
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Notes For Tricia

Tricia's transplantiversary is today (the day she went into surgery) and tomorrow (the day she came out of surgery)! Although she knows I'm up to something, I don't think she's quite figured it out yet that we're throwing her a party!

I would love for you to help us celebrate by leaving a note for Tricia in the comments section of this post. Anything that you would like to say to encourage Tricia...although it's been an awesome year on one hand, it's also been a very, very rough year on the other. I'll share your notes to her tomorrow (Friday) night at our party!




  1. Tricia - Happy Transplantiversary! I am so thankful for the Lord's provision in yours, Nate's and Gwyneth's lives. Through His grace, you all continue to be an inspiration to me. Keep looking up!!!

    God Bless,
    Heather Marie In Elyria, Ohio

  2. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia! Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your life. You're a blessing to me.

  3. I am honored that you and Nate have shared your journey..Congratulations!!! I hope the coming year exceeds the past one for the 3 of you!

  4. Happy Transplantiversary! Reading your story has been a blessing and I appreciate you being so open and sharing your journey with the world. I hope this year brings more joy and fun and good health for you, Gwyneth, and Nathan. You are an inspiration to so many and just a really cool mom! Enjoy your day!

  5. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia. I am so blessed to see you celebrating this monumental day with Nate and with Gwyneth. I remember holding my breath last year as I read each and every update in your journey to live. You inspired me in your silence as Nate kept us informed out here. What a joy to have followed your and Gwyneths journey, directed by the Creator Himself. Have a fantastic day.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  6. Tricia- Happy Transplantiversary!

    Your courage and strength are an inspiration!

    Praying huge blessings on your family for the coming years.

    Keep smiling,

  7. Tricia - Happy Tansplantiversary! I hope the year ahead is easier for you and your family. It is great to read of your success and to see your beautiful daughter grow. Blessings to you and your family.

  8. Happy Transplaniversary!!! I am so happy for you and your future! I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful day!

  9. Tricia-On your Transplantiversary I would like to wish you many happy years with your devoted & loving husband and beautiful baby girl. My husband's brother lost his battle with CF on April 2, 2001. He too had a transplant, but the lungs they gave him were infected. Today we celebrate your life! We remember his. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  10. Tricia - Happy Transplativersary. You are such a courageous woman and you are an inspiration to so many. We thank you for sharing your journey with us. Continue to love life and never lose that beautiful spirit we see in both your blog and your husbands. Many blessings for the years to come!

  11. I don't think I have ever commented before but I have been reading your blog for over a year and have been praying and rooting for you guys. As an orthodox Jew living in the Holy Land, I admire your great faith in dealing with your daily challenges and counting the daily blessings. There is only one thing to say on this great day: Mazal Tov!

  12. Dear Tricia,

    I, like many others here, am a total stranger but through Nate's blog from the time Miss Precious was born, I've been a daily reader. When I woke up this morning, I thought "Wow, it's Tricia's One Year New Lungs Anniversary." I haven't forgotten the night you were in surgery . . . I couldn't sleep and did some very intense praying for you.

    Thank YOU for being such an incredibly strong person, physically, mentally and spiritually to get yourself through this past year. We usually only hear about the good stuff here, and Nate only hints at the bad stuff. Through it all. I know you have endured more than I can even imagine. You are all an inspiration to so many.

    So, Missy: Here's to You!! Congratulations on all the miracles you've been part of - starting with marrying the Mr. Right Man for You and that beautiful little baby you two made, and receiving the blessing of new lungs. May goodness, have you thought about writing a book? I'm serious.

    Enjoy this gorgeous day. AND Love to All.

  13. Tricia-Can it really be that a year has gone by. I am sure that you know better than anyone that it has. I just want to say that you are simply one of the most amazing women I have ever had the privelage to know. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your journey to the rest of us in cyberland.
    May God continue to bless you and your family.

    Love, Prayers, and Blessings,
    Tricia and Zachary

  14. Happy Transplantiversary! You may not know it, but you are such an inspiration to all of us who continue to follow you, and you're amazing families journey! Never in a million years did I think I would become so involved with a family that I had never met! You are always in my thoughts, as I worry when you are not feeling well, and celebrate when you are feeling great! You make me feel so lucky to be a part of what you share with us everyday! Thank You so much for inviting us all into be a part of it! I personally look forward to the many many more milestones that you experience and share with us!

    You are an amazing Woman, Mother and Wife!

    Cheers to you all!
    Exeter NH

  15. I feel blessed to *know* you and your family. I know it has been a rough year, but one of such joy. I pray this next year is filled with love, and maybe less adventure, of the health kind. Have a wonderful party, you have earned it! God's blessings on all of you.

  16. As the mom of a 5 1/2 year old wcf, I have been so inspired by your story.

    Sometimes I get so tripped up by the what ifs, what the future will bring for our son and you and your family have helped me to realize that sometimes I just need to "let go" and to have faith.

    Happy Transplantiverary. Thank you for sharing your life, your beautiful little girl and your family with me.

    Love from Lisa (and Max) in West Fargo, North Dakota

  17. I have been a regular reader of your story for a while now. Your strength and courage amaze me! May God continue to bless you, Gwyneth and Nate! Happy Transplantiversary!

  18. Tricia... Happy Transplantiversary! Thanks for including us on your journey and letting us be a part of your life. It's been so amazing and encouraging to me this past year to see both you and Nate stay faithful to God and trust Him even during the roughest times. You both have been a huge encouragement to me. Thanks for sharing your story, and more importantly thanks for living out your testimony and faith in Christ! May God continue to bless you and your family in the many years to come!

  19. Tricia - I am the friend of a couple whose 8 year old son has CF. Your story is such an encouragement to me as I watch them take such good care of him (and thus far he is extremely healthy!). It's just amazing to know that he can and will, God willing, have a happy, long, relatively normal future! And I am praising God that he has answered your prayers by giving you Nate and Gwyneth. Praying for many, many years of health and happiness for you.

    Also? I think you have awesome eyebrows! :)


    Louisville, KY

  20. Yay, Tricia!! While, I've only commented once or twice, I've been reading Nate's blog since shortly after Gwyneth was born. My thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family. Much love to you on this wonderful day!

    Marla in the desert of Southern CA

  21. I have followed your story for quite a long time...I think since before last year, and am encouraged when I read this blog every day. You are an inspiration to us all Tricia. Keep up the good work. Happy Transplantiversary!

  22. Tricia & Nate, (baby G too)
    As a first time poster I want to wish this Transplantiversary to not only you Tricia but to you too Nate. I read your blog everyday,have been following you for some time. Tricia you are an amazing woman, mom and wife. Your courage and strength is a true testimony to what we all should be. Nate, there are not many men that would be what you have been to your beautiful wife and daughter. More men need to look within themselves and give like you do. Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us all, you are both true heroes!

  23. Happy Anniversary!! What a day!!

    I thank you and your hubby for choosing to share your journey with us. I beleive your mission with it has been accomplished, surely through me it has.

