
Saturday, August 30, 2008


> House hunting is going... Still looking. Still waiting for the right house, right deal to come along. It's hard to find time to look with Tricia's health being up and down, and the summer being such a busy time for us, but hopefully we'll have some more time now that the summer is over.

> I choose which organizations to support based on our life situations. CFF, LLS and March of Dimes are obvious choices. Because we have more history with and knowledge of CFF, we tend to focus most of our time and energy on raising financial support for this organization.

> Yes, my faith wavers all the time, just like anyone else, and I've tried my best to maintain a sense of normalcy with my posts, hoping that nobody would think of me or our families as super-human. You can read more about that Here.

> Gwyneth is being fed formula along with a simple supplement of lipids according to the prescription of her docs. This is all she eats for the time being.

> Because of the Lymphoma, we haven't spent as much time focused on other transplant issues surrounding Tricia's new lungs. So far, there have been no signs of rejection, which is great. Her numbers (FEV1, PFT's) are not as high as they could be, but she is certainly in a much better place than she has been for several years.

> Gwyneth won't be eating solids for a while yet, maybe several more months.

> There are too many good places to eat on the OBX to name. I'll put a list together of some of our favorites, but as long as it's local and has been around for more than a few years, you probably can't go wrong. The trick to eating her locally is picking a day/time when the restaurant isn't going to be packed.

> Tricia is able to care for Gwyneth on her own, as much as any other first-time mom is able to (meaning, she does appreciate when I'm home and can give her a break, and she spends a lot of time with other family). The only times she is really unable to do much are the few days every three weeks when her chemo is causing major side effects.

> Gwyneth is about 4 months old, according to her adjusted age. But, we like to tell people how old she is from birth (almost 8 months now), adding that she was born premature (because everyone thinks she's still a newborn because of her size).

> We're still avoiding large crowds as much as possible, trying not to come into contact will many people in general, and keeping our distance when people are sick. Fortunately, there are fewer risks during the summer. With the fall and winter coming up, we will have to take more precautions, so we're taking advantage of doing some things now that we know we won't be able to do later. You can read more about how we view risks Here.

> We have bought a wig for Tricia (for those who may need one at some point, your insurance may cover the cost), and she wears it at times when she's out depending on what she's doing.

> Chemo affects different people in different ways. Tricia lost her hair after the first round, while other lose their hair after a few rounds, and other don't lose it at all.

> I completed the "Story of Us" series with This Post...

> Gwyneth has her own room with her own crib. Maybe I'll give you a tour of her room at some point.

> You can find answers to most of you photography questions on my Photography Blog.

> I don't view the blogs of everyone who comments. I do view blogs when people ask me to.

> Read This if you want to give us something.

If I didn't answer your question, it's because I've probably already answered it at some point. Use the search bar at the top left of your screen, or the labels on the right to find out more about our life.




  1. phew! that was alot! thanks for sharing Nate!

  2. I always enjoy your messages. My prayers continue for all of you.

    Love to all.

  3. Just wanted you to know I have a former 26 weeker preemie and he is doing AWESOME! He just started walking at 15 months (12 months adjusted!) We are so proud of him. Check out our blog if you'd like. I know it always made me feel better to look at other preemies blogs and see how well and healthy they are!


  4. I know it's not exclusive to the OBX, but we went to Rita's today and I thought of Tricia. Pistacio Cream....mmmmm!

  5. So what kind of formula does Gwyneth drink now? I didn't see that mentioned in the Q&A below.

  6. For medical reasons, I can't donate blood but I did just donate hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program and will do again as soon as mine grows back!

  7. Nate, thanks for all the info. I am now current on your blog. One of the elders of our church was in a serious motorcycle accident and some of our focus has shifted there. We still pray for you guys daily.


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