
Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Squidoo (an online group that raises tons of money for charities) is giving $80,000 to the charities of your choice. Basically, anyone who wants to participate can vote for one charity (from a list of about 50...don't vote more than once or all your votes will be deleted)...Squidoo will donate $2/vote. You don't even have to sign up for anything!

There are two charities on the list that we are very passionate about: The March of Dimes (currently having received 18.2% of the votes) and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (currently having received 1.8% of the votes). Feel free to CLICK HERE and vote for any charity you believe could use $2...OR, choose one of the two charities I mentioned above! You have until October 15 to vote!

Let us know if you participate, and which organization got your vote (even if it's not one of our favorites, it's all good!)!




  1. I voted for the LLS, since they were way behind the MoD!


  2. I voted for the LLS also. What a great idea and how generous!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I voted for March of Dimes being a preemie Mom. Thanks for the post! I'm going to go post it on my Blog now too.

  4. I voted for the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation since cancer has had a big impact on my family.

  5. As my dad died of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma at the age of 54 and my cousin died of AML at the age of nine, my vote was obviously for the LLS!

  6. I voted for the LLS, as one of my good friends from college died from lymphoma in her early 20s.

  7. I voted for the March of Dimes because my little brother was a preemie and never would have made it without them.

  8. I voted for MOD. Being the mom of triplet boys who is familiar with preemies they were my preference. If not for all of their hard work I might not have 3 PERFECTLY HEALTHY 2 1/2 year old running around my house.


  9. LLS and also put a post on my own blog - not that many will see it, but every 1 helps!

  10. I voted for March of Dimes. My son was just 4 weeks early, but the NICU team was in there for his delivery. But I have friends who have had preemies too.

  11. I voted for the Preeclampsia Foundation (society? can't remember). I had Preeclampsia with both of my kids and my son was born 4 weeks early as a result. I've known a few women who had to deliver up to 8 weeks early due to this condition. It's scary and there's certainly not enough research as to what causes it. Thanks for sharing this with us!!!!

  12. I voted for March of Dimes... A great idea although I wish that there had been a few charities for other things as well...CF , MS , ALS.Thanks for sharing the link with us .

  13. I voted for LLS. My SO is battling Non-Hodgkins, B-cell Lymphoma; he underwent CHOP+R followed by radiation tx in 2007. He's one-year cancer free at this point....also posted it on my blog

  14. I voted for LLS, having been helped by them recently while battling Leukemia myself.

    Thanks for pssting this great cause!

  15. another reason for LLS...Libby is 4 and has leukemia

  16. I voted for the Salvation Army. Thanks for sharing this!

  17. I voted for the LLS--in honor of Tricia. I probably would have selfish and voted for a breast cancer organization if I had seen one since I am proud to be a 7 month survivor right now!

  18. Polly Klass Foundation got my vote. I was going to go with Cancer Research, but I saw Polly's name and changed it.

  19. I voted for the LLS because my cousin died from AML and my grandma just fought lymphoma.

  20. I voted for Save the Children..

  21. I voted LLS in memory of my cousin!

  22. I voted for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, mostly because my father-in-law was just diagnose with Mantel Cell Lymphoma stage B and his in not curable.
    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  23. I voted for Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund since my 11 yr. old nephew has it.

  24. voted for leukemia and lymphoma. we did the light the night walk last weekend at angels stadium of anaheim for leukemia and lymphoma, in memory of my mom, and your brother in law.

    richard and family

  25. I voted for Hope for Haiti because of the Real Hope For Haiti Rescue Center in Cazale, Haiti. Thanks for sharing this info!

  26. I voted for March of Dimes. I will say I was disappointed that the Childhood Cancer Association wasn't on the list. I am a Neuroblastoma stage IV survivor and the treatments I had effect my children. With that being said, March of Dimes is another one that hits close to home. Thank you for spreading the word on this:)You're very sweet.

  27. I voted but I voted for the JDRF as I am a type 1 diabetic.

  28. I voted for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of my dad fighting Mantle Cell Lymphoma right now.
    Thanks for bringing this opportunity to our attention!!

  29. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I blogged about it too. What a great thing!

