
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feeling Better?

After a long night, Gwyneth finally held down a bit of liquid at 8am and then again at 11am, so we're hoping that it has passed. Both she and Tricia caught up on their sleep with a nice nap, and I'm hoping to catch up later today.

Tricia had something similar last week, sick to her stomach for about 12 hours and then fine. Hopefully, I'm not next...there are few things in this world I'd rather avoid than throwing up.




  1. We just suffered through that horrible bug. I hope everyone's better soon and that you avoid it!!

  2. Must be a man thing...there are few things that my husband runs from faster than a person with a stomach bug.

  3. Yuck, I think everyone is dealing with that nasty bug! My girls just finished a long battle with it..thankfully, G seems to be on the mend! :)

  4. Viruses stink. Glad your girls are better. Hope you avoid the plague.

  5. hey..i linked ur blog to mine..i hope u dont mind..

    trying to link all blogs that start with "confessions of a..."

    mine is confessions of a partyphile

    and even though we are going through and writing about toatlly different things..i hope that the fact that we are confessing and sharing our lives with the world is enough to somehow "link" the blog community at least..

    and btw..i like your blog..very personal..meanwhile mine tends to bea bit commercial (and somewhat preachy) since its an extension of a newspaper column...hehehe

  6. It hit us hard up this way too about 3 weeks ago. Bad, bad headaches too. Glad the girls are feeling better, praying you don't get it. Change the toothbrushes, open up the windows and let those buggies fly away!

  7. Glad she's feeling better! Could the vomiting also perhaps be due to her eye surgery and vision change (ie. some vertigo?). Sometimes when I get new glasses I get nauseated until my eyes adjust. She's just so cute!

  8. So glad she's feeling better!

  9. We just went through it, too. My little one got it. Just to let you know, we experienced it and so did a few friends: they seem ok for a day or so,and then relapse and puke for another day. Just wanted to let you know, it's still ok and she should be ok soon after. Just didn't want you to get nervous if she starts to throw up again.


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