
Friday, March 23, 2012


A spot has been discovered on one of Tricia's lungs. It could be infection from the RSV and pneumonia, and it could be the return of the post transplant lymphoma. A pet scan last week was inconclusive. We will learn about the results of yesterday's biopsy sometime next week.

Tricia has been up and down in the past few weeks. Some days she's feeling good, others not so much. She has been on a home IV antibiotic for three weeks, and they've just changed her to another med for another few weeks.



  1. Praying for definitive answers and healing.

  2. Tricia will remain in my prayers, as she has been lately! My hope is for good results and continued recovery! Take care and God Bless!

  3. I have been praying for her every time she comes to my mind, which is often. Asking God to touch that spot and remove it. Praying for you too Nate. Have a rest filled and blessed weekend.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  4. I've been thinking so much about Tricia these days... I was worried not to hear from her... Now I read about this spot and so I will keep on thinking about her so hard till we finally know what is this spot... I send you three all my strength and hope and love from France.

    Take care,


  5. I lift your family to the heavenly father. For answers and perfect healing for Tricia. For strength for you, Nate, as you support Tricia and your family. And that you will all rest in peace, knowing God is in control.

  6. Prayers for you guys..

  7. I think of you often, but will hold you even closer at this time. Sending you feelings of healing and peace, and hoping for good news.

  8. So sorry to hear this! Sending prayers your way.

  9. All of you are in our thoughts.... get healthy Tricia!!!

  10. I've been following your story since your sweet little one was born. Hoping you get the best possible outcome with this biopsy and continued good health for your whole family.


  11. Sending up prayers to our Father for you all.

  12. Thinking of your family! All the best from Berlin

  13. I have ben following your blog for quite some time with great interest. It started because we love our vacations at Nag's Head and comtinues because we have grown to care about you three. We pray for God's healing for Tricia and strength for you, Nate. You are remarkable young people and we pray for the best possible outcome for you. Judy in PA.

  14. Thanks for letting us know so we can be praying for her, you, the kiddos and the medical team.

    Praying from Waterford, MI
    Kim M

  15. praying for God's healing for Tricia.

  16. Sending Healing thoughts and prayers to Tricia. xoxoxoxoxox

  17. So sorry to hear about the spot. It must be really scary right now for both of you. Sending prayers your way.

  18. I have been following your blog for a long time - I have been and will continue to keep your wife (as well as your whole family) in my prayers.

  19. I have followed your blog for years and kind of gotten away the lady year but suddenly felt the need to check in...I will pray for you and your family xo.

  20. Just wanted you to know there is a little old lady in Phoenix praying for your family. Thanks for allowing us (strangers as we are) into your family so that we may lift your needs before an awesome God.

  21. Oswald Chambers says that the things that "tax His almightiness" are the very things that we should be asking God. Amen to all that has already been written. We stand with you as we trust our almighty God.

  22. Praying for healing and restoration for Tricia. For heavenly peace and strength for you all.

    From reading your blog I know that your family are amazing and that the Lord will sustain you and keep you close to Him through every season, as He always has. Thankyou for sharing your story.

    Psalm 65.

  23. Prayers for Tricia, and your family! ~Janis

  24. Tricia is a miracle! I am praying for all of you, your test today is tomorrow's testimony! How well you know this. Love to all of you.
    Diane Keeley

  25. Prayers for Tricia and your family and the doctors from KY. Trishia is a miracle and God has something special planned for her.

  26. Praying that the spot turns out to be just an aftermath of the pneumonia. I had just such a spot following pneumonia in 2007. However, I know that Tricia's history makes it much more worrisome. Still, it could be a simple infection as mine was. Praying hard for that outcome.

  27. Sending prayers Tricia's way! Love and Prayers from Chester, VA.

  28. All the best. I think of you all often, as CF is also part of our lives.

    Nicola Frost


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