    I now have at least an inkling of what it would be like to go through a transplant, and to have CF. And to be a Mom at the same time.

    Your fight for life has been such a testimony.

    May God continue to bless you!

  24. Happy Transplantiversary!! Your courage amazes me. I pray you have many, many more transplantiversaries in the future. God Bless you and your family.

    Oakdale, CA

  25. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! I have been following your blogs and I am so glad you have come so far! You are all 3 amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us. I hope this is the beginning of another wonderful year for you as you go through year two with your new lungs!

  26. Tricia, I love to see God's miracles happen, and your life and your second chance at life is among them. Your attitude is such an inspiration to me. I continue holding you up to our Lord, that you may have long life on this earth to enjoy your husband and your sweet Gwyneth.

    Happy 1 year Anniversary of your transplant.

  27. Dear Tricia,
    As a critical care RN, I love, love, love to read your miracle story!! I am so amazed at your wonderful progress, as well as the miracle that is your daughter. You are blessed in many, many ways...Your husband's devotion is inspiring, and a testament to true (biblical) love. I wish you a joyous Transplantiversary, and I applaud you all for you work you continue to do on behalf of organ donation.

    May the Lord BLESS you & Yours today!
    Love & Prayers,
    Cheryl Dreyer
    Peoria, IL

  28. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia. You are such an inspiration to me and I check on you guys every day without fail. I know that you know the miracle that you and Gwyneth are. Thank you for sharing your life with me.


  29. Tricia--meeting you has been one of the highlights of my life--actual living PROOF of God and miracles. The strength you showed after your transplant and giving birth to Gwyneth, all the while still prioritizing showing Nate your love and commitment to him is amazing. Thank you for allowing me to be even a small part of your life--you've certainly touched mine in a big way! xoxo jessica claire

  30. Tricia - How far you have come. I know over this year there have been trials, but I believe the good has outweighed the bad! Thanks for allowing us to be part of your lives in blogworld...all the way to Oklahoma and someone you don't even know! May God continue to bless your family with health and happiness!

  31. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! What an incredible year you have been many ups and downs. But you are a true inspiration. Through it all you have kept your faith and your smile, always remembering to cherish each day and moment, no matter how bad it seems. God is using you as an example to us all. May you be blessed with many, many more transplantiversaries!

    God bless you and your beautiful family!

  32. Tricia,
    Your faith and trust in God throughout the ups and downs of your pregnancy, delivery, waiting for transplant, transplant recovery, and lymphoma ordeals is awe-inspiring. Although your strength is certainly amazing, even more beautiful is the way that God was worked through your life and the way you have allowed God to work in your life that has brought probably more people than you'll know in this lifetime to Him.

    God bless you on your transplantiversary!

  33. Thank you for sharing your amazing lives and stories with us. Because of you we have become organ donors.
    God truley has his hands wrapped around your entire family.

  34. Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth...HAPPY TRANSPLANTIVESARY! What an awesome testament you are to our Lord's faithfulness and provision. I feel blessed to be a part of your life through this blog. Your friends at continue to be in prayer for you!

  35. Tricia,
    You have taught so many so much over the last year. Your strenght can not be described. Enjoy your very special day , what an event to celebrate

  36. Thank you for sharing your story with us! It has been a great encouragement and blessing reading about you and your family over the past year. Best wishes for the future!

  37. Tricia,
    Happy Transplantiversary Love!!
    Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. Your enduring faith and your enchanting smile are proof that God is good, Love is pure and Life is worth living.
    Your beautiful daughter has brought us to tears and made us laugh out loud. Thank you for sharing your joy with us.
    I wish the three of you many more blessings.
    Much Love My Friend,
    Sara Sellars - San Diego, CA

  38. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia!!
    I am so very grateful that the Lord took care of all the details of this day a year ago. I know we as readers do not see the day to day events of what you deal with health wise but I hope you know I follow Nate's blog because of you, and the inspiration you are to so many people.
    I am so grateful God gave you and Nate the awesome priviledge of experiencing the gift of parenthood, their is no greater Joy or responsibility. No two parents deserve it more.

    I am also grateful that God knew how much both his girls needed Nate, he is an amazing husband, daddy and help meet.

    Thank-you for allowing us to be a part of your life, both in the hard times and rewarding times. Know that you are being lifted up before the Lord often, I remember telling God one day, that he may as well heal you completely cause I am NOT going to ever stop letting him hear your name. I mean it too!

    May this next year give you more memories than the first, I am grateful to be able to come and support you and your special little family!
    So grateful for your life!!

  39. Tricia, Miracle Lady, there isn't a day that goes by that I still don't remember you in my prayers! You and your family are a testament to the power of God; trusting in His will and having deep faith. Happy Transplantiversary. The world is a much better place with you and Gwyneth in it!

    Jennifer from Grand Blanc, Michigan. A faithful blog reader since December 2007

  40. Tricia,
    thanks for showing us what strength is - even at your weakest, living by Christ's strength! (1 tim 2:1)
    I love you.

  41. Tricia, the faith, strength, courage, and determination you have shown are inspiring. Your daughter has an excellent role model in you!

  42. Tricia Congratulations on 1 year with your new lungs. It has been a true blessing to follow your story. I have prayed for you often and pray for your donor's family as well.

    May today be a day of great celebration for you and your beautiful family.

  43. It has been amazing to read about many of the ups and downs you've experienced over the last year. I know for me, at least, your story has been an inspiration to better my relationship with God, and to not complain about my circumstances.

    Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia! Praying you will get to celebrate many, many more!

  44. Tricia, I remember today and tomorrow from a year ago just like it was yesterday.

    I remember a few weeks dreaming about your transplant. I remember on April 1st last year dreaming you had new lungs and then getting home from work and seeing that it was a possibility.

    I remember not wanting to go to First Wednesday because I didn't want to miss a thing, but I made a friend promise me that she would text or call with it's ago or not this time as soon as word was given.

    I remember feeling elated that you were having a second chance. I prayed for your surgery, for your donor's family and for your surgeons. I spread your news like wildfire.

    Happy Transplantiversary Tricia. The last year of all of our lives have been enriched because you were in it!

  45. Happy Transplantiversary!!!! I pray for all three of you guys every night and will keep on doing that for a long long long long time. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and to others all around the world. Keep on smiling. :-D

    Pickens, SC

  46. Dear Tricia, Happy Transplantiversary! What an amazing journey you and your family have been on this past year! Thank you for your generous heart in opening up your story to the world. We wish you and your family blessings of good health, love, joy and pure happiness in the coming year!

    Lots of love and light,
    The Holley-Gay Family in Oviedo, Florida

  47. Tricia...I am so excited to see what God has done in your life and your little families life this year! I praise God with you for all the good and bad times and can't wait to see what this year brings. Your awesome husband and beautiful little sweetie both make me smile too. Watching you go through had made me so thankful for what God is doing in my life and I just want you to know you have been an inspiration.

    Thanks for being you through it all and being an example of who are God is!

    Happy Transplantiversary!!!

