take some of the stress of the week away. You guys are always in my prayers...

  84. What a sweetheart! I can't wait to read about you taking your beautiful little girl home.

    Elly in MO

  85. She looks huge compared to last week!!! Can you guys notice her growing day by day, or do you look at the pics every month like we do and say "Oh my goodness!!!"?

  86. oh my goodness! she looks so much bigger!!! and cute outfit!

  87. I can't believe how much she has grown in a week. I can't believe that is the same pug or the same baby. How miraculous! You are all so blessed!

  88. Yoouuuuuuuuuu!


  89. Your precious baby looks like she's gained 10 pounds! Looks can be deceiving, because, you, Nate, have given us a little April Fool's trickery with that tiny tagless pug!

    She's beautiful and growing! Hope dear Tricia is resting well.

    Love to all. :-)

  90. For real, Nate. You are one funny guy... but I could totally tell that it was a different pug right away!! (Its legs are all kinda crippled up!)

    But sweet Gwyneth is still cute!! :)

  91. did you switch pugs? i can't believe how big she is!

  92. Oh, what a blessing that the prayers are working and she is truly blooming (growing!) That is the same pug, right?? It is amazing when God so swiftly answers prayers. Please know that you and Tricia and baby Gwyneth are being prayed for everyday - and I will pray for swift correction of Tricia's pneumothorax - chest tubes are definitely NO FUN!!!

    Much grace and many blessings to you all,

    RoseGirl, Southern CA

  93. She has gotten so big! She is really putting on the weight. She is so much bigger than her pug now:) Praise God!

  94. I want to know how many stores you had to search in order to find a baby pug to match :)

    You got me...I had to check week 11 pics and then the light slowly turned on...hehehe.

    Continued prayers.

  95. April Fools day to you too!!! You got a lot of people falling for it.

    Gotta say that its SOOO cute to see her in clothes!! And the onesie seems to fit too!

  96. 2 lbs, 7 oz! I just saw that part... that's awesome!

  97. How precious! She is just beautiful. She is definately growing.

    Steph/StL Mo

  98. Nate,

    I seriously had to look back at a few of the other weeks to compare....I can't believe the difference in her in one week! That pug looked so teeny this time, holy cow!

    It is so great to see Gwyneth gaining, breathing, eating and seeing so much better. What an amazing blessing, thank you so much for sharing your sweet family with us!

    Continuing to pray for you, Tricia and Gwyneth daily!

    Devin in Illinois

  99. Oh...........

    Okay, cute. April fools on me (and lots of others, I guess!)

    That was a pretty good one!

  100. Wow what a difference... She's such a cute little button... I've fallen in love.

  101. Simply Precious! She's getting so big! I'm amazed by the pictures each week.
    Praying for you in Alabama!

  102. Good one!! Nice how the dog shrunk to make her look so big...LOL You can sure see the weight gain. She is totally filling out.

  103. Ok, you had me for a minute. April Fool's! But she is really starting to fill out. She is such a pretty baby. Hope Tricha is feeling some relief by now.

  104. She looks SO much bigger this week! Keep growing, sweetheart!

    Hope Tricia is resting well and stays infection-free.

  105. Wow, that's amazing! She's really grown!

  106. Wow, she's grown so much it looks like the dog shrunk! What a wonderful week of progress. Now we just need some lungs for Tricia!

  107. Unbelievable! She looks awesome. She is actually starting to look like a baby instead of a preemie. I know that she is still tiny, but if you didn't know she was only 12 inches you wouldn't be able to tell! I love the outfit too!

    I'm also glad that lots of family has been able to hold and take care of her. That is really encouraging.

  108. OMgoodness the Pug looks so small now! What a difference since week 2! Amazing! I hope that Tricia is feeling better this evening.

  109. GO GWYNETH!! She has grown so much this week! God is so good!

  110. umm, are you sure the pug didn't shrink? She has grown so much even since last week!

