
Thursday, May 1, 2008

April Beach 104 Interview (Part 2)

Listen to Part 1!

Part 3 of 3 coming tomorrow...



  1. Really well done, man! I'm glad you are taking this opportunity to glorify our Saviour.

  2. Great interview! I am so happy for you guys.

    I never realized that with-in just a two week period you went from receiving 50-100 hits a day on your blog to over 20,000 per day. Very cool!

    Looking forward to hearing Part 3 tomorrow.

  3. Thank you for sharing more of your story, well done, great job! What a testimony to our Creator and His timing and plans!
    Karen et al
    Vancouver, BC

  4. You know it's a great story when they break it up over three days. They know the listeners will keep coming back for more. Great job, Nate!

  5. I can't wait to hear tomorrow's interview. It's neat to hear a voice to all the reading we do about you and your wonderful family.
    Continued prayers...

  6. how cool is that? Now, am I right to assume this isn't a Christian radio station? Way to, in typical Nate fashion, keep 'em spellbound & hangin'!

    Love y'all!

  7. Great interview! I am looking forward to hearing part 2!

  8. Praise God for Tricia beating the odds!
    What a wonderful interview.
    After reading all your post over the past few months it is great to hear it all put together in such a well done interview.
    Can't wait to hear the end of it.
    Still praying for your two girls.

  9. I second and third it-Great interview!

    You guys are definitely our celebrity blog. Again, thank you for sharing your story you have and continue to help thousands and or millions of people. Like you said for whatever reason people have latched on for different reasons.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Carey from MI

  10. Very nice! Also loved the photos from you and Tricia's day out at Duke Gardens.



  11. This may not be the place for it ... but are you going to be at the yardsale even though you aren't in charge of it?

    Excellent interview. You have an excellent speaking voice. Ever think of running for president .. I think we'd all vote for you. :)

  12. I just read your family's story and the journey you all have been on. Wow, just wow. I still need to catch up on the interviews but I will definitely be stopping in often to check up on progress. I'm sending healthy healing energy to you, your wife and your precious little baby!

  13. Thanks so much for posting the interviews. It's great how you are able to share your story.

  14. lol. I was thinking you guys would make a great reality show!


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