    Tricia (Osborn) Knapp
    Tobyhanna, PA :)

  48. Tricia ~ Happy Transplantiversary! I live in Michigan, otherwise I would be there to celebrate God's amazing provision. Thank you for sharing your journey with me. It has encouraged me and challenged me more than you will ever know this side of heaven. I have followed your story for over a year and I count it a privilege to "know" you. I am joining you and your tender hearts in prayer for the family of your donor. I know that God has given them a peace to know that their loved one has saved one of His angels here on earth. Have a wonderful time at your party and know that you and your beautiful family are being thought of and prayed for in Grandville, MI. God Bless you, Nate and Gwyneth always.

    Lisa Zielinski

  49. Tricia-
    Happy transplantiversary! Your story has been such a blessing and testimony of God's faithfulness! May He bless the three of you in the years to come.

  50. How wonderful it is to see both you and Gwyneth be so healthy on your first Transplantiversary. There were many scares, hurdles, and joys along the way which we all shared with you. May you have many, many more of these kind of anniversaries!

  51. We can not imagine the path God will lay out before us. It's been a privilege to pray for your family and watch God. CELEBRATING all that God has done, all He has provided, all He has allowed...the light has definitely been shining through your story. I have a great appreciation for lungs that breathe well... May His Spirit blow from the four corners and be your strength and joy! HAPPY DANCE!!!!!

  52. On the one hand, it seems impossible that a full year has passed; on the other, it seems like such a very long year in so many ways--recovery from surgery, then the intensity of chemotherapy. Happy Transplantiversary! and wishing for many days of joy with your husband and beautiful daughter! With continued prayers...

  53. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia! You are such an inspiration.

  54. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia!!!!

    You are an inspiration to so many people :) I love to read your husbands blog and hear about your amazing journey and see pictures of your beautiful daughter.

    God Bless you and your precious family!!!!

  55. Please read 1 Peter 1:6-7 to Tricia for us.
    "In this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while, if need be, you may have had to suffer greif in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." God Bless You All

  56. Tricia -- We've never met but I've been following along and want to wish you a Happy Transplantiversary!! I have a preemie grandaughter (weighed in at l lb 9 oz and is now six months old and almost 9 lbs) and this blog has been such an encouragement as we've watched God work in yours and Gwyneth's lives. God bless the three of you in the days ahead. May you have many more transplativersaries!!

  57. Happy Anniversary to you and your 1 year old lungs Tricia! I love your story, your's and Nate's faith and trust in each other, and the adoration you both have for your daughter. I had a son with CF who didn't have a happy ending and I rejoice in your continued happiness. Please go from strength to strength. Lots of Love, Tracey in the UK

  58. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! I have never "met" your family, but have followed your amazing husband's blog since the day Gwenyth was born. You have such a blessed, loving family. You are truly an inspiration.

    Here's to many MANY more happy transplantiversaries!!

  59. Hi Tricia,
    Greetings from Epsom, Surrey, England
    I was directed to this site by a friend with CF the day Gwyneth was born.....I have logged on every day since (sometimes more than once!) I feel I know you and your familly so well now, I am even a fan of Shelly, your sisters' friend too!!!!
    My thoughts are with you and your donors family too. I fly the flag for organ donation and know that here in England people have signed up because of you
    Alison x

  60. Hi Tricia,
    Greetings from Epsom, Surrey, England
    I was directed to this site by a friend with CF the day Gwyneth was born.....I have logged on every day since (sometimes more than once!) I feel I know you and your familly so well now, I am even a fan of Shelly, your sisters' friend too!!!!
    My thoughts are with you and your donors family too. I fly the flag for organ donation and know that here in England people have signed up because of you
    Alison x

  61. Tricia,

    I have been watching your story since just before Gwyneth was born. God has truly blessed you & Nathan & Gwyneth with each other & your families. Thank you for sharing your life with so many.

    In Christian Love,
    Karen ~ Durbette

  62. Tricia- Thank you for the encouragement you have been to me and many others! The Lord has used you to impact many people!
    Happy Transplantiversary!

  63. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia!
    I feel so close to your family even though we've never met, what an inspiration you have been and continue to be. God is wonderful and you and your family are true proof of that.

    May God continue to bless you all,
    Tracy (Mom of 12 yr old daughter, Molly with CF)

  64. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia!
    I feel so close to your family even though we've never met, what an inspiration you have been and continue to be. God is wonderful and you and your family are true proof of that.

    May God continue to bless you all,
    Tracy (Mom of 12 yr old daughter, Molly with CF)

  65. Tricia, I have been following your blog ever since Gwyneth was born. You are an amazing wife, mommy, and woman! Happy Transplantiversary!

  66. Tricia,

    God is the only way to explain the absolute perfection that was your transplant surgery. Not only did you give your husband the best birthday gift but I find it very appropriate that you were given new life at this time of year. Your new life was starting just as the new life that God gives the trees, flowers and animals every year at springtime. It's the perfect time to also celebrate Easter and the new life we are also given because Jesus is our Savior. Thank you for sharing your story and being a witness that TRUELY All things through Him ARE POSSIBLE!

    A stranger,


  67. Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

    You have truly shown me, and the world what it is to live with that belief. Happy 1 year Transplantiversary. I truly believe that you have changed lives, and made people beleive again!! May God continue to bless you, Nate and Gwyneth!!!

  68. Happy One Year Transplantiversay, Tricia! And what a year it has been! May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

    Annapolis, MD

  69. What a blessing you are Tricia. I can't tell you how much your smiling face and zest for life has encouraged and inspired me over the past year. Congratulations on your first transplant anniversary. I hope to be here with you to celebrate your 10th, 20th, and 30th as your "Cyster" and fellow transplanter! :)

  70. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! You are an inspiration! Hope that you have a great time at the party!

    Happy Birthday Nate! Thanks so much for giving us this window into your lives - we are all better because of it!

    Hi Gwyneth! You're a cutie! Hard to believe that the April Fool's Baby from last year is such a big girl now!

  71. Tricia, Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. Even though I don't sign in often I do read your site daily. You are a inspriration to me in so many ways.
    Enjoy yourself tonight!!!!

    God Bless you and your beautiful family.

  72. Happy transplantiversary! I have been amazed by your families story! Thank you for allowing us in your lives!

  73. Tricia, I am so happy to be able to celebrate this anniversary with you! You are an inspiration to me, and I congratulate you on making it down this rough road you've been on with such grace. It is a joy to pray for you, Nate, and Gwyneth - your continued health and happiness! Happy Transplantiversary!!

  74. What a happy happy day for y'all. Congrats on your One Year Marker, and I hope there are many many more transplantiversaries (sp) to come. Your family is the perfect portrait that God painted for Him to show us what miracles are. I have read this blog from beginning to end, and really feel blessed to be able to pray for "Nate's" family everyday. Oh oH, I also feel so very special to have my 19 month old share something with Gwen! I ordered a dress similar from Carol for Easter! It is darling! Ill take some photos and send them your waY.

