
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cucumber Salad Recipe

Since a few people asked (and Tricia told me to post this)...

1 cucumber (I like to slice it not-too-thin)
3 tbs mayo
2 tbs milk
1 tbs vinegar
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt

The sugar and salt are optional.

I quadrupled the recipe for Thanksgiving, which fed 17 people with a little left over. Even though I found this on the internet with a quick google search, I'll take all the credit if you try it and like it.

I wonder if this is what it feels like to be The Pioneer Woman? ;)



  1. Sounds like a great dish! You can at least take the credit for recognizing a good recipie :-)

  2. If you are the Pioneer Woman then you must take step by step pictures! :-)

  3. This is a recipe my husband's grandma has been making for decades. We all love it! And it's economical, too. Well done, Pioneer Man!

  4. This sounds like my grandma's Cucumber salad---only difference. She added elbow pasta---it was a wonderful salad. I haven't made it for years. I should try your recipe---healthier without the pasta. thanks for sharing. Hope you guys have a grand week with Him!

  5. People think I am this incredible cook and the funny thing is I go to and swipe my recipes! ha. It's awesome because they rate them like Amazon! You can see how many stars a recipe has, how many times it's been prepared and the various "chef's" feedback on changes they would make.

    That cucumber salad sounds yummy!

  6. Nope, you gotta have the step by step pics of you making the cucumber salad. Love PDub. If you can't do that then we'll just have to *settle* for pics of Gwyneth. ;_)

  7. ooh! i might just have to try this one!

  8. Sounds good and easy. But the pioneer women has pictures of each step with a finished product. You're not her yet!!! :-)

  9. My hubby loves this salad. You're a far cry from the Pioneer Woman, but that's ok! We like ya just the way you are. Hi to Tricia and smooches to Gwyneth!

  10. Oh my gosh...Nate's posting recipes! Yes, that is very PWish. I think it means you're having a stretch of normal...and I use the term loosely. Happy Normal!!

  11. AHHHH THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Can't wait to try this!! it looks ooo so YUM O.

  12. Oh the Pioneer Woman comment cracks me up!'s exactly like Pioneer Woman!

    So happy you guys had a great Thanksgiving! May Christmas be as joyful!

    Krystal in TX

  13. Just now catching up with all that you and your family have been blessed with the past several days. I love the baby feet! The house is looking very inviting and you are so blessed and have tons to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder to allways PTL in your circumstances. HE will bring glory from the hardest of times.

    The Dovel House

  14. We make the same thing but I also add onion slices. If I'm too busy to make the dressing, I sometimes use Marzetti sweet and sour salad dressing which tastes very similar.

  15. That was SO Pioneer Woman!

    When do we get to see the pictures of the 10,000 cattle in your back yard?

  16. I make this too, it's a great snack for hungry children after school! And so quick and easy!

  17. Do you think one could use plain yogurt instead of mayo?

    You could start a series - "Cooking with Nate" or something like that.

  18. My husband's mom makes a similar recipe but uses sour cream in place of the mayo. I love it! I will try it with mayo next time and you guys try it with sour cream and we'll see what is better;)
    Rachel in PA

  19. Love the salad...we add onions, just because we like them

  20. Can we please have Tricia's mashed potato recipe, too? Thanks!

  21. Swap the mayo with sour cream and add 2 green oinions and yoummmy! My Oma has been making cucumber salad for decades and I just love it!


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