
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

White Rose Blooming (18 Months)

This is a little late, but well worth it!

You are now 27 inches long, and you weigh over 18lbs!

Your past 6 months have been so much fun! You are turning into a mobile, chatty toddler so quickly! Just in the past few weeks you've gone from rolling around on the floor to sitting up on your own, crawling on all fours, and pulling yourself up to a stand. You love to explore the house, see what's going on outside, and follow us from room to room. You've also become even more vocal, "ba-ba-ing" constantly, and you continue to love "reading" books, perfecting the skill of turning the pages.

You are eating nearly everything we give you, although you've become very independent and prefer to hold your own bottle and feed yourself with sticky fingers. You love fruit and any kind of cracker, especially. You've also started to use a sippy cup, and you love to munch food with all of your eight front teeth and a few molars. And, you are down to just one daily medicine!

You've graduated from your first swimming lessons and love to be in the water, especially the bathtub and the pool. You've learned to tolerate the sand at the beach and would crawl right into the ocean if we let you. Your hair is bleach blond from so much time in the sun, but your skin stays fair thanks to lots of sun screen.

You are learning to play and explore with your little friends, like Evaine, LK and baby Nathan, and you have been spending lots of time with your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We take lots of walks together around the neighborhood with Meka and Ralphie, and spend lots of evenings at home playing together.

In the next 6 months, we are looking forward to introducing you to more new people and little friends. We are going to spend as much time out in the sun and in the water as possible until it gets too cold!

We love you!

Compare our Blessed White Rose at:

2 Weeks
3 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks
9 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
12 Weeks
13 Weeks
14 Weeks
15 Weeks
16 Weeks
17 Weeks
6 Months
8 Months
12 Months


  1. She is so beautiful! A true blessing! I love to read your story and see her grow.


  2. Wow, she sure has grown! I love that you still take pictures of her and the pug together to compare.

  3. These posts are good for the soul - Thank you

  4. Wow! It's so hard to believe that she was as tiny as that little pug when she first arrived!

    She's precious.

  5. Wow!!! She is doing so amazing for being such a tiny preemie! You must be the proudest parents ever! I can't believe how much she has grown... look at those legs! So happy for her continued growth & being healthy!

  6. Wonderful! I just realized how much I had enjoyed and looked forward to reading the "White Rose" updates.

    Thanks for this latest one!

  7. Awwww bless. She just gets sweeter ny the day :)

  8. SUCH A BIG GIRL!!!! You three are such a sweet family.

  9. Her beauty is a reflection of her parents and their love.

    I enjoy reading your posts, Nate, and thank you for sharing. Barbara

  10. If you're ever inclined, I'd love to see some video of Gwyneth's toddler stage....crawling, pulling up....getting her "land legs". Babies are so cute when they're working that stuff out. She's come such a long's good to read of her progress.

  11. A true miracle of love and devotion.

    Beautiful pictures and wonderful story.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thanks for bringing back the pug. It is amazing how much she has grown. I love the White Rose updates.

  14. Her pug is the size of her head! She has gotten so big and is turning into such a little girl!

  15. First time ever leaving a comment on your blog, but seeing this post I just had to. Gwyneth has come so amazingly far - what a true miracle! Looking back at her photos and seeing how she's grown brings tears to my eyes, as I can remember reading your blog back when she was still in the NICU. Her story and your family's will stay in my heart forever. I am so thankful to see how truly great her progress has been, after how much she's had to overcome to reach where she's at today. May the next 18 months be just as incredible in her continued progress and may she always be happy, healthy and most of all loved. What a blessing, may God continue to bless sweet Gwyneth Rose.

  16. I look at the 2 week picture and then this current one and I am weeping tears of joy. What a doll baby!!!

  17. This post just made my night! Oh the Lord is so good! She's just adorable and has grown sooo much! I'm so glad you took a pug shot! I still pray and think of you often. I think of and pray often for Tric as being a mommy is a job that requires us to ask the Lord over and over again for His strength, wisdom and grace...but it's the best job in the world! Not that being a daddy isn't a good job ;)

  18. What a beautiful little girl....blessings on all of you!


  19. My goodness! Look how TINY that pug looks now!

  20. Wow! She certainly is becoming a big girl. She is growing up right before our eyes. God is amazing and so is Gwyneth.

  21. there are really no words for what a miracle she is... What an amazing difference, what an amazing God.

  22. Wow - she has grown so much! Such a beauty! My son saw a little girl about her age @ his new school orientation and asked, is that Gwyneth? At first, I assumed he meant his cousin Gwenith but I soon realized WHO he meant! We have that same Pug @ our house, so I know the smallness of which you speak - amazing that she is SO BIG now!

  23. Oh my....perspective is EVERYTHING!
    Thank you again and again for sharing your life with us. I am so happy and give all the praise to God for her life, Tricia's life and all that you have shared with us.

    Jen G.
    Boise ID

  24. Wow, that Pug reappearing has REALLY made her look like she's grown (or it's shrunk!).

  25. You've got several bonafide miracles going on! God bless. What an amazing comparison to where G started!!

  26. She's standing? Nate! Please, post a picture of Ms Pull Up!

  27. Looking at a true miracle...thanks for sharing. Makes me feel so happy to see this beautiful girl doing so well!


  28. Wonderful news -- she's doing so great!!
    I'm following your posts and comparing her to my precious granddaughter born at 1 lb 8 oz, 12 inches long and now 11 lb 8 oz, 24 inches long - just posted pictures of her on my site.

    Two of God's little miracles!!

  29. My best friend's grandbaby weighed 2# 2 oz. at birth. At 19 months she MIGHT weigh 18# like Gwyneth. I tell her mom all the time that she is 9 times her birth weight. My youngest weighed 19# at 16 months, BUT was a 8# 15 oz. baby! It took her 16 months just to double her birth weight. LOL
    All that to say--- Gwyneth is doing great! It's such a blessing to watch her grow. Thank you for sharing her with us. =)

  30. Just starting my day here in England UK, checked your site like I always do, what a lovely post to wake up too. Gwyneth is so beautiful, you should be so proud of her and yourselves.

    Much love,
    Rachael xx

  31. Happy 18 months, Gwyneth!
    She is not much smaller than my little one was at 18 months. It's amazing how she looks next to the pug- so fun! What a great idea. If I can't keep this one in long enough either (like our #2) I hope I remember to do something like that. It'll be fun when she's 3 and carrying it around with her everywhere :) SO sweet :)

  32. She's so precious! Thanks for sharing.

  33. Remember that time that you switched the normal sized pug out with the tiny pug and we were all wait how did she grow so much?!

    Did you just do that with Gwyneth? That really isn't her is it. It is some big girl you switched her with! ;)

    Amazing how far she has come.

  34. Oh, my. I can't believe it's been 18 months!!! I got tears in my eyes reading this. She is so beautiful!

  35. absolutely amazing--what a blessing

  36. How far your baby girl has come! She is beautiful!!!!

  37. These past 6 months have been amazing .You must be havng a ball woth her.Wait until Christmas this year!

  38. i haven't been in awhile to check on your family, I am so glad to see that life is good!


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