
Friday, April 3, 2009

Beautiful Day For A Party

The Weather could not be any more absolutely picture-perfect April day on the Outer Banks...warm and windy! We will indeed be partying outside this evening at The Park!

As far as I know, Tricia still doesn't know, which is a minor miracle since she hates surprises and basically everyone else in the entire world does know! I'm looking forward to spending time with friends and family and meeting a few blog readers for the first time! See you there!



  1. Nate - I am continually thinking of you guys this whole week; I remember these days for you so vividly. We were going through our own "torture" as it were and I just remember thinking it was no coincidence that these huge things were happening at the same time - you guys were SUCH an encouragement to me, I cannot even tell you.

    Praise the Lord for Tricia's every breath...and Praise the Lord for what He has done in Gwyneth, and IN YOU. Just because you weren't sick doesn't leave you out of this equation!!!!! You have been changed irreversibly too, I'm sure. I can relate.

    I hope this party is the most spectacular and love-filled time you can imagine.

  2. I wish I could come.

    Enjoy your party!

  3. Have a great time! Beautiful weather...on the beach...yes, I'll be thinking about all of you! I'm so glad the Lord blessed you with the perfect day. He is so good!

  4. Nate & Trisha,

    Enjoy your special party. We continue to pray daily that all your needs would be met by our loving Heavenly Father!

    Give baby Gwen a hug from our family!

    Tom, Kim, Erin and Ben
    (Tom 17 years post bi-lateral lung txp.)

  5. OH I wish! Have fun - it is truly a great day for celebrating something so wonderful!

  6. Enjoy the day, I'll be there in spirit.

  7. I will be there with you in spirit as I live on the "Other" coast. Praying for it to be a wonderful surprise and a great time of friendship and fellowship. What a journey it has been and I can't think of a better way to celebrate one year later than this!! I love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  8. Wish I could join you all but I'm what... approximately 350 miles away to the north. Thanks for the invite though!

    Again, can't believe it's been a year since the transplant! Thank God for all of the miracles and blessings upon you all!

    Love the latest photos of you three-- every one of you look so radiantly happy and Gwyn's really an adorable lil girl who definitely good her good looks from her mama and dada! She's really growing up! :-)

    Have a wonderful, blessed party with your family, friends, and some of your blog readers!! I'll be there in thoughts and spirit! :-)

    HUGS to you 3,
    Marissa :-)

  9. Oh I wish I lived near y'all so I could be there.


  10. Have a great party! I am sure that Tricia won't mind the surprise. It's such an awesome thing to celebrate. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  11. Congrats with your birthday Nate! A bit late, but better late than never:)

    And Congrats Tricia with your first anniversary of you lungs!!

    greetings Tamara

  12. Nate, Wish I could be there to CELEBRATE with you guys. Just can't seem to leave Florida these days.

    Give her a big hug from a perfectly sane stranger who wants her to know how happy I am for her. I know it has not been an easy road but she looks GREAT.

    Happy Belated birthday to you. Also, Thank you to you for showing how a loving and understand husband who really and truly loves his wife and child can be. God loves you and many of us in the blog world think you ROCK!

    Happy Festivities tonight.

    Sonja - Fl

  13. I am SO glad you're having this party. ENJOY it!

  14. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you! I hope everything goes AWESOMELY and Tricia is surprised! :) Have a rockin' time and don't forget to post some pics for us far-away-folks! :)

  15. Wish we could join you!
    Praying for you all!
    Can't wait to see pictures.

  16. Oh I wish I could have been there. Just back from celebrating my friend's 25th birthday, which was good fun (though my feet are sore from dancing).

    I hope Tricia loved the surprise, and that you've all had a wonderful time.

    Thank you Lawrenson/Kirschner clan - you are ALL an inspiration and I've learned much from you all!

    One day I hope to come visit NC and surf in the waves of the OBX.

  17. I hope your party is going amazing! I wish I lived near you, I would have loved to attend and meet you all in person. :)

  18. It was a great party. Thanks. Your family's story helps keep me sane. When I think things are tough, and I think I can't take any more, or I think things can't get much worse, I remember Tricia and you and the road you've taken together. My problems are still there, but your story helps keep them in perspective.

  19. You are an awesome husband! I know Tricia will be so surprised and thankful. Enjoy your special day!

  20. Have THE BEST time!! Wish we could be there! Looking forward to seeing the photos! Love & hugs to all, from Liz & her precious family from Down Uner! xoxoxox :)

  21. I hope you guys had a wonderful time! We were thinking of you!

  22. hi there,

    is there any chance you could please post about this:

    There is a girl in the UK who received a kidney transplant who is running the campaign. thank you and hope tricia has a wonderful day


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