
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tricia Update

Thank you all for your prayers! Tricia woke up Friday morning feeling a whole lot better. She finally had enough energy to get out of the house on her own. Her appetite also seems to have returned. The past two days have been more of the same, so we're hopeful that she's past the worst of it.



  1. YAY! Still sending good thoughts your way, Tricia!

  2. Wonderful! Thanks for keeping us posted. :)

  3. Wonderful! Thanks for the update!

  4. Great news!!!!! I was so looking forward to reading some positive news from you :)

  5. Thanks for the update. Praise for the improvement!! Will keep praying.

    Lisa in Okla

  6. I'm thrilled Tricia is feeling better. Still praying for your little family x

  7. Great news! Hoping each day is better and better!

  8. Praying for Tricia and you Nate!

  9. hope Tricia is feeling even better today!

    I am not a robot, but these old eyes really have trouble deciphering the combined black and white letters. will try a third time

    mrs pam

  10. Great news! Very happy to hear Tricia is on the mend.

  11. I am a blind father. I have a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis. In april of this year (2012), I am paddling 65 miles to raise funding and awareness for CF. Please take a look at my page and see that I am doing this for all that have CF. One day, there will be a cure and I have made it a goal in my life to find a cure. and I also take donations at

  12. AWESOME! Thank You Lord!

    Jenny in FL

  13. whoo hoo just checked in today after work and was so excited to read the update. So happy for you all.

  14. That is great news indeed...may the situation keep getting better and Tricia recover as soon as possible.

  15. yeah! :) that's wonderful!

  16. Your story strikes an extraordinary chord with me since twelve years ago I was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer and told I had three to five years to live. In my case it's been my wife's love, (and numerous meds and procedures) that has sustained me--but without her love, I wouldn't be here. I'd have given up. I can't help but cry, reading your journey and that of your wife, and the gift of life that you've brought into this world. Bravo, and God bless all of you. Your "Confessions" merit being told and retold. Keep up the good fight.

  17. So glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better. I hope the upward trend continues. Will keep thinking positive thoughts that this is the end of feeling bad!

  18. So glad to hear that Tricia is feeling better. Hopefully the upward trend continues and this is the end of feeling blah! Will keep thinking good thoughts and prayers for her.

  19. All is still well?

  20. Oh I hope so! I am praying for all of you! I'll admit that all of my blog reading has fallen off this past year, so I haven't been checking in as much as I used to. I saw the news on MckMama's fb page a day or two ago and have been catching up on all your posts tonight. Gwyneth is growing more beautiful every day and I am so happy that she's running around on her own now! She rocks! I will definitely keep your lovely wife in my prayers.


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