
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!

We love you so much and can't believe how hard it is to imagine what our lives were like before you were here. We thank God that He has given us the joy and privilege of calling you our daughter. Your smiles, laughter and snuggles have helped us to forget so much of the hurt and stress of this past year, and you have given our lives an even brighter future. We pray that, as you grow, you will discover how much God has already blessed you and used you to bless others...He has a very special purpose for you, and we believe that you can do all things with His presence in your life.


Mommy & Daddy

Please, feel free to leave a comment for Gwyneth as well. Although it will be a while before she is able to understand what today means, we look forward to sharing with her the things we have recorded on this blog as well as every encouraging comment and prayer when she is old enough.



    God has been so good to you all - seeing Gwyneth and trcia a year on is a testimony to God's goodness, grace, power and love. My prayer for you today, and every day, is that you will know God's abundant blessing in your lives. That you will be continually upheld and strengthened by the only One who can give true peace and joy.
    Love and prayers,
    The Cordle Clan
    (I can't believe I get to do the first post on your BIRTHDAY - WOW!)

  2. Happy birthday, precious girl! You have touched so many already. May God continue to bless you and use you for His purposes for many years to come. You and your family are loved!

  3. Happy Birthday, sweet sweet girl!

    Give mommy a huge hug and daddy a big wet raspberry (or kiss, LOL!). They love you lots and so does Jesus.

    Be blessed!

  4. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!

    Seeing your photos today and comparing them to what we saw when you were born reminds us of God's amazing, abundant, fantastic, stupendous grace and love!
    May you grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus!

    Julie (Keep Singing)

  5. Talk about a life being an altar of remembrance. You can't look at this precious child without acknowledging the wonder of God, the One who can do FAR beyond what we can imagine.

    Gwyneth, God handpicked this union of parents and child--special love that no others can give. A foundation of Love and Truth has already been poured out in your spirit, claiming you as His. Praying all His best for you. It has been a privilege to peek into your world and watch Love. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday Gwyneth.

    I have prayed so much for you and your family through your journey to today. I have cried with you all, I have laughed with you all and I so proud of all that you have done so far.



  7. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

    You've only been in the world a short time compared to other people but you rock!

    You make me smile and I love the photos that your dad takes of you and him hanging out (be sure to give him a hug everyday! give Mum a hug too!)

    Han :)

  8. P.s. I thought of something else as well!!

    Trust in God - he has got a plan for you! There will be times when it might seem like he's distant but he's not he's there next to you holding your hand and guiding you!

  9. Gwyneth! Happy Birthday on my mom's birthday! You, sweet baby girl, represent so much to so many. You are a picture of hope and love, of grace and mercy and most of all, a miracle! You shouldn't be here according to the world's statistics but God had other plans for you. I am THANKFUL you have parents who show you our God on a daily basis...because of them and their parents, you will hear much about Jesus in your lifetime. You hold a special place in my heart (which is CRAZY since I will probably never meet you this side of Heaven) and will continue to pray for you and your parents. I'll be wearing pink for you today girlie!! xoxox Your Auntie Wendy in Oklahoma

  10. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth. Your a SUPER STAR.
    I've followed your mommy and daddy's blog since before you were born. I've prayed with them when things were a little shaky. The one thing I can honestly say, YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE IN SO MANY PEOPLES LIVES> Not only your family, but bloggers, people who have followed your entrance into the world. You are God's Promise that you will have eternal life with him if you follow His commandments. What an AWESOME thought. I pray that not only your 1st but all your birthday's to follow will be as special as this one. Your a very special little lady and the Lord has a very special place in the world for you to be and special things to do. I can't wait to see what else unfolds in your little life.

    God Bless You and Sweet Dreams of Birthday Angels.

    Sonja - Florida

  11. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth! May you enjoy cake, cuddles & blowing out a single candle. May God bless you always. Many happy returns. XOX

  12. Well, what an amazing jouney this first year of life has been. We've never met you but we've prayed for you almost daily for your first year! We've watched in amazement as your daddy posted pictures of you. You are a special little lady who has already blessed so many people! Happy Birthday!!

    It is amazing to follow your days and to see the wonderful little girl God has placed with your mom and dad. God works so wonderfully and your story has given many people restored faith. Me for one. May you continue to flourish in God's Love.

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWYNETH!!! We hope you have an amazing day!
    Candi, Lexi and Tony

  15. Happy birthday, Gwyneth. :) Today is my nephew's fourth birthday. He was early, too.

    We love you! :)

  16. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday sweet Gwyneth,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    You and your family are truly amazing. May God's blessings continue to pour down on you and yours.

