Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Ever wonder what a birthday looks like for a 6th month old preemie?

Sleeping in...

Getting a big brunch and foot massage...

Taking a bath...

Dressing to impress...

Making a few funny faces...

And, or course, hanging out with an old friend...



Scarlet and Gray said...

So beautiful and precious! Happy 6 month Birthday!

Rob and Amy said...

Precious pictures Nate!!! I love the "hanging with an old friend" picture!!! Oh how much she has grown!!!!

Bren said...

She is getting sooooooo big! And she is beautiful. I know you both have to be so proud of the perfect gift God seen fit to lend you in that special little girl.
Lots of hugs from Indiana

the VanKoevering's said...

After the "birthday" video I almost posted a request for an updated pug photo!! So...thank you very much...she is so beautiful...and getting bigger every day!

jlmishler said...

What a blessing! Ahhh looks like meka loves those little feet too. That is cannot describe the last picture with her pug! Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!!!

Christy said...

That last picture is worth a MILLION. They are all great, I just can't imagine the first ones with the pug and now this. YOu Go Gwyneth Girl!!! YOU ROCK!!! She is NOTHING short of AMAZING!!! Thank you God and thank you Nathan and Tricia. It feels good to get good news and see good things.

Eden said...

I can't wait to see a photo of her at her high school graduation- holding that pug ;)

Sabrina said...

is that the baby pug again??? just kidding. i cant believe she was smaller than that dog before!! happy birthday

twin power mommy ♥ said...

How awesome!
She's so precious and such a HUGE blessing from our Lord above.

Love the final pic of her and the pug. Neat to see how far she's come.

Sarah - Roots and Wings said...

She's soo big!!! What a beauty!!

Katelyn said...

It's amazing how much she has grown - I can't wait to see how she continues to grow.

Kacy Jean said...

Its so crazy on how big she's getting!! She's so beautiful!! :)

Kimberly said...

Great that she and Meka are fast friends - anyone who will snuggle your feet, now that's a friend amongst friends! what an amazing gift from God this little girl is!

Kacy Jean said...

Its so crazy on how big she's getting!! She's so beautiful!! :)

Kristina said...

She is growing sweeter and sweeter each day. I love the dress, and of course the picture of her next to the pug, how far she has come! Blessings to you all!

Adrienne & Alyssa said...

Love them!

I am amazed every single day, Nate. You have a wonderful life.


ditarae said...

Happy Half Birthday, Gwyneth! Lookin' good!

Christy said...

Wow.. look how big she's gotten. She's absolutely beautiful!!

Emily said...

These pictures are so sweet! I can't believe how big she's getting...She really is just beautiful. I love the picture with her old friend. I know you feel so blessed & I am so happy for all of you!

Candy said...

She puts that pug to shame now! Love it. Thanks for all the pics, she is just too cute for words.

Unknown said...

Thanks for comparing to the puppy. It really helps to put things into perspective. Is Gwenyth still in preemie clothes? Just wondering! Thanks again for sharing your life with us. We (I have twins that are 4 and a 10 year old) pray for you all EVERY SINGLE day.

~*~Bre~*~ said...

Absolutely beautiful!! Gwyneth Rose is one insanely adorable princess. Thanks for sharing! <3

Football and Fried Rice said...

Happy 6 months, beautiful little miracle!! Looking gorgeous as ever all dressed up!

Amy said...

With that last picture, all I can say is wow! Not that the other pictures of her aren't beautiful, they are of course, but that last one is amazing. It brings tears to my eyes to see how much that little girl has grown. I am so happy that she is as healthy as she is with the circumstances of her birth. Your girls are amazing that's for sure. Have a wonderful rest of the week!


jackie said...

Happy 6 months Gwyneth! That's a pretty big accomplishment for such a tiny girl :) You are a true miracle, and the world can see how lucky you are to have such a loving mommy and daddy.

Kira =] said...

Ok, Nate. you gotta post the first pic of her with the pug and her 6 month pic with the pug side by side. Helps those ppl who are just discovering your world. =]

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 month Birthday Gwyneth! You are so beautiful. I absolutely love the last picture. Can't wait to see her holding her pug. :)

Anonymous said...

She is so precious!! Love the stuffed pug picture and of course the one with Meka, too!! Looks like she had a fabulous "1/2 birthday"!

lislynn said...

Dittoes to the high-school grad pic with pug in tow!

Zarna said...