  75. Tricia, you are beautiful inside and out. Gwyneth is gorgeous and both of you are living miracles and evidence of God's grace and provision. thanks for sharing your journey this last year and for encouraging me!
    God bless,
    Amy GUnter

  76. Dear Tricia-

    I am so honored that you and Nate have shared your story with me. It's changed who I am as a person, for the better. I remember a year ago that my mother (who also reads your blog) and I asked our church to pray for you as you were on the transplant list still and had almost gotten your new lungs (the one that didn't work out) I remember the night you were in surgery, I don't think I slept a wink and I ran to the computer 1st thing in the morning to check for an update. I know this has been a womderful and trying year for you and your family. I just want you to know that it was the night you were in surgery that I finally decided to become an organ donor. You have inspired millions and will continue to do great things!

    Briana, in Keene, NH

  77. I loved the scripture that "GraysonandFinley" shared. First Peter 1:6-7. What a fitting scripture.

    Tricia, I've known you through, and through Nates blog, and you've just brought so much to my life. My son Jordan has CF, and you CFers amaze me with your strength and courage. I know that our Lord and Savior has held you and my son in his arms many times, and that He has a plan for all of us. You, Nate and Gwyneth are always in my prayers.

    Stacey in Oklahoma

  78. Tricia,
    Congratulations! Happy Transpantiversary! You have truly impacted my life and the life of my family. We have been following your blog daily since before your transplant. We have rejoiced with you, wept with you, interceded for you all in prayer, and love you like family. The family of God and the body of Christ has been revealed to me in new ways as I have loved you and your family and prayed for you like we have known each other forever...the Holy Spirit connects us like cool!
    So my dear sister in Him....I pray that God's richest blessings continue on you and your family. I continue to pray that His kingdom will be furthered by your testimony. I pray that your life would continue to direct people to the cross...isn't that what we all desire?
    Praising the Lord with you this special, special day!
    And praying for the donor family on this special day for them as well.
    We love you!
    A sister in Christ from MN

  79. Tricia,

    Wow! What a wide roller coaster ride you have shared with your loved ones.

    Here in Indianapolis, we prayed. I would do my breathing treatments at night, walk into the living room and give my family their "Lawrenson update." We cheered for good times and had group prayers when they were not so good.

    I am so NOT a fan of country music in general, but think this chorus of this Carrie Underwood song says it

    Jesus take the wheel
    Take it from my hands
    Cause I can't do this on my own
    I'm letting go
    So give me one more chance
    Save me from this road I'm on
    Jesus take the wheel

    And that, my cyber friend, is what touches my heart and strengthens my faith about you.......

    Your quiet strength
    Your ability to allow God's 'will' whatever that may be
    Your silent prayers for a miracle baby.
    Your sense of humor and crazy husband. (who appears to come by it honestly--- ie: dad and Andy)
    and just your rock hard faith.

    I hope you enjoy your special day to look back on this journey and celebrate all of God's blessings on your family. I pray for many many more.

    Enjoy your parrrrr-taaaaay from your incredibly stunningly coifed hair husband.

    Thanks again for blessing my life by strengthening my faith with your story.

    Melissa Roark
    Indpls, IN
    35 year old woman w/CF and uber witty
    mom to rockstar Brendon, age 4
    Wife to Mike, pharmacy computer guru
    smiles! :-)

  80. Tricia,
    It has been so amazing to sit on the side lines and watch God orchestrate such an awesome story. Your courage and faith in Him has been such a joy and inspiration for me. He has blessed you so richly, from the new lungs to blessing you with the desire of your heart--a beautiful baby girl. You have been through so many rough times this past year and God has shown himself so strong in all that has transpired.
    Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. I continue to pray for your strength and perserverence. Thank you again for blessing me with such an amazing testimony.
    PS...Happy Birthday Nate!

  81. Wow! What a difference a year makes. Your story and the way your family handles it all with such grace is a testament to your faith in Christ. It has been a joy to pray for you guys! Thanks for honestly sharing the good and the bad with us. Many blessings today and in the coming years!

  82. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia!
    Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life.

    May God continue to bless you, Nate and Gwyneth.

  83. Tricia:

    Thank you for your courage and your complete faith - they really have inspired me, and so many. Thank you for allowing so many complete strangers to get to know you and your family at least a little. Be assured we love you and care about you.

    You are strong and beautiful, inside and out, and I am so glad you get to enjoy your wonderful husband and beautiful daughter with healthy lungs. I know certain aspects of your life will never be 'easy' in the way they are for me, but I know you are so aware of and grateful for all that is so marvelous about your life.

    I am sure each and every day with your new lungs, and the chance to enjoy your beautiful family, is a cause for celebration, but its wonderful to be able to mark the end of the first year since the transplant with a special celebration.

    Happy Transplantiversary!

  84. Tricia - Happy Transplantiversary! I found Nate's blog from your sister's postings on a message board well over a year ago and LOVE what an amazing story your lives are!! You are such an inspiration and wonder, and we are grateful for this amazing milestone! May year two be even better than year one, and may God Bless you and your family, and the family of your donor.

  85. Happy Transplantiversary! And I've never said that word before in my life! :) God bless and have a great day!

  86. Tricia,

    I started following your story just before Gwyneth was born. It's wonderful to be able to help you mark this milestone. How good God has been! You and your family's faith and testimony has been a model and encouragement to me. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you and your family.


  87. Blessings to you both, Ticia and Nate! You are an inspiration.
    God Bless you,
    The Pollock family
    in Monroe, Wisconsin

  88. I have really enjoyed seeing God's hand in your live over this past year! Gwyneth is beautiful:)

  89. Tricia,
    Happy Transplantiversary! Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us who have followed your story. You truly are a gift from God!

    Bless You,

  90. Tricia - this is a very special day! I know that the past year has been so full of unimaginable blessings and difficult trials for you. God is using you and the faith you have shown to minister to so many others out here. Thank you for your willingness to share. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out.

  91. Tricia - Happy Transplantiversary!! You have been in my prayers! May God continue to bless your beautiful family!
    Tracy in Virginia

  92. Blessings to you and your beautiful family as you celebrate this special day. May you enjoy every moment of the precious time that God has given you!

    Julie in Indiana

  93. Tricia, Happy Transplantiversary! I've been reading the blog for several months now, and I have enjoyed getting to know your family. Your husband is such an outstanding guy, and it's so much fun to see your little girl growing up. I wish you nothing but the best as you celebrate this milestone...may you have many many more great years to come! Here's to your health and happiness!

  94. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! Your family continues to be an enormous inspiration for me! My little guy (2 years old) has CF and we have had a very bumpy road these past two years. I have found hope in your stories and continue to pray for the best for you and your family! God Bless!

  95. Tricia,

    Happy Transplativersary---and the rememberance of a new life started one year ago. You continue to be a beacon of strenght and hope to others with CF and other lifelong illnesses. And you have made those of us who may not be facing those trials remember to live each day to the fullest, to hug our children and spouses close, and to love life. Praying for you that there are many more transplantaversaries to celebrate!

