
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Working The Camera



  1. I am so glad that I checked before going to bed. She is just such a little cutie! She is absolutely adorable in all her pictures but these are so natural and beautiful. Thank you for the bright spot at the end of a hard long day.

  2. Oh glory--what a sweetie. That is precious.

  3. Tricia and Nate, Gwyneth is absolutely gorgeous! You are so blessed!

  4. She is so precious!!! I love seeing photos of her. :)

  5. That first photo there is absolutely stunning!!! Spectacular!

  6. both are very one speaks more to me as cute and adorable to the max!

  7. #1 ~ Aw, Dad!! Not ANOTHER picture!!!

    #2 ~ Well, I might as well look cute as I can!!!

  8. Goodness. Just freaking adorable!!!

  9. The first picture is a favorite. She looks so peaceful.

  10. OMGosh, I think this is my newest favorite picture! How many times have I said that before? Nathan, your photography is outstanding, that pose is priceless! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Adorable! Most of the time, Gwyneth looks more like you than Tricia in pictures, but I definitely see Tricia in that first one!

  12. You have to go places with her and think na nanny poo poo mine is cuter than yours ;) Perfection at its finest she is precious!

    one more thing my children witness to me all the time (just by being children) that God is our King! How could anyone meet that sweet face and think any differently.

    Oh how blessed you both are
    The Dovels

  13. Obviously by the first picture she misses me.

  14. What a doll face!! I think she's learning to work more than just the camera!!!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  15. This girl is so comfortable in front of the camera, hmmm, I wonder why?:)
    The top one makes me wonder what she is thinking. Maybe she's feeling blessed being in the best hands in all of heaven, Gods; while being in the best hands of her mommy and daddy here on earth. I just know she is blessed and has so much to look forward to as she grows up. Hope the house is coming together in Gods time for you.


  16. What great pictures! I absolutely LOVE the first one!!

    Happy Holidays!

  17. Are you afraid of RSV with Gwyneth? I see where you take her out quite a bit and are now planning to travel with her. The reason I ask is because I had a preemie that became very sick with this and we almost lost him?

  18. I just love how her little lips look like rose petals. and with those crystal blue eyes, she is just straight up gorgeous.

  19. She is are so blessed!

  20. You are so blessed! She is the cutest thing I have seen since my own babies were tiny.

  21. The first picture is adorable! She has such big beautiful eyes.

  22. OMG - not even a year old & she knows how to pose already! She's adorable!

  23. The top picture is my favorite picture of little Gwyneth to date!!! GREAT shot dad!

  24. such a sweet picture of your little girl.

  25. Oh my goodness!! I love the pictures of your princess!!

    Every time I see her, I think of my nephew. He's 9 months old and up to 14 lbs. now. He and Gwyneth are so similar. I keep telling my sis-in-law to pop on over and check Gwyneth out since they are SO close in size and both premature. He wasn't nearly as premature, but he's still tiny as can be.

  26. There are so many words that could describe those pictures. Gwyneth is absolutely adorable and it always brightens my day when I see her pictures. She is truly blessed to have parents like you and in turn you are blessed to have such a sweet, adorable little girl. "You have come a long way baby".

  27. In the top picture Gwyneth looks so grown. She is absolutely precious in every picture, but I love these 2. When I think of how far she has come it just makes me so happy & thankful to God.

  28. I love these pics. Very sweet!

  29. OOOhh! so precious!

  30. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW she is such a heartbreaker!! she is so cute she needs to be in a picture know..the pictures that are in the frames when you buy them? she IS that adorable

  31. I love that first picture! What a beautiful girl. Can you believe how much she's grown? Yet she's still so small! I'm so thankful the Lord gave you such a sweet treasure.

  32. Beautiful! My little one is the same age as Gweneth and it is so fun to see them grow.

  33. Such a little Ham already....too cute for words!

  34. Beautiful pictures of her Nate!

    Thanks for sharing!

    How is Tricia feeling?

    God bless,

  35. oh my goodness. she is absolutey breathe taking and soo adorable:)

  36. What a sweetie. She is absolutely gorgeous!

  37. LOL to Andy Lawrenson's comment.. it DOES look like a senior portrait.. how cute.

  38. Oh so sweet... I thing these might be the best pictures I've seen of her yet....

  39. Oh my goodness! This baby really knows how to work the camera! She's precious!

  40. How precious...that is really way too much cuteness to handle. :-)

  41. So cute. But you're in trouble when she gets older. The boys are going to be knocking down your door!

  42. This is by far the prettiest photo I have seen of her

  43. Gorgeous child Nate and Tricia - like I'm sure you don't know that... :)

  44. I agree with Andy-her senior porait!

    I just can't imagaine how photogenic she will be by THEN!

    I hope the storms of yesterday weren't too bad for you.

  45. She is just so precious. She makes your heart melt.

  46. The first one tugs at my heart strings. What an angel.

  47. Too precious! Wow, your pictures are so wonderful... but of course your little one is pretty darn cute.

  48. The top of the two is absolutely adorable, why don't you open up your own photo shop here on the beach, Id be in every week! your amazing with photography.

  49. Her eyes just kill me! What a beautiful little girl you have there!

    May G-d bless you with a good year!

  50. I am a bit of a lurker & have followed your blog since the birth of your daughter...I just have to say that this is the most beautiful picture! Happy Holidays!

    Heather M.
    Mommy to 3 beautiful miracles from Vietnam


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