
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Transplantiversary Party Information

Date: Friday, April 3

Time: 5-8pm

1. If the weather is 65+ and no rain that afternoon, the party will be at Nags Head Town Park in Nags Head down West Barnes Street. Click Here for a map.
2. If the weather is -65 or strong possibility of rain, the party will be at Nags Head Church. Click Here for a map.
3. If the weather is borderline and you're not sure, I'll post the definite location by 4pm tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.

Food: We'll provide some hotdogs and hamburgers and grilled chicken. If you're coming and have the time/energy, bring a drink to share or something to eat to share. If you can't bring anything, come anyway...I promise there will be plenty to eat.

This is going to be a very casual fun time. Don't worry about bringing cards/gifts...just come out and party with us! Again, this party is open to anyone who wants to celebrate with Tricia!

If you're planning on coming, PLEASE let me know!

And, thank you for all of the birthday wishes and all of the awesome notes for Tricia...keep them coming!



  1. if i wasn't still recovering from brain surgery, i'd drive down from DC - wish i could be there!

    praying & celebrating with you!!!!! :-)

    - michelle

  2. I totally wish I could come! My thoughts will be with you as you celebrate!

  3. We are coming to the party. Please sign two of us up, and possibly three. Thanks!

  4. I would love to come but alas, I have class until four-ish and then I have to sleep before working overnight. That and I live halfway across the country from you. Have fun and I hope you have some great weather!

  5. Wish we could join you! Have a fantabulous time! Again, Congratulations to Tricia!

  6. I so wish I could be there! The kids are both in school and we really can't afford the trip from NJ with me being laid-off but we are there in spirit :)

  7. You are so kind to extend such an open invitation! We live in the midwest but will be celebrating with you in spirit.

  8. Hope to be there and celebrate "good times" with you & tricia. Judith & Steve Taylor

  9. May God bless you three and thank you for sharing so much of your lives with us. I too, will be there in spirit, and wish I could be there for real!

  10. Hope you had a great turnout! We had a commitment to come babysit our grandbaby so his mom could go to the hospital & give birth to his sister. (Lame excuse, I know : D )
    But please let us know if you ever have another one. We'd love it if we could come and meet you two, your families & other prayer warriors, and see the little White Rose in person.

  11. Can't make it. The time I get off work and drive to Nags Head it will be over. :( We will be thinking about you during this time. Take lots of Pictures, I know you will! Tracy Chesapeake/Hickory Area

  12. Oh how I wish we could be there with you!!
    The Andersons

  13. Would love to be there, but the drive is a little far from northern Michigan. Thanks for the invite. Have fun.

  14. What a great party this will be!! Wish we could be there, but we're a little far away.

    Congrats Tricia on all the successes in the last year! Because of Nate we know some of the struggles you've faced. You are such a strong woman and Gwyneth is lucky to have you as a mom...she's going to learn so much from you. May God continue to bless you as you continue your journey.

  15. We're coming (Me and Greg)! It will be after 5 though... probably closer to 7 because we don't get off until 6. Can't wait!

  16. Nagshead is a bit far from CA, but you will be in my thoughts, as always. Your beautiful family is an inspiration to so many throughout the world! Your story is a wonderful witness for Jesus. May God continue to bless you all.


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