Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon Update

Tricia is comfortable in the ICU. I'm in her room right now, and she is sleeping. She says that she slept well once she was brought here last night, which is good news for an ICU. She had a familiar nurse last night, and several other of her former nurses have stopped by to see her this morning.

Her heart rate was 125 when I arrived a little while ago (down from 150's), and is now at 113 (I have that affect on her...). Her blood pressure is low, so they're keeping a close watch on that. But, her temp is down to 98.7, which is very good.

More than likely, Tricia can be described as having Pneumonia. The specifics are still unknown, but she is stable, which is good.

Also, Tricia's mom, Agnes, is on her way out today.

Thanks for your continued comments, thoughts and prayer.

I'm off to try and find something edible in the caf...



terri c said...

Hang in there. Glad for skilled and familiar nurses. Prayers continuing of course.

Kristina said...

I am glad Tricia feels she is in a good place, we'll continue to lift her up in prayer

Elaine said...

I am so glad to hear that Tricia is doing better and that you are taking care of your self and eating. Even if it is hospital cafeteria food. Will continue to pray for Tricia's recovery.
Elaine from MT

The Beaver Bunch said...

I will be praying.

Jen said...

Glad to hear that Tricia's heart rate has gone down. Praying for her all the time. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Jodi said...

Hi! I wanted to say I am thinking and praying for your family. I found your blog through a posting on another blog.
Love from up here in North Dakota!

Heidi said...


partyoffivetn said...

Praying for you in East Tennessee...

Manda Brooke said...

Glad that you can lower her heart rate and be a comfort for her.

Now get yourself some tasty caf. food. mmmm..

Jesse said...

Praying in Texas!

Katie Lamont said...

I am glad to hear that Tricia is doing better, even though she is not as well as we want her to be! I have sent request to our whole small group for urgent prayer today. We think of and pray for you guys often though I don't comment about it much on here. Your whole family means so much to us!

Good luck with the food... when I was there last month with my Granddaddy we had a tough time with the food there!

As always, we love you all and are praying for you, Tricia, Gwyneth, family and friends who are traveling, Tricia's doctors and nurses... the list goes on!

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

I am praying for you guys!

Em said...

Glad to hear that things are some improved for Tricia. Still praying...

Blessings From Above said...

I am glad she is resting comfortably. But so sorry that you guys are going through yet another hospital stay.

Continuing to pray in Ohio

Queen Mommy said...

I'm glad Tricia is feeling better. Good luck on the cafe food. I was sick of it after only 5 days a couple of weeks ago. Months of it.....I can't imagine....

Living And Learning said...

Just wanted to say that I am praying for you guys. God Bless. Leigh Ann

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray. God's love and peace...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for Tricia!

Survivalwoman said...

mny thoughts are with you

marcia said...

Nate, are you trying to tell us that Tricia just can't stay awake in your presence? :)! Sorry, but with the good news that she is stabilizing, I just couldn't resist a bad joke!
Temp and heart rate down, B/P a little low but steady, resting quietly, and back up troops en route...that is all good news! Thanks for taking the time to update! And praying for GREAT reports from Gwyneth's appointments! She sure looks healthy from afar!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Still praying in California. Hope you found something good to eat...

The Lockwood Family ♥ said...

We are praying for you as always. I was thinking and praying for you throughout last night as I was up with my little ones. I'm so glad you are in such good hands...not just with the hospital/docs/nurses, but most of all in the hands of our loving Father. Rest in Him!

Karis said...

Thanks for all the updates... it's so good to know how to pray for you all!

Renee Barone said...

Good to know you can calm her down!! Hang in there Nate!!

Destini said...

thankful that things have settled to a dull roar...still praying you through

Emily said...

Praying for Tricia! Thanks for keeping us updated so often.

Paige Hinrichs said...

I'm happy to hear that she is getting good care and is comfortable as could be for now. I'm praying this infection clears up quickly and that she has easy breathing today.

Praying for strength for you all.

KELLY said...

Glad to hear Tricia is feeling better and the fever is gone.

Thank you for the update.

Courtney said...

You guys are in my (and my family's) hopes and prayers! Thank you for finding the time to update us!

UKNat said...

Praying that Tricia will be well very soon. Natalie

Sunshine said...

We are praying! thanks for the updates! Sunshine

Deciduous Heather said...

Praying for both of you~! I am glad she is getting the rest she needs to fight this infection.
Heather in NC

Lola said...

We are praying for you...take care.

Sheila said...