Have you swapped the pug with the mini one again? ;p
She has grown so much!
Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

Katie said...

That is your cutest post yet Nate!!!!! I love it!

Fern said...

A few observations:

Photo 1: Beautifully shaped head.

Photo 2: Meka must be a sweet girl.

Photo 3: The darn blanket's too close. A girl's gotta cross her eyes to see it.

Photo 4: Ballerina.

Photo 5: Mom's mouth. Dad's eyes.

Photo 6: Priceless.

Tricia said...

She is so precious. I am so happy to see her growing and what God is doing in your lives. Keep those pics coming!!

Tricia :)

Katie said...

congrats guys, u deserve every moment of happiness.

i read every day. i am wishing your little family the best.

Sarah Dee said...

Happy Birthday beautiful Baby Girl!

Thanks Daddy for the Pug Picture. She looks amazing. :)

Em said...

Hooray for the pug! Thanks for sharing that picture, Nate. It puts it into prespective how big your "little" Gwyneth is getting. :)

Nana2Six said...

Simply amazing! And of course "hanging out with an old friend"! Happy 1/2 birthday Baby girl!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!! You are beautiful and precious in God's eyes...

Lovely pictures of a lovely little girl :)
-Emily Haager

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Oh MY! She's HUGE!


And she has a bit of a double chin... and not quite 7.5 pounds. Cute, cute, cute.

C.Thompson said...

Happy Birthday Sweetpea!!

Jennifer said...

She is getting so big!! Happy 6 Months! I'm glad to see the pug back, I had almost forgotten about him!

MagzD said...

Happy birthday munchkin!

You are such a big girl now :) We're all glad you've finally "outgrown" your pug!

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

LOVE the picture with the pug... I was delighted to see that old friend and that she was SO much bigger than the pug now~

Ellen said...

Thanks for throwing in the pug picture - what a testimony to just how awesome our God it! Happy Birthday big girl!!

Taylor and Devon said...

an absolutly awsome post.....well said Nate

bdodge said...

Wowie! That was great! Thanks for the perspective.

Kristi-Anna said...

WOW... she has certainly left the pug in the dust for size!!! Congratulations on 6 months of wonderful with Miss Gwyneth!!

MrsKruse said...

Holy cow! She could eat the pug now!

Grow, Gwyneth, grow!

Beth and Luke said...

That is one gorgeous miracle!!

Cynthia said...

Nothing beats a foot bath from the dog. Glad she had such a nice day!

lma said...

Hey, it's not April Fools Day anymore! Wait, that's the mini version of the pug isn't it? Awww, sheesh, what a big girl she's become.

What a sweetie! Happy 0.5 year and God bless!

*Lissa* said...

So cute! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

What a huge difference and improvement next to the baby pug. Wow! Happy 6th mo. birthday!

Amy said...

WOW! That pug looks ittey bitty. You sure you didn't give us the switcheroo again? LOL

Happy 6th month birthday baby girl. Many more to come!

You guys are doing an awesome job as parents. Congrats again on a wonderful blesing from above.

NCBeachMom said...

WOW! How she has grown! Love the last pic with Mr. Pug! Happy 6 months Little White Rose!

Catherine said...

So sweet!!! Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!!!

The Hager Happenings said...

Nate and Tricia, Sure loved the newest pictures! I loved the last one the best. That puppy looks so small now. Glad to see that she is doing well!

Love, The Hagers in Michigan

Kim said...

Dang! That girl has grown! Keep it up, Sweetie!

SaraG said...

WOW, what a big girl!! She is so beautiful!!

Deb said...

Wow! she has grown! And her birthday looks way more fun than the last few I've had! Cant wait to see what the next few months will look like :)

The Burgess Family said...

she looks HUUGGGEEEEEE beside her pug now!!! WOW!!!!! tricia, still praying for you with the chemo! keep the faith of the mustard seed (matthew 17:20).

Heidi said...

AWWWW, That was so cute!

christi said...

happy 6 month birthday! blessings to you today sweet angel!!

Estelle said...

the pug is back!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Half a year already! Awesome!! Love the picture with Mika resting her face watching her human sister...

Unknown said...

The bath picture made me cackle:) She's the cutest thing since mine was born!

Carmen said...

I love that Gwyneth has outgrown her pug. She looks beautiful...

Shan said...

happy 6 month you adorable angel baby...luv, shan

Angela R. said...

Absolutly beautiful!! Love the last picture, I remember when the pug was bigger than her, now look, amazing how far this angel has come!!! God bless her!!