  96. Tricia (And Nate),
    I have been "lurking" for a year and have followed your progress with wonder and amazement. Thank you for sharing your story, and more importantly your FAITH in the one true living GOd with us!! Happy Transplantiversary!!

  97. What a year you've had Ms. Tricia. May God continue to pour out strength and blessings to you and your family.

    Mary Rogers

  98. Happy transplant anniversary. May your body continue to heal in the coming year and may you enjoy precious time with your fmaily for many years to come.
    Hugs and prayers
    Rachel in PA

  99. PS. the previous comment was from Jennifer, Rochester, NY

  100. Happy Transplantiversary!

    I hope the next year is just as full of blessings as the past year has been, but maybe a little smoother road, if it's God's will.

    Love and hugs,

  101. Yeah for are awesome and strong and proud. What a beautiful family you have.

  102. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia! And many, many more. :-) You are such a inspiration to all of us.

  103. Tricia, you have fought for things that a lot of us take for granted. We give thanks for you and for your good fight! Here is to another great year for you and your sweet family. . .
    Blessings, Anne

  104. Happy, happy, blessed Transplantiversary!

    We can hardly believe all the ways God has displayed His grace & mercy through you and your family this past year.

    As the daffodils first appeared this spring, we rejoiced remembering how last year the kids ran out to take a picture to send to you of the very first glimpse of spring! Now, this year you can enjoy them outside yourself!

    Tricia, you have been such a good example of "yet not I, but the grace of God in me".

    We are still cheering you on and praying for you.
    We love you!
    Eric & Andrea, Josh, Daniel, Amy, Grace, Faith, Abigail, & Samuel

  105. Tricia-Happy Transplantiversary! So glad to see that you are doing well. I began following your journey as I, myself, was battling advanced and aggressive breast cancer. Praise God we are alive and well to read each other's progress! May your next year(s) be full of continued blessings! Thanks to you both for sharing your story with the world. What a sweet family you have.

    From the Ozarks,

  106. Tricia, I've been following your story for a year. I love every time I see you doing something fun with your family. Walking on the beach, wearing a costume and waving at cars etc. So glad to see how far you have come.

  107. Tricia, Happy Transplantiversary! What a priviledge and blessing it has been to read along with your journey over the past year. Your faith and strenght is such a witness. Gwyneth is precious and beautiful. Great husband beside you! May His blessing keep pouring over you and your family. Shirley from Lancaster, California

  108. Tricia, Have a wonderful day. Your journey has been a priviledge to read each day. Thank you for sharing. God Bless you with continued blessings beyond your imagination. Gwyneth is beautiful and GREAT husband beside you. Shirley from Lancaster, California

  109. Tricia -
    I have followed your journey since December of 2007 - and to this day, I continue to stand in awe of the God we serve for all that He has done in your life!
    April 2 = Happy Transplantiversary - what a special birthday gift to your husband, what an amazing gift to your daughter, what a story you are all a part of.
    I am honored to be able to follow along and "know" you in such a way.

    Sweet Jesus, be near Tricia and her family on this day of celebration, and Lord continue to be in and work in the lives of the donor's family, as they mourn the loss of their loved one.

    Blessings from Michigan,

  110. God bless you Tricia! Have a beautiful day. Your deserve it all. Your faith and strength is a witness and blessing for us all. Gwyneth is beautiful and such a miracle as is your recovery. Great husband beside you! God Bless, Shirley from Lancaster, California

  111. Happy transplantaversary!
    God Bless you always!

  112. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia!

    It has been such a privilege to watch your journey over the past year. What an amazing testimony of God's love and faithfulness.

    Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  113. im a self admitted lurker, but today i must come out of the shadows and wish you a happy transplantiversary!
    not only do i find your story such an inspiration but i am in awe of you and your famly to be so sharing and candid. i just wanted to tell you that i think you are a remarkable person, who has a remarkable family who inturn as a remarkable mom and wife. oh yeah and that lil' gwyenth is a real cutie too!
    so for ol' slang sake
    "you look like a monkey and smell like one too, and many more!"

  114. Tricia, Sorry for three messages when I just meant to send one. I think I am to old for this blogging. God Bless, Shirley

  115. Tricia,

    Happy Transplantiversary!!!! You are such an inspiration to me, my daughter also has C.F. and you show me what is possible for her to accomplhis in her life. Beth venegas

  116. Congratulations on one hard but WONDERFUL year since your transplant. I started following Nate's blog shortly after Gwyneth was born & I remember the day one year ago so well! I was so excited for your whole family! I was in prayer for you & so hopeful for you. You & your sweet husband are inspirational to me & so many others. I continue to pray for you & for many more "transplantiversaries!!
    Emily in Mississippi

  117. Happy Transplantiversary!!! What a blessing your story is to so many! I am very happy for your family. God is good!

  118. Tricia,
    Happy Transplantiversary. I am so glad to have the priveledge to follow along Nate's blog. God Bless you and your family and may the sun always shine on your parade.
    Elaine from MT

  119. Dear Tricia,

    Happy transplantiversary (I'm told that's what they call them these days). How can I thank you and your family for sharing so much of your journey over this last year while I've followed pretty much all of your blogs. Your strength, your courage, your grace, and most of all your faith and ability to love have been a true inspiration to me.

    I hope one day that I will meet you all in person and I hope that today you'll get to celebrate with all those people that have been with you and praying with you/for you throughout it all.

    Love and God bless from the land of tartan, haggis and bagpipes.... Laura Anne (brunettekoala) xx

  120. Tricia,
    Since I have so much trouble with spelling, I would like to say "Happy New Life". God gave you your first when you were born. Then rebirth with your salvation and PRAISE GOD AGAIN he blessed you yet a third time with life with new Lungs. I admire you and your family for sharing such a personal and difficult time. Your new life God knows is being used to Glorify His Name. You are an inspiration to all Christian and Non-Christian alike. You should go and celebrate the life that God has given you. I know you are so thankful for it, yet you know the sacrifice of another that was made. To that family I would like to say, Thank you for allowing such a wonderful gift to happen during such a heavy heart time. Your loved one will always be remembered for his/her gift. Thank you.

    Now Go little grasshopper. :) Lololol and love your husband, daughter, family and friends like you have never loved before.

    Rejoice in the Lord for He IS GOOD!

    Sonja - Florida

  121. Tricia--I have followed your blog now for a little over a year! I want to thank you, Nathan, and Gwyneth blogging about your life and struggles, but ALWAYS knowing where your strength comes from and being bold in sharing about Christ. You and your family has been a blessing to many!! God Bless you and enjoy your special "1 year transplant day!!" With love, Loni from Oregon

  122. Tricia, You can't can't imagine the lives you have touch. I am sure this is what God's plan was for you! Bless you and have many more anniversaries. Sincerely, Tracy/Chesapeake/Hickory Area

  123. Congrats on your one year post tx!! I pray things continue to improve, and many more blessings come for you and your family!!

