
Thursday, July 10, 2008


If you're near the OBX on Saturday, August 9, check it out!

This is a mini-fundraiser in preparation for our 2nd Annual Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. Grits Grill is the BEST breakfast on the beach, and it's twice as good when they serve it up for dinner. This restaurant is NEVER open for dinner/supper, but our friend, Patrick and his staff are working for free that evening and have graciously agreed to donate 100% of the proceeds to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! You might even be served that night by me (I don't know why, but that might attract a few people...)! You can eat in or take out, and you'll get a lot more than pancakes on your plate!

We did this last year as well, and it was a lot of fun, so don't miss out!!!



  1. Sounds cool.
    Too bad i don't live in that area cause i'd SOOOO be there! ;D
    Hope it goes well for you guys.

  2. Wish I was closer because it sounds yummy!

  3. Do you think the pancakes would survive the trip out to CA? It would probably be cheaper for me to just donate to your Great Strides walk!

    Anyway, sounds like fun and lots of good eats!

    Blessings to you all,

    Southern CA

  4. Wish I lived closer...I'd certainly come!

    I've emailed you a couple of times about a fundraiser I'd like to do, but I'm not sure if you've even gotten it (and, I know you're busy, so that may be it as well.)

    I want to earn some money to go directly to your Great Strides Walk. You can contact me at gearhart0624 at gmail dot com.


  5. Looks nice. Hope you have a great event. We hope you are all doing well. We are praying for Trisha's body to respond to the treatments.

  6. A new restaurant called BJ's Brewhouse in AZ offered a free dinner to guests (4 nights this week) while training employees. They only asked that people give a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The restaurant was packed and I am sure they raised thousands of dollars.

  7. Bummer! I'll be in the OBX the week before :(


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