Scarlet O'Kara said...

Happy 6th Month Birthday Sweet Baby Gwyneth!

Joyful Mom ~ Karla said...

She's so beautiful! What a precious gift from God you have in your hearts and home. :) I'm grinning from ear to ear because my Lauren weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. when she was born. I think it's neat that Gwyneth weighs that now.

Hugs from El Paso,
Karla and family

Brian, Beth, Garrett, Lucy, Brooks and Deacon White said...

Look how stinkin' big (& SUPER CUTE!) Gwyneth is...Looks like she had a great half year birthday celebration!

CulyQFun said...

Soooooo very cute!!! Especially the one with the pug.

Stefanie said...

Oh so cute

One Hot Single Mama said...

OMG! She is SO beautiful and SO big!! I know she is still small...but to glance back at newborn pics...WOW!

Violet said...

oh my goodness look at her pug! seems so small next to her now. she looks beautiful as always.

bkmanary said...

Okay, of course the photo with the Webkinz pug is a hit, but oh-how-cute is the photo of Gwyneth and Meka!!
Thanks for the updates, it is so awesome watching your miracle grow!
Vancouver, BC

The Marini's said...

Beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing her amazing progress.

marcia said...

How beautiful! Thanks for the pic with the pug...that one shot just says it all!

Unknown said...

So, so precious!
Thank you for sharing with us. The last picture made my cry.
Happy 6 month birthday Gwyneth!

Kristen said...

Awws! She is so big now!
Congrats 6 months!

The Pelhams said...

Love it, to think that the pug was bigger than her 6 months ago!!

Amy Lynn said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Those are too sweet!!! Happy Birthday, little Sweetie!!! :) She is just beautiful!
WOW!!! She has sure passed up the Pug now. :)
Thanks so much for sharing those great pictures of your precious, little Blessing!

Amy said...

She is so precious! Quite a busy day for her six-month birthday. Nice to see the pug show up again, and completely unreal how big she's grown in comparison.

Truly awe-inspiring and miraculous, as always!

Rachael and Travis said...

WOW!!! She's grown so much!!!

Blessed with 5 said...

Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!! She sure has come a long way with that Pug!!!!!

KAL071203 said...

oh my goodness I can't believe how small the pug looks now!!! Gwenyth is absolutly beautiful! We serve an AWESOME God!!!!

Mama2Kayden said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy Half Birthday Gwyneth! She is looking so awesome.

Carol said...

Look at you beautiful little girl - how much you have grown, how enchanting you are!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

What fun pictures. Looks like she had a wonderful 6 month bday. She's grown so much and is so beautiful.

Julie said...

Wow Nate and Tricia, she is getting so big!!! I remember my little ones being that tiny, and now they are big old chunkos with buddah bellies and rolls around their legs.

Happy 6 month birthday baby girl!!

00 said...

The last pic with the pug is the's so awesome to see how far she's come from her first pug pic :-) God is good!!

Pauline said...

WOW look at her GROW .. this is awesome! Thanks for the continued updates!

Sonja said...

How adorable..... Happy 6 month birthday Gwenyth. You are beautiful.

God Bless

Scott said...

What a beautiful little lady!

J&J said...

I can't believe Gwyneth's pug pic!! She has gotten so big, there's no comparison between her and the pug now

Catherine said...

Beautiful and oh how your daughter knows how to celebrate!!

Hey...who shrunk da pug?

Anonymous said...

How amazing! Happy 6 month Birthday Gwyneth!

Ed and Jamie said...

Wow! If this is what 6months looks like I can't wait to see 1year. She is getting so big-love the pictures they are wonderful.

Lynne said...

ahhhh Nate, that melts my heart!

candicesalazar said...

What a beautiful, beautiful gift to the world.
Thanks for praying for this miracle baby Tricia.
Enjoy this wonderfully precious time!
Praying for you in NE!
Nurse Candice & Co.

Cindy Kraft said...

What precious pictures. Its amazing how fast they grow.

Jen in Al said...

beautiful baby girl!!!! Happy birthday Gwyneth! praying:)jen in al

Julie said...

Hooray for birthdays!!

I got all teary eyed when I saw the last picture - I'm still amazed by God's provision for you and your family, and how He is using Gwyneth in such a powerful way!

Mikesgal2009 said...

She is so precious!

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's hard to believe she was ever that small, especially since she's not exactly "bigly" now!