    T. (Anonymous reader in WA state)

  124. Tricia, you are loved, and we celebrate your life, your lungs and all the miracles the Lord has given you! It has been such an honor to pray for you and see such an amazing story unfold of answered prayer,for both you and Gwyneth. You are such an incredible wife and Mother and I take such joy in sharing your story with others as a testimony to the faithfulness of God.
    The Lord bless you, Nate and Gwyneth always.

  125. Tricia,

    I can not begin to tell you what an inspiration you and your wonderful family has been to me. I am so greatful that you are doing so well on this one year anniversary...and wish you nothing but a blissful, healthful coming year! {hugs}

  126. Tricia - You deserve each blessing that comes your way.

    Have a wonderful time celebrating your lovely family and your health.

    Wishing you continued blessings!

  127. Tricia, Happy Transplantiversary! (hope I spelled that one right, lol!) God has truly blessed me through your story and I am so thankful for that. How many lives has He touched through you & your amazing family? Countless. What an amazing testimony!
    Thank you once again for sharing your story with us.
    ~Erika in NH

  128. Happy Transplantiversary! I just celebrated my 25th Kidney transplant anniversary the 27th of March and hope you have the same success! Thank you for giving transplantation a positive voice! Welcome to the club and I hope you have many many more wonderful years ahead with your family.
    Kristin O.

  129. Tricia. I have been reading your husband's blog for over a year now and I have never posted. I often pray for you guys though, and I hope you enjoy your party!

  130. Tricia - So happy to help celebrate the anniversary of your transplant. Your family has certainly had it's ups and downs, but you are definitely on the ups now. God bless you, Gwyneth and Nate and may all your future anniversaries be happy ones.

    Zee in Prescott, Arizona

  131. Happy Transplantiversary!It's hard to belive it's been a year. You have really shown alot of people how having faith in God can move mountains.Thank You for sharing your family journey.

  132. Tricia,
    I've been a follower of your story since right after Gwyneth was born. I've checked in with you EVERY DAY since then. I was astounded at how quickly you recovered from having your baby and marveled at the miracle of your second lease on live on your husband's birthday. I cried the first time you got to hold Gwyneth. I celebrated when you walked out of the hospital. I prayed again as you were diagnosed with the cancer, and wept when you lost your sweet hair (but laughed as your husband shaved his in solidarity). i've stood beside you and watched your precious daughter grow and develop. i cringed at the thought of all the home improvements and moving you had to do, but was so excited to see your whole family come together as you, nate, gwyneth, meka and ralphie were FINALLY reunited.
    What an amazing year you have had. so emotionall, so incredible, and through the whispers, shouts and songs, God's name has been glorified at every turn. what an honor it has been to be your prayerwarrior this past year (plus). Many many blessed years to come.
    i wish you a joyous transplantiversary, and offer my thanks to heaven for the angel and his/her family who offered a second life to you.
    God bless you and your sweet family!
    kimberly in tennessee

  133. Tricia,
    May this be the first anniversary of many that you celebrate with your beautiful family. You deserve it ;-)

    Kelly P

  134. Tricia - thank you so much for allowing your charming husband to keep all of us informed about your great journey over the last year. You are both such and inspiration to me. I can tell you that I have never felt so honored to pray for folks the way I have for your family over the last year. You guys are so amazing!


  135. Dear Tricia aka Patty Sue aka Gwyneth's Mom aka Nate's best half...

    May this be the first of MANY anniversary's of your new lungs. My thoughts and prayers are not only with you and your family today, but with your donor's family as well. What an amazing gift you received, and what joy you bring to so many others because of it.


  136. Happy Transplantiversary! I will think of you on this date for years to come, I'm sure. My baby girl was born last year on April 3, and I will always remember checking Nathan's blog for updates while I was timing contractions in the middle of the night!

    You are such a strong woman! Blessings to you and your family!

  137. Wow! What a roller-coaster of a year your beautiful family has had. The Lord, in His goodness, has given you the gift of time with your lung transplant. I...and countless so blessed to see the beautiful pictures of you smiling and laughing with your miracle baby and adoring husband. What a testimony of faith you have both displayed as you have overcome hurdle after medical hurdle in your life. May God bless you with MANY MORE wonderful years with your family! I know they treasure you so much!

  138. Tricia & Nate, God has given you so many blessings, not the least of which is your wonderful way of sharing with others. Your daughter is delightful and I so enjoy your blog. May your continue on the road of good health for all of you.
    Roswell, GA

  139. Tricia, Nate, and Baby Gwyneth,

    I've been reading your story for over a year, and I've never commented before, but this is a very appropriate time to do so.

    I first read your story right before Gwyneth was born. I stumbled into your blog at the advice of a good friend and haven't been able to stop reading since.

    I've followed your incredible journey all this time. I applaud Nate and his willingness to share this very inspirational but often difficult story with the world.

    It's so cool to watch Gwyneth growing. Nate is an excellent photographer. And I'm a big fan of your four legged friends as well. What an awesome family.

    You guys are so strong. Your determination and your courage amaze me. And although I'm sure there are bad days as well as good days, you try to search for the silver lining in everything.

    My thoughts are with you and your family today and in the coming year.

    Happy Transplantiversary!

    Fairfax, VA

  140. Tricia

    Happy transplantiversay! Thank you for sharing your life and your family with us. I was blessed to stumble upon Nate's blog and truly believe that all 3 of you have inspired me to be a better human being.

    Be blessed, Tricia, as you have blessed us with your beauty, strength and poise. You my dear are a true heroe!

  141. Praises to God! My son is celebrating his 14th Transplantiversay(heart) on April 17th. Have fun with your beautiful family,

  142. Happy Transplant Anniversary Tricia! It's such an awesome thing to celebrate and I hope you will have many many many more!!! You are an inspiration to all! Love ya girl!!

  143. Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! I have been blessed by your story and honored to be able to pray for you. May God continue to heal and bless you. ;-)

  144. Hi Tricia,

    Happy Tranplantiversary! I am so glad that you are here to hear all these wonderful comments for you. You are such a sweet person and an inspirartion to us all. You are such a blessing to us all :) I hope you have a great party!

  145. Tricia,
    You are amazing and on this your Transplantiversary, just know that you are letting a light shine for your wonderful donor and his/her family with every breath you take. You have and continue to be an inspiration to us all. God bless you as you continue to bless others.
    Jill in Raleigh

  146. Tricia, Happy Transplantiversary! You are such an inspiration to me as I continue to follow you all on your journey!
    What an amazing testimoney to our Lord's faithfulness and love. I feel honored to be able to be part of your struggles, victories, and praising God with you, through this blog.

  147. Happy Transplantiversary! Hope your years just keep coming and getting better!

  148. I remember refreshing this blog at least 100 times the night you were receiving your new lungs. I remember telling my now husband (we were engaged last year at this time) "I'm so excited for Tricia, I can't sleep!!!" Thank you for sharing your hope-filled journey with us all! Happy Transplantiversary! May this coming year bring you even more JOY, PEACE, and LOVE!