    I voted for Blood: Water Mission. They dig wells in Africa so people can have clean water.

  30. I voted for the LLS as my hubby is fighting leukemia!

  31. So many deserving organizations. But, since our family was hit with both leukemia (3 year old great-neice) and lymphoma (my 84 year old mother) in 2007 the choice was easy for me.

  32. MoD was my choice... anything to help babies is an awesome thing, in my opinion! <3

  33. March of Dimes. They paid my entire hospital bill in 1973 when my daughter was born prematurely, and I had no job or income. I remember crying in the finance office, and the lady reached her hand over the counter to hold my hand, and told me about March of Dimes. The only thing they asked of me was $10 a month for 10 months. $100 for a $100,000 bill. I've spent the rest of my life trying to pay them back with donations and participation in their events. Great, great organization.

  34. my vote was for the march of Dimes
    i have a child with special needs.
    i wish they had the Ronald Mcdonald house on there thats a great place i have spent 2 moths there while my baby was in the hospial.

  35. Thanks for posting! Voted for the LLS, now up to 2.7% of votes.

  36. I voted for Cancer Research and Prevention as my Mom is fighting breast cancer.

    Thanks for sharing the link!

  37. I voted for the LLS, my dad passed away from Non Hodgkins 7 years ago and we are passionate about raising money. Thanks for sharing!

  38. I voted for LLS! Thanks for sharing this awesome opportunity!

  39. Thanks for the heads up. As a mom of 3 premies I placed my vote for MOD. Many of my triplet mom friends benefited greatly from MOD so I know the money is doing good things.

  40. I voted for LLS. I am headed to a fundraiser for them this weekend.

  41. I voted for Room to Read which helps children in Vietnam. My dad is a Vietnam Vet and I went back with him about 4 years ago and I saw the terrible poverty and effects of the war. As a teacher, education is a big issue with me. I also figured that lots of people would go with big name things and I wanted something smaller to get some money too :)

  42. Thanks for that link Nate! I voted for the LLS for Tricia, for my friends baby girl with Leukemia and two of my friends fathers. Now I am gonna go eamil the link to everyone in my address book lol

  43. I went for Soldier's Angels. I'm from a military family and have many friends and family members in the military.

    Thanks for sharing the link.

  44. I voted for Soldiers' Angels, since my hubby is deployed. :) Thanks for sharing!

  45. lymphoma - my good friend kris is a survivor.

  46. I voted for the Cancer Research & Prvention. I know several with this awful disease & i have a daughter who had Hodgkins Disease.
    Praying in Missouri

  47. I voted for the Cancer Research & Prvention. I know several with this awful disease & i have a daughter who had Hodgkins Disease.
    Praying in Missouri

  48. I voted for LLS, since my mom died from Lymphoma, and my step sister had it also.

  49. Done..voted for March of Dimes!
    Very cool thing they are doing.

  50. Thanks for letting us know....I voted for dad died from Hodgkins Disease when I was 11....Hope Tricia is feeling better!!!

  51. I voted for LLS because I follow the Caringbridge sites of several children who have leukemia. Their stories are amazing.

  52. I voted for the Genocide Intervention Network.

  53. I voted for the March of Dimes because I had two preemies (who are now both in their 30's) I could have used their assistance back then.

  54. I just voted! With two preemies of my own there really was only one way for my heart to go. :)

  55. I voted for March of Dimes. Being a NICU RN, that seemed like the only real choice! :)


  56. I voted for LLS in honor of sweet Tricia! I hope they get a ton of votes!!

  57. There were so many to choose from, but being a L&D nurse I chose March of Dimes.

  58. I voted for LLS - I started donating to them after meeting my first "internet cancer kid", Ally Scott.

  59. I voted for LLS since I am a Bone Marrow Transplant nurse.

  60. I voted for LLS, in honor of my grandmother.

  61. I voted for LLS!! You guys are AWESOME!!!

  62. As an Occupational Therapist for Early Intervention I had to go and vote for March of Dimes :)

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. thanks for the comment on my blog. i guess the googling does pay off ;-)

    i voted for march of dimes, due to my daughters health issues and what an amazing source of support and guidance they are.