  17. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! It's been great watching you grow and learn and develop over this past year. You have fantastic parents to guide you along.

    Continue being the blessing that you are...Happy Birthday!

  18. Happy birthday beautiful Gwyneth Rose! You are a petite miracle who has touched the lives of so many...a hero of sorts! May every year of your life show as much strength and growth as this past one has!
    Happy birthday baby girl!

  19. Happy Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose you are such a precious little girl

  20. Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

    May all your years to come be even more blessed than your first!!

  21. Happy birthday Gwynnie!!!!!!!!! You've got the best parents in the world... always appreciate them!!!! Hope the rest of your life is just as blessed as this first year as been. All my love, Alice (I've got the same disease as your mommy, and also got new lungies)

  22. Happy birthday, pretty girl!

    What a blessing and miracle you are.

  23. Happy 1st Birthday Gywneth!! You are a big girl now at 1 years old. Sherri in NC

  24. Happy Birthday Precious Gift from God! You are an answer to a lot of prayers! Happy, Happy 1st Birthday....and many more!

  25. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!! What a precious miricle you are. It is hard to believe that you are one already...we continue to be blessed by your story...and will continue to pray for you and your mom and dad. Have a great day sweet girl...can't wait to see pictures.
    Love from Michigan, Shann and the fam!E

  26. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!!! Today is such a special day, not only for you but for your mom and dad as well! You're a beautiful little girl and very blessed indeed!

  27. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth Rose!!!

    Have a fabulous day with your family!

    You have had a real rollercoaster of a first year, but you have already proved beyond a doubt that you are so strong and have such spirit.

    God bless.

    Becky, Adrian, Seren & Dylan xxx

  28. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!
    It has been absolutely amazing watching you grow this past year. Your little life and AMAZING strength have touched so many, as you parents faith and trust in God have as well.

    May you have many more blessed years to come!!

  29. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!
    May you always be blessed! :)

  30. Happy Birthday,little Gwyneth! You are so loved and cherished and have given hope to so many.

  31. Happy first birthday Gwyneth!! It has been so much fun watching you grow this past year. I was so excited the day you were bigger than your pug, it was so wonderful to see. You have some awesome parents and they have been amazing this past year as well.

    I wish you a wonderful, happy and healthy second year!

    Amy in Pa

  32. Happiest of birthdays Miss Gwyneth! We rejoice in what God is doing in your life and continue in prayer for you and your family! Please ask your daddy if we could have one more "pug picture" even though it is not Tuesday and you are not in the hospital.

  33. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth!! I hope you have a wonderful day and get some yummy cake to make great b-day pictures with.
    A friend from CT

  34. Happy birthday to a special little girl!

  35. Happy Happy Birthday to such an amazingly sweet and blessed little girl. And to her amazing parents you guys enjoy this miracle of a day!!

  36. Happy Birthday sweet girl. I have prayed for you and your family for over a year now, and I don't even know any of you personally. But, one day, in eternity I will! I pray you will be drawn to God at an early age, walk with Him all your days, so that when you are older you will look back and not remember a day without Christ! Birthday blessings for you. Jesus Loves You~ Julie D. (FL)


    What ab lessing you have been to your mommy, daddy & so many others!!! May you have many many more happy birthdays!!!

  38. Happy First Birthday, Gwyneth Rose!
    I'm wondering if Daddy will post a picture of you with your little pug today, to remind all of your friends around the world of how absolutely amazing your journey has been in this first year of your life! Already, Sweet Baby, God has used your (often very tenuous) life, together with your Daddy's gifts of writing and photography and your Mommy's gift of faith (what an understatement!) to show Himself to millions of people around the world who never knew Him before. He has given you quite a story to tell, Little One! I will continue to stand in awe of Him who has done so much in your life already, as He continues to reveal His Promise in and through you! Have a wonderful birthday celebration today, with your big family who loves you so very much!

  39. Happy Birthday Gwyneth, the Superbaby! It has been amazing to see how God has worked in your precious little life this past year! You have given thousands of people a glimpse of God's Almighty Power! I know just as your parents state with God in your life you will be able to do amazing things that will bring Him Glory! May you always be blessed in Jesus Name!

  40. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!! You are a true miracle and blessing from God. I have enjoyed praying for you and your family this past year through all of your struggles and successes. :) Never lose sight or doubt tht handiwork of God. I know that God has amazing things for you and your family.

    Have a wonderful birthday and don't eat too much cake.

    Love & prayers,

  41. Gwenyth, I have so enjoyed sharing in your young life. You were born to change the world, or at least your little corner of it in God's name and for His purpose. You have transformed hearts and minds before you even got your first tooth. May many years of happiness and God's abundant joy surround and fill your life!

