
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

White Rose Blooming (14 Weeks)

Every Tuesday while you're in the hospital, we'll take a picture with your pug so that everyone can see how much you are growing!

You are now 15 inches long, and you weigh 3lbs 3oz!!!

Your fourteenth week was another great one! Your mommy finally got her new lungs! After several days away, she finally was able to come down and hold you again! You continue to grow every day, and your mommy got to feed you for the first time. And, your latest eye exam shows that your eyes are healing and getting stronger!

You finally got to move out of your incubator and into a crib! And, you were moved to the stepdown unit, which means you are doing so well and are getting closer and closer to going home with us! All you need to do is gain a little more weight and eat everything from your bottle!

In the next week, we're praying that you enjoy your time in the stepdown unit and continue to grow closer to 2000 grams and continue eating more and more from your bottle.

We love you!

Compare our Blessed White Rose at:

2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks


  1. Wow! She's blooming great in her big girl bed!!!!

  2. You can definitely tell that she's growing! She's so cute! But I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that. ;o)

  3. WOW, watch that baby grow!! God Bless you and your family

  4. Oh Wow!! She really IS getting bigger!!! Thanks for the pics, Nate.
    God Bless you all
    Jamie in Texas

  5. wow look at her grow:) I remember when my girls finally went from the incubator to the crib. What a beautiful "big" girl you got there:)

  6. Pug is shrinking...and baby is growing! = - )

  7. She is so beautiful! Growing so big she is making her pug seem tiny. God Bless her! Tricia, what a beautiful gift from God. She is your reward/ blessing for your amazing faith. God Bless you. Nate, thank you for the update, you are a wonderful example of a loving husband. God Bless you.

  8. Wow, so many new and exciting things happening. I think this has been the best week for Gwyneth yet! The pug is looking smaller and smaller. Are you sure it's not the little pug again???

    Continuing to pray for you in Ohio.

  9. Growing, growing,growing. How wonderful!

  10. Look at that big girl in her big girl bed! You're going to have to find a new measuring tool...she has now far surpassed the size of the pug! :-)

  11. Is that the right pug? She is just precious! What precious pictures for her to look back on someday.
    Praying for Gwyneth and her mommy and daddy too each day.
    The Lockwoods

  12. Somebody better start feeding that pug because Gwyneth's got him beat now! Yea about the eyes!

  13. She is getting bigger!
    Whats the tube in her nose still for? any word when that will be removed?

  14. It's amazing to see her progress. Keep growing, girlie!!

  15. UNBELIEVABLE!!! She looks wonderful!! Are they feeding her or fertilizing her?? LOL

  16. So are you now using the mini-pug permanently? She is growing great though! She's going to be out of the hospital before you know it!

  17. She is doing so great! What a wonderful thing for Gwyneth to see and read about when she gets older. You're so blessed, and I continue to pray for the health and healing of both of your girls!

  18. Absolutely adorable! That pug just keep shrinking! :)

  19. Wow...she is really growing. And so sweet! God is awesome!

  20. These are some of my favorite posts. I can hardly believe my eyes...sometimes.

  21. Love seeing the growth and changes in Gwyneth! She is a mighty strong little micro-premie! I am so glad that God answered Tricia's prayer! What a reward for keeping faithful and for believing!
    My two girls love seeing the updates! They are 6 and 8!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  22. So incredible!! I love the little snuggly "womb" she is wrapped up in. I can think of a few children that might have enjoyed having something like that!!
    I loved the pictures in the previous post. She is certainly looking cuter and cuter. I love those big dark eyes!! She is going to turn some heads one day. Hope you have your stick ready!

  23. Gwyneth almost looks like a giant now when compared to her pics with the pug in the first few weeks....she's growing like a weed! :-)

  24. Amazing! I feel so blessed to be able to watch this Miracle unfold, It is so amazing what God is doing in all of your lives! Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  25. Wow Gwyneth, 3 lbs. 3ozs. you go girl. Keep chubbing it up and growing while mommy does the same in her healing. Before you know it, you will be headed back home as a family of three. What a day of rejoicing that will be for your families and all of us 3 million hits out here!!

