
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tummy Virus?

Gwyneth began puking yesterday evening around 5:30 and hasn't been able to hold anything down since. She woke up around 3:30 this morning hungry, but wasn't able to hold down the Pedialyte either. We'll be giving her local ped a call in a few this point, we're assuming she has a virus (it's been going around, although she hasn't been out in public much outside of the doctor's office yesterday).

Thanks for your prayers.



  1. Unfortunately you know doctor's offices carried some of the most germs (see your elevator suggestions/rant from Duke as testimony.

    So sorry your baby isn't feeling well. Hopefully it's just a quick 24 hour thing. I don't have any suggestions to offer that don't sound just ridiculously common.

  2. Will be praying for y'all and Gwyneth. Being sick rots! I know, I just got over a two-week illness. Yuckity.

  3. Poor thing! Hope she's feeling better soon.

  4. Awwww noooooo...there is a horrible virus going around...I will pray for her! And you guys!

  5. So sorry to hear that Gwyneth isn't feeling well. Those yucky virus's are the worst. Madison picked up one after her outpatient procedure, it really was hard on her too as she felt horrible. Hope Gwyneth is feeling better soon :)

  6. Aww, hope she feels better quick and that she'll be able to keep in the Pedialyte soon enough!

  7. Praying for Gwyneth right now...


  8. Praying for her to get better quick!

  9. Maybe her equilibrium is all off due to her new vision. Maybe it's causing her to be dizzy and therefore sick to her stomach while she adjusts. Just a thought. Maybe that would be better than a stomach virus. At least you guys won't get it too!

  10. Bailey has had this happen twice. Each time she was only able to keep down 1/2 tsp. of pedialyte every 5 minutes - any more and it came right back up. Poor little girl (and, poor mommy and daddy - it is not easy to watch our babies be sick). Praying for all of you!!

  11. Both Reilly & I had this stomach virus last week. It lasted a couple days, and now we are both feeling better. I hope Gwyneth gets back to her noral self, soon!
    And I am so excited you guys got great news at the dr yesterday!

  12. We will be praying for all of you! It went through my house three weeks ago...keep the fluids going SLOWLY! Be the tortise, not the hare!

  13. I'll be praying for her Nate and I am so glad to read of the great report on her eyes. I could see a big change in the video you posted.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  14. Awww poor baby!! I hope she feels better quick!!

  15. I chuckle at all the responses telling of their similar stories...

    Kinda like comparing scars after surgery.

    At least you know you're not alone!

  16. we recently experienced something similar - we went to the dr and two days later our littlest boy started puking. ((hugs)) I Hope she's better soon!!

  17. Poor sweetie! You know, I hadn't been sick in probably a year - that is, until I went to the doctor's office for a physical. 2 days later I felt awful! Coincidence? I think not.

    Praying she'll be better soon. Glad to hear that the eye appointment went well - good news is always nice to hear!

  18. Not fun...poor baby. I was up last night with our youngest too. Flu season is no fun...hope she starts feeling better soon!

  19. Awwww, hope she feels better soon. We have had the flu over here. There is allot of stuff going around.

  20. Poor baby! I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I live in Mississippi & it's been going around here like wildfire! My 3 year-old was sick for a full week! It was terrible. I hope she feels better very, very soon!! Having a sick baby is no fun for baby or mom & dad!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  21. praying that she feels better soon

  22. We will pray for you guys. It is frustrating to go through that with a little one. My one year old had the same thing over the weekend and the only place I took him was the doctor's office (too many germs there I guess). Keep your chin up and this will pass!

  23. We are right there with you right now! EVERYONE I know here in Indiana has had it or has it now :( Too soon to have gotten it from the Dr. office though

  24. Oh boy, I'm sorry. Before this year, my family had never experienced the stomach flu with kids, but we've had it 4 times this winter in our house. I hope that she is already better and that no one else catches it. Even though it is a yucky illness, at least it is usually fast. I know that you were going to call the pedi and I know that they probably gave you lots of great tips, but we have had great luck with pedialyte popsicles. It seems like a treat to the baby/child, but since they are sucking on it slowly, we've had better luck at it staying down.

  25. Poor baby! Praying for her to feel better soon!

  26. i am with jennifer, as a mother of three i can tell you 'out in public' is much less risky (germ wise) than a doctors office! glad she's feeling better.


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