
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

26 Points!

I'll give 26 points to anyone who can answer, by Thursday morning at 10:45am, all 5 of the following questions correctly...

1. Why Do I Hate September So Much?

2. Why Do I Love October?

3. Why Is My Handle "MilePost13"?

4. Why Did I Choose Thursday Morning at 10:45am?

5. Why Did I Choose 26 Points?

Have fun! I promise, with a little research and smart thinking, you can figure out all of the answers...



  1. For fun I'll answer them but it is all guesses as i dont have time to research........ :)

    1. Why Do I Hate September So Much? because its the end of summer

    2. Why Do I Love October?your birthday is in it

    3. Why Is My Handle "MilePost13"? because where you would hang at the beach was mile post 13?

    4. Why Did I Choose Thursday Morning at 10:45am? you were born on a thurs at 10:45

    5. Why Did I Choose 26 Points? you are going to be 26

  2. You love October for BASEBALL. You also love October because the OBX weather is still warm and beautiful. You also have fond memories of a weekend in early October years ago, when you and Tricia went kayaking! Oh, the beginning stages of such a LOVE story!

    You hate September because summer is officially over and you begin to somewhat dread the upcoming cold months of winter there in the OBX.

    I believe 10:45 a.m. was the official time the transplant team came into your Duke hospital room and informed you about the possibility of a “match” for Tricia’s lung transplant! It was April 2, 2008 at 10:45 a.m., which also happened to be YOUR 27th birthday!!!

    Milepost13 ......well, of course milepost 13 is your “territory” there in Nags Head, NC. It’s your home. Your territory. Your stomping grounds. Your little piece of the world!

    26 points because Tricia is 26 years old.

  3. 1. It's the end of summer.
    2. Baseball
    3. It's the name of your worship band at church.
    4. You got the transplant call at 10:45 am.
    5. Tricia is 26.

  4. 1. End of summer
    2. Baseball and costumes!
    3. Worship band at church (see 4.20.08 post)
    5. 6 Month anniversary of transplant
    6. Tricia is 26

  5. Lets see:

    1) end of summer
    2) Trunk or treat
    3) MilePost13 is Beach Rd in Outer Banks...that you live by and love
    4)when you heard of transplant match
    5)how old you were when your daughterwas born

  6. Another possible answer to question #5.

    26% of visitors have checked the blog out 201+ times.

    Va Beach

  7. 1. Why do I hate September? It is the end of summer fun times of walking barefoot through the sandy beaches with your two best girls.

    2. Why do I love October? You love baseball and you get lots of great photo opportunities with the trees changing colors.

    3. Why is my handle "MilePost13"? You can find Nags Head Church, your church, at Milepost 13, just south of Jockey's Ridge State Park on US 158 in the heart of old Nags Head and it is the name of your worship band.

    4. Why Did I Choose Thursday Morning at 10:45am? That is the time "the call" came in that changed your families life.

    5. Why Did I Choose 26 Points? You recently joined Weight Watchers with your Uncle Andy and you get 26 food points each day.

  8. P.S. - Can I just say that I can NEVER pass up a CONTEST from Nate! I was SOOOO on my way to bed when I just so "happened" to "check the blog" prior to heading to bed. Oh, what do you know? A CONTEST!!! I'm such a sucker. Okay, well ..... I'm actually going to bed now .... FOR REAL!!! I guess we'll have to wait for the big "REVEAL" in the morning. Good night to all.

  9. hmmm you hate september because summer is ending.
    you love october because good surf returns to your neck of the woods or it's your birthday
    milepost 13 is your homebreak
    thursday morning 10:45 has to be the time you were born if question number two is "it's your birthday"
    and 26 is your age... wow, you are a baby... :)
    that was fun!

  10. 1 You hate Sept because its the end of Summer.No more beach time with your Girls
    2 You love October because its Fall, Baseball and Halloween. October.
    3Mile Post 13 is your bands name and also Mile Post 13 is where Nags Head Church is at.
    4. The time of day and day of the week when Tricia Got the call for transplant match
    Your Birthday.
    5.Wait is Tricia 26 I thought she was 25.. You were 26 when Gwyneth was born.

  11. looks like most people have come up with reasonable answers....

    26: double of 13 ... which is hte mile post of the church ... and you hope to "double" the size of the band by this time next year. Haa haa. Oh you know it's creative.