  65. LLS since I already donate for the MoD Walk this year.

  66. I voted for LLS - great organization. First husband had Hodgkins Disease - died as a result of an infection body couldn't fight off - years after he had been in remission.

  67. March of Dimes got my vote! I'm a mom to almost 7 year old twin girls who are former 26 weekers! If not for the March of Dimes my daughters may not have survived their many long weeks in the NICU.

  68. I voted for the March of Dimes, but Rabbit Rescue was a close second (kidding).

  69. I voted for March of Dimes! Great Organization. Know them first hand with 2 granddaughters-25wks,4 days and 1 grandson, 32wks and w/the help of research, 39 week full term grandson. We've been walking and raising $ in support since 2003

  70. March of Dimes.

    What a great and generous idea!

    This will definitely go on my blog as well!!


  71. being the parent of a preemie myself I had to vote for MOD!
    This is a great website! I posted it on my blog too!

  72. i voted for march of dimes... i have walked many walks for them over the years, starting around 10 years old.
    my dear friends have triplets that are 4 and VERY healthy, thanks to the MoD. my stories go on and on...
    thanks for sharing this with us!

    i'm gonna get Jack to vote in the am. i'm thinking he will vote for the LLS.

  73. As a mother of a preemie, MoD gets my vote! Thanks for the post. I'm headed to post on my blog now!

  74. I voted for LLS...I will pass this website on!

  75. I voted for A day of hope.

    Thanks for posting about this!!

  76. So many to choose from and only one vote :(

    I voted for March of Dimes as well for my two pumpkins(one born 5 weeks early and the other 3 months early).

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  77. I voted for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, since the condition affects several people in my family.

  78. I voted for LLS since they were the underdog to March of Dimes. I am also glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better. I pray for you all and check out your blog daily.

  79. I voted for Donors Choose. Great organization that coordinates donations between teachers/students and donors.

  80. Elisabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.

  81. I've supported LLS in honor of Tric and my sister-in-law newly diagnosed with AML.

    refreshing in ohio

  82. Just wanted to let you know there is a Petition for Preemies on the March of Dimes website. The petition outlines for key actions to reduce the number of preterm births in the United States.

    I believe all the petition does is show your support for the cause of reducing premature births. I thought maybe you and your blog readers would be interested in checking it out.

    The address is:

    Also, I'm voting for March of Dimes because my niece was a preemie.

  83. I voted for MoD. I am a Mom of triplets born at 31 weeks so it is a charity that is very important to our family. Thanks for passing along this website!

  84. I voted for MoD. I am a Mom of triplets born at 31 weeks so it is a charity that is very important to our family. Thanks for passing along this website!

  85. I voted for the LLS. As of 8:41 there was already over 22,000 votes. They'll hit hte 40,000 vote mark soon.

  86. I voted for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society also since they were way behind the March of Dimes. Thanks for sharing this opportunity!

  87. Jan D voted LLS. Thanks too for the blog you do. I check everyday to see how you are.

  88. March of Dimes got my vote. Thanks for making me aware of this!

  89. I can't find where you click/donate on squidoo? Is there a direct link? Thank you!

  90. I voted for the March of Dimes since I am a Peds/NICU nurse. I am going to post this on my blog as well! Thanks and Happy RE-BIRTHDAY Tricia!!!!! God is great!


  91. I voted for the March of Dimes in honor of my nine beautiful healthy children.

  92. I voted for the Juvenile Diabetes Research as my 10-year-old niece was just diagnosed with JD

  93. I voted for LLS as my dad died from Leukemia

  94. Voted for the LLS - we walk here in Louisville KY on Saturday (10/4) and help to "Light the Night"! Can't wait - my kiddos love it and my son has "walked" every year of his life, 2004 to present. What a great idea - I forwarded the link on to everyone I know!

  95. Never left a comment here before, but I have been following your story and wanted to let you know that I voted too :) I voted for MOD (my little girl was born 12 weeks early).

    Thanks for the link! I'll post it on my blog too :)

  96. I voted for the leukemia and lymphoma association. Non-hodgekins lymphoma runs very heavily in my husbands family and this is a charity that's very dear to our hearts.

  97. I voted for the ASPCA. I <3 animals.


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