
Friday, April 3, 2009

A Nice Day

If nothing else, my birthday was much more relaxing this year than last. I spent most of the day at home with my girls, cleaning the house, watching movies, snuggling with Tricia, tickling Gwyneth. It was a very nice day.



  1. Looks like it is just about time for your yearly haircut.... :)

  2. Glad you had a good day! There is nothing like snuggling with the ones you love :) BTW, I love that last picture of Gwyneth! The look she is giving is great!

  3. So glad you had a good day. You were definitely in good company. Happy Belated Birthday!

  4. Wow I can see such a difference in Gwyneth's eyes. Looks like she's focusing really well - even if only to give you a glare that says "really, again with the camera?"

  5. I just got done renewing my car's license plates. At the end, I got prompted to register with the state's organ donor registry. I already had that marked on my driver's license, but I did this as well - and thought of y'all when I did it. So happy birthday+1 and transplantiversary+1 from Michigan!

  6. Love that last photo of Gwyenth! Get to know that she gets older you will see it often!!

  7. A perfect birthday for sure! Look at your girls, what could could possibly be better than that!!!
    Happy Birthday Nate, you have blessed me so much over the past year thank you for sharing your life with all of us!

  8. The third picture...the one with Gwyneth looking in your eyes....what more could you want for your birthday? angela in nc

  9. Happy Birthday, Nate. I'm enjoyed knowing you in the blog world! Hope it's your best year yet.

  10. Yay Gwynenni pictures. Adorable. Glad you had a nicer day than you had last year.

  11. Glad to know that your birthday was a great one!

  12. Trish looks so pretty. I am glad you had a nice day with your favorite people, that's what's important!

  13. I love some of the looks that Gwyneth is giving you. She is such a little sweetie! Glad to hear that you enjoyed your birthday. To us, the stuff you did was normal every day stuff but to you it's the stuff you don't take for granted :)

  14. Gwynenth's eye is looking really straight in these pictures - looks like the surgery is really doing its job! Yay!

  15. Happy Birthday.

    Happy New Lungs.

    Have fun at the party and know that in spirit we are all there with you.

    Love to all!

  16. Happy Birthday Nate,what a year you & your family have had.
    Praying in Missouri

  17. A couple things I wanted to say: First, I love how much hair Gwyneth is getting! It's amazing to see how much she has grown in this past year+.
    And also, congratulations to you and Tricia on one year of her transplant! I've been following this blog since days after Gwyneth was born and praying all the way. I hope the party went well tonight!

  18. I can't believe I've been following your blog so long. I hardly ever comment. So happy that things are great right now.
    Prayers for your family.

    ps - you know Gwyneth will marry a bearded man, right? :)

  19. Did you imagine, a year ago, that you would be snuggling with your wife and daughter in your own home in just one year? Happy day!!!

  20. Hi Nate!
    Boy what a year this has been for you! What a whirl wind! Gwynenth's getting so big now...starting to be the spitting image of her VERY proud papa! The 3rd picture of the 2 of you is the most precious one yet!Happy Birthday - Happy transpalnt day - Happy FAMILY day! Hugs - Snuggles - kisses from us here in Milwaukee Wisconsin!

  21. ha ha! I LOVE that last pic of Gwyneth. Have to say that that look just makes me think: unimpressed teenager.

    Eek, you and Tricia could have your work cut out as she gets older. But these pics of you guys are fantastically fun and chilled out.

  22. sounds like pretty much the perfect birthday (well, not the cleaning bit)

  23. Nate, How great your girls look. You are a lucky man. I can relate to how much girls can mean to ya! I went through some tuff times wih Jenn and Kate, not like you dealt with, but some pretty tuff times none the less. Now I got Molly.....And your have Gwenth. Not much changes.
    May the peace of God proceed you.

    Hapy birthday Nate!


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