    26: number of hairs on your head that you have to shave off every other day.

    26: the inverse of 64 minus 20. :)

    26: the number of pictures you take of Gwyneth before getting the exact picture you want.

    26: the number of frowns Gwyneth gives you after she sees spots in her vision from all the flashes from your camera. :)

  12. OK...I agree with most people about the first three answers, but I know this is not YOUR birthday coming up because the transplant was on your birthday on April 2. How about it has been exactly 26 weeks since you got that call at 19:45 AM on April 2?

  13. correction..make that typo 10:45 AM :)

  14. Hmm... fun post! I'll have to think this over...

  15. 1. September is the peak of hurricane season, and where you all live, a lot of the time you all get affected by it???

    OR I guess the other possibility is that you are impatiently waiting for October to get here, and September is just another month in the way of October!!

    2. Because October=Baseball playoffs!

    3.MilePost13 is the name of your worship band. That is where the church is located...

    4. 10:45 a.m. is when you got the call about new lungs!

    5. Tricia is 26

  16. Ok. Here's my guess
    1. end of summer
    2. trunk or treat (of course)
    3. Your band name
    4. the time the transplant team came into Tricia's room 6 months ago to tell you that they were flying out to check a pair of lungs for Tricia (the best b-day present for you ever)
    5. Tricia is 26

  17. 1) end of summer
    3)name of band
    4)6 month anniversary of transplant, and time that you got news that lungs might be available
    5)Gwenyth is twenty six week old?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. One more time...

    1. Markes the end of summer
    2. Tricia's Birthday (and Trunk or Treat!)
    3. Name of your band.
    4. Time of Tricia's transplant...
    5. 26 weeks ago.

  20. 1. end of summer
    2. the month you met Tricia???
    3. NHC is located at mp 13
    4. was Gwyneth born on a Thursday? an you got the lung call at 10:45 am?
    5. 26 for the age you were when you found out Tricia was prego and became a daddy

  21. 1. End of Summer
    2. 6 month anniversary of Tricia's transplant, and (the call for a transplant)!!
    3. MP13- the mile marker on beach road where you live, also name of your band
    4. 10:45 is when you got the call for the transplant
    5. Tricia is 26

    ok, so I know its before 10:45 here on the west maybe my answers will count...haha.
    -Emily in CA

  22. 1.End of summer

    2.Trunk or Treat and baseball

    3.MilePost13 is the name of your worship band. That is where the church is located...

    4. 10:45 a.m. is when you got the call about new lungs!

    5. Tricia is 26

  23. Nate, this is totally off-topic, but I was just wondering - when were you going to put together the Cystic Fibrosis blogroll you mentioned a few months ago? I've been dying to see it!

  24. Okay, here are my guess...(I found the post for all but one, so that is my really big guess)

    1. According to Rita's webpage, they close for the season in the end of September, so that would be my guess (??)

    2. You love October baseball games. (I know you really love watching those Phillies win the division, right? :) [POST 10-13-07]

    3. Your worship band name is MilePost 13 [POST 4-20-08] and I believe that it is the location of your church.

    4.You were told about the second pair of lungs on April 2, at 10:45am. This Thursday morning it will be the six month anniversary [POST 4-2-08]

    5. Tricia celebrated her 26th birthday this year [POST 5-13-08]

  25. Whatever it is, I can't wait to find out why you hate September! Cuz I wonder every time i see it on Facebook! LOL!

  26. I change my last answer to it is week 26 since the transplant; an official 26 weeks to the date. (PS - I know this one is WAY after after the time alloted so it dosn't have to count.)

    I hope Tricia is feeling well today. Happy 6 months of better breathing.

    Oh by the way, I know that you don't make it to NJ often but the Moorestown Mall now has a Rita's year round. Yum!

  27. September- Too hot

    October- Baseball

    Milespost13- favorite band

    October 2 10:45 am- exactly 6 months since the TX team told you about the transplant happening

    26- Tricia's age

  28. Oops I just realized today is Wednesday not Thursday. Wishful thinking :-)

  29. 1. It is the end of summer/baseball
    2. Trick or trunk time
    3. The mile marker post/location of your church
    4. The 2nd pair (good) lungs that worked for Tricia
    5. Tricia's age