  111. Wow, she looks huge now and yet she is only 2 lbs!!

  112. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKay ... I just noticed that you used a different pug ... HAHAHA!!

    Happy April Fools to you too Nate and Tricia!!

  113. Haha, I just realized that you switched dogs! Very sneaky, you!

  114. My goodness she is getting so big!
    Wow, she's grown so much this week.
    Precious precious picture :)

    Hope Tricia is feeling better.

  115. That's not really the same pug is it? They're beautiful pictures anyway :)

  116. Dude,
    You need to feed that pug whatever it is they're feeding Gwyneth.

  117. Okay, it's a different Pug... Can anyone else tell that? Or am I just going crazy. I know she's growing wonderfully, but her head last week was smaller than the pug's head and this week it's twice the size. April Fool's Joke???

  118. Nice April Fools joke! But kidding aside, she looks great!

  119. Wow-that Pug looks small this week.

  120. Oh my goodness!! She is getting SO BIG now! Amazing. Simply amazing. Grow Gwyneth Grow (sounds like Go Diego Go -- and you will know all of these little kid cartoon character thingys before too long).

    Thanks for sharing!

    Heidi & Family

  121. LOOK AT HER!!! Oh my goodness -- she's getting to be such a "big" girl!!! I am so happy that she is doing so well!! We're praying in Alabama. Much love - Bamagirl!!!

  122. Wow...she is so beautiful! I cheered when I saw she gained a 1/2 pound!!! Go Gwyneth!!! If she is not proof of the Glory of God than I don't know what is!

  123. I just spent several hours over the course of two days reading each and every post on this blog. I am amazed by your story and am even more amazed by the obvious strength of you, Tricia, and little Gwyneth.
    It is incredible to see that Webkinz pug look so tiny next to her now, when just a few hours ago I was looking at the first Tuesday picture, and they were nearly the same size.
    I pray that Tricia's next TX call isn't a dry run, and that Gwyneth continues to grow bigger and stronger each day. Good luck in the days to come.
    -Natalie in PA

  124. Ok - now I feel like an idiot. LOL! I just looked at last week's pix of her. That's a different dog.

    You stinkers!!!!


  125. Look at how much she has grown!! You have been so blessed she is doing so well. Our God is good!

  126. BTW, ... I hope that's not an April Fools and a Lil Kinz Pug- that would make us sad.

  127. Gwyneth is such a beautiful baby and how she has grown in the past weeks! I have been keeping up with your blog and praying for Gwyneth and Tricia's health. My heart sank when I read yesterday that the donor's lungs from this weekend were not a good match but I have a feeling hers are on the way very soon. I saw a helicopter land at our hospital today and thought of your family. Keeping all three of you close in my thoughts and in my heart.


  128. God bless her....grow baby, grow!!!

  129. You had me!! I swore no one would get me today, though a few have tried.

    Way to go, Nate!

    Gwyneth, tell Daddy to take a picture next to the real pug so we can see how you've grown this week.

  130. She's so big! (I can't believe I'm calling a 2 pound baby big!)

    praying always :)

  131. You had me!! I swore no one would get me today, though a few have tried.

    Way to go, Nate!

    Gwyneth, tell Daddy to take a picture next to the real pug so we can see how you've grown this week.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Wait-- the pug shrunk!!

    Praising the Lord for Gwyneth's progress and health.
    Praying for you all!

  134. ^5 Rick

    On whatever they are feeding Gwyneth. Man she is growing good.

    Praise God.

  135. Ha ha-- you're tricky. The pug did shrink!

    But still-- Gwyneth looks fantastic and is growing so much!

  136. she is just so precious! and look she has clothes on, how sweet!

  137. WOW she looks a lot bigger! She gets cuter by the day ;-)

  138. Sorry about that deleted comment, I have no idea what happened! Okay, I totally was had by the pug picture until I really looked at it and read some of the comments. I was amazed at how much she had grown! She has grown a lot, but not quite that much! Thanks for the laugh.

