
Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I got "tagged" by another blogger, and thought I'd follow through...

What I was doing 10 yrs ago:
Wednesday, May 6, 1998, 5:50pm - I was probably getting ready to head out to church (we used to have a service on Wednesday nights...). Bigger picture, I was finishing up my Junior year of high school, my first year of public school since kindergarten...I was homeschooled 1st - 10th grade (my mom is superwoman).

Five things on my to do list for today: 1. Finish Laundry. 2. Clean/organize the spare bedroom so my parents have a place to sleep tomorrow night. 3. Find something good and semi-healthy to eat for dinner. 4. Load and edit today's pictures and see if there's anything good to share on the blog. 5. Spend some quality time with my hot wife.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire: Buy a new house on the OBX, Donate to CFF and MoD, Help my church complete our new building, buy a vacation for all of our family in Hawaii, Save money to adopt a child, Invest more for Gwyneth's future, Become Iron Man or Batman...that's all I can think of immediately off the top of my head.

Three of my bad habits: Procrastination, Eating too much ice cream, Cleaning my ears with q-tips several times a day...

Five places I have lived: Lynchburg, VA (twice), Portsmouth, VA (twice), Harbinger, NC, Wake Forest, NC, Nags Head, NC (twice).

Five jobs I have had: Lawn Mowing - Self-employed, Assistant Manager - Lost Treasure Golf, Road Manager - Light Ministries, Groundskeeping - Corolla Light, Clothes-Folder - Gap.

I'm tagging all of my family over there on the right side of your screen ---->




  1. The Q-tip thing is something my husband does often, too.
    It can drive me crazy. :D

    The ice-cream thing is MY weakness. That's why i gained 45 pounds while pregnant. I thought it was a requirement to eat it while pregnant! :D

  2. my husband cleans his ears like 3 times a day. but then again he showers like 3 times a day, sometimes more. but like i tell him, better too much then too little

  3. Hey, the more I read about you and Tricia, the more I like you. We homeschool our 3 youngest children, 3 of our 5 children were adopted, and we love the Outer Banks.

  4. Oh no ... you're gonna get like 10,000 q tips with this message. :) and I just looked over and saw the first two comments were also about your ears. :D

  5. Interesting!

    That was fun reading and learning more about you.

    The Q-tip habit is a good thing as long as they make it to the trash!

    I hope there are some good pictures for you to share on the blog.

    Enjoy that quality time!

  6. K, I followed up with being tagged.

  7. Random thoughts: Ooooh that baby looks like her daddy! Such a little cutie! Unsolicited strange that people would do that, but I've come to feel a bit like voyeur as I make my daily blogaholic rounds and I guess I can see how some people might almost feel like you're family. Still seems strange though. Still praying for you from here in Michigan. I am so happy for you that both Gwyneth and Tricia are doing so well. A miracle and a blessing!

  8. I bet Tricia really appreciates that her hubby had that Gap folding clothing job a lot now! hehe. At least she doesn't have to ever fold any laundry..yay for Tricia!

  9. I would definitely go with "Iron Man"

  10. I am sure 5.4 million people will let you know that it's Tuesday, but when I read this post, I panicked and thought I had gone this entire day not realizing it was actually Wednesday.. It's amazing how they all seem to blend together, ha!

    This is my first comment on your blog, but I have been a reader for months.. Impacting survey right? No, but I did laugh b/c I think there are millions of anonymous q-tip/ear-scratching individuals out there thinking we're the only ones addicted.. I also was a "clothes folder" at the GAP for a summer.. That's actually overstating, I think I worked there maybe like 6 or 7 times.. I would become so bitter with the people messing up the obsessive compulsive, neatly folded, perfectly sized tanks that I had to leave for my own sanity. I really became angry over it.. I obviously am still resentful, and to this day, I am so meticulous about putting things back appropriately.