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  26. Gwyneth has the best hair. It makes you just want to place your cheek on her head.

  27. I am so happy to see both Tricia and Gwyneth doing so well! Gwyneth is getting so big it looks like the trick pug! Thats great! Anyway I hope you are all doing well or at least as well as can be expected. Tell Tricia and Gwyneth to keep up the great work! As always you are all in my thoughts and prayers
    Katie L

    Katie L

  28. It is so amazing how much she has grown. What a wonderful idea to take a pic by the same animal each week. God is so good. Julie from Alabama

  29. what a beautiful and growing White Rose she is! Amazing! thank you for the update, continuing to pray, jen in al

  30. Yay! If they weigh her after she eats, she'd be the same weight as my preemie! 3lbs 3.5oz. How exciting. She's looking good! You'll all be home before you know it- and that's what we're praying for!

  31. Look how much she has grown, the pug is looking small. It is great to see her doing so well. She is adorable!

    Always in my prayers!

  32. She is getting so BIG!! I have a ? Did the NICU give Gwen the wrap she is in or did you get it from somewhere. I am asking because I have a cousin in the hospital they are trying to get her to 22/23 weeks, I wanna get her one.
    Praying in Alabama!

  33. She is so amazing. Praise HIS name!!

    With Love,

    William's Mom

  34. I just looked at the first pics of the pug and Gwyneth! she looks so huge now in comparison! (even though I know she is still a teeny tiny girl!) so sweet!

  35. What a blessing watching the rose bloom over the weeks! We are praying for you guys, in fact, I'm traveling for work and Gayle and I prayed for you over the phone last night!!

  36. I haven't commented in a while I don't think- she is so precious and just growing before our very eyes!!!

    Praying for y'all!

  37. Nate, Trish
    She is so...beautiful, she is growing so much. God has blessed you both with a beautiful daughter. Your story inspires me everyday when I visit. Praying for you guys. Jessica from Wanchese

  38. Sending Prayers Daily.......Amazing....Love Watching God's Work....

  39. Hooray for the eyes!! She sure is growing fast - keep gaining that wait Gwyneth!


  40. You go girl! Way to go Gwyneth, you're leaving that pug in the dust!! Keep growing and growing!

  41. that's great! my son weighed 3lbs, 3oz when he was born. He was able to go home weighing only 3lbs, 12oz! It'll be here before you know it. How awesome!

  42. Absolutly beautiful! It's so precious to see how much she is growing. Thanks for sharing, and as always you continue to be in our prayers.

  43. She is adorable!!! And just an amazing baby!

    Is she in the room at the end of the hall when you go past the PICU on the right?

    My son was in that room the weekend after he was born because he was stabilized and awaiting heart surgery that Monday morning (08/07/06). The room had four PICU beds for heart babies, and the rest were grower/feeders - babies they were just waiting for them to get bigger!

  44. Sweet baby girl, you are so loved and so beautiful.

  45. For a minute there, I thought she was with the small pug!! She is getting so big, and still so beautiful!

  46. she's lookin' so great! growing and growing.
    if you ever have some time or care to; come on over and check out my blog. i am writing a story on my journey as a NICU mommy.
    it makes for good late night reading :)
    have a wonderful day today!

  47. I can't believe how much bigger she is getting! YAY!! I look back at the older pics every week to compare & it really is remarkable....I love seeing a growing baby!

  48. Wow! She has surpassed the pug! How amazing is she!

  49. she looks awesome! Her growth is really showing from week to week now! We will continue to say prayers for health and thankfulness for your family!

  50. She's left that pug in the dust permanently I think. Go, Gwyneth!!! Prayers continuing.

  51. You didn't switch pugs again, did you? Look at that girl grow!

    Congratulations on such huge milestones this week, Tricia, Gwyneth, and Nathan!


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