Saturday, October 18, 2008

First Solid Food!



elj377 said...

Love it! She seems to have a few mixed feelings!

Jerseygyrl said...

Doesn't seem like she was "diggin" it too much, but that face is too cute! I suspect she would like it more with some baby applesauce (ok so she would like the applesauce,LOL!) Those eyes are gorgeous, what a heartbreaker!

Manda Brooke said...

Looks like this will take some getting used to. . . She's so beautiful and I'm happy she's on her way to being a healthy, happy BIG GIRL!

Agnes said...

Think she has been waiting for this all her life??? So, so cute!!

Elizabeth said...

How adorable!
My she has gotten big!

Shari said...

Too cute--but she is not sure if she likes it or not. I remember feeding a little one green beans and she shivered all over with her first bite ever!! It was funny--of course no camera was handy that day.

Thanks for the pics,
shari NC

pam said...

At first glance I thought the cutie had a mohawk in the first picture. Too funny. Our best first food picture---natural applesauce--talk about hysterical faces. 20 years ago we used a baby grinder and natural stuff, no jarred baby foods, no preservatives, no sugars-- so it had quite a twang for a baby. They are some of my favorite pictures. Oh my, what we do to our kids over the years.

Amy said...

My husband tasted that stuff before we gave it to Morgan... it was disgusting. She seems to like oatmeal so much better... watching babies try new foods can be hysterical! Enjoy!

Beebe said...

LOVE IT:))))

She is sooooo adorable!

Kristina said...

Looks like she handled it as most babies do . . .funny expression, half coming out . . . great pictures!

Kim said...


Kathryn said...

Good girl! Wait till she gets tickled listening to you all make idiots out of yourselves getting her to open her mouth, smiles big, and has forgotten to swallow!

Thank you for sharing this very special moment in your lives. God's Peace!

Judy said...

What a well documented first eating experience!! Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from you! This girl's life is certainly well documented and this is an exciting milestone for her!! Babies never seem to get the solid thing at first. They always push it back out because their little tongues don't know what to do, but she'll have the hang of it in a few days. I think I've seen that bewildered look on my little girl's face before too!! Just wait until she tried bananas! She'll be eating it up like a little bird!

Anonymous said...

Gwyn looks like she wasn't so sure about it. So adorable though. Hope everyone in the whole family was able to enjoy this special moment with you & Tricia!

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Such a cutie!!

Shannon said...

Too cute! Of course rice cereal always tastes kinda... Bland. And we always expect our kids to be like yum. What until you give vegetables! Then you'll get an even better reaction. :)

Congrats! Means your baby is growing up. :)

~j~ said...

Adorable pictures!
hmmm, what was Gwyneths final
decision on her first bite of "solid" food :)) !?

Jenn said...

Oh so cute!!!

Here comes the choo choo train..wooo woooooooooooo! lol. :)

asplashofsunshine said...

SOOOO ADORABLE! Wait until that white mess on her face, and on the bib is GREEEEEN and ORANGE. Gotta love the veggies.

Unknown said...

oh the precious joys of solid foods!

have fun, it just gets better and better!


Rose said...

She is too cute!

Tracy said...

She's looking SO much like daddy!! Yay on her first solid food! Let the fun begin! :)


Beth said...

So cute and brings back memories of feeding my kiddos the first time! Just not sure what it is. She is so precious...and look at that hair! What a cutie!

Shana Runyan said...

I just spent the last several hours crying and reading over your posts.

We lost our baby girl around the same time that your Gwyneth was born, and I've been in sort of a "faith fog" these last few months. Your story, your faith, and your family are inspiring. Thank you for sharing them with us.

I will pray for you and your girls.

Marsmile said...

Cutie patootie! Not too shabby for her first experience. I'm sure time will tell whether she likes rice cereal or whatever it is! :-)

Gwyn looks terrific and her eyes are beautiful!

Anothermadhousewife said...

Delicious! I recognize that first-food-face. Erika :)

MagzD said...


I'm loving the bumbo high chair! We use our at Gramma's all the time - much easier to clean :)

Anonymous said...