Praying for those antibiotics to kick in quickly, and for Tricia's health to continue to improve.
Praying also for Gwyneth's good health and Nate's peace of mind.

Ben said...

Good to hear Tricia is feeling and doing a little better in the ICU. We'll keep praying!

MaryBeth said...

Praying for you guys....

Amy E. said...

Thanks for the update. Prayers continue

Unknown said...

Thank you for the update Nate. I have a prayer request on my blog for Tricia!

I am glad her Mom is on the way too - that will be nice for all of you.

Love and blessings,

Lisapon said...

I am so happy to hear that Tricia is feeling better. Continuing to pray.

Beth said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for all of you.

Unknown said...

Ugh. I hope she's soon out of the ICU. Keeping you guys in my thoughts always.

Stephanie said...

Tell her that we're praying for a speedy recovery!!!! Hope you can get her appts rescheduled and get good news from those also! Thanks for the update!!

Liz Ferguson said...

Thank you for the updates. I checked your blog first thing this morning as you guys have been on my heart. I have been praying and will continue to do so.

Tammy C said...

Good luck in trying to find something edible!

Thanks for the updates.

Jennifer Burgett said...

Praying. . . .

Katie Lou said...

Prayers being said daily for Tricia.

HollyMarie said...

Thinking and praying for you guys!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Continuing to pray for Tricia and glad she is being visited by familiar faces:) It has to make her feel a little more secure. Hope they get a good grip on the pneumonia and knock it out. God bless you guys.

Laurie in Ca.

Cool Grandma said...

Praying in Oklahoma!

Christy said...

Praying that Tricia's infection clears and she's feeling better in no time. Also praying that her scan comes back clear, and that chemo has taken care of all the cancer.

Sarah said...

Thinking of you guys, and pulling for a fast recovery!

DogsDontPurr said...

((Big Hugs)) I'm saying prayers and sending good vibes, good thoughts, and good juju. Hang in there. I pray everyday that you'll have smooth sailing. Hopefully this is just a small bump in the road.

Marsmile said...

Glad Tricia is stable and that she is among people she is familiar with-- that'll help with her comfort.

Take care and hang in there. I'll be continuing to pray for everybody's well being.


Rich and Lauren said...

Very glad to hear about her heart rate and temp. I hope she continues to improve quickly. We love you guys.

Susannah said...

hey there...glad to hear tricia is getting some sleep. I am in the ICN today, thursday and friday so let me know if there is anything I can do for you!! susannah

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Unknown said...

I will be praying for all three of you tonite. Hope that Gwyneth will have her mom back home with her soon.

Carol said...

We prayed for you, Trish and Gwyneth this morning in our prayer group at church. We will continue to do so. Thinking of you all.

Kim said...

I'm so sorry she's in ICU but thankful that she's in good hands. Praying for recovery and a speedy trip home!

zenmasterlars said...

well you guys have continued and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. I was reading my husband y'all's magical story last night. We were talking about just what a special family you guys are and if anyone is representative of what having faith is, it would be you and your beautiful wife and baby (and puglet of course!) hugs and prayers to you all---

Tiffany H said...

Hi Nathan & Tricia,

I haven't commented in a while so I wanted you all to know that I am still checking in frequently and I have been praying especially for Tricia since reading your posts yesterday. We would love to see you all sometime in the future on one of your trips up to VB, when everyone is more stable and immune systems are stronger! Looking forward to hearing how Gwyneth's checkups went.

Tiffany Highfill (for Nathan, too)

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Tric is back in ICU. My continued prayers are with you.

Laura said...

Praying...praying for strength for an amazing husband and daddy too!

Carmen said...

I just wanted to let Tricia know that I'm thinking about her and I hope she gets to go home soon and that all her test are good.

Sharyn Gregory said...

Hi There!

I work at Duke (DCRI - Duke Clinical Research Institute) - North Pavilion, which is beside the Duke hotels. I ran across your website when I was doing a search on the Kelly Currin Morris case too. How nice of you to post prayers for that family when you have your own family dealing with so much. I don't know you, but I will be keeping up with you, Tricia and baby girl. You are in my prayers. I wish I could help.
Sharyn Gregory

Kerry said...

Will Continue to pray.
Glad to hear Tricia is comfortable and has some fimilar faces around her right now. You to Nate. That helps us in a hard situation.
Praying if it is pneumonia they hit it hard and meds work fast.

Paige Hinrichs said...

Just checking back in and wanted to say that I'm still praying.