  139. Awww... She is wearing clothes!! YAY! WTG Gwen!! She is getting to be such a big girl. I read the other post about Tricia and I am praying the tube helps her and she recovers soon.

  140. Awww... She is wearing clothes!! YAY! WTG Gwen!! She is getting to be such a big girl. I read the other post about Tricia and I am praying the tube helps her and she recovers soon.

  141. Wow, I can really see how much she has grown in these pictures! Like, overnight she has overtaken that pug!! Good job, Gwyneth! You grow, girl!

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. I looked at her two week pictures and I can't get over how much she has grown. Way to go sweet Gwyneth. I hope Tricia is feeling better.

  144. waaaait....that isn't the same pug!!!
    hahahaha happy april fools!
    i was wondering how you got these up on tuesday this week, when you have gotten a little behind recently!
    Still though, you can tell how she has grown because her head looks bigger compared to her body and she looks bigger in her cozy little blankets.

  145. You are so funny Nate!

    Keep growing girl!

  146. This time I can really tell a difference against her pug! That's fantastic.

  147. Oh My! She has gotten soooo big, That is GREAT! Still Praying!

  148. Ha! :) You are such a trickster! :) Too funny!

    Happy birthday eve, by the way, Nathan! :)

  149. I thought this was an April Fool joke and that you had substituted a different stuffed dog, I can't believe how much she's grown!

  150. oh my gosh... she is starting to not look like a preemie.. she is still so beautiful, and she get's more beautiful by the day. Wow. And 2 lbs and 7 oz.. my goodness. I can't believe how big she is getting.

  151. Did you secretly switch out the old pug for a smaller one??? I can't believe how big she is getting! Amazing. Congrats on the bottle feed. It is an incredible way to bond. Still praying...

  152. April Fools, right? You switched to a smaller pug :-)!
    Even so, Gwyneth looks amazing and she has clothes on, wow! This has truly been an awesome week for her. We serve and awesome God!

  153. She looks so big and healthy! Yay! Grow on!

  154. Leaving your pug in the dust, go Gwyneth. Keep on eating like a champ sweetie and grow like a rose. You are just beautiful.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  155. Dude!!! You seriously are trying to play April Fools on us. BUT!!! Your daughter looks beautiful whether she is next to a big pub or a little pug.

    You friggin ROCK!!! I love your sense of humor and I sure do hate that you have to explain it all of the time.

  156. Wow!
    God is so good!
    She looks amazing!

  157. I noticed right away that the pug was different...I never thought April Fools til I read comments.

    She looks fantastic anyway!

    God Bless.

  158. WOW -- she is *SO* cute! It's great to hear about all the exciting things she got to do this week :). Go Gwyneth Rose! Keep up the great growing, and eating, and breathing, and allll that :).

  159. i'm just curious..... do you actually have a webkinz account? now that we've seen two pets... lol

    bluelw on webkinz... and yes, an adult.. lol

  160. never ceasing in my prayers for your family. You guys all amaze me. Praise God for your blog and how many people you are able to witness to through your story.

  161. did you trade in the pug or something! holy cow! gwyneth looks so grown up with her big girl clothes on! you are so precious, sweet girl! keep on doing your thing! you are doing great! still praying for you and your mommy!

  162. Not sure how anyone can read Gwyneth's story and not believe in God and miracles.

  163. I have a hard time believing it is the same pug.. but all the same she is getting so big and cuter every day! continued prayers!


  164. What a praise! I had to wonder if that was the same pug. She has grown so big since just last week. 1/2 pound doesn't sound huge but for her that was an extra 25% of her weight. Way to go Gwyneth! She's so beautiful.

  165. How very precious, and to think that this is the answer to so many prayers! What a mighty God we serve! He is still in control, and we will continue to pray for Tricia this night and the days ahead. Sending a huge hug her way!
    Love from Maryland

  166. I agree - you switched the pug!

    That little babe grew a lot this past week - maybe it is the spring air.

