
Monday, August 25, 2008

Update & Plans

Tricia is feeling better than she was last week, but she is still more tired than normal.

I had a fever off and on over the weekend, but I'm feeling much better now. I managed to keep my distance from both of my girls.

Gwyneth is starting to hang onto things with her hands for longer than a few seconds, which makes play time more fun (see pic below).

We're looking forward to taking a drive up to Corolla (an episode of one of Tricia's favorite shows, John and Kate Plus 8 recently featured their vacation to Corolla) tomorrow, which is one of our favorite places to visit. The temp is not supposed to get above 80, and we need to get at least one more good beach day in before the summer's end. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures tomorrow!

Also, Gwyneth, Tricia and her mom are driving up to NJ on Thursday to hang out with family and friends. Tricia is very excited, as are several people who have yet to meet Gwyneth.



  1. OOohhh... I love Jon & Kate Plus 8... in fact, it's on right now, I need to go turn on the TV!!! Have fun in Corolla..

  2. I hope y'all have a great little vacation! Hard to believe Summer is almost over!

    Gwyneth is getting prettier and prettier by the day (as is Tricia I'm sure! Girl really needs to consider a pixie cut when her hair grows back. She looks FABULOUS!) Be careful and rest up, we're all missing your frequent updates!

    And as always, y'all are in our prayers.


  3. Your baby girl is beautiful!
    Both your girls are.

    Love to all!

  4. Too funny. I am watching a new Jon and Kate plus eight episode as a read this post. And they are at the beach.

  5. Gwyneth just gets prettier and prettier everyday! safe trips.

  6. That picture is adorable, Nate. She's looking more like you in these last couple. :)

    I just posted my new favorite picture of my 4 yr old. I think it almost looks professional, and my camera-crazy 11 yr old took it (and ALL the pics I post these days)! Anyway, here's a link, if you want to take a peek:

    Erika :)

  7. First-time commenter here...I stumbled across your blog from a friend of a friend, etc., and have followed your story for awhile now. I just wanted to let you know that even though I don't know you guys, I am praying for you all. I am inspired by the faith that you both show and am awed by God's miracles in your lives. He is awesome!

  8. She's getting more beautiful everyday! Have fun at the beach. I'm from NC, and I miss it so much, so I'm looking forward to pictures!

  9. Gosh she can't really get much cuter, can she? I completely understand taking 10K pictures already and the majority being of Gwyneth! LOL!

    I will pray that they have safe travels to NJ and that you enjoy a wonderful time at the beach together as a family!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better too Nate.

    Love in Him,

  10. Your daughter is such a tiny, beautiful, perfect miracle to look at! Hope you have fun at the beach and that you all continue to feel better.
    You are always in our prayers and thoughts,
    Tricia and Clan

  11. Have a wonderful time at the beach. Your little miracle baby is beautiful and your wife is gorgeous.

    Praying for you and your family.

  12. I'm not really sure that 10001 pictures is normal but then again not much about your life over the past couple of years has been normal right??! The older Gwyneth gets the more I see Tricia. At first I thought she was all Nate but now I see Tricia too! What a beautiful lucky baby.

  13. Heh. I just posted a bad review about my first time watching that show. I think it was the episode you mentioned too. (So don't let Tricia click to my blog!)

    Have a nice trip! :)

  14. Have a great trip! I just watched the episode with Jon and Kate on the beach! I hope your trip is a little more relaxing though!!!!

    I love the picture of Gwyneth! What an adorable little girl!

  15. Have a great time in Corolla and NJ!!!

    I am not sure how it is possible, but Gwyneth just seems to get cuter and cuter.

    Praying for safe travels.

  16. I, too, love Jon & Kate Plus 8. As a matter of fact, I just got through watching the beach vacation episode...I hope ya'll have a wonderful time & I hope the girls have a wonderful time in NJ!
    I love the new picture of Gwyneth. She really is precious! I know you are so proud of her!
    Emily in Mississippi

  17. Glad you're feeling better, Nate. Have fun at Corolla!

  18. Hey Another picture with no oxygen! That must be good news. Have a great time at the beach. Wish it was me.

  19. I certainly hope there are plans to take Miss Thing down the shore. She is a Jersey Girl by birth, don't you know!

  20. Oh, gosh, Gwyneth just looks SOOOO great! Glad that you and Tricia are feeling some better. Please take good care of yourselves! Prayers continuing.