  42. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!

    God has amazing plans for your life!

  43. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

    It's been a joy to see you through your first year.

    Hugs from friends in NJ

    ps - We remembered and wore pink & brown today

  44. Happy Birthday Gweneth! You are special in so many ways words cannot express. God bless you!

  45. Happy 1st Birthday to the sweetest little girl!!!!!

  46. Happy, Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Wow, a whole year has gone by since I 'met' you. You are a true blessing. I hope you and your family have a wonderful day today. Much love to you from our family.

  47. Happy Birthday sweet miracle girl! It's been an honor and a privilege to follow you and your parents' journey over this past year and to pray for you all. May God grant you an outstanding year of growing in His grace and His love and His joy. And may you fall in love with Him as you learn who He is from your parents' excellent example to you.

  48. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! What a first year it has been. I feel blessed just reading about you and your awesome family. You guys are truly an inspiration to all of us. Hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating a beautiful miracle!

  49. Happy Birthday, Sweet Gwyneth Rose! What a pleasure it has been to watch these miracles unfold. You are a special gift to so many people. Even at your tiniest you were reaching people for our Lord! I am so thankful for your life & for your strength. God has so many things for you in the future! You, my dear, are so special!! You have special parents, too! It is apparent from reading about your lives that they love you very, very much! I hope that your first birthday is a special day for all of you & one that your mom & dad never forget!
    Emily in Mississippi

  50. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! I started reading your daddy's blog the day you were born - and I remember praying for you and your mommy that day and many, many times since then.

    May God continue to bless you and your mommy with improving health each day.

  51. Happy Birthday to one of God's special miracles! You have inspired so many people all around the world and I know you are going to be a strong woman in Christ. May God continue to bless you and your family.

    All our love,
    The Fletcher Family
    Detroit, MI

  52. Happy Birthday Princess of God! Happy Birthday! (crying happy tears this morning, as we have cried many times this year.. Thank you once more for continuing to share your family's story, N, T and Lil' Gwyneth)

  53. Happy one year birthday, Gwyneth! What a prayed over baby you are and you have a much prayed over Mommy! I thank God that you are able to celebrate this day with your Mommy and Daddy. You have your daddy's blue eyes and you show such a sweet spirit. Love to you sweetheart!

  54. Happy 1st Birthday, Gwyneth!!!!!!!

  55. Happy Birthday to you Ms. Gwyneth Rose.

  56. Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday dear Gwyneth!!!
    Happy birthday to you!

    May you celebrate many more birthdays with your awesome parents. You are a blessed and precious little girl!

  57. Happy Birthday sweet baby Gwyneth!

  58. Happy First Birthday Gwyneth! It's been so much fun watching you grow this last year. What a year you and your mommy have had! You are two tough ladies! Wishing you many blessings today and into the future!

  59. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth Rose! You are one blessed little girl! I have prayed for you, cried over you, smiled over you, praised God for you, and have enjoyed watching you grow. I can't wait to see you progress throughout the years, and see what else God has in store for His miracle baby. You have richly touched many peoples' lives without even knowing it. I love seeing your beautiful little face, and thanking God for the awesome things He has done for you and your Mommy in the last year!

    I hope you have a wonderful day drooling, playing with toys, and maybe even getting some yummy icing!! You are a very loved little angel! Enjoy your day, sweet girl; even though you don't know what day this is... it's an AWESOME day!! :o)

    Much Love! <3

    P.S. I'm proudly rocking my pink and brown today in honor of you!!

  60. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! You are truly remarkable and amazing little girl, even in your first year of life! God truly must have great things planned for you.

    We are all so grateful that we get to see you grow and be a part of your life. May God continue to bless you and your family today and every day! Happy Birthday!!

  61. Happy Birthday, Precious Gwyneth! What an amazing year it has been watching you grow and seeing the hand of God on your family. I believe that it was God Himself who put the desire in your mother's heart for a "miracle baby" and that He has an amazingly wonderful plan for your life. I hope that your daddy continues to blog as you grow and that all of us who have prayed for you before you were born can have the privilege of seeing those prayers continued to be answered in the years to come!

    Keep Him first in your heart always!

    The Potters in Arkansas

  62. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! You are such a little angel and blessing to everyone who knows you. I have no brown but I am wearing pink for you today.

    May God continue to bless you as you grow and may you have a wonderful birhday!

  63. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! May your next year be filled with love, discovery, health, happiness, and fun! Have a great day!

  64. Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl. May God continue to bless you and your wonderful family. Still praying for all of you. In Ohio.