  149. I'm new to following your journey, but I've read from since you found out you were pregnant with Gwyneth. I am inspired and amazed at you and your family. Your will to live and your fighting spirit are incredible! Thank you for sharing part of yourself with us in this way.

    I have really gained a new much better appreciation and perspective on life.

    May God bless you and continue to work many more miracles in your life.


  150. Happy day, Tricia! How far God has brought you in one year - He is awesome! I don't know what else to say that hasn't been said ... just happy transplantiversary!
    God's blessings to you and your family.

  151. Hi, Tricia, We enjoyed meeting you on the 4th of July and were glad to see you throughout the summer and again, this year. You are a very special person, an inspiration to all who you come in contact with. We believe that you will have many years of happiness with Nate and Gyneth. If you ever need a job, we always need appearances by Ice Guy!! RIch and Wanda

  152. Tricia, you *star* you!!! champion you!!! :)
    Thanks to your wonderful husband, I have followed your story since January 08 and hoped and prayed for you. I have laughed, I have cried, I have been witness to a miracle, I have been inspired by you and I have been drawn closer to & given thanks to God. I know it has been a year of highs and lows, but you faced it with an amazing strength and with a most amazing attitude.
    Sincere & heartfelt congratulations on your "transplantiversary"!!! Love & best wishes for many, many more to come.
    GIANT HUGS to you and your precious family, from Liz & her precious family in the Land Down Under! xoxoxoxox :)

  153. Happy Transplativerary!

    I remember last year being on a trip with my class and we were not able to check the blog for like 3 days and when we finally checked and saw that you got your new lungs my whole class cheered! One funny moment as I was checking in using a wireless connection on our way to D.C. I said...hey guys looks like Tricia got her new lungs and one of my students was like...Oh Crap We missed it! He was so happy for you but since we used to check in daily he was upset that he missed the actual day.

    It has been a joy to check in often on your little family! We continue to pray for you Nate and baby Gwyneth.

  154. Happy Anniversary!

    Your family inspires me.

    Wishing you MANY happy returns of this day!


  155. Happy Transplantiversary!! What a Joy to be able to look back at the last year and see the great blessings God has bestowed on your family. Thank you for allowing us to be apart of your journey. May you have many more blessed years to come.


    Patti in England, UK

  156. Hi Tricia!
    What a year it has been! I've been following this blog and it's great to see how much your lives have changed the last year (mostly in positive ways!!).

    I admire your strength and faith in God. You're an example to many!

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a day full of joy, happiness and laughter!

    Praying for you, always!

    Kisses from the Netherlands,


  157. I have been so honored to pray for you and Miss Gywenth this last year. I can't remember but I somehow stumbled across Nate's CF Blog right before the surgery. It is so exciting to see how much he has blessed your family over the last year and I pray for your continued health. Thank you for letting us be part of your MIRACLE! Keep up the good fight!
    Yours in Christ-
    Carey in TX

  158. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia. You are an amazing testimony for the Lord. May He continue to bless you and your beautiful family.
    You are an inspiration to us as we watch CF progress in our own children.

    God Bless.

  159. Happy Transplantversary, Tricia! You have come so far over the past year. It's been great to watch your progress and watch your wonderful family grow.

    From one CFer to another, celebrate each breath God gives you and keep taking care of His temple!

  160. I have been following your story for over a year now Tricia, and I am so happy your family is now having good times. It warms my heart. When my family recently went through some serious medical issues, I thought of you for inspiration.

    By the way, your daughter is beautiful! What a headful of hair!

  161. Tricia,
    What a BIG day this is- I wish you Happy Transplantiversary!! It has been an incredible joy and honor getting to know you, support you and pray with you on your journey. You have given me such hope and in times when I am down or frustrated with CF, I have turned to this blog and been encouraged by the journey you are on.

    Forgive me for the length of this, but I felt led to share this with you today. I don't know if I've told you this, but just before I met you and began learning of your story, I began praying about the desires deep in my heart to be a wife and mother. As a woman with CF, I confess that I struggled with believing God could do this in my life, I had never seen it actually done. Meeting you just a few months after I began talking with God about this, I knew that God brought you into my life to show me His miracles and His work. God showed me exactly what I had been praying- that He delights in working miracles, He hears our prayers. God has used your story to give me hope,and walking with you through your journey this past year has grown my faith a ton.
    You are an instrument of God's work, Tricia- you are a beautiful woman who displays God's handiwork and love and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of it, even so far away in California :).

    I pray blessings, love, health, and joy in this next year and I celebrate with you TODAY your transplantiversary!! I celebrate your beautiful life!!

    With Praise of our Mighty God,
    Emily Haager in Southern California

  162. When you wrote that your sisters had read the story of Esther to you in the hospital I picked up my Bible and read it too. I then made a promise to myself that I would read the entire Bible. I want to thank you so much for bringing me back to God. You and your family have been an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your lives. You have made a difference in mine.
    God Bless,

  163. Tricia,
    I am so thankful for the many years of life God has given you...especially this last year and how He has answered so many prayers & sustained you. Even though I am so far away, you are never far from my thoughts & prayers...I love you so have blessed me in so many ways!

  164. As Gramma to a micro-premmie (02/2005),I began praying for you when you went to Duke to be admitted.
    I will not preach to the choir! God is working MIRACLES every day, and I give HIM PRAISES for the miracle of YOU!!!!!!!!!!
    We readers are all blessed by your family.
    Love, Prayers & Praises,
    Renee in Bunn,NC

  165. Hi Tricia!
    You are truly amazing and an inspiration to anyone who crosses your path.
    Happy Transplantiversary!
    Much love and hugs!

  166. Happy Anniversary!
    You are such an inspiration!!!!!
    Much Love, Health and Happiness,,,


  167. Tricia,

    Happy Transplantiversary. I recently joined your journey about 6 months ago and all I can say is that your simply an amazing and true heroic young lady.

    Your definately an inspiration to us all.

    Your ambition to fight for what you believe in and your will to help others who are battling CF shows me how much strength,courage, and determination you have.

    Thank you Tricia for sharing your journey,your beautiful sweet and precious baby daughter,and even Nate with us.

    I want to wish you three a year filled with much love,peace,health,and happiness.

    God Bless

  168. Happy Transplantiversary! What an exciting year you've had! Thank you for sharing your life with us, it has been such an encouragement to me. I come home from work eagerly to read what the newest news is from your family. I pray that God continues to bless you over and over again!

    Kellee in Cleveland, Ohio

  169. Happy Translantiversary!! I remember reading the post a year ago today...praying and crying. And I think I personally counted for at least 500 hits that day alone to find out how you were doing. I am so happy to see you here, I am happy to see you a walking miracle of what God can do for us. And I am most blessed by how your whole family gives ALL the credit to our Great Doctor.

    Parting with you in South Jersey

  170. Tricia have followed your journey since I stumbled on your blog the day after Gwenyth was born. When you were in surgery last year, I was in prayer for someone that I had never met. I still love hearing your stories, and I praise God for this year of life with your new lungs. Enjoy your special, special day!!!! Cheri in Jackosn, Missouri

  171. Happy Tranplantiversary! You are all such special people who allow all of us to share in your blessings! Have a great time celebrating this milestone and God in your lives every day!

