
Friday, March 30, 2012


We received the very bad news at the end of last week that Tricia has grade 2 acute and chronic rejection. Just short of four years (April 2 is her fourth transplantiversary). As I've told you in the past, the two big killers for transplant recipients are infection and rejection. Most likely, the rejection is a direct result of this pneumonia/RSV infection she has been fighting for nearly two months now.

The horrible thing about rejection is that nobody knows a whole lot about it. Despite years of research, we still don't know exactly how, when and why rejection happens, which means fighting it is a bit of a guessing game.

Tricia has been put on some very strong meds and steroids to try and reverse the rejection. We would desperately appreciate your prayers right now. We are asking God for another miracle. If the rejection cannot be reversed, Tricia will be in very serious danger.

You can read more about this on Tricia's Blog.

Thank you,



  1. I am so sorry to hear this news. I've been reading for years and am saddened to hear this. Praying <3

  2. I promise to pray.
    Much love from Kingston, TN
    ~Kim Waggoner

  3. Praying for Tricia right now, and you too, Nate.

  4. Nate -I'm so sad to read this. Prayers for Tricia, you & Gwyneth.

  5. Nate, you and your girls all have my prayers.

    Doing what I can in WPA


  6. I'm so sorry to hear this. RSV can be such a nasty bug. I pray that her body can recover. Hugs to your whole family.

  7. My husband and I have been reading your story for years and we are heartbroken by this devastating news. Praying for all of you, sending our love your way.

    The Goodman's

  8. I'm so sorry. Praying for Tricia and your family.

  9. I have been praying constantly for Tricia since the news of possible rejection. This breaks my heart for you guys but I know God is bigger than rejection. You can count on my prayers from here for her and for you and your sweet Gwyneth. Another miracle is my prayer. And His peace for all of you too.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  10. Praying right now...There are really no words to say but lifting you all up before the Father!

  11. praying and asking God for His healing hands and for His grace and strength. Isaiah 40:31

  12. My heart goes out to you, Tricia and your children during the next few weeks. Prayers that her medication is agressive and knocks out any hint of rejection! Prayers also for your doctors and those of you in your family having to make tough decissions! We are currently batteling Crohn's Disease in our family and I understand how difficult it is to overcome sickness!

    God Bless! Please keep up posted as best you can so that we know what to pray for!


  13. It's incredible how your family has changed mine... I know you never knew that, but NOW you do. I know how to love more, and treasure more. Hugs to all of you during this tough time. You're lucky to have one another and such great families and friends.

  14. Sending warmth and goodness to the both of you.

    Breathe Deep


  15. Sending prayers and love your guys way!

  16. Praying for Tricia and your entire family! May God use your family once more to show how He still performs miracles!

  17. I was so sad to read the news on Tricia's blog. Your family is in my thoughts every day.

  18. I am so sorry to hear this news. I have been following for over 4yrs now. I check in from time to time.
    I will be praying for your family.

  19. As a mom of a heart transplant recipient, I can say that rejection is the scariest word I know! My heart sunk when I read this.... so many prayers for Tricia coming from Nj!


  20. many thoughts and prayers for a long and healthy life.

  21. Lost your email address but we were so blessed to meet your family this past summer in the OBX. You are in our prayers for God's continued powerful, healing work! He's shown His might through you more than once; we are praying for another demonstration of His healing power! With love,
    Paul & Dee Dee R. & family.

  22. Praying for another miracle for your family.


  24. Praying for all of you that God will once again show an unbelieving world through you how great He is and how much He is needed. Your faith is such an example. He will bless you for it.
    Judy in PA

  25. Sending many prayers from Charlotte, NC.

  26. Praying, praying, praying in Oklahoma.


  27. Praying now.....please keep up updated. I hope all the meds work...

  28. Praying for healing, restoration, and joy in the midst of it all!

  29. I will be praying for each of you.

  30. Nate, I am so sorry to hear this news. I have been following your story for years and my heart breaks at this recent development. I will be praying my little heart out for a miracle and for each of you during this incredibly difficult time. May our Lord bless you and keep you all.

  31. Oh my...praying for your family and a miracle.

  32. We've never met, but I've been praying for your family for years now Before G was born.) and as a result, this most recent news has hit me hard. I am praying, praying believing, for a miracle; another miracle. Lord Jesus, we invite you to show up again BIG time! Destiny

  33. Prayers are being said. I know I don't know you but I have followed you since before Tricia got her lungs and Ladybug was born. My heart is heavy for you all but I know God has you in his protective arms and will be wit you though this hurtle too.

  34. So so so sorry to hear...I can't even put words together after reading this. I've been following for a long time and rarely comment but wanted to tell you guys that you're in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, God works in amazing ways.

  35. Nate,as I pray for Tricia and her medical needs, I'm praying for you too. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I remember 4 years ago and how God held each of you as He worked his miracle with both of your girls. NONE of this takes Him by surprise.

    Love your family and I'll be here praying for you guys.

    Praying from Waterford, MI
    Kim M

  36. I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for all of you.

  37. Praying for all of you. NOTHING is too difficult for our God. Of course you already know that, but I just felt like I needed to say it.

  38. Prayers for you and yours. My daughter has immotile cilia, and mimics CF. When i first stumbled upon your blog we were not diagnosed, but kept reading knowing God had sent me for a reason. Thank you for your words. We just got out of the hospital with Rsv. I will be praying for Tricia. Love and light.

  39. Nathan, it's been awhile since I have checked in on your family, but always keep you in my prayers. Praying for Trisha. The magazine article was wonderful. God bless you all.

  40. So sorry to hear this news. Sending prayers your way.

  41. So many prayers for Tricia! ~Janis


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