Monday, October 13, 2008

Back at Duke

Gwyneth and I just got to Tricia's room, but she's not here...she is getting her port removed and is on her way back up.



BeckeyZ said...

love the photo!!

Praying here for Tricia and good news.

hugs to (((((((y'all))))))

careysue said...

Does that mean completely removed or de-accessed?

Praying for good news!

Stacemoe said...

Glad the 3 of you are back together....Praying you hear good news about Tricia's progress and she is released soon with no set backs. Gwyneth is so sweet!!!! Praying for safe travel back home, as well....

Anxious AF said...

Hope you are all home soon. Love the picture!

Kerry said...

Praying for Tricia and the results.

Rebecca said...

i am a following of your blog...

i just returned from a womans conference in chicago with ladies from my church... i thought tricia might be interested in checking out my blog and learning about the True Woman Manifesto!

In Him

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

What a cute picture!
Praying for Tricia.

Jenn said...

I'm guessing this is good news if she's getting her port removed. (??) Still praying for her and you all!

Cristi said...

Oh who helped you with her cute outfit???? Still praying in Louisiana

Hope said...

Oh-No! Does this mean she has an infection there? I really really hope not. I'm praying the answer is no.

Hope said...

And obviously she's not being discharged since Gwyneth is with you.

Christy said...

I guess that was the source of infection?? Awesome picture btw!!!! :)

Momof2bz said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope that the PET scan tomorrow will be something to celebrate and that you all have great news to celebrate. Hopefully Tricia is feeling better and was able to be released today.

Momof2bz said...

PS - I know that you are really busy and probably haven't had the time to check but MckMama needs some prayers also. I know you guys follow her too.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

port removed, eh?
Good thing/bad thing???

Kelly said...

Hoping for some good news from the PET scan. Praying in Atlanta!

Donna said...

You are all in my prayers. dp

Marty Rhea Hill said...

Nate, I love y'all's photo's together. I wish I knew what Gwyneth was thinking when she was looking at you.

Christy said...

I guess that is good and bad news. If that is the problem that's causing issues, it's good to get rid of it. I know she will miss it when it comes to getting chemo and blood checks. I didn't get one when I had cancer and I would mortgage the house to get one now if I needed it. I am praying for her and hope only the best!!! Gwyneth looks so big in that picture. WOW!!!

Carol said...

Pumpkin in pumpkin! She's enjoying her fingers and looks so big in this picture!

Vanessa said...

I will be praying for you, I read the news at your father's site

Praying for strength and for the doctors in making their next decisions.

Scott said...

We are glad you arrived safely and are anxiously awaiting the Dr's reports. We've been praying for you guys over the months especially that the chemo would work. We are praying for Tricia every day. We pray for you and Gwyneth too!

Indiana Mimi said...

Been keeping up daily with your family since March~~please know that you have all been in my prayers and that I am in awe of your faith,love, and strength. Hoping that Tricia will be feeling much better so you, she, and Gwyneth can celebrate in your new home soon. What a special family you are! Many prayers are going up today for good results on Tricia's Petscan.
Blessings always.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...


Momof2bz said...

Good Morning,

I came for my morning update and saw that there was an update on your dad's site. My thoughts and prayers are with you right now in what is surely a difficult time. Tricia is an amazing woman with incredible faith. Please know that we are sending love and prayers your way.

kidsworld said...

Praying for patience and understanding of the results. Please know that so many of us are out here supporting both of you and filling the heavens with prayers for you three. Looking forward to your uncompromising optimism in what lies ahead. Tell Tricia to stay strong!

refreshing in ohio

Donna said...

My heart is heavy, but my God is Great. Praying for all of you, Nate.

Tammy C said...

You jsut crack me up with your facial expressions!

Praying for some good news soon!

Lee said...

The picture is just precious... was the port taken out becuase of the staff infection? my son had to have his taken because of one that's why I ask. He has had the other one put in now for 3 months and is doing great NO INFECTIONS Thank You GOD!!! I was just wondering. please know we are PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING...

Paige Hinrichs said...

Praying for good news.

God Bless you all.

Elaine said...

Will be praying that Tricia receives good news today. The outfit that Gwyneth is wearing is absolutely adorable.
Elaine from MT

Kelly said...

Praying for peace for your family in this disappointing time. We all had hopes that the chemo would kill the cancer and I'm saddened that it hasn't worked. The Great Physician is in control, as always, and He has a plan that is perfect for Tricia. Please let her know how much we are thinking of her and praying for full healing from the cancer.

