
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Gwyneth and I dropped Tricia off at the ER this morning around 10:30...after a few hours of x-rays and tests, she was diagnosed with pneumonia and was admitted as a patient into the hospital. We're not sure of the details yet, and it certainly seems to us that it's not a serious case (although, it is always "serious" when dealing with a TX patient). Hopefully we'll hear some more info tomorrow, including how long she may have to stay at Duke. She is in good spirits (her current room is immediately next door to the room she was in for a few months last year), has been facebooking, IMing and twittering like a maniac, and is currently neighbor to a good friend of ours (Remember Lori?!? She's been at Duke this time for nearly a month, but is doing well and going home on Thursday!). If nothing else, at least we know why Tricia has been feeling poorly recently, for which we are very thankful.

Gwyneth had a great day, however! While Tricia was hanging in the ER and being admitted, Gwyneth and I were walking around the campus (laughing) and then onto her first of two big appointments this week. All of the news from her special infant care clinic is great. They are happy with her growth and her developmental progress, and we'll be making some immediate, positive changes to her diet and meds. She has several appointments tomorrow, including her one-year hearing test, the CF sweat test (yes, all other tests have been negative, but because her mother has CF, we're going all in with this one last test) and a visit with her pulmonologist (who will, hopefully, nix a few meds that she's been on since birth). We're praying for more great reports.

And, to add to her great day, Gwyneth was just about the most happiest baby ever! Other parents will probably know what I'm talking about know when an infant has a light bulb moment...when they wake up one day and decide they're going to grow a bit in their behavior and interaction with the rest of the world? Gwyneth had one of those days today...she literally would not stop laughing! She laughed at everything...her toys, her nurses, her doctor...the hospital lights, the blue gloves, the paper that lays on top of the examination table...her juice bottle, her mother's games, our friends' puppy. It certainly made my day much more enjoyable, although I'm sure I would have seen some strange looks from people had I stopped the fun long enough to look up. We'll see if this behavior continues tomorrow...

And, of course, Stellan seems to have had just about the best day that anyone of us could have expected under such circumstances!

All in all, with the right perspective, today was a very good day. And, (although I probably shouldn't tell the whole world yet), our week might be getting so much better very, very soon...stay tuned!

I hope you had some laughter in your life today!


BTW, if you've been wondering what's been going on with us since my last update, you can always follow me on Twitter and Facebook!


  1. Glad you had a good day! Praying Tricia doesn't have to be hospitalized for long and starts to feel better soon. Exciting news about a new cousin for Gwyneth, too!

  2. Stop encouraging Tricia to twitter. I got about 38 text messages within 5 minutes when I turned my phone on today.


  3. Following both of you on twitter, it has been fun:) Praying for Tricia!

  4. Great post Nate! Without knowing it, my post tonight ran along the same lines.

    Praying Tricia feels better soon and can go home to you guys.

  5. What an awesome post! Maybe Gwyneth got her laugh on because she realized she was at the place that, along with Jesus, saved she and her Mommy! That is something to be joyful about for sure!
    Continuing to pray for Trish's recovery. And for the "other something"...I saw it on FB. Hope EVERYTHING goes well.

  6. Great to hear all the happiness & laughter :) Get well soon T xo

  7. I'm so glad there is an explanation as to why Tricia has been feeling poorly. Hopefully she will be on the mend and back home soon.

    Great news about Gwyneth's mood and all of her appointments! I hope the rest of the week brings more of the same! I do love those days, when Carson is so happy all day long! Today was NOT one of them, but maybe tomorrow will be!

  8. Prayers continuing and hope all is well!

  9. You always seem to take things in stride...
    and I so admire that about you.

    Glad you made the best of the day... and enjoyed Gwyneth's laughter. Laughter goes a long way especially when times are tough and far too serious.


    ps. thinking and praying about and for your family today and always.

