
Friday, December 12, 2008

Ho Ho Ho!

Yesterday, we took Gwyneth to visit Santa Clause...not some fat dude who drives a big rig 11 months out of the year and makes money at the mall posing as Santa during December...this guy was the real deal. He even knew that Gwyneth was a preemie, and he called her a "miracle baby"'d he know that unless he was the real Santa?

Waiting in line...

The anticipation builds...

In awe of Santa's winter wonderland...

The big moment!

This is the only good shot we got...after checking Santa out for about 5 seconds, Gwyneth turned her attention back to her left hand (see the first pic), which, obviously, is totally more interesting than the big man...



  1. That is a totally great, totally sweet Santa photo :) She's definitely checking him out!

  2. Gwenyth is making sure her nails don't get messed up for her "date" with Santa! How adorable!

  3. I have a feeling this Christmas season will be one sweet moment after another for your family.

    Caption for the first picture....
    All I Want For Christmas Is A Manicure.

  4. Nate, I gotta tell ya, your blog is positively BORING these days, and that's AWESOME! I've been reading since before Gwyneth was born, and I always clicked on your page with a bit (or a lot) of apprehension; you've all been through so much! But now, well, you're a typical daddy blogger, and I think that's terrific!

    I'll keep reading... I hope to be continually checking in on your very normal life.

  5. I could totally see how the hand is more interesting...its attrached and does things! Big man in a red suit- whos that? whats that?

    Very nice!!

  6. Wow! I cannot believe she's not crying! My daughter acts like we are making her sit on a serial killer's lap! It looks like you are all thoroughly enjoying the holidays. I'm so glad!!!

  7. That is an awesome picture. She is a true beauty. I love the look of awe on her face.

  8. What a special time! Great pictures.

  9. Whatever is she going to think when at last she meets the really , real Santa at the Kirschner family Christmas??

  10. that third picture looks absolutely magical! I think it's a combination of the expression on Gwyneth's face and the way the light is shining down on her..but all of the pictures are precious! I think Gwyneth must be getting cuter and cuter everyday! :)

    and congrats on meeting the REAl Santa! ;)

  11. That's suck a sweet shot of her with Santa. It's adorable!

    I'm pregnant now so I'll be doing that next year and really I'm just hoping the baby doesn't scream bloody murder.

  12. I'm a lurker and have been following your blog for over a year. I just HAD to delurk to tell you that I LOVE these pictures! Gwyneth's amazement is priceless! She is TRULY a you already know. :)
    And please tell Tricia that she looks GREAT as a blonde! I'm loving it!
    Jennifer in New Orleans
    Mommy to Lily (age 2, adopted from Guatemala)

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  15. That is so funny, I think we get a kick out of these things more than they do!

  16. Out of my three son's only 1 made it onto Santa's lap without a single tear. We couldn't even pass Santa in a store or mall or where ever he might be. We had to detour at first sight of the red suit & white beard. By their expressions, tears, screams and clutch hold it was clear they were terrified to be ANY WHERE near the jolly man known as Santa.
    Gwyneth Rose is tear free and SO ADORABLE....look at her looking into Santa's face...totally beautiful in every way !!!!

  17. What great pictures. What a fantastic and blessed Christmas you are going to have.

  18. She looks like she's totally amazed by Santa!

    I just have to ask, have her doctors really not said anything about keeping her in isolation during RSV season?

  19. PRECIOUS! LOVE the way she is looking up at Santa...What a little sweetheart!

  20. That is the most perfect Santa Picture Ever!

  21. She is a doll, I love that santa pic, should be on a magazine :)

  22. Pretty darn priceless. I think that one picture that you got was better than them both looking at the camera and smiling. It tells the real story! Welcome to the world of parenthood and Christmas simultaneously!

  23. I think the pictures where she is staring at her hands are SO funny....she looks so serious. Oh and BTW...LOVE the pony tail! :)

  24. She looks SO cute!
    I love the look of awe on her face And hey...that hand IS very interesting. After all it's the hand of a 'Miracle girl!'


  25. What a great day! Love the last pic when Gwenyth is gazing into the big guys eyes....until her LH gained her attention again. :o)

  26. Oh, my goodness, she's cuter than Santa Claus!

  27. WOW, he is SANTA!!
    Cute picture and Gwyneth is as adorable as ever!!
    Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  28. This is a great picture! I love it!

  29. Absolutely precious!! We just took our little (well, not little. 6 weeks, but he's ginormo) to see Santa, and he paid attention to Santa for about 5 seconds too! Ah well, at least they weren't screaming, right?

  30. These are all too too cute! Even if it only lasted 5 seconds, that gazing at the big-guy shot is classic. But I do so love them all - especially the hand-gaze.


