
Friday, June 26, 2009

Our Wedding

5 years ago, tomorrow...I thought I'd repost these videos today...look for a new video tomorrow morning!

("Yellow" by Coldplay)

("Breathe In Breathe Out" by Mat Kerney)

BTW, if you were there that day, celebrating with us, I'd love for you to leave a comment and share with us your memories of our wedding.


Thanks, again, to Mary Basnight for the incredible photographic memories of that day!


  1. Congratulations on your 5th anniversary. My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th on July 3rd, just one week from yours. You both have come so far in the last 5 years and I wish you nothing but many, many, many more happy memories together.

  2. Ahh.. so many memories.

    Just watching "the baby" get all grown up and married is amazing. Probably my favorite moment was her dancing with dad. She's SUCH the daddy's girl. Two thumbs up on the music selection for the ceremony and reception. No K family member can go to an event without declaring the food memorable! And it was.

  3. Hey Nate....I've been following for a long while and I also have CF and a 14 month old little girl. I just starting a blog of my own to document my journey as a reborn Christian. I just wanted to say thank you for having the Lord so deeply rooted into your life. If I hadn't been following for so long, I may never have realized how much I needed God. You and your family have been such an amazing inspiration. Thank you for helping to save my life.

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary. Looking at the pictures, it is obvious how happy you were on that day (much the same way as the recent pictures of the two of you). I thank you and Trisha being a great Godly example of what a family is supposed to look like.


  5. Simply beautiful! What wonderful memories you will have for a lifetime!

  6. 5 years already????? I guess that makes sense considering I was very pregnant with Colin at your wedding. I remember how loving AND funny your marriage vows were to each other. But I would have to say the part I remember most about the reception is the part no one ever wants to mention....Nate pushed/thrown in the pool....but what I really remember about that part is T was standing there with all of the groomsmen as he heard them plotting what they were going to do and I remember seeing him literally run towards me. When he got to me he said "they are going to throw him in...I had to get away fast....i'm not going to be a part of that. Nate is going to be mad!" so in case you were wondering after all of these years.....T, even though he was a groomsmen - ran like the wind!

  7. Congratulations! We got married a week after you on July 3rd 2004! What a special summer that was!

  8. Congratulations to a beautiful couple!

    Your anniversary is on the same day as my little girls birthday. She's 7 tomorrow and her name is's Hebrew for "prayer". We prayed for a name, opened the baby book, and there was Atira - prayer. A blessed day for sure.

  9. Your photographer took absolutely beautiful pictures! look absolutely beautiful in your wedding dress! Happy Anniversary to you both!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Woooo hooo!!! LOVED your wedding!! I totally remember you guys being uber happy!!! And, the food being very, very tasty!! Yea for 5 years!!! Congrats!!! (P.s. I kinda remember a I allowed to say that!?) you guys!!! :)

    - Lisa :)

    p.s. Opps - totally signed this as "me" instead of "lisa"....hahah...

  12. Beautiful, simply beautiful. Congratulations on your 5 year wedding anniversary. I am so happy for you two.

  13. So, my favorite memory of the wedding was all of the snot slinging going on everywhere! Especially Tricia's snot bubble, great stuff! It was a beautiful wedding with great food too!

  14. such a beautiful bride. what a magical day you must have had.

    (side note: maybe it's just me, but she looks more beautiful these days... don't get me wrong--I've rarely seen a more beautiful bride, but can't explain it--she shimmers in those photos, but now she radiates:)

  15. Oh my gosh! I am in awe of you guys! You both look so young and Tricia looks beautiful.
    Congratulations on your 5th anniversary!
    With much love,

  16. What a beautiful wedding. Tricia you are an amazing woman. I have a 3 year old with CF and I have been following your story for about a year. I had tears in my eyes watching the video. You guys look SO HAPPY!!Happy Anniversary! You guys both deserve the best things life has to offer.

  17. Beautiful, stunning. The two of you are an example of what love looks like, feels like, sounds like, smells like and even must truly taste like. All five senses came alive watching the two of you. Wonderful, unique pictures. Happy Anniversary and many more!

  18. First, I love Mat Kerney, but that's the first time I've heard that it!

    Your photographer has some amazing talent. She really captured the day. You guys look so young and so in love.

    My husband and I recently celebrated 8 years of marriage. I'm on the flip-side of your situation-I am the WIFE of a CF-er. We are blessed in that my husband has mild complications and is rather healthy. He's in for a tune-up this week. His older brother also has CF, we keep it all in the family!

    Congrats on your anniversary!

  19. Happy Anniversary!!! Tricia looked even more beautiful than usual! Like a bridal magazine layout. You clean up nicely, btw. Love the pictures and the song choices. =)

  20. Nathan & Tricia
    What a beautiful and wonderful day that was. I had a front row seat! The vows were the highlight for me, very heartfelt and emotional. 5 years! May God give you many more years together, the 3 of you! I love you all very much.
    Gail (Mom)

  21. It was a beautiful wedding. One thing that I always remember is there was a family in the beach house next door, sitting on the deck eating ice cream cones, and watching the wedding.

    I also remember lots of laughter.

    Love you guys! Happy Anniversary!


  22. Shawna - Round Rock, TexasJune 28, 2009 at 12:21 AM

    Congratulations! These videos are priceless treasures for your family ~ Thanks for sharing such precious memories. :o)

  23. Nate and Tricia,

    I am a faithful reader of your blog and I can't tell you how I am inspired by your grace and love. I don't post often, but I thought that I would wish you the happiest of anniversaries and many more to come.

  24. Happy 5th Anniversary! Today is my 12th wedding anniversary. We'll pull out the photo album later and show the kids the wedding video. Good times, good times...

  25. I cried through all the videos .... hi! I met you at Jesse & Gabrielle's wedding. I'm Jesse's mom. I still remember Tricia's toast as the MOH, "The only thing better than young love is old love." God bless you and many happy returns You can visit us at:

  26. Wow, it's hard to believe it has been 5l yrs. My memories are how absolutely beautiful Tricia was, the vows, and oh yea, the Lawrensons dancing. Love you guys.
    Aunt Donna


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