  65. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth. You are truly a miracle. Enjoy your day.
    Elaine from MT

  66. happy birthday miss gwyneth. our god is an amazing god. he has given you and your mommy and daddy an amazing testimony to share. it is so incredible to me the trials he puts us through but then have the results that are beyond amazing. you sweet little girl are one of those amazing things. it's been a pleasure to pray for you and your family and i'm blessed to continue those prayers! :0) happy birthday! amanda and her fam

  67. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!! What a year you've had! Praying for many more healthy years to come for all three of you guys.

  68. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth. You sure have touched the hearts of a lot of people in your 1 year. You are so beautiful and our family in Wisconsin pray for you and your mommy all the time. We look forward to watching you grow. Have a wonderful day.

  69. Happy Birthday to you!
    Enjoy your special day!
    God bless you!

  70. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! You have brought so much joy and excitement to your family this year, and I know that there is more to come. Your incredible journey this past year has renewed many peoples faith in God and that true miracles STILL happen! You and your mommy are proof positive of that! God has done great things through you this first year of your life, and I can't wait to see what he has in store for you next! Know you are loved!

  71. Happy 1st Birthday, precious Gwyneth Rose!!! You are indeed a miracle and a blessing! I pray that God will continue to use you to touch hearts, as you have touched mine so very many times over the last year...

  72. Happy Blessed Birthday Gwyneth! I've been following & praying for you and your family for the past year. What a big girl you've become. Hope you have a wonderful celebration!

    P.S. Tell your dad: GO EAGLES!!!!

  73. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!! Looking back on the past year reminds me that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. God knew what He was doing when He made you and loaned you to your parents. Though all the struggles your parents kept faith that God was going work everything out. Your parents have shown a lot of people all over the world that when you give everything to God it will all work out. Your only a year old and have the biggest testimony.
    To God Be The Glory!

  74. Happy 1st Bday Gwyneth! Wow what a year. You sure are one popular little girl :) We love you and are so glad to see you doing so well. Keep up the good work!

  75. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth - your a very special little girl, and we are thankful to have the privelage to watch you grow.

    Thank you for all the lessons you and your family are teaching us about love.

  76. Happy First Birthday Gwyneth Rose!!!
    What a big girl you have become and you are so so pretty!!!
    Have a wonderful day.
    Thoughts and prayers are with you this day as they have been for your first whole year!!!

  77. Happy Birthday sweet Gwyneth!!! You are such a special little girl, and God had chosen you and your precious family for a purpose bigger than we even know at this point! I pray that when your eyes of understanding are opened, that you will see Jesus, and actively seek HIM to fulfill his plan for your life. You're loved!!!

  78. Happy Birthday Angel. You are a very lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents and God has a mighty big plan for you.

  79. Happy 1st Birthday, sweet girl!

  80. Happy birthday Gwyneth Rose!!!
    You are a true blessing from God!! May God always bless you and your family!!

  81. Happy 1st Birthday GWYNETH you are sure one sweet baby girl

  82. I have checked this blog at least once/day for the past year and have prayed for you and your family even though I've never met your family. I rejoice in God's amazing grace and trust Him to protect and guide you through your life.

  83. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

    I've been reading your blog for many many months and I have prayed for you many times! I hope that God continues to bless you sweet girl!

    from Texas

  84. Gwyneth, you and your parents have touched the lives of so many with your grace and strength. May you continue to grow and to thrive, and (most importantly), to be wrapped in the love of God and family.

  85. Gwyneth,
    I can't beleive its been one year already! I remember this time last year praying with my office and awaiting a post from your daddy saying you were born! I have not gotten to chance to meet you yet, but your mommy and daddy are friends of mine and hopefully one day i will make it to the OBX and see you face to face :). Please know I pray for you and your mommy and daddy everyday and I cannot wait to see you grow up big and strong! You are so beautiful, and a true blessing and miracle from God! I pray that this year will be an amazing year for you as you continue to grow! Praying for you!

    God Bless
    Erin Suder :)

  86. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth! Hope you get to eat some cake and ice cream or at least get to taste it! God is so good and we give him praise for the wonderful things he's done for you and your family! Love U!

  87. Happy Birthday sweet girl! Your life has already touched and inspired so many, you are loved throughout the world but most importantly, by your amazing Mom, Dad and God. Party your socks off, sweet girl and have a great 2009!

  88. Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday dear Gwyneth!
    Happy Birthday to YOU!

    Gwyneth, I remember setting here praying for you. Not for just one day, but several times a day for many days.

    I praise God that He has brought you to your first birthday. Your life, as short as it has been, has been a blessing to o many. May you know and accept Jesus' abundant love.

  89. Happy birthday Gwyneth.

    Lots of us here in Edinburgh, Scotland have been praying for you and your Mommy since you were born last year.