I'm praying that the Dr.'s know exactly what to do and that you all can feel a peace as you rest in the fact that God is good and in control.

Anonymous said...

I havent been able to check in for a couple days and Im so sorry Tricias having such a tough time... I'll be sending lots of prayers your way for a speedy recovery and that you will also be able to reschedule her other appts. My guess is that Gwyneth is 11lbs 12 ounces : )

Emily said...

More prayers, as always.
Nurses you know are always the best (good nurses, I mean), in this situation.
i've had pneumonia once since my transplant (stupid airplane air). It took awhile to get straightened out but now I am as good as new. Keep the faith!

Patty Honeycutt said...

still praying!

Lisa and family said...

Glad for the good update! Still praying....

Momof2bz said...

Good to hear that Tricia is comfortable and able to rest. It's nice to know that she is surrounded by familiar people who will (hopefully) provided her with extra care. I hope the rest of the day is going well. ((Remember the elevator rules! haha)

Emily said...

I'm glad to know that Tricia is getting wonderful care in the ICU. I am still praying for you both, and my family is praying here in California as well.

Unknown said...

Continuing to pray!

Marty Rhea Hill said...

Nate, I just made steak and am baking some veggies. If I was close to you, (I am in Fort Worth, TX) I would bring some to you. Thanks for the update. Keep us posted and let us know how that gorgeous baby of yours weighs.

I just recently found your website through my sister, Dallas Henderson (henderson-happenings.blogspot.com). I love how you keep everyone posted constantly. You and your family are in my prayers constantly and are always in my thoughts. Thanks!!!

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Your counter is going crazy, at this rate a lot of us are going to be WAY off with our guesses.

John & Michelle said...

Praying in Illinois
(((HUGS))) to all of you,

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I'm sorry she may have pneumonia, but I'm glad she's in the hospital where they can help. I hope that makes sense. :)

I'll keep praying.


Anonymous said...

You all have my thoughts & prayers!!!

Nana2Six said...

Storming heaven for you!

Heidi Reed said...

Praying as usual for Tricia and you, Nate. It's good to see that even though this is another trying time for you guys that you are keeping your sense of humor (you said you have that heart rate dropping effect on her and I thought that was funny and so cute too). Anyway... just stepped out of Google Reader to let you know we're keeping you uplifted.

Heidi Reed

Tammy said...

As someone who has never posted a comment...I just wanted you to know our whole family is praying for Tricia, Gweneth, you, and all of your family. Each of you are in our daily prayers. I stumbled upon your blog months ago...somehow, though we've never met, I feel like your family is my family. Continued prayers for Tricia at this time.

John and Michelle said...

Thankful she's with familiar faces. That is a blessing.

Praying for a quick recovery and for good times between Gwynneth and Leah.

We'll be praying for your family.

algonquinteacher said...

Still praying

Twinkletoes said...

Continuing to pray in PA for wellness and continued strength with Tricia and her entire "team" looking after her (including you). Thanks for the updates.

amy smith said...

praying for you all

A said...

Praying for continued healing and strength.
Take good care!

Amy said...

I'm glad Tricia feels more 'safe' now that she is in ICU. Still praying for complete healing and no major problems. She is truly and amazing, strong woman!!!

Denise said...

Thinking of your family. (((hugs)))

Carey said...

Praying for all of you!

Tricia said...

Blessings and prayers coming your way. Hope for healing and rest for all. Hang in there Tricia and give yourself time to get better :)
Tricia and Clan xoxox :)

Beebe said...

Praying for your family

HDietz said...

Praying from Los Angeles.

Em said...

Hope Tricia is having a restful and peaceful night tonight

Debbie said...

Glad she is comfortable & able to sleep. Family & friends are such a blessing. I am so glad they are close enough to help out. Praying for all of you.

Kenzie said...

Praying for you guys right now as God continues to watch over your family... I'm so thankful that she is in good care by several people that know you. I know they continue to be moved by your faithfulness, as we all do.

Love and prayers,

Froggymama said...

You have a world of support. xoxo Love to your family. Elise

Heidi said...

Hang in there sweetie! We'll keep you in our thoughts. Things like this are so scary after tx. I'm glad the pulse is down, and hopefully your sugars will follow (unless they up your dreaded prednisone...ugh!)

Marge Sexton said...

I couldn't wait to get home and check in on Tricia. Thanks for the update. I am praying for continued improvement.

Julie said...

Just checking in. Praying for you all. Hope the baby's apt. went well today and that Tricia is quickly recovering from this nasty infection. Also praying for the upcoming scans.