    I remember reading a NICU nurse's comments several weeks ago on your blog - something about they hit that 2lb. mark, and then just take off.

    So happy to see her so big!

  167. I can't believe the size difference in just one week! You go girl!! She seems so aware of her surroundings for such a young age, it just amazes me!

    Praying for mommy tonight, may she be able to get much needed pain free rest!

  168. I have to second and third the fact that you got us! For a minute there I was thinking WOW she's HUGE! She IS beautiful though. Happy Fools Day to you too!

  169. What a difference you can see this week! It's hard to believe that is the same pug! She looks so big, but it is still hard to imagine a baby at 2 lb 7 oz. Praying as always!

  170. Sweet Gwyneth - You are getting to be such a big girl. Amazing how much we've all been able to see you grow. You are so loved.

    Continuing to pray for all of you and for all those people who have chosen to donate their organs.

  171. Aw, Nate! She's getting so big! That pug looks positively small next to her! God is so good!!

  172. WOW that is amazing. She has grown so much since week 2.
    God bless you and your family


  173. Aw - you had me going for a while until I read the other comments! You even got me to comment for the first time.

    But her growth is *still* amazing!

  174. She looks so cute! Way to go girl! Keep it up!

  175. I thought something was up when you did not take a picture with the pug's face. You almost always have him/her looking at her in one of the pictures. But it wasn't until I read a comment talking about April Fool's that I got it.
    Thanks for the good laugh as I go to bed!

  176. Is that puppy getting smaller???

  177. Absolutely wonderful and amazing. She had the strength of 1000 adults. To her continued growth....

  178. She looks so pretty in that little outfit!

  179. She's a full pound over her birth weight now, isn't she? That's amazing. Maybe "White Rose Blooming (13 Weeks) will report that she's hit three pounds!

    Question though, if you don't mind: is it okay that Gwyneth is still only "a little bit bigger than 12 inches"? Her weight gain seems to be picking up, and I'm just wondering why she's not gained much length-wise.

  180. Oh my goodness! She's so big! Yipee! Grow, Baby, GROW!


  181. Holy cow! She is so big now! I can't believe how much she has grown! She's still just as beautiful!

  182.'re growing. way to go gwyneth sweet baby!

  183. The pug had a puppy!!
    But she is really looking a lot more like a baby she is starting to really fill out. Way to go on the first bottle that is an awesome job for your first try

  184. You got me!
    She still has grown by leaps and bounds and as beautiful as ever.


  185. It amazes me how "big" she looks now...even though she's still so incredibly tiny! So happy to hear she enjoyed her bottle! Keep growing strong, baby girl! I am praying for you!

  186. she's getting so big! i love the butt up in the air sleep--all of my boys have done that!

  187. Is that the same Pug? SHE'S HUGE!
    WOW! How exicting to see how BIG she is. WAY TO GO!!! Before you know it she'll be wearing 0-3 months clothes on up...

  188. Are you sure that's the same dog? ;-) She's getting so big! So sweet. Praying for Trisha to feel not be in pain today and a new set of lungs to arrive soon.

  189. I think you switched dogs on us!! You bought the mini version for this last group of pictures because there is no possible way she has gotten THAT big ;) I am amazed at God's hand in this-only HE could allow that much growth :) And she looks so grown up in her big girl onsie!!! Give her a big kiss from all of us in blogland!!

  190. Oh, sweet girl, you've grown so big & strong! Good job!!

  191. Oh, I'm thrilled about the weight gain!!! She looks so strong! Are they feeding her anything different? Is she on 24 cal or 27 cal formula? I know you're so pleased:)

  192. Darling outfit...awesome Little 'kinz! All these moms out here...did I miss it, or am I really the first with the Webkinz craze at my house? I confess, you got me for a minute too.

    But seriously, 7 ounces is almost as amazing as if it WERE the same pug!!!

    Saw news today about new CF treatment that sounds promising too. Glad for some good things in the midst of the ups and downs. God is good.

  193. Yeah Gwyneth! Keep it up little girl!


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