Annette said...

Amazing to see her with the stuffed pug again! She is so pretty and really growing. Praise God!

Momof2bz said...

What a beauty! ( am sure that you'll never tire of hearing that.) I, too, love the pug picture. It puts her growth in perspective.

Blessings From Above said...

Looks like the perfect way to spend the day.

I am shocked by how HUGE she looks next to the pug. Simply amazing!!!

val said...

Happy 6 month birthday. All the pics are amazing but the last one was priceless!

Jennifer Burgett said...

Thank you for that last picture!!! I can't believe how much she has grown. Such a miracle baby.

Anonymous said...

How very sweet! Thanks for sharing! Can't believe how big she has gotten compared to the little pug! :)

megasam said...

I can't believe my eyes. She has gotten so big. I am so happy for you. Your story gives me so much hope. You are very blessed to have such a sweet daughter.

Emelie said...


Give her big HUGS from me


Laurie in Ca. said...

Gwyneth is just precious and growing up so beautifully, a true little miracle girl. And the "pug" is truly shrinking:) How good is God anyway? I am praying for Tricia's treatments to be working excellent and for her body to heal.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Emily said...

Happy 6 month birthday lil one! you are absolutely a blessing from above and precious! Thanks for posting the pictures Nate! always keeping you and the family in our prayers:)

meh. said...

That pug should be the ring bearers pillow at her wedding. Too cute!

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness look at how much she's grown! She dwarfs the pug now!! So beautiful!

Elena said...

So pretty in her little dress. And MY how she has grown. Way to go Gwyneth!! Your trunk-or-treat video was hilarious. We love that here too. Can't wait til fall! :)

Sara McGinness said...

Happy 6 Month Birthday!!!!

erika said...

What are big girl you are Gwenyth! I love the hanging with an old friend pic. The perspcetive is fabulous!!! Happy 6 months big girl! Keep on trucking and making mommy and daddy so proud of you!

Sonia said...

She is getting so big and beautiful!! God bless her! You are all still in my prayers.

Kerry said...

She is so precious!!Such a blessing!
Oh and the *Pug* is growing on me.:)
Thanks for sharing as she grows!

Tish said...

i gasped at the photo of gwyneth and the stuffed dog! i can't believe how much she has grown!

Tish said...

i gasped at the photo of gwyneth and the stuffed dog! i can't believe how much she has grown!

Caroline Cordle said...

No WAY!!! tell me that is not the pug you have used all the way through - she's getting one big grown up girl! totally amazing and fantastic - God is so good!

love and prayers.

Andrea said...

I know you already know this, but she is BEAUTIFUL!!!! And look how big she is getting!!

MadMaude53 said...

Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! I can't believe it's been 6 months already. Gwyneth was born on the day I had my last chemo treatment for breast cancer, so her milestones have been very special to me. Thanks to the ever present care of our Loving God and the love and prayers of many people, we are both doing just fine--Thank you very much!

OKGardners said...

YEA!!!! I was hoping to see her alongside the Pug dog again to see how much more she has grown. She is an absolute doll and we love her like our own.

Betty in OK
Grandmother of 13 (so far)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Amazing how big she looks next to the pug. Great pictures.

Mary said...

Love that you put the pug in there. What a beautiful Birthday Princess.

Blessings to you all.


Becky in VA said...

Old friends are good . . . my, what a different 6 months makes.
Happy half a year old birthday, little princess.

Love to all.

~j~ said...

oh my gosh! The pug made a birtday appearance and has he SHRUNK!
She is absolutely gorgeous and it was so sweet to see the reunion.
Thanks Nate and Tricia.
love to all,

Steph said...

I can't believe how much she has grown! She's absolutely beautiful! Happy 6 month birthday, Gywneth!

Betsy McK said...

OMG. Thanks for posting a picture of little Gwyneth and her pug. I guess you must have had many request for this pose. Thanks so much, it really helps us see how much this young lady has grown. She looks beautiful in her dress. Definitely impressive.

Marsmile said...

Love Gwyn's pretty dress! Such a doll!

Kathryn said...

She's a wonder! Thank you for the pictures. Gracious, I remember when that little pug was H U G E next to her. God's Peace!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

She's adorable... She's not grown much in length in the last two months, it doesn't seem to me... but she's DEFINITELY much more "filled out" and interactive...

I know she's your daughter, but it feels a little like she's a little bit "mine," too. Thanks for sharing what you do of both your girls...