  172. I cannot wait until my best friend gets her lungs! You are an inspiration with all you have been through. She has a blog CFSteph.

  173. Happy Transplantiversary! Thank you for sharing your journey. I admire your courage and bravery. I have been truly blessed by your example. Please know you and your precious family are in our prayers daily.

  174. Tricia- Happy Transplantiversary!! You are an amazing young lady with unbelievable courage and faith! I hope you next years are spent enjoying your beautiful baby and awesome hubby!! Oh Happy days..

    Erin in Colorado

  175. Tricia-
    Happy Transplantiversary!!! Thank you for you, Nate and Gwyneth for sharing your journey with us. Your strength and courage are very inspirational and I wish all of you the best!! I will continue to keep you, Nate, and Gwyneth in my prayers!

  176. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia! I started reading Nate's blog a few weeks before your transplant. You both have been such an inspiration in my life, your strong faith in the Lord, as I struggle with medical problems. I am sure your past year has been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I for one appreciate you sharing your personal story. I just started a blog so I'm learning how hard it is (but therapeutic as well), to set your trials out for all to read. I love watching Gwyneth grow, she is a beauty!

    Thanks for being such a blessing-now celebrate!!

    Athena in Utah

  177. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. You are very brave, strong young woman and I know God will help and keep well in the years to come.

  178. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia! You and your family have truly shown me the meaning of hope and the meaning of love. Thank you for sharing so much with us...

    Much love,
    AlisonL in Ohio

  179. Happy Transplantiversary! God has blessed you so much this past year. May you be blessed again in the coming year!

  180. SueEllen in DallasApril 2, 2009 at 8:24 PM

    Happy Transplantiversary Tricia! You and your wonderful family inspire me daily.

    SueEllen in Texas
    (who misses the Carolina Coast so much)

  181. Tricia, I am originally from Danville, VA (close to the Burg) and now live in Durham, NC. I have followed you for a while and you, Gwyneth, and Nate have been on our church's prayer list for over a year now. God bless you all!!!
    Mary Arnold, Durham NC

  182. Tricia,

    You are an inspiration to all of us. The will with which you fight CF and the joy you have in life put so many others to shame.

    Your faith is incredible.

    Your husband is undeniably over the moon in love with you. You both truly deserve each other. Few people can say they have had that kind of love in their lives.

    If your daughter grows up to be half the person you and Nate are, then she will be nothing short of exceptional and the world will be a better place.

    But I must warn you about those January 8 babies, because I have one born two years before Gwyneth. Mischievousness is their middle name, a wicked sense of humour, and they have a twinkle in their eyes and a smile that they can use to make you do their bidding. Be prepared for some frustration and a whole lot of laughter! You have been warned!

    Happy Transplantiversary! I hope you have many many more!

  183. Tricia,

    I have followed your story since you were pregnant with Gwyneth. Your faith, strength, and love are inspirational. You are a wonderful mother, wife, and person. I hope you know how many people you have touched. We wish you many more years of happiness and joy in the Lord!
    God bless,
    Rachel Marini,

  184. Tricia

    Happy Transplantiversary! What a year you have had. may the next 100 be filled with joy and sunshine for you , Nate and Gwyneth.


  185. Tricia,

    A year ago today I was praying for you, your doctors, and for your donor's family. I had never felt such connection with people I didn't even know. I remember praying through the night and checking for updates often-I feel blessed to have shared in this faith journey with you and Nate. May you continue to be blessed with health and joy.

    Thank you for sharing your love of God with us-you and Nate are an inspiration to me.

    God bless,

  186. Tricia, One year!! You have done it a whole year with new lungs and a new baby! You are the a hero in my eyes. I love your faith and love of our Lord and you inspire me. Congratulations and have a great party!

  187. Tricia -

    Heppy Transplantiversary - I have been following your blog since right before you had Gwyneth and even though we have never met - I think of all of you often!! Your faith has been a blessing in my life and your story is an inspiration to all!! Enjoy your day and I wishe I could be there to celerate with you!!

  188. happy transplantiversary! You and your beautiful family are such an inspiration. Thank you for letting us peek into your lives and share your journey!

  189. Happy Transplantiversary!
    I hop you have a fantastic day.
    Hugs and prayers.

  190. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia!

    You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and amazing story.

    May God continue to bless you, Nate and Gwyneth.


    The High Family :)
    Reading, PA

  191. Dear Tricia,
    We have followed your husband's blog concerning you and your precious baby. You have been in our prayers and we see that you are an overcomer---a courageous woman of God. There are several wonderful promises to those who overcome in the book of Revelation. You can claim them all: Rev.2:7,11,17,26 Rev.3:5,12,21 and Rev. 21:6,7. You are an example to the rest of us of patience, perseverance, and endurance. Thank you! In His Love, Vicky

  192. Tricia,
    You are such an inspiration to me in my walk with the Lord. I know you've had your challenges but the way you have handled yourself through it all is amazing. I could go on foreverabout how you've been an example to me, your choices in how to handle CF in general or how you prayed that God would give you a baby or how you chose to trust God and give your baby life despite the risks to you or how strong you were as you waited for transplant or how you amazed the world with your quick recovery after surgery or how you handled the cancer news with such grace or how beautiful you looked as you lost your hair or what a great mom you are for Gwyneth to up to. So much I could say about your strength and faith and I haven't even met you. I tell my children about you as an example of a Godly woman. I tell them grow up to be like Tricia:-) I thank God for you and for your faith and how you've chosen to share it with the rest of us. Thank You!
    South Carolina

  193. What a year of blessings! Thank you for sharing the blessing of your life and your family's life with all of us. May the years continue to be wonderful!

  194. Tricia,
    Happy Transplantiversary, may God continue to bless you in the coming years. Thank you for blessing so many with your life story.

    in Connecticut

  195. Thank you for allowing me to follow your life's story. I find you, Nate and Gwyneth to be very inspiring. I am so happy for you as you hit this milestone. May God continue to bless you and your family in so many ways.

    Have a great day!

    Sending hugs from Copperas Cove TX
    Cooper's Momma

  196. What a great milestone for you! Hope the next year is full of even more joy and laughter with your beautiful family!

    Happy Anniversary!

    Here's to MANY more!!!

  197. Happy Transplantiversary to you
    Happy Transplantiversary to you
    Happy Transplantiversary dear Tricia
    Happy Transplantiversary to you!

    May your day be filled with hugs from your husband and snuggles from your darling daughter. May every moment be filled with joy.

    Thank you for sharing your story with all of us! You are an inspiration! May God Bless all who have witnessed your journey!

    I am so glad that i was introduced to your blog & have followed along on your journey. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your,precious little Gwyneth & Nate's life. What an inspiration you have been to me. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless.
    Praying in Missouri

  199. Happy Transplantiversary, Tricia! You have shared so much and inspired so many - thank you!! Wishing you every happiness and countless blessings in the future!


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