MahoneyMusings said...

Sending prayers. I wish you had received better news.....uplifting you all in my prayers throughout today.

marcia said...

Nate and Tricia-
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
Trusting that God is, indeed, faithful in giving you everything you need today, as you listen,learn, discern, and decide what is His next best step for you! Constantly lifting you up in prayer throughout this day!

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie said...

Praying for all of you!!!!!

Ramblings of an Army Wife said...

All 3 of you are in our prayers. Always remember that God is in control, and He alone has the perfect plan.

Emily said...

So sorry, Tricia & Nate. I read the update on your dad's website. I know you along with many, many others were hoping & praying for better news. I will continue to pray for all of you & for the doctors that are figuring out the best route for treatment.
Emily in Mississippi

Carol said...

I'm so sad and so sorry. Hopefully they can come up with another chemotherapy that will kill those @#$% cancer cells.

Angela R. said...

Im so sorry to hear the unfortunate news. I was hoping and praying, along with MANY that Tricia's PET scan would bring good news and some relief to you both.

My continued prayers are with you all in hopes that they find another source of treatment for Tricia.

God Bless!!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Praying here Nate that Tricia is healing completely and for the best results on her progress. Praying you home so you can get ready to move into your new home. So much to look forward to and so much to be thankful for. God is so good all of the time!! Love you guys.

Laurie in Ca.

Elaine said...

Do hope everything is ok since there hasn't been a post for Tuesday yet. Will continue to pray.
Elaine from MT

MamatoOne said...

Just read the update on your dad's blog and so sorry for the news. I hope and pray for you, Tricia, Gwyneth and the medical team.

shoutingforha said...

Praying for you today. I read the update on your Dad's site last night...

Anonymous said...

since you have not updated today,hoping and praying everything is ok with Tricia

Anonymous said...

since you have not updated today , hope and pray Tricia is ok.

purejoy said...

our hearts are with you and we can only cling to our Father for understanding and strength. may he envelop all of you in his loving arms. . . will be praying for peace fo you and for wisdom for a new direction. lifting y'all up during what must be a very discouraging time. . . yet rejoicing with you over the great progress your little "pumpkin" is making.

ckuretich said...

I have been thinking of you guys constantly this weekend/week...praying for the next course of action and the strength to keep going. This must be so disheartening...but there is always hope.

Wendy said...

Praying for the 3 of you and your families....

Manda Brooke said...

saw the update on your dads site about the results. . .praying for a miracle - Lord knows he can do them!

Andrea said...

I am heart broken but hopeful. I pray your strength is renewed and your confidence in the Lord remains steadfast.

We love your family...though we have never spoken.

Rachael said...

Love to you all.


Dee Dee said...

Praying for you all.

Beth said...

Praying for God to give each of you the strength that you need for each day. Praying for the 3 of you, as well as both of your families.

Lorri said...

Praying. Praying. Praying. Praying. Praying in Colorado.

Carmen said...

I read the update on your Dad's site, I hope Tricia is doing ok. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about your family today......

L said...

I know this was not the news you wanted to hear. Praying for your family, and trusting in God and His infinite wisdom, plan and love.

Paige Hinrichs said...

Praying for comfort, strength and healing. Hugs to all of you.

Full of Grace said...

Hope all is well...

Rich and Lauren said...

I have prayed for you guys a lot today. We love you guys so much and if there's anything at all that you need just let us know.

bome62 said...

It is hard to find the right words at this very difficult time.Just know my thoughts & prayers are with you daily.
Praying in Missouri

Kerry said...

Just letting you both know your in our thoughts and prayers tonight.

Jenn said...

There are no words...just know that we (even as strangers) love you, our brother and sister in Christ, and we are lifting you up in prayer tonight...

Julie said...

Tricia and Nate,
I read your dad's update last night but I've refrained from commenting, feeling like you maybe needed space. But now I feel a strong urging to tell you both that I am lifting you up to the Father continuously. It is amazing to me how one can come to love people you have never met - but I think I probably speak for all your readers when I say that we have all grown to truly love you and your family. We all ache for you and will continue to lift you up to the Great Healer around the clock.

Stephanie said...

Read your dad's update about Tricia. So heartbroken right now but I am going to continue praying for her healing.

Praying for a safe trip back home for all three of you and for wisdom for the doctors that are caring and deciding on the treatment for Tricia!

The Burgess Family said...

Just read your dad's blog... not sure what to say but wanted to let you know you are all in our continued prayers.

Anonymous said...