    God has very special plans for you and already He has been using your miraculous story to touch the hearts of so many people all across the world.

    These words the God first said to a prophet called Jeremiah I think are truly words for you as well:

    "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations" (Jer 1v5)

    May the Lord bless you and keep you.

    Love and prayers,

    Laura Anne (Brunettekoala)

  90. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!! May God bles you and your parents!!!

  91. Happy Sweet First Birthday, Gwyneth Rose!! You are a testiment to our all knowing, all powerful, ever present God Almighty! May you grow to know and love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind, trusting His plans for you and knowing that you were fearfully and wonderfully made for a time like this!!!

    Happy Birthday, girl!!

  92. Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl! You've come a long way kiddo! We've been blessed to follow your journey and pray for you and your family along the way! Enjoy your special day!

  93. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! You have already been such a blessing to people all over the world! God has BIG plans for you!

  94. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!!!!! It has been such a joy to watch you grow this year!!! You are so beautiful!!!

    Nate and Tricia, you are so blessed. Thank you so much for allowing all of us to share in your life!!

    I'm wearing PINK AND BROWN today!!

  95. Happy Birthday Sweet Girl.
    It's already the middle of the afternoon here in London.
    I have been following your story from the other side of the world.
    You, your Mommy and Daddy are in my prayers regularly.
    God is so so good, you are going to have so much fun getting to know Him. He's already played a big part in your life and I hope that He continues to do so.
    Many many blessings, now and always
    Hannah G x

  96. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Gwyneth! I cannot believe I've been following your journey for over a year now! I have loved watching you grow and praying for you every step of the way. You are a miracle and you remind us daily of how precious life is - and what a GOOD GOD we serve! I'm so thankful that you are in your mommy & daddy's life. Be blessed, Lawrenson family, today and always!

  97. Happy birthday, sweet girl! I remembered my pink and brown today and am wearing it proudly for you!

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Happy Birthday miricle girl!

    Writing this I think that perhaps there is some pressure being named such. But don't worry. Let God show you what he has in mind and all will be well!

    May he continue to bless you!

  100. Happy Birthday to Gwyneth from everyone in my family. I'll be praying for your mom to do well in surgery today and for your family to be healthy for many years to come. We look forward to sharing our pink and brown pictures later today.

  101. Gywneth, sweet girl! You are such a miracle. God is going to do amazing things through you. Always remember that your mommy and daddy love you more than words can say- but more than that, Jesus loves you! You are his princess! Happy birthday!

  102. Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl. It sure has been an adventure to check in on you and your family each day. I thank God that you and your family are able to celebrate this wonderful day. We will be praying for your mom during surgery today, and that the celebration will continue tomorrow. Happy Birthday.

  103. Happy 1st Birthday precious girl!

  104. Dear Gwyneth,

    Happy 1st Birthday!

    I began reading this blog a few days before your birth... At this time last year you were still a dream in your parents and all of us blog readers hearts and minds. What a miracle you are, God has a high calling on your life, little girl.

    It has been a true blessing to watch this story of faith unfold over the last year, a constant reminder that miracles to happen when we trust in Him.

    God bless!

  105. I rarely post but today is a special occasion because a very special girl who amazed the whole world with her strenght is turning ONE!
    We are all here today to wish you happy birthday!
    TANTI AUGURI sweet Gwyneth!


  106. Happy Birthday, little Gwyneth! You sure are a beautiful little girl!

  107. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!
    I hope this is an amazing day for you and your daddy and mommy.
    So happy for your family that ya'll can experience every blessing that comes with being a family!
    Oh Happy day!
    Praying for you today Tricia.

  108. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! You have made it through so much, and you are doing so well only a year later. You said bye to the NICU long ago, and have been a picture of health ever since, Im so impressed!
    Have a great day, and many more to come!
    Love Alex (an NICU vet myself)

  109. Happy 1st birthday Gwyneth! May God continue to bless you and your family as you continue to grow into the beautiful girl God made you to be.

  110. Happy Birthday Precious Girl! You are a sweet little miracle and I am so thankful to have been allowed a glimpse into your life! God Bless You!

  111. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!! It is hard to believe that you are a year old. Hope you have the best day of your life!

  112. Happy Birthday! You started out so small but you've already made a big impact - that will continue as you grow. We love watching you grow and can't wait to hear the next story!

  113. Happy birthday sweet girl! You have no idea how much your life has blessed others, especially mommy and daddy!

  114. Hey, Happy Birthday, Kid! You are pretty special, but I don't have to tell you or anyone else that! I pray that this second year of life for you and your rents is blessed! Praying for you in CO,
    Jason, Adrienne and Emily Graves xoxox

  115. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose. What an adorable little miracle you are.