    Anyway, back to what I saying.. This is my first post here, partly because I haven't ever known what to write to you. I definitely have no words of wisdom, or experience, and you don't know me from adam, so I just decided prayer was the best offer I could give.. I have passed your site on to 2 families.. One w/ a sweet 8 year old girl with cystic fibrosis, and then the other w/ a newly married 34 year old woman.. I have known about Cystic Fibrosis from my early obsession with Celine Dion. Her niece passed away at I think, 12 or 13 from it, and she dedicated a song on her album to it. About that same time, I remember watching a lifetime movie dealing with it.. I was around 9 or 10, so who knows why I was watching lifetime, and since my obsession with Celine has faded..But both of those random sources educated me, and since I have always supported it in whatever way possible at that point in my life.. This is all incredibly random information, but just from the small glimpses back then, and watching these 2 families today I only have awe and admiration for Tricia, and her fight. The "risks" she's taken, are just proof of an unbelievable foundation and faith. She has defied the odds, and it's been such an amazing honor to "watch" just a small part unfold. As for you, your dedication, love and support is unbelievable. I have been so amazed by your servants heart towards your girls, always putting yourself last, and basically dropping everything to live and breathe every moment of these past few months with them.. I can't imagine how unsettled, and exhausted you've felt, and I know Meka taking a leave of absence and then just being away from your church and life has to have taken a toll. Gwyneth is so blessed to have a family as solid and committed, and loving as you guys, and I have no doubt that this is only the beginning of how God will use your story to impact, educate, and inspire others. Thank you for your vulnerability and for sharing this journey.. The rippled effect of your story will continue to move on, and not only will God be glorified, people will also learn and be educated. WE won't know until we get to heaven the true impact you've had, but I know for me, and those 2 families you've challenged, and encourage and to them given hope.. God is so beyond statistics and prognosis and you guys are living/ BREATHING proof of that.. <3 Emily

  11. Yay for homeschoolers! I, too, was h/s-- K through 12th. Are you guys going to h/s Gwyneth? I guess it's a little early to be thinking about that still.

  12. Hmmmmm... I have exceptionally clean ears as well. Glad to know I'm not alone in my neuroses :>)

    Go for BatMan, so you get the way-cool car and phone package!

  13. I love meme's! Thanks for sharing, it is always fun to learn random stuff about people.

    Just for the record, I do not think eating too much ice-cream is a BAD habit. At least that's what I try to tell myself.

  14. Thanks for sharing. It was fun learning some unknown facts about you. :)

    Speaking of qtips, I am big on cleaning my ears, so much so in fact my doctor told me last time I was in that my ears are so clean people could eat off my eardrums. :P Some might find that gross, I think it's cool. :)

    Hope you have a great night!

  15. Who doesn't eat too much ice cream!

    I live right now in one of your former places-Wake Forest.

  16. THere are TONS of grants available for those wishing to adopt! I am a single teacher...adopting from China. I'm telling you already know, God provides in crazy ways! Praying He will continue to lead you!

    ever had your ears irrigated???? Crazy fun there!
    Blessings - Angie

  17. Hi there!
    Did I read that right - that you have family in Hawaii - or you would want to bring them to Hawaii?? I live in hawaii for the past 10 years and used to live in Portsmouth. My mom and stepfather lived in OBX, in fact, my stepfather - Charlie Reber was once pastor of the Nags Head Baptist Church ions ago...
    I love reading about you and Tricia and baby Gwyneth everyday and have loved following your story. We think about you everyday! If you ever want to make it out to hawaii - we would love to have you!!

  18. at least you don't clean them with your keys

  19. I am trying to make the choice of home school vs public school for my children. It is such a big thing, and from what I hear from unsolicited advice I will "ruin" my children's no matter what.

  20. I am also a huge fan of qtips and you know you can't buy any cheap brand they have to be the real thing. I get them in bulk. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone haha!

  21. What exactly is a self-employed assistant manager?

    Hi ya'll!

  22. i am laughing so hard about this whole q-tip thing I can't even respond right now.. wayy funny. loved the random facts


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