  10. I am so glad that Tricia is being treated and that things were no more serious than this, though this IS serious for her. Gwyneth's day sounds so full of joy:) Praying you guys home and for the rest of Gwyneth's tests to be great too. So thankful for Stellan making it through such a risky surgery too.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  11. I follow you on twitter but not Tricia. Perhaps I should remedy that! Glad you have some answers about Tricia, praying for more. I totally get the light bulb moment, those are fun to watch. Blessings!

  12. Hooray for the good day! It makes things so much sunnier when children are in such good spirits. We are relieved that Tricia is admitted and hopefully will be one the fast track to feeling better soon. Thanks for the update!

  13. could you please spread the word about a baby girl who DESPERATELY needs our prayers??

    Kayleigh Freeman (born even smaller than your girl) isn't doing well - possibly brain dead, from what i gather out of her parents' latest post. she's at

    praying for Tricia to get better soon, and good reports on Gwyneth!!!

    - michelle :-)

  14. So very glad you had such a great day. Miss Gwyneth sounds like she had so much fun.
    Continued prayers for all of you, Lots of special prayers for Miss Tricia's recovery from pneumonia.

  15. Just stopping in to say that I will be praying for Tricia. Happy for Gwyneth in all her progress and thanking God that their Man takes such good care of them.

  16. Great to hear that you guys are in good spirits and that there's another mini Lawrenson on the way...!

  17. That is so cute, I remember when my children one day figured out the laugh thing- it is so cute and hillarious and really does make your day!! Hope you have another great day in Durham!

  18. Glad to hear that laughter was the best medicine yesterday for you all. Hope Tricia gets some of the "good" medicine too.

  19. Sorry to hear about Tricia - praying she'll be out of the hospital and feeling better in no time. I was thrilled to read about Gwyneth's wonderful reports!!! Hoping today will be filled with many more. She must have known that you were going to get good reports since she was in such a good mood. :o) Have a good one!

  20. Although serious for her, glad Tricia did not have something even more serious going on medically. Hope all goes well with Gwyneth's tests too!

  21. I love those lightbulb moments! Glad you guys are doing so well, hope Tricia feels better soon!


  22. WOW--Great news about Gwyneth, really while reading your post I can almost see you & Gwyneth laughing and giggling.
    I am sorry Tricia is in the hospital, I am praying for a quick speedy recovery for her.

  23. I'm praying for you today Tricia!! I hope your hospital visit is a short one and that you're feeling better soon! It sounds like you're in good hands!

  24. Sending up prayers for Tricia and for you to Nate.
    Gosh its so great to read about how Gwyneth is doing as well.

  25. Need gigglevideo of Gwyneth for cheer here

  26. Hi, there. I found your blog through Mckmama's blog, but how funny that it took the blog of a woman from the upper-mid west to point me to a blog of someone in a building I can see from where I currently sit eating my breakfast. Prayers and good wishes from a Duke grad student,


  27. we will be keeping you all in our prayers!

  28. I hope Tricia is feeling and getting better! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers, Nate.

  29. Praying that Tricia will be feeling better very quickly. And so happy to hear the good news about Gwyneth's health- what a strong little lady :)

  30. There really is nothing to lift your spirits like a laughing baby. And I hope Tricia feels better soon.

  31. Darn. I hate to hear Tricia has to be hospitalized. But reading about Gwyneth's wonderful day made me smile! Aren't babies the best? Prayers for Tricia to come home soon!!

  32. Somehow I missed this post..I hope Tricia is feeling better today. It just goes to show that Dr's don't know everything and that it pays to listen to your body. I'm praying that this is a quick stay for her. Glad to hear that Gwyneth was laughing the day away. There is nothing cuter than a baby laugh. It just wipes all the bad away :)

  33. Prayers for you and for Tricia to have a SPEEDY recovery! I just lost my granpops a week and a half ago from pnemonia, but he had some other factors on top of that which made his more complicated. Im praying for no complications with Tricia!

  34. congrats on a new baby in the family! good news indeed!

  35. please send prayers for April Rose

  36. So glad to hear you've found out why Tricia has been feeling bad and that it'll be takin' care of. Glad you had lots of laughter today!


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