  21. Sounds like a nice time for Tricia. We are leaving for VA soon ourselves. Tuesday to Tuesday to visit our son and his bride. You guys will be on our hearts and in our prayers.

  22. Gwyneth is so beautiful! And as for the amount of pictures you've taken since Christmas. It's totally normal! Lol. If you have kids and you love to take pictures it makes for a very full computer.

    I'm glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better and looking forward to her NJ trip. I hope that you, too, are feeling better Nate.

    As for Corolla. I love that place. We've seen a lot of lighthouses but Currituck is my favorite. I think the brick is just beautiful.

    Have a wonderful week Lawrenson's!

    Amy in Pa

  23. Great photo, she just gets cuter and cuter with each picture you share.
    I hope you guys have a great time at the beach.

  24. We just got back from Corolla and had a great time!! Have fun seeing Jon & Kate!

  25. My husband and I were just watching one of those episodes last night and wondering where they were! Who knew I would find the answer from you.

  26. only 10,001? Keep them coming! Love the updates. Ditto on J&K+8...FABULOUS. Can't wait to hear about the trip.

  27. Happy to hear everyone is feeling better and well. Hope both trips are wonderful, you certainly need little vacations away. Enjoy yourselves and relax!! Take lots of pics!!! Cant wait to see them! :)

    Praying for safe travels and that everyone stays feeling good and enjoys!!


  28. Have a great trip!

    'G funk' is getting more and more precious by the day!! She is impossibly gorgeous!!

    And yeah, I think 10,001 sounds about right in terms of pictures... once the munchkins come along, the camera gets a good workout!! You've had so much to document!! Keep 'em coming!

    Prayers for safe travels & great times!

    Much Love,
    The VandeCastles

  29. I saw that episode, heard them reference NC and wondered where they were. Enjoy-it looked wonderful!

  30. What a cutie. Thanks for the update. Safe travels on your trip. Still praying daily for ya'll.


  31. Your family is so beautiful. Pure light and love. It would be so wonderful if even half the couples in the world had this type of love. True and unconditional, the way it should be.
    I hope you all feel better.

  32. I'm so glad you are both feeling better. I hope you all have a great time in Corolla!! Can't wait to see pics.

  33. Love John & Kate + 8!! Enjoy your vacation, and safe travels for the upcoming weeks.

  34. Gwyneth is growing so big! She is such a beautiful baby! And I am glad to hear Tricia is doing a little better.

  35. that is so exciting! I WISH I WAS IN NJ RIGHT NOW!!!

  36. I love "Jon and Kate" but my husband always walks in the room and says, "Ugh, why are you watching THAT show?" It must be the 8 screaming kids that he doesn't enjoy hearing on top of our crazy toddler. Have a great little vacation. I hope everyone gets to rest.

  37. My son Max has the same rattle--it was his FAVORITE rattle for the longest time! I remember when it looked so big in his hands--now he's a beast :)

  38. Wow...I've been a lurker for a long time, following your story since the beginning and rooting for you guys! A friend, who is a L & D nurse is also hooked, thanks to me, and loves the fact that there are happy endings with micro-premies. I just had to comment because she is so AMAZING! She looks so earnest in that picture, and you can tell she's so smart and inquisitive. So happy she's doing so well.

  39. Hey--no oxygen?? How wonderful! Is that a permanent thing now?

    Wonderful pictures, wonderful family. Be well, all of you!

  40. Sweet baby girl picture! Reese had the same little onesie. Have a fun day in Corolla. When I used to live in VA Beach, we went to OBX all the time.

  41. I loved Corolla when I was there. Thanks for taking me back.

    Nate, I left you a little something on my blog. Check it out!

  42. I totally LOVE Jon and Kate Plus 8. I also love that picture of Gwyneth. She's just beautiful.

  43. I love Jon and Kate Plus 8! It's good to know other people are hooked on TLC, too. Gwyneth is such a cutie and getting so big. Continuing to pray for you all.

  44. Oh my goodness she is so beautiful!!! :)

  45. Ok, what a small world. I just had to comment because
    1. My husband and I (and my sister) met you this morning at your church... and didn't even realize it was your church
    2. My sister follows your blog faithfully
    3. We drove down to Corolla yesterday for the day
    4. My sister and her family were in THAT episode of Jon & Kate plus 8 on the beach at Corolla. They were in the background as they drove down the beach!

    So, small world, huh? I thought so! Gwyneth is a beauty! And, we really enjoyed the service this morning. Our kids loved the classes they were in also :)


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