
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Change of Smile

You can't see it, but this is the face of a little girl with her first tooth!

I found it a few days ago...the best thing is, she hasn't shown any signs of pain or fussing over it. Big girl!



  1. Congratulations!!! It is awesome that she didn't fuss over it. Hopefully all the rest will be the same way.

  2. Boy are you lucky. My little one had a hard time with teething. Fevers and up off and all night long. She now has six teeth.

  3. Wow, no fussing rocks! We had to dose one of mine with tylenol & advil just to get through the day.
    I love when they just have their 2 bottom teeth - sooo sweet!

  4. So exciting!!! I CAN NOT believe she is almost a year old!!! Amazing!!! Such a miracle!!
    How is the unpacking going???

  5. She is getting so big! God bless you in the new year.

  6. Go Gwyneth! Tough little girl (no surprise, she must get it from her mom ;) Mine started fussing a month before you could even see a little bud in her gums! Lucky you for having a silent teether :)
    Happy New Year to you & your sweet family.
    xo Team G
    Ft Worth, TX

  7. I figure that after all that sweet girl has endured in her life, a little tooth probably is a breeze! Congratulations! Another Milestone for Gwyneth!

  8. Congrats on the tooth, sweet Gwyneth!

  9. happy tooth day, gwyneth! lucas just got his first two teeth, and they definitely made him suffer, poor little guy (and little me, too). glad to hear she's so brave :)

  10. congratulations...and Happy New Year...I wish you a very blessed and happy 2009!
    There is a huge change in Gwyneth, she is growing up so fast!

  11. She has the most beautiful eyes.

  12. What a sweet pic! I can't believe how big she looks!!!
    Yay for easy teething! My kids have the toughest gums, so we've never experienced "just finding" a tooth one day. So glad for y'all. ;o)

  13. ooooo yay...a milestone. bring on the teething biscuits.

  14. What a fun way to start a new year..with a TOOTH!!
    Thanks for sharing the blessings of your life with all of us. It has been great to see all that God has done in your lives and will continue being a blessing. Prayers for your family are ongoing.

    Have a most wonderful 2009!!

  15. Amazing! All of these milestones seem miraculous with any child, but with Gwyneth, it's magnified in so many ways. He knew her name, and He knit her together in her mother's womb, and boy, did He do a fine job!

  16. She just gets cuter and cuter! I loved your post above about appreciating how life has really changed in a year. What a grateful heart your have! :)

  17. Yay Gwyneth!! I'm thinking there may be a recreation of the "Charlie bit my finger" YouTube video in our near future. ;)

  18. Cannot get over how big and grown up your little Gwyneth looks in this pic! And sporting the sproutings of her first tooth now too? Awesome :)

  19. Oh Wow ~ another milestone ~ and no fuss made, what a good girl!
    She is totally gorgeous.
    Love and hugs Tabitha XXX

  20. Congratulatio0ns on the first tooth!
    Happy New Year to all of you!

  21. Wow! The 1st tooth :-) She is getting to be a big girl isn't she? Before you know it, she will be taking her 1st steps in your new house :-) How blessed you all are!

  22. Oh that is such wonderful news! Way to grow Gwyneth! What a precious baby you are!

  23. Baby G,
    Congrats on your first tooth! You look beautiful!
    Happy New Year to you all. Excited about seeing this house!
    With love,
    Shannon in Austin
    PS: It's been a YEAR!!!?????

  24. She is precious! By the way, if she does start having pain/irritability....try the teething tablets they cell at the pharmacy! They are wonderful, and totally safe for preemies and other babies with potential complications (my daughter is at risk for a seizure disorder and can't use orajel as it can potentially set off seizure activity). They were my saving grace when she decided to cut 4 at one time!!!

    Happy Early Birthday, too!!!

    P.S. I know you probably get sick of unsolicited advice, but I just couldn't help myself! Feel free to ignore!!!

  25. Wow! She has come so far! Way to go, Gwyneth!


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