Gwenyth is getting sooooooo big! Hard to believe she was born so early. I'm loving the pictures and it's nice to read that Tricia is doing well. Good luck with her PET scan tomorrow. I hope she will be home with you both soon!

Many blessings,

Brown Eyed Girl said...

I had hoped that no news was good news. After a day and half of no news I did not have a good feeling. I decided to read what others were writing and am heartbroken. Like one other poster wrote - It is amazing to grow to care for people that I have never met. I had such high hopes for the treatment that Tricia had been through thus far. We will just have to keep praying. It is hard to understand what God has planned in all of this but trusting Him is the best thing we can do right now.

warbird2010 said...

She has grown so much, and she is just plain BEAUTIFUL! All God's best for Tricia

Jim C

North Carolina Mom said...

I love the bond I feel I can see between you and your daughter in pictures. Hope mommy is up to some photo shoots soon so we can see her with your little darling too!

Hope Tricia is home and feeling better soon.

Apryl in NC

Scott said...

Port removed, sounds like positive news. We are praying for you guys!

Amy said...

Please know that Tricia is in my prayers for God's healing. I pray that His peace will envelope you both as you wait for the next step to recovery.

Anonymous said...

I just read your dads blog. Thoughts of encouragment and strength are going out to ALL OF YOU!

Anonymous said...

what kind of camera do you use? u always have such great photos!

Kathryn said...

Praying. Believing. God's Peace!

Elaine said...

Praying that the reason for no updates since the 13th is that you are busy getting settled in back at home.

Unknown said...

Just know you are in the prayer lives of many who know God has an awesome plan for the three of you.
Praying you will be blessed with peace unspeakable and wisdom beyond measure.

Denise said...

Assuming you guys are a little overwelmed right now. Please let us know what is going on, so we can pray and carry you through this next step. You are not in this alone! There are so many people around this country that want to help anyway they can! Lean on us, we are here! Praying for your family,


Me and my Gurl said...

Praying all is going well. Take Care

God Bless all of you

~j~ said...

read your Dads blog. one day of silence on this blog always sets me a little on edge but set to praying and trusting.

Paige Hinrichs said...

You have thousands of people praying for you and God is faithful and good. He loves you and Tricia and baby Gwyneth and He is always at work.

I'm praying for your strength and comfort.

I wish I could just hug you all today.


Audrey said...

Sad. Just sad. But still praying. And hoping you can find the slightest bit of comfort in knowing that there are thousands of us who love your family and who will fight and pray right along with you. But in the meantime, feeling sad right along with you.

Tumbleweed said...

Tricia and Nate- Don't give up! You have already been proof of miracles! Keep holding on to the faith!

Donna Geer said...

I am with out words. :( Hopefully it helps a bit to know so many are praying for your sweet family that has been so touched by God's miracles. I pray He's got a few more in store.
Much love.

2 Babes in Boyland said...

Continuing to pray for you all. We are storming Heaven for grace and healing. Take care of each other.

betty said...

I constantly check your blog and am concerned that we haven't gotten any news (you spoiled us with your daily updates!). I'm sure you are all overwhelmed right now, but know that they are so many of us praying for Tricia, please just a quick note to all of us -your "extended" family!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Praying for renewed strength and hope for you today Tricia. Asking God to continue to give you peace as He touches you and provides healing. You and Nate have been through so much and the Lord continues to carry you and your future in His hands. You are loved and prayed for by so many.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Shannon said...

...very worried about you all.

-stephanie- said...

We are intervening on your behalf. God is hearing our prayers and He is still performing miracles. Praying that miracle is performed on Tricia.

sandra said...

i Cannot help but cry at this moment. Tricia i wish that i could hold on to you right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Erica said...

praying for all of you!

Shelley said...

You have prayers coming to you from all over the world. You've got people praying for you every minute of every day. Please let that bring comfort to you. I'm praying here in Iowa. Always.

Susan from Barrie said...

Hoping no news is good news ... praying for your family.

thesixburghmom said...

Ya'll have been heavy on my mind the past few days. I decided to read the comments here after no update from you. I just had a feeling. Please know we are out here, lifting you up and praying that the Holy Spirit gives you peace and guidance on the next step of your journey.

Kerry said...

Also read your Dad's blog Nate. Lifting your family in prayer.

Brandon and Jamie said...

hey, check this out... i read about it a few months ago, and it looks really interesting. I kept thinking about it day when I thought about ya'll, so I thought I should send it to you.


raw said...

Look at that little pumpkin! Too cute.