  32. What a happy little girl. Is that a tooth in the second picture????
    Have a very blessed Christmas!!!!!

  33. The picture with Santa is priceless!

  34. She is gazing at her left hand because one day she knows there will be a diamond on that hand! That is if Daddy allows it. . . .

  35. Too cute. I think it's a great Santa shot. Did you see that big blingy belt buckle that Santa is sportin'?

  36. Great shot of her with Santa! I noticed her looking at her hand in the Christmas party pictures and then again here. She must really love that left hand of hers! I know little girls dream of when they will get married, but she is starting awfully young...LOL!

  37. This post has left me in tears. There's something about all three of you reaching this 'normal' milestone that has brought home yet again the utterly amazing miracle of your lives.

    God is good.

  38. Now that made me teary-eyed! That 3rd picture needs to be framed forever and ever.

  39. I LOVE the Santa picture! How sweet! (Followed closely by the anticipation building photo and the "left hand" photo). :)

    Merry Christmas!

  40. What a fantastic pix of Gwenyth with Santa.

  41. My first time on your awesome blog I've been following...but...

    Oh my goodness...she looks like she is just in awe over Santa! How adorable!

    I'm the mom of a preemie myself...he was a 33 weeker though.

    Hugs and prayers for your family!

  42. We saw the same Santa today. He is the real deal. He knew I didn't have a chimney. How in the world!

  43. Those are some great pictures, Nate. I really like the one of you and her looking at each other, and also of her and Santa!

  44. The pictures of Tricia and the baby with the background lights of Christmas are so poignant. This beautiful woman is the mother of a beautiful baby...what a miracle your lives are!

  45. Congratulations Gwyneth! Love the precious photos.

  46. Too Sweet!!! :) And Tricia looks great as a blonde too!

  47. I love the photo with Santa. I love how they are both looking at each other, very sweet.

  48. Fabulous pixs of you all!! Gwyn is as adorable as ever and I love her lil piggytail! Gwyn is really growing! :-) I haven't been commenting on several of your latest post over the past few weeks... busy busy busy... but always keep you all in my mind and heart. Tricia, you look wonderful, and you too, Nate.

    I really am glad you all are spending this miraculous Christmas together and thank God for that. Hope your house renovations are going well and that you guys settle in soon in time for the holidays! :-)

    As always, thank you for sharing stories and photos! :-)

  49. How totally cute! I love the look of awe on her face. It seems like most kids her age are usually scared of the jolly old fat man, but she just took it in stride.

    (BTW, I think you mean Santa CLAUS, no E) ;)

  50. That has to be one of the BEST Santa pictures I have ever seen!!!

  51. Oh my goodness.
    This is the funniest EVER!!! I love the intensity of the hand shot (and the humor you put in your last caption regarding it!!) HA HA!!
    I love it!! What a precious time for you all--WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT!? (God. Duh.)
    I am just lovin this time for you all!!!
    Nurse Candice in Nebraska

  52. that is so sweet! I used to work with Santa in high school taking kids pictures and most babies that age would be bawling their precious eyes out haha. gotta love the first Santa visit!

  53. Pretty cool pics. Thanks for sharing. Hope you guys enjoy Christmas. What a difference one year makes!!

  54. That must be Gwyneth's way of asking for diamonds. "A 3-carat pink diamond would *so* complement my red dress..."

  55. Oh man...the last simply priceless. You have got two very beautiful ladies in your life :)

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  59. THat is such a cute picture, I have to say though, I love the ones of her looking at her hand. Like she is admiring her pretty new manicure or something lol. She is getting cuter by the day!

  60. I love how their outfits match!!

  61. Thanks for letting us in on this part of your family's life. Even though some think it gives them a right to be critical!

    Good grief. How some can take a joyous occasion and become judgmental about it.

    Great pictures.

  62. Rachel.

    Go poop on somebody else's party.

  63. That's the best Santa pic I've ever seen!

  64. What a great picture with Santa...making beautiful memories. I can't wait to get to do these things with one of my own. You can tell she is a very happy baby!

  65. That is the best!! I'm sure Santa will make a special visit to see her!

  66. very cute! she's not screaming, that's a one up on most people!

  67. She is soooo stinkin' cute!!! Love the "looking at her hand" picture! :) LOL!
    Merry Christmas and a very blessed 2009!

  68. These pictures bring me to tears--of joy, of course. And to think that there are many who would have guessed that the situation that produced these Christmas pictures would never have been able to happen. Our God is so good and Tricia's faith that she would have a miracle baby is incomparable. What a witness! Merry Christmas--and may God bless your family with many, many more.


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