
Thursday, February 26, 2009

More Party Fun

Tricia and I teamed up on the cake...she did the baking,
I did the decorating...

A little wrapping paper never killed anyone...
Her first musical instrument!

As always, the excitement of the moment is too much too handle...
After the party, we took a walk down to the water to watch the sunset and burn off the cake and ice cream.



  1. I love that in the final picture you guys were sticking your tongues out to match her, and she decided to pull hers back in! Watch out for this kid once she hits her preteen years. She's already trying to make you look like a goofball!

  2. What a fun party! I know Gwenyth was your perfect gift! :o)

  3. you guys are a beautiful family
    love the new pictures

  4. You guys are so funny. You can tell how much fun the three of you have together.

  5. Ahhhhhhhh.... the beach!

    Love the pics.

  6. Love the pictures!!! You all look like you were having so much fun - you have a beautiful family.

  7. LOVE the pictures, love the memory making, love that girl, and how cool you can just walk to the water. Your personalities shine in your camera lens. Keep taking pictures.

    Thanks for sharing them!! God Bless!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What great pictures. wait until her 2nd Birthday and it will boxes she will want, not the gifts.

  10. Thanks for continuing to give us all an idea of what it is really like in your household! These pictures crack me up! Love them All!


  11. Be careful!! THose are the kinds of ribbons that make my cat throw up. Gwenyth probably shouldn't be eating them!! You have a beautiful family!

  12. Great pictures of fun fun times!!

  13. That one picture of the two of you, Gwyneth really looks like you!

    Don't you know that food color makes you hyper???

  14. I love to see these pics of you all looking so happy!!! I'm so thankful that you are all together and doing so well. Gwyneth is adorable!

  15. Happy Birthday....Hooray Gwenyth is 1! Yippee! Blessings to party animals! :-)

    Great Pics!

  16. There's something special about the picture of you and Gwyneth looking out over the water.

  17. We have that xylophone! Morgan loves it... anything that she can use to make all sorts of noise!

  18. I love your pictures! You have such a beautiful family! I have been silently reading your blog for well.....about six months now. I just wanted to say Hi and to let you know how I am constantly impressed with the love, humor and strength you lend to your family.
    CF husband you are a wonderful man! Trish I admire your fight and trust in the lord

  19. Those pictures are too funny!!! :-)

    Thanks for the giggles.

  20. Yup, we found out that 1 year olds do not need gifts, just paper and ribbon, and boxes. Fun photos.

  21. Isn't it funny how they are so innocent and love bows, ribbons, and paper? I hope Gwenyth's party was FANTASTIC. Looks like dad was liking the icing too :-)

  22. As always, Painfully, achingly gorgeous.
    Happy (Belated!) Birthday!

  23. My cup runneth over with joy for your amazing family. You are blessed!

  24. Congratulations. it is truly a miracle that you three are celebrating this birthday together. To God be the glory.

  25. Happy birthday to Miss Gwyneth! What a blessing to be seeing these pictures a year later of your miracle girls!

  26. Great pictures - as always! You guys have so much fun! What did Gwyneth like more, the musical instrument or the box it came in? I love that age when the box and the paper are sometimes more exciting than the presents themselves!

  27. you guys are guys really "get it" Happy First Birthday Gwyneth

  28. Nate, love the birthday pics. Gwyneth looks so adorable.

    And...uhm.....with your mom's catering/wedding business.....I can only imagine the grief you created in the kitchen, Mr. Hilarious. Love the horror movie decorating pics.

  29. Like many I've been following your blog since before Gwyneth was born. This is the first time I've ever commented on a blog .Today while in the car I heard the song Wonder by Natalie Merchant and immediately thought of Gwyneth. It's been on my mind all day so I decided to comment. I've been touch by your strength, Trisha's inner and outer beauty and Gwyenth's amazing story. I will continue to follow your blog and pray for your family. Here is a link to the lyrics if you're interested

  30. Wow, I think a comment came to mind for every one of those pictures. I'm glad you had a good celebration for Gwyneth. Thanks again for sharing your lives with us.

  31. I have to say that cake looks so yummy! I love the beach pics especially now since we have a winter blizzard here, The poor souls who live 40 miles from us got 16 inches of snow. We got only 5 inches but temps of -3.

  32. I'm not sure she would want the blog following that you have received, but could you and Tricia please pray for my sister-in-law, Maria, who is currently dealing with severe complications with AML (leukemia)? I know that you want to 'give back' so to speak...

    Thanks for your support!
    refreshing in ohio

  33. Beautiful memories you are making. It's so good to see your life as back to "normal" as it can be for you guys under all the circumstances. May you have many more memories to make. We still pray for you all every day but don't comment as much, as life gets busy... :) but you guys are always a poignant reminder to enjoy the little things together!
    Enjoy each other,
    Tricia and Family xoxox

  34. So you're saying Gwyneth was looking a little like Smurfette by the end of the Jell-O experiment? HA! I've learned that blue and red are generally not great colors of food for the kids to eat until they are big enough to not get it everywhere. So we have kids ranging from 2 to 14 and they still aren't allowed red & blue...LOL

    Looks like a fun celebration for all involved.

  35. OMG I love the crazy frosting Daddy pic! But none is sweeter than the baby and her Mommy!!!

  36. I was going to say the same thing that the first commenter said- I love that in the last picture you and Tricia are sticking your tongues out to be like her, and she doesn't have her tongue out anymore!

    Beautiful pictures down by the water. It looks like a fun party.


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