
Monday, March 9, 2009

Great Report

Gwyneth's doctor was very positive about her eyes, including concerning the info we shared about the things we've noticed. He again explained that it will take a little while for her brain to fully recognize the difference with her sight, and that her eyes will continue to improve as they learn to focus and move together.

Already, her right eye is nearly clear (from the bruising and bloodshot), and her left eye is beginning to clear. We no longer need to put the ointment in her eyes as we have been doing twice a day.

We are very hopeful that this will be the last of her eye problems, until her nearsightedness (from her retinopathy of prematurity) requires glasses in a year or two.

Thanks again for your encouragement and prayers about this!



  1. Coolness!
    So Miss G will be sporting glasses, uh? She'll be very sytlish in them!!

  2. Praise the Lord!!! That is wonderful news!!!! I'm so happy for all of you!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  3. My computer is soooo slow! I thought I had a shot at being first! LOL!!
    So glad to hear the good news concerning Gwenyth's eyes. She will be even cuter in tiny glasses!

  4. Whoo hoo! Glad for a fab report! :-)

  5. Great news. Praising Jesus, our Healer!

  6. So glad to hear! My daughter and I enjoyed watching her "take it all in" on the video earlier! Very cute!

  7. Wonderful, Thank you for sharing the news with all of us.
    Have a Wonderful evening with your beautiful family.

  8. YAY! I'm so excited for the little lady!

  9. Yaaaaay for Gwyneth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Wow - that is just great! Looking forward to seeing those beautiful eyes looking around even more in the future!

  11. I'm so glad to hear this great report. Yay!

  12. Awesome! So happy for you all!

    Cheers, Nicole

  13. Gwyneth is such a cutie pie! I've been following your blog since her birth and just love catching up! I am a bow maker and would like to send her some hair bows, as a gift! If you'd like, please email me your info so that I can mail you her gift!

    I'm so happy to see how well she's doing so well after her surgery!

  14. I was a preemie from the early 50's who has had lifelong eye problems. I am legally blind in my left eye but my right has figured out a way to compensate. I needed glasses when I was young but parents did not have cash, so I suffered with crossed eyes for a long time too. I finally got glasses my senior year of HS. I now wear contacts and reading glasses on the computer but I wonder if surgery had been an option when I was young, if it would have been better for me. Maybe my brothers would not have been afraid to play baseball with me (I threw the bat at where I thought the ball was!) and I would beat out the bunts. The glasses sure are cuter these days for sure!! And a lot more choices too!

  15. Great news Nate! I can see she is really exploring things in the video. ~ Darlene

  16. Awesome news. Loved your video. It's like she was in awe of everything. Now why can't we be like that every day? In awe of the world God has created. We can learn a lot from this little girl.



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