
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Green Dress

Gwyneth has a new green dress, which means she's all set for Easter! It also means that mommy had another good reason to blog...check out more pics of Gwyneth and her new dress on Tricia's Blog!



  1. I bet she looks beautiful in her new dress! There is just something so precious about little baby fingers and little baby toes!!!! :o)

  2. I bet she looks beautiful in her new dress! There is just something so precious about little baby fingers and little baby toes!!!! :o)

  3. daRLiNg!

    the dress

    I have fond memories of easter dresses as a little girl... nothing better on an Easter Sunday.
    I remember little white gloves, hats and purses too.


  4. Very sweet, Gwyneth is looking so grown up. I just started smocking myself a few months ago and absolutely love it! It's so cute on little girls. :)

  5. Gwyneth looks so beautiful in her new green dress. Love the pictures on Tricia's blog, especially the one of Gwyneth looking up towards the camera, so adorable.

    Thanks for sharing

  6. for some reason I cant get on Tricia's blog never have been able too its sooo annoying!

  7. that is way too cute! i'm contacting her to order one too! im too jealous to pass that up! heehee

  8. totally unrelated although your daughter is beautiful in green :-) but had a 'new music discovery' today that i thought you would like; check it out: J. Tillman

  9. She can wear it on March 17 for St.Patrick's Day.

  10. Cute dress, but even cuter little piggies!

  11. Those little hands and feet are so cute!!

  12. How cute! Sadie loves new clothes and she just turned 2! I am not looking forward to the teen years when it comes to clothing! LOL!

  13. I can't get onto Tricia's site everytime you post a link. The dress looks cute from what I can see though.

  14. I almost forgot! I love the hands and feet! I take tons of those kinds of shots of my kiddo and others when I do photo shoots!

  15. St Patty's day dress if I ever saw one! I loved smocking and made many a dress for my daughter with it years ago. It's a lost art that maybe will make a comeback. I have been bugging my son that it's time for a grandbaby (hinting after two years) and my other GKs are teens and up. I just want to make dresses and halloween costumes again. Have a great week. I am in sports heaven tonite.

  16. Absolutley adorable! I mentioned Gwyneth in my recent blog post. Hope you will stop by. It's at this address:

  17. Yes the dress is DARLING, but it is even more so with Gwenyth in it. I;ll have to say, I haven't seen anything she isn't darling in yet.

  18. just out of curiosity, what size is Gwyneth and the dress?

  19. or...could be all " decked out " for March 17th...with a wee bit of the Irish " wear'n of the green" ?? Lovely dress.

  20. SO LOVELY!!! What a great picture. It is such a wonderful shot of the beautiful fingers and piggies.

  21. i have to tell you i just ordered the "gwyneth" from ms. carol for my 12 month old daughter. Thanks so much for sharing.

  22. She looks adorable in her new dress...but then she looks adorable in anything!!!

    Hi, I'm a new reader. I just caught up on your and Trica's blog yesterday and I must say I am hooked and inspired. Thank you for blogging and for doing it with such humility and openness. I look forward to each and every post in the (hopefully) years and years to come.

    Ruth Becker
    Pickens, SC

  23. She is adorable. She looks gorgeous in green. She is growing up so fast with her little expressions. Some seem to say, "what are you doing with that thing in my face?" LOLOLOL She looks like she is a very curious little lady and that is awesome.

    Have a great rest of the week

  24. The dress is beautiful as are the little perfect baby feet and fingers!!! SO CUTE!

  25. so sweet! she looks so grown up in the picture in the middle!!

  26. So wonderful to see you family Happy and Healthy!!

  27. Just read miss patty sue's blog.
    Sweet dress, what fun it is for a mommy to choose an Easter dress. I still look forward to it with my 10 year old.

    The post about the hospital touched me...beautiful.


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