    May your next year bring a plethora of new firsts for you.

    May your precious smile have many occasions to show itself.

  116. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose. You are such a blessing to your family and also to your cyber family. Thanks to your parents for sharing the miracle of your life with all of us.

    Sending you a big birthday hug.


  117. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

    If you are reading this on another birthday...can you believe how many people have fallen in love with you and your family?
    We cheer at all your achievements and smile at your pictures and pray for all of you.

    We wish you many more happy birthdays, sweet girl.

  118. Happy, happy, happy 1st birthday to you, Gwyneth Rose!! You are God's miracle! It has been amazing to see you grow over the course of a year and you got your daddy's looks but your mommy's sweetness! :-D

    May your 2nd year as well as the rest of your life be awesome!

    Marissa :-)

  119. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! It's been such a joy and honor to get to watch you grow so big this year and to see what a delight you've been to your Mommy & Daddy and their families as well. I pray that you will continue to be strong and healthy in this new year and that you will grow up to be a follower of God just like your Mommy & Daddy!


    Julie Miles

  120. Happy Birthday little miracle! To the beautiful girl with the beautiful blue eyes, your life already means so much and I can't wait to see where you go from here!

  121. Happy First Birthday Gwenyth Rose! What a miracle and a blessing this day is for you and your family.

  122. HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY GWYNETH!!! I wish for you a very magical 1st birthday, and we all look forward to reading about your many, many more birthdays to come!

    May God continue to bless you all!

  123. It's hard to believe it has been a year since you were born, but we have been praying for you longer than that! You are so blessed to have the parents that God gave you. May you always seek HIM first in your life.
    Love and MANY prayers in NJ,
    Mike & Sarah Barnhart & Baby Josie (9 mos.)

    May God continue to bless you and use you for His purposes for many years to come. I have kept you and your family in my daily prayers and stand amazed how God has answered those prayers!

  125. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!!!

    You have touched many people already & I have a feeling you will touch many many more in the future.

    Enjoy your day & give Mommy & Daddy a big sloppy kiss

  126. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth!!! What a special day this is for you and your mommy and daddy! You have come so far this year, and have brought such joy and happiness to your family. While I do not know you personally, I have had the wonderful privilege of having the opportunity to watch you grow through your daddy's blog. You have a wonderful family, and a whole world of people supporting you! You can do anything!!! Have a wonderful second year!

  127. Gwyneth, I am a stranger to you and your family but my family has prayer for you and you have blessed our lives. Your daddy and mommy allowed your story to become public and in doing so have allowed the Lords testimony to shine through. We are so thankful to be wishing you a happy 1s birthday and many more to come.

  128. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth!

    You are a miracle and one day you will know just how much you have touched all our lives.

    You are very much loved and adored by many.

    May you grow and bring even more joy to your wonderful parents this year.

    Lots of love and hugs,

    The High Family


  129. Happy birthday Gwyneth!! It is so hard to believe it has been a year since you were born, such a tiny fagile little bundle! May you always know that you are a child of God; one he knew long before you were ever born. May you know that He has great any mighty plans for you - plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans for hope and a future! May you always feel the arms of God around you. May you use your story to further His kingdom for many, many years to come!

    McKinney, Texas

  130. Happy, happy birthday! Gwyneth, you are a very special girl. God blessed you with wonderful parents. You are loved and prayed for by many of us all around the world:)
    Big hugs from Texas,

  131. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRETTY GIRL!!!! I'll be wearing my pink and brown today, and so will my 7 year old little girl. All because of you...

  132. Happy birthday! You are one special little lady, and not just because you have the best birthday.

  133. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy 1st Birthday dear Gwyneth, Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Wow..I cannot believe that it has been one year!!! What an incredible year it has been! I think Gwyneth is one of the most loved babies around. She has the love and prayers of so many strangers. Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your miracle!!!

  134. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! You are such a beautiful sight!

  135. Happy Birthday precious girl. You are loved by thousands (millions?) of people around the world. How many lives have you touched? Oh so many. Enjoy your day little miracle baby.

    Heidi Reed & family

  136. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!
    You are such a beautiful little girl that has inspired so many of us with your spirit. You gave your mommy & daddy such a beautiful reason to hope and believe. You are too little right now to know how many people are out here praying for you and your mom every day but someday when they tell you, I am sure that you will be amazed. You are such a miracle that has affected all of us that "know" you. I hope you enjoy this birthday and many more to come.
    The Delozier Family

  137. Happy Birthday little tiny one.
    What a miracle you are. May YOU and Mommy and Daddy have a wonderful day.


  138. Sweet Miracle Girl, Gwyneth Rose, Happy First Birthday!
    It has been an amazing year watching you grow and your parents glow!
    Love and birthday wishes from Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Karen et al

  139. Happy Birthday, Gweyneth! We have read about you and prayed for you for a year now! What marvelous things God must have planned for you and what awesome things he has done through you. May you be continually blessed with health and happiness!
    The Harr Family

  140. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth!