How cute! We just started solids today too. Gwyneth seems a little more impressed with it than my little guy was. I posted pictures on my blog too if you wanna compare notes. HAHA!

terri c said...

Wonderful photos as always! I thought that first photo showed a mohawk, too, and wondered when Daddy would get one to match...

Genevieve said...

she is adorable!

Tammy C said...

Too cute!

Emily said...

Sweet! She looks apprehensive at first then looks like she's getting the hang of it by the end! Hope Tricia is feeling good! I'll be praying for you all this weekend!!
Emily in Mississippi

nancy said...


Twinkletoes said...

I love when they first try rice cereal...their expressions are always - what in the world are you giving me here??? Great shots! Keep in mind, it might constipate her a little.

Bob said...

Oh the humanity!

Stacemoe said...

Could she be any more precious????

Deb said...

Mmmmm yummy.
We used our little seat like that to feed our daughter her cereal everyday until she was big enough to flip herself out of it- I love those things!

Pamela said...

Dear Gwyneth,
I can tell you're not really digging the rice. It's not the best cereal out there, but Daddy and Mommy pretty much have no choice in the matter. You just start with rice, that's all.

How do you like your Bumbo seat? I am going to have my 4th baby soon, and I just can't decide if that's something we need to have. If you could let me know, that'd be great.

I am praying for your mommy every day, lots of times a day. It's good that you are little still, and that you don't know about grown-up things like worry. God is even better than your Daddy, and He is taking care of all three of you.

Olivia, Jack, Henry and "Sweets" mom

Ben said...

That looks about right for the first time - 25% in the mouth, 75% on the bib. No worries, I assure you those numbers will be flipped in no time. And check out those bright blue eyes!

Miranda said...

Mmmmm yum.....Gracie (who will be 3 in November) actually detested rice cereal and would only eat the oatmeal cereal Gerber makes. From the looks of things, Gwyneth didn't enjoy it very much either! LoL. It's different from milk and definitely takes some getting used to! Thanks for sharing those pictures with us :)
Praying for Tricia's biopsy results....

Violet said...

first food is so much fun!! what beautiful eyes she has.

nikki lynn : ) said...

Totally LOVE the Bumbo seat! I think they are the best invention E.V.E.R.!!!! Hope you guys are having fun at the Fall Festival! :)

Christy said...

How cute! I don't think any baby enjoys their first solid food. I know my daughter didn't. Love the bib!!!

I want to see more pics of Tricia. I miss her face!! Praying so hard for her!!!

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

Poor baby - I don't think she liked that too much!

My parents despaired when they tried to wean me as I thought rice cereal, or whatever babies had back then, was vile. Eventually they tried mashed banana - and I don't think I've stopped eating since! My own girl liked mashed carrots best, and apple puree is also a good choice for a first food.

Amanda said...

I hope you know that from here on out the diapers just keep getting worse. :-) Cute pictures!

-stephanie- said...

YaY, another milestone. Hang on Gwyneth, it only gets better.
praying for all of you.

Rebekah said...

Just found out about the blog and am so touched by it. We will be praying for all of you.

If any of your readers might be interested, there is a little boy with Cystic Fibrosis who is living in an orphanage in Russia and is looking to be hosted for Christmas He is 9 years old and has lived his entire life in the orphange. I know that you all have too much on your plate but if you know anyone that is familiar with CF and might be open to hosting, there is more information on this website (note, for the record, I have no affiliation with this website just would love for this child to experience a family and we are unable to do so) It is under "photolistings" and the child is R72, Sasha. Sorry if this is not entirely related but I came across both your blog and the New Horizons at the same time and just felt moved to share it. Apologies for anyone who may be offended.

My Three Sons said...

I came across you blog after seeing you on some that I visit regularly. I'm praying for your wife to make a full recovery so that the three of you can be the family that you so deserve. To make such a sacriface, she is a very strong woman.
Take care and I will check in on you often.

Unknown said...

You know in that first picture, it looks like you have given her a Rays-hawk! All it needs is a little blue spray paint, and she'll be all set!


One of the Bunch said...

She is just a doll. I'm not so sure she was enjoying her first cereal though. Thanks for posting the photos.

