
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Caption Winner

"I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus."

submitted by karis

And, I almost chose this one...

"Do you smell what I smell? Do you smell what I smell?" by goad7. Very funny.

BTW, I couldn't tell you why Gwyneth was actually making this was there one moment and gone the next. She is very good at making some extremely emotional faces for no apparent reason.



  1. Well, reading your blog since before Gwyneth was born. .. do you really question where she gets her silly faces?

  2. " She is very good at making some extremely emotional faces for no apparent reason"

    Apple doesn't fall from the tree ;-)

    She's a daddy's girl!

  3. Kinda looks like she was getting ready to yawn!
    She is such a pretty baby girl!
    Take care

  4. I can so see this in her yearbook her senior year of high school!

  5. She makes faces? I wonder where she gets that from....

  6. I agree, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but it isn't only you Nathan with the face making talent. This blog is filled with Tricia making funny faces even while in the hospital. Gwyneth Rose has been blessed and born with the face making talent. It is just running through her vain's. =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

  7. She's so photogenic, no matter what the expession.

  8. Good caption choice. I think she gets her funny faces from seem to sport quite a few in your photographs too.

    Praying that your Christmas in your new home will be very special. I went to HS with your Uncle Andy.

  9. That's too cute.

    I Do like the caption you picked.

  10. Laura...the contest is over, and I don't appreciate the tips from somebody I don't know, especially when those tips are voiced to appear to come from my daughter. Other mommies might think that's cute, but not this daddy, no matter how friendly you might be.


  11. Ah! That is perfect! You chose a great winner! TOO FUNNY!

  12. That is the funniest little picture! She really cracks me up!!!

  13. I Laugh out loud every time I see this picture!!! PRICELESS! I don't know HOW you get such great expressions!!!


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