    You are a living testimony of God's faithfulness. I believe that He has an amazing plan for your life.

    I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your sweet family.


    You are one amazing little girl. My daughter and I have been following your dad's blog for over a year now. I am grateful that he has given us the chance to "get to know you". Today we are wearing pink & brown in honor of you, micro-preemies and your parents. May God continue to bless you and use you (and your story) for His purposes.

    God Bless Beautiful Girl!!

  142. Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I've been following you and your mom's story for almost a year now and it's amazing what God has done in your lives! You are such a miracle and I pray your story can touch others for many, many years to come! Have a wonderful day and know that there are people you don't even know who love you and are praying for you!

  143. Happy Birthday sweet girl! My, what a long way you have come in just one short year! You are a true living miracle to the whole world Gwyneth Rose! Not only are you blessed to have the awesome mommy and daddy that you have, but they are blessed to have YOU! May you have many many more fun birthday celebrations!

  144. Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!!!

    You have already been a blessing and an inspiration to SO many people in your first year! And I'm sure you will continue to be! I know that I have certainly been blessed by your story! I pray that as you grow, you see and follow the beautiful, God-glorifying example of your parents!

    Your sweet smile and sweet spirit is a blessing to everyone who sees it!

    Happy Birthday, again! May God bless you with many, many, many more!!! :)


  145. Happy Happy Birthday!! You are such a miracle!! It has been a pure joy to watch God work in your life and your family's life!! I am excited to watch you continue to grow. Have a wonderful birthday!! God Bless
    Sabrina Ahern - Omaha NE

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Happy Birthday Sweet Gwyneth! Wow you have a lot of fans! We are all so amazed by your precious life and your family. God has already done so many incredible things because of your parent's faith in Him. I pray that you will come to know him at an early age! Birthday blessings and hugs from Texas! You're getting to be such a big girl!!!

  148. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!
    What a precious gift from God you are. What a journey your little life has been. Continue to stay strong and have a blessed birthday!


  149. Happy Birthday Gweneth! I will continue praying for you and your family. God is a god of today and you are proof of the miricles He wants to shower on all who turn to Him! You have great parents who have open themselves up to some persicution so that the world may know that nothing is too big for God. Love and Blessings!

  150. Happy Day to you little one! Always remember that God created you for a special purpose. You were born against many odds, just proving that God wants you here. You are special and unique and very loved.
    :o) Rachel in California

  151. Happy Birthday sweet Gwyneth! You don't know it yet but you have blessed thousands of people and thousands of people have prayed for you. God is awesome in answering our prayers and we are blessed watching you grow and become a part of a special family. You have a wonderful life ahead of you and you will continue to be in our prayers.

  152. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!!!

  153. I'll keep this short and sweet! Happy 1ST BIRTHDY Gwyneth! This year has been full of blessings, both good and bad, but you and your family have made it through it! Congrats and I hope you have fun celebrating!

  154. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! We wish you all the happiness a little one year old can have and may God bless you with many, many more years with your Mommy and Daddy!!!

  155. Happy Birthday sweet little Gwyneth! I hope your day is filled with happiness!

  156. Happy Birthday Sweet Miracle Gwyneth!

  157. Wow, what to say to a little girl on her 1st birthday who has captured the hearts of millions.

    Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth you are an amazing family. May God continue to Bless your lives

  158. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET GWYNETH!! I can't believe you are 1 already!
    Just always remember, you have the BEST mommy and daddy EVER!!! Also, there are a lot of people out there who love and adore you:)
    Best Wishes!!

  159. Happy Birthday, sweet Gwyneth girl! What an honor it has been to see you grow from such a frail premature infant to a happy, beautiful one year old. We feel so blessed to have watched from the "outside," even while we prayed so much and so deeply for you and for your Mommy and Daddy - and still do and still will.

    We are a family with eight children. Our little girl (who is also one) is wearing pink and brown in honor of YOU today!