Continued prayers are going up for your family.
-Becky (MI)

Summer Braxton said...

What a big girl! She seems to have done much better with it than my daughter did. You must have added some of those whoppers I see in the background to that cereal :)

Emily said...

Gwenyth is just so adorable! Can't really tell if she enjoyed that cereal or not though. :) Know that I am praying for another miracle for you and Tricia. We sang a song in chapel a week or two ago right after I had been thinking about Tricia's situation, and the lyrics were quite fitting and encouraging to me as I hope they are to you - How great is our God!

Julie said...

Ha ha!!! I love the "yuck!" face, but it looks like she did fantastic for her first time!

Denise said...

Great progress-!! One suggestion: Forget giving her babyfood smush peas for a while.


Kerry said...

Love *What the heck is this look!*
So cute!
Hoping your both having a good day.
Prayers coming your way.

WilkMom07 said...

Congrats, Miss Gwyneth!! What a big girl! :-)

Irma said...

Looks like your little Rose did a fabulous job with her cereal. I remember how much I loved watching my son's face each time we gave him a new food....those moments are among the best of early-parenthood for sure.

And I know that Tricia will be the one to give Gwyneth her next food...I have a VERY clear vision in my head of your wife on a kitchen chair, facing Gwyneth, with a spoon in her hand and laughing. Do you see it, too?

Anxious AF said...

Yea for solid food!!!!

Bev J. said...

Wow! She looks so healthy! What a miracle girl!

MadMaude53 said...

Oh, bless her little heart! I have some eerily similar pictures from April of 1980 when Emily (soon to be 29) first tried rice cereal. The question that needs to be asked is, "Does any baby really LIKE this stuff?" Still praying for your dear family and Tricia's return to good health. You are in the hearts and prayers of the people of the Yeagertown United Methodist Church!

ditarae said...

I remember that look on my boys' faces when they first had cereal...WHAT? WHAT IS THIS?! Bbbblllpppttthh!

Anonymous said...

very cute. but I sure hope you didnt have that bumbo on a raised

Blessings From Above said...

So cute!!! I can't tell from the pictures if she liked it, but she at least seems to know what to do with it. Which is more than I can say for my kids the first couple times they tried rice cereal.

Thanks for sharing!

Be Thou Exalted said...

You have a bumba...gotta love that thing!

Paige Hinrichs said...

Hehe...the first picture looks like she's trying to figure out what just happened. She's looks beautiful even with food all over her face.

Liz said...

Awww! So cute...I notice you have a purple Bumbo!! We have one on the same color although we have a boy...I got it second hand in perfect condition!! Looks like the first Rice cereal experience was successful !

Katie Lou said...

Aww! Not sure if she likes it or not yet, huh? I love those first tstes of food pic's, they are priceless!

Bonnie said...

AWWW so cute!

North Carolina Mom said...

It's so much fun when they get to do something new. Hope Tricia is feeling better today. Thinking of you guys.

.....Fran said...

There's no way you could ever deny her!!! She looks just like you.

The Liberto Family said...

She can't be eating Solid food all ready! Wow time goes by fast. I'm so glad she is doing so well. It's funny to watch them with new food. You will soon find out her favorite and not her favorite food.

Anonymous said...

Soo cute... You know, I find she is starting to look like Tricia more. :D

Gin said...

Nice. Aren't Bumbo chairs great? Makes them feel so big!
It's looking like maybe she prefers pink frosting to rice cereal, no?

Scott said...

Boy did that bring back memories for me! Congrats on the first solid food feeding. She has a look that reminds me of you nate. She could be a handful!

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

My husband laughed out loud when he saw the pictures of your daughter! I admire your courage and faith. It is only our hope in Jesus Christ that can get us through the trials.

Indiana Mimi said...

What a special little Blessin your Gwyneth is~~eyes that could melt any heart! She'll soon get use to that "delicious" baby food! The pictures are wonderful! Thank You!
You are all in my thoughts and prayers~~more than you know!
God Bless.

Beverly said...

What a huge milestone!

And sweet pictures to match!

Rebekah said...

Looks like she did well! :)

Carol said...

So cute. Just think how astounding that must have been to her! What Do you guys find yourselves opening and closing your mouth in encouragement with each bite?
Congrats on the blog awards - every last is deserved. Prayers always.

Em said...

She really doesn't seem to impressed with the whole experience. Cute pictures, though.

HWHL said...

Beautiful baby. I am the mother of a former 24 weeker micro premie as well (he is now a "surly" adolescent 12 year old boy!) Miracles do indeed happen.

I've read your story and will be praying for Tricia, for you, and for Gwyneth... may God wrap you in the warm blanket of His peace during your journey....

Bridget said...

Too darn cute!

Andie said...

My first thought when I saw the pics was "WOW! She's getting so big, and as beautiful as ever!" and I have to admit, my second thought was "HEY...that's the bib I made!" So glad you guys are getting some use out of it! Hope you love the sling, too.
I'm sorry I don't take time to comment much lately, I've gone back to teaching after being a SAHM for years, and that takes most of my time! Still check on you guys and pray for you all the time.

Jenny, John, Jennah, Abby said...

What a champ!! LOVE the faces she made! priceless!

What a big step! Congrats to little Gwyneth! They never do quite know what to think of their first solid foods... our girls started out with rice cereal as well... their little faces were quite similar to Gwyneth's! That rice cereal could double as glue! I inevitably always had it dry somewhere on me and lost some major arm hair getting it off! Ouch! My advice: Wear some protective clothing during the baby food days! lol..

Enjoy this awesome milestone! Fun times!

Still praying for good news and/or a good plan for Tricia...

Much Love,
The VandeCastles.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Yummy! Very cute pictures. I can remember feeding our 15 year old twins their first solid food like it was yesterday.
Praying for Tricia!
Have a good week.

purejoy said...

make sure to have the camera ready to shoot yourself the first time she sneezes with a big mouthfull. now THAT is hilarious!! she's such a big girl now!!

Elaine said...

Cute pics of Gwyneth's first food. Looks as though she is deciding whether or not she likes it. Will be praying that today brings good news on Tricia's biopsy results.
Elaine from MT

Froggymama said...

Thinking of you big time today! Praying for good news. xoxo

KELLY said...

I remember those days trying something new.

With the look on her face it looks like it might take some time getting use to that stuff!

Praying for your family!

Duane said...

You have an amazing blog. I just started reading. I look forward to following your story going on.

Wishing u guys the very best!!!

sandra said...

She is so flipping cute... Thanks for sharing that moment with us... Precious.

Paige Hinrichs said...

Just wanted to say that I'm praying for you all today.

Valerie said...

There is nothing quite so fun as babies and food!!! Such messy entertainment! So, does she LIKE it? Or is she still unsure?

MichelleB said...

wow so cute! She's gotten big! Now that I think about it. Time with kids really do fly. Me and my hubby celebrated our 10th anniversary and he bought me a pretty pair of diamond earrings from the site and our child's 5th birthday is next week. One minute they are tiny and next minute its time for kindergarden!

Steph said...

I cannot believe how much Gwyneth has grown! She is adorable! I continue to follow your story...continued prayers.

~Bev~ said...

Is everything ok? I've been checking the blog all day hoping for some good news.
~Praying in TN,

Kathryn said...

God's Peace to you and yours.

Jennifer and Mark Kiel said...

So cute!! We're in the same boat -my 8 month old is barely tolerating bananas and rice cereal or oatmeal. Keep it up - it gets even cuter (if that's possible)! Good wishes to your family, especially Trish, to get through everything that's coming your way.

Jennifer and Mark Kiel said...

Looks like she's enjoying it! We're in the same boat, my 8 month old is just now enjoying bananas and rice cereal or oatmeal. What a wonderful sight it is and it gets cuter (how can that be with Gwyneth?). Best wishes to you and your family, especially Trish, for whatever comes your way.

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Too cute..

Kim said...

She is already 9 months?! Wow! She's so beautiful! Everytime I see a picture of her, I'm reminded of God's miracles. :) She's adorable!

Praying for Tricia's next biopsy.