Sunday, October 26, 2008

This Week

Sorry I haven't been updating much lately...have been focused on work, house-buying business, and spending as much time with my girls as possible.

We're headed back to Durham on Tuesday morning. Tricia has a few consults, and then the biopsy on Wednesday. All outpatient, so we'll be spending the night together in the hotel, and hopefully coming back home by Wednesday night.




purejoy said...

wishing you the best in durham. wishing nimble hands for the doctors, peace for you, unhurried time away from the hospital, sweet memories for you to make, and a feeling that God has got you right in the palm of your hand as you face this storm.
legions are praying for you. . .
may you feel the love of others gripping you tightly, and may you feel Him in a new and supernatural way this week.

Julie said...

We'll be praying fervantly about the biopsy. By the way, the trunk or treat commercial is a scream!!! I made my husband watch it too! I had never heard of a trunk or treat before you mentioned it, but the church where our daughter attends preschool hosted a trunk or treat on Saturday night and it was SO FUN! I wish our church did something like that on Halloween night. It's so much easier on the kids - not nearly as much walking and you see all the people you know! Let us know how everything is going when you have the time and know that we will be thinking and praying for you guys!


Our Two Blessings From Above said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with Tricia and you this week.

Twinkletoes said...

Continuing to pray in PA.

Tracy P. said...

Busy livin' life. Good for you! Praying that your week goes well. Ditto chopstix--you could just close the comments after that one.

Hope said...

I'll be praying for you and your girls this week. ((Hugs!)) Give Tricia a hug from me. I know how scared she is. Also, I hope for a fast recovery from the biopsy as well.

-stephanie- said...

praying for a complete healing for Tricia.

Becky in VA said...

Thinking of you.

Thinking of Tricia.

Thinking of your precious Gwyneth.

And prayikng for ALL of You.

And sending Love to All.

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Praying for a safe trip.

Marty Rhea Hill said...

I am thinking of y'all constantly. I check your site often and wonder what is going on. Take care and keep us posted. Also, love the pics of Gwyn. She is gorgeous!!!!!!

Paige Hinrichs said...

I'm praying for a safe trip,better news and good health.

Can't wait to see your Halloween costumes.

Blessedw5mom said...

Thanks so much for let us watch your life and pray for you! Praying God's blessings on you as you await consults and results. Praising God for your faithfulness!

~j~ said...

As always you will all be in our thoughts and prayers, as for keeping us updated i am always so amazed that you do as well as you have with all that is going on. thank you,

Kate said...

Praying for Tricia's healing & for God's continued provision for your family's needs.

Drive safely!!!

Scott said...

We are praying for you guys and especially Tricia! We hope your trip goes well and some positive news may be received. Take care friends.

Unknown said...

Praying Nate!

Holding you before our Father and trusting in His plan for the coming days!


Kelly Hallahan said...

Please don't apologize for not posting... spending time with your girls is way more important than blogging about them! Know that we pray even when you don't post!

Emily said...

I'm praying for all of you as you go back to Durham! I hope everything goes well! Praying that you have a safe drive & the best doctors when you get there!!
I have been missing your posts, but am glad you have been spending time with Tricia & Gwyneth!!
I will keep praying because our God can do ANYTHING!!
Emily in Mississippi

jdphelan said...

praying for the best! keeping the faith!

A said...

Praying for you !

Aspiemom said...

You have a lot on your plate right now, Nate!

I'm praying for your trip and that Tricia is healed of her cancer.

Michelle Jamie said...

You guys are intensely on my heart so intense that I dreamt about you last night!!

Will be praying for you this week (as always)

Karen said...

This sister really could use some encouragement-

Sara said...

wishing you all the absolute best, nate.

Angela R. said...

Nate, thank you for the update, get nervous when I don't see one for a little while. I will be praying for you all!! Hope for a safe trip to Durham and that all goes well for Tricia during her Dr. visits and testing.

God Bless!!

gmomof7 said...

Good luck and prayers!

Shari said...

WE will continue praying for all of you and for good results on the biopsy. You know, miracles do happen and we are praying another one for Tricia!!

Love and Prayers,
Shari NC

Elaine said...

You have been doing an awesome job at updating your site no matter what is going on that day or week. You don't need to apologize for taking time to spend with your 2 favorite girls. Enjoy your week and will continue to pray for good news for all.
Elaine from MT

Blessings From Above said...

As if you did not have enough going on already, I forgot you guys were in the process of buying a house.

Praying that all of your appointments in Durham bare good news.

Momof2bz said...

Have a safe trip. I hope the visit is good with encouraging news and quick. Sending Hugs & Prayers your way. I hope the house stuff is going well. It is exciting to prepare for your new home but stressful and draining at the same time. I am sure that you will truly appreciate all your efforts when you get that first lazy weekend to sit on the couch and watch some sports while relaxing.

Anonymous said...

Praying everything will go well on Wednesday. Best of luck to the both of you.

Unknown said...

Praying for you all! Also, how is Baby Nathan doing? He has been in my prayers as well.

The Pelhams said...

Good stuff, any updates on Baby Nathan?

Michelle said...

I will be praying. I have also tagged you. I know you have all kinds of time for that. Haha

Kerry said...

Praying and hoping things go as well as they can this week. I know its hard for Tricia right now as well as you to Nate. Hoping for a fast recovery on the biopsy.

Jill in Raleigh said...

Praying for your safe travel and hopefully, better news. Glad you are taking time for LIFE!! You deserve it.

marcia said...

No apology necessary, Nate! You have been focusing on exactly what you should be doing!
Praying that your appointments and surgery will all go well, and you come back with some encouraging news!

John & Michelle said...

still praying for you all in Illinois and believing in Miracles!

Tricia said...

Praying for a good week for all of you.
Tricia and Family xoxox

Amy E. said...

will be praying for a safe trip and smooth procedures..and quick return home. praying for God's healing hand to touch Tricia. still praying for baby nathan.