    Love in Jesus,

    Holly Johnson

  160. Happy Birthday miracle girl! God has great things planned for you!

  161. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth! It sure has been a long ride for your mommy and daddy to get you to this point.
    We are in Indianapolis where we have The Colts, the NCAA, a pretty big race track, 4 distinct seasons of weather, some corn and soybeans, & a little love of basketball. Like many people around the world, we have followed your daddy's web blog and read daily each and every tidbit of information he shares about your trials, your progress, your funnies and your joys.
    We, too, were surpised at how you and your wonderful mommy and daddy inspired us. We founds ourselves, worrying, laughing, praying in tears, and smiling right along with you.
    Today, we are celebrating by sporting pink and brown today. Very cool color combination right now, you know. ;-) You are being treated to the best of the best, baby girl, but that is because you are a MIRACLE on this earth.
    We have all seen firsthand God's work in you and we are so excited to watch you grow. God created you and loved you long before you were born and that is the most exciting part.
    I don't want to fail to mention, how GRATEFUL we are to see you doing so well. We continue to cover your family in prayer and know that the angels have you all wrapped in their wings.

    the Roark family
    Missy, Mike, and Brendon

  162. Aww - -Happy 1st Birthday to a little girl who is a huge inspiration to so many others!

  163. Happy 1st Birthday sweet angel! You are a miracle! I know you make your mommy and daddy so proud. I have been following your blog since you were born and I was pregnant with my daughter, Emily, who will be 1 in a month too! You remind me to always trust God and know there is a specific wonderful plan for all of us. Have a wonderful day and make sure you eat lots of pink frosting!!!! Emily would like a full frosting and cake report when you get a chance!
    love and hugs and birthday wishes,
    The Klitzke Family

  164. Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl. You are blessed with parents who love you beyond measure. That will be your gift through out your life.

  165. Gwyneth,
    God is so good! You are his little angel that he has given to not only your mommy and daddy .. but to us all! So many people love and pray for you and you will probably never meet them here on earth.. BUT!!! we will meet you at Jesus's feet one day! What another glorious day that will be.
    For now.. HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY!!
    the love of GOD is blessing you all today.
    Happy Birthday little Angel
    Love from Colorado Springs,

  166. Happy Birthday Gwyneth...with many more to come!

  167. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose. And what a year its been.
    I can't believe its a year! I truly believe God has big plans for you.

    I actually got tears today reading this blog and Tricia's as. The power of God is so evident here and in your lives.
    I pray today that God will continue to guide and bless you.


  168. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth. :-)
    Watching you grow over the last year has been an honour. Blessings to you and your parents for a long, happy and loving life.

  169. Happy 1st Birthday Gwyneth!!! We love you and are so glad that you are doing so well. You are truly a blessing!


    Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Joe

  170. You and your whole family are a blessing to the world. Happy first birthday, sweet little girl. May God continue to shine his countenance upon you and your mom.

  171. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! It's amazing how one tiny person can touch so many lives.

  172. Happy Birthday, sweet little girl!

  173. Happy, happy first birthday, Gwyneth! I cannot believe I've been following your story for a year now. You are a beautiful, strong little girl and you are blessed with fantastic parents and people all over the world who love you. What could be better?

  174. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! What a blessing it has been to read your daddy's blog and witness the miracle of you and your mommy's lives. WOW!! Stephanie Moore, Cary, NC

  175. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Happy Celebration to Mom & Dad too! What a year it has been, thank you for sharing it with the world.

  176. Happy Birthday sweet girl! Many more for you and your loving family.

  177. Happy first Birthday Gwyneth!! You are an amazing gift from God and never forget that He loves you more than you could ever imagine!

  178. Happy Birthday, Sweet Gwyneth!! God has brought you so far this year. May He continue to bless you in the years to come.

  179. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! It has been a joy to watch your family's story unfold over the last year. Your parents are an inspiration. So excited to see all that God has in store for all of you!
    Many Blessings,
    The Lucas Family

    Though I don't truly know any of you, your life, and that of your parents, has blessed my life and encouraged me this year. A year ago I pleaded with God to honor your mom's great faith and obedience by saving your life and hers. I was reminded in a powerful way of the power of prayer, and of the goodness and power of God in all circimstances.
    As you grow, I pray that you follow in your parents' footsteps and develop your own strong faith and courage to follow
    God wherever he leads. May God continue to bless you and use your amazing story, little Gwyneth!\
    ~Shelley Johannes

  181. happy 1st birthday precious gwyneth!
    i remember this exact day last year as me, my family, and so many friends prayed for you and your mommy (and your family). we all prayed for a MIRACLE, and here you are today... 1 YEAR OLD! God had a perfect plan and purpose for your life even before you were born. i wonder if you'll ever truly know how many lives God touched through you, your mommy, and your daddy! we look forward to seeing you grow up here on the outer banks. you are all so SPECIAL! we continue to praise God and pray for blessings, peace, and favor for you all. we love you and HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY
    love, whitney and jesse


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