
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Longest Night Of My Life

A year ago tonight was the longest night of my life. Tricia went into surgery around 9pm and didn't come out until after 6am the next seemed like much more than 9 hours to me.

Our parents and I stayed awake the entire time, sitting in the NICU waiting room, spending time with Gwyneth. I know from the thousands of comments that night and early morning that many, many people were up with us, praying and hoping and waiting.

I'd love to write something poetic and deep right now, but I really have nothing more to say except, "thank you".



  1. Being the patient is a lot easier than being the loved one in the waiting room.. that's for sure. :)

  2. I was one of those ppl. I remember burning candles all night long for the person and their family for the loss of their loved ones. I remember coming to this blog and hitting the refresh button constantly all night for any update. What a night, one that i will never forget. Here's a picture of those candles, burning for the donar and Trish.

  3. You're welcome. Happy Birthday. My son shares your birthday today. He turned 5 today. You, Tricia, and Gwyneth have touched my life in such a way that I'm positive I will think of you all on this special day for the rest of my life. God is GREAT!! And I'm so glad that this year you can celebrate with your whole family at home.

  4. I remember that night, and I've been thinking of it the past few days. I remember staying up later than usual to hit refresh, going to bed - and getting back up again to check for any news!

  5. Bless your heart.

  6. thank YOU for sharing your family's journey with us - it's an honor & a privilege to have walked with you, and indeed to continue to walk with you.

    praying for you guys as well as the donor's family...

    - michelle

  7. One year ago today was the first time I'd ever heard of your blog. A friend posted about Tricia getting her lungs. I came here and started praying as I read your whole story long into the night. The first thing I did the next morning was check to see how things were. Many blessings!

  8. We are all so very honored to be included in your journey and oh so privaledged to lift you and your girls up in prayer. Praising God right along with you tonight!

  9. I remember it like it were yesterday. I checked your blog every little bit to see how things were progressing. I'm so happy all is going so well!

  10. I remember that night well! I stayed awake until about 4 am... checking checking checking for updates and my husband found me on the couch the next morning at 7 :)

  11. We stayed up and checked the blog constantly. Thanks so much for doing this blog! We love you guys!

  12. I couldn't sleep that night either. I was on pins and needles and praying constantly.

  13. I rmember how we prayed for Tricia, medical teams, the donor family, Gweneth and you that night and well into the next day. If anyone had watched me during that time they would have thought I was a "blog stalker". What a privelege to be part of your prayer team who continues to pray for your family. On to year 2 with more memories and victories!

  14. I held my breath with you that night and prayed for a miracle, another miracle on top of the ones already happening. A very long night, checking for updates and praying for you to be able to wait and hope. God is so good and has shown Himself so wonderfully faithful in your family. Have a blessed and wonderful day, the three of you.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  15. I was one of those people and you are very welcome.

    One miracle after another. :-)

    Have a wonderful day.

    Love to all.

  16. I've been following you since that time and love following your stories and praying for your family. May God continually bless your family and answer your prayers.

  17. I remember that day, too - it's hard to believe it's been a full year now. Happy transplantversary!!

  18. I agree with Christy, for my family, it was so hard! It was a beautiful day in San Diego and it was so strange to them that everyone else as going on around them. I guess life-changing things are that way. After Tricia's transplant, I recorded the "transplant e-mails" that my family and I used to keep everyone updated (before the time of blogs).

    I remember checking your blog constantly for updates.

    Happy Birthday! So, are you officially the 2nd or 3rd. I guess the 3rd because that is when you came out of surgery! Have a great one girl, I am so happy for you.

  19. So glad that a year later the day holds more peace for you all!! God is good! I hope you have a wonderful party surrounded by the many that have loved and supported you all these years! And new friends as well....New mexico is too far to make it a day trip!

  20. My 21 year old neighbor died last April 1st. It was heartbreaking and then Tricia got "the call" and I couldn't help but wonder (although now that I've learned a bit about transplants I've realized our neighbor probably was not able to be a donor). Anyway, I remember your "long night" well. I was up with my infant crying out to God on your behalf. I remember walking outside in the middle of the night. Standing on my sidewalk looking at my neighbor's house praying my heart out for them and then I remember looking up at the stars and crying out to God for Tricia! I'm so glad He heard our prayers. It's been an honor to pray for your family.

  21. I remember this night last year as well, we were settling in at a hotel getting ready to fly to Disney for spring break. I remember getting online that night and the next morning checking your blog to see your updates from the hotels business computer...

  22. Thankful that she did well with the surgery and saying a special prayere for the family who lost a loved one that day....

  23. It's amazing that it's already been a year. Seems like yesterday. God is so, so good. All the time!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. One year ago on April 2nd, I broke my school's computer use policies multiple times by checking your blog incessantly from school. ;) There was no way I'd wait until getting home to find out how Tricia was doing!

    I know I didn't experience even a fraction of what you must have been going through, that day but I truly felt like a part of your story, thanks to your transparency. I was so excited to watch God do something amazing in your lives. And he did. :) I'm so glad that thousands of readers have had the opportunity to see your miracle unfold.

    I also changed my opinion on organ donation. So thank YOU for sharing... your story has truly changed my life.


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