
Monday, December 1, 2008

Your Gift

Well, because CFHusband was leading by over 400 votes when voting closed at 9pm last night at, I'll assume that we'll be awarded the $250 gift card (I'll wait until the official results are revealed to be sure).

Although the gift card won't be presented until early next year, Tricia and I will set aside a few hours sometime soon to take a trip to purchase $250 worth of toys to deliver to our local Toys for Tots (see This Post for the back-story)!

Thank you so much for helping to make our blog known to more people, and especially for giving us this opportunity to be a blessing to local children who may otherwise not experience the joy of opening a gift on Christmas morning. Consider this your gift to these kids.

It goes without saying that my blog readers are the best!!!



  1. You guys are awesome. God Bless.

  2. Awe! I'm so excited that you won!! I think your blog is the BEST!!!! Hope you have fun shopping!
    Emily in Mississippi

  3. That's about the coolest thing I've read all day. Thanks for continually giving back.

  4. Congratulations! An honor well deserved.

    Enjoy your shopping trip, and may God bless your endeavors.

  5. this post blessed and convicted me all at the same time. i love that you guys are using this gift in such a fun way.

  6. You guys are the best! I hope you guys get some really great deals so that the money really stretches. Have fun shopping!

  7. Simply love Toys for Tots and those always faithful Marines who care for children in need at the holidays!

    You guys ROCK!

  8. Very cool!!

    Just an FYI.. usually has an AWESOME toy sale in the next 2 can get free shipping.. We got tons of toys to donate last year thanks to their sale.


  9. That is sooo great you guys! What a fun outing that will be and even better to give all those toys away!!

  10. P.S. Looks like the amazon sale is starting